Манежная площадь и Александровский сад
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Шабанова Ирина Анатольевна

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Слайд 1

Manezhnaya Square and Allexander’s Gardens

Слайд 2

Manezhnaya square is the place where several key Moscow streets converge such as Tverskaya street, Okhotny Ryad , Mokhovaya street. From 1961 to1990 all of them went under one name, Prospekt Marxa .

Слайд 3

The square is named so because Manege was built in 1817 to mark the 5th anniversary of the victory over Napoleon. The design of the building was worked out by engineer A. Betancourt . The façade was built according to O. Bove’s design.

Слайд 4

From 1831 it was used for exhibitions and concerts. After 1917 it housed a government garage. In 1957 Manage was transformed into the Central Exhibition Hall. It was destroyed by the fire in 2004 on the day of Russian President’s elections.

Слайд 5

Not far from Manage are the old buildings of Moscow State University. It was founded on the initiative of M. Lomonosov and later named after him. At first the University occupied the site of History Museum, and then moved to a new building on Mokhovaya designed by M. Kazakov . In 1953 many departments of the University moved to a new complex of buildings on Sparrow Hills.

Слайд 6

The yellow building next to it was built by architect Zheltovsky in 1935. From 1930 up to 1950 the building housed an American Embassy. The open space with the glass dome on a top is Manage Square where underground is Manage Shopping Mall Complex. It has a recreation zone of the complex and is connected to Alexander’s Gardens. There is the water reservoir with the bridges imitating the Neglinnaya River.

Слайд 7

The Neglinnaya River was hidden in a tube before the construction of Alexander’s Gardens in 1821- 24. The garden above the river was laid according to a design by O. Bove in the time of Alexander the first that’s why it was called so.

Слайд 8

On your left you can see the Tomb of Unknown Soldier ( whitch was made by sculptor Tomsky), at the centre of which burns the Eternal Flame. The Tomb was opened in May in 1967. The tallest of the Kremlin Towers- the Trinity Tower-is 80m hight . It is connected with the Kutafia Tower by a bridge. It is the main entrance to the Kremlin.

Слайд 9

In June 24, 1945 there was a victorious parade on the Red Square. It was opened by a field marshal G.Zhukov , whose monument is in front of the red- brick building of History Museum. The monument was designed by V. Klykov in 1995. The State Historical Museum was built by arch. V. Shervud in 1874- 1883. Its items cover a period from the Stone Age to the middle of the 19th cent. There are about 4,5 million items there.

Слайд 10

The Resurrection Gates were built between the buildings of City Duma and Historical Museum in1680. In 1781 in front of the Voskresenskiye Gates was built a chapel of the Icon of Our Lady of Iberia that’s why the gate’s second name is Iberskiye Gates. But in 1931 They were pulled down. In1994-96 the entrance into the Red Square was reconstructed under the decision of the Moscow Government.

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