викторина для 7 класса
материал по английскому языку (7 класс)

Радченко Маргарита Николаевна

викторина для 7 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Quiz game.

Hello, my dear boys and girls! Today we shall have a competition. Two teams will take part in it. The first team is… The second team is… Let`s begin our competition. Good luck.

  1. Introduce  yourselves.  (Приветствие)  

Каждый  представитель  команды  принимает участие. (Кратко рассказывает о себе, своем хобби, своем любимом предмете.)

 2. At the beginning we must remember our knowledge about English-speaking countries. What are they?( кто правильно запишет )

         -The USA

         -Great Britain

         -New Zealand



1) Now I have got some questions about 2 countries: America and Great Britain. Your team can choose the country every time in order to listen to the question and answer it. If you give the right answer- you get a point. Is it clear?

Questions about America:

1. Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)

2. Who was the first President of The United States? (George Washington)

3. What do people often call American flag? (The Stars and Stripes)

4. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington DC)

5. What holiday do they celebrate on the 4th of July? (Independence Day)

6. How many stars and stripes does the flag have? What do they mean? (50 stars-they are states and 13 stripes- they were first colonies)

7. What was the name of the ship that brought the first colonists into the new land? (Mayflowers)

8. Who is the President of The USA now? (Barack Hussein Obama II)

9. What are traditional Americans holidays? (Thanksgiving Day, The New Year Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Christmas, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day)

10. Name 6 famous sights of America. (Hollywood Walk of Fame, Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Times Square, Disneyland, Niagara Falls …..)

Questions about Great Britain:

1. What is the full name of the ruler of the United Kingdome? (Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor.)

2. What is the nickname of English flag? What colour is it? (The Union Jack; white, red and blue)

3. What parts does the country consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

4. What is the capital of The UK? (London)

5. The habitat of legendary monster. (The lake Loch Ness in Scotland)

6. Why is the year of 1666 so important for London? (It is the year of Great Fire)

7. Where is the Speaker’s Corner? (In Hyde Park in London)

8. What was the name of the first English king? (Alfred the Great)

9. What is traditional food for Christmas lunch? (Fried turkey and pudding)

10. What can you say about the beefeaters? (They are 40 men who protect The Tower of London from the time of King Henry III).

Жюри суммирует баллы и подводит итог первого конкурса. Естественно не обязательно использовать все 10  вопросов.

3. We move on. Next stop called “Words, words, words…”  We are going to find out how you know English vocabulary.

Для этого конкурса подготовлен раздаточный материал.

а) карточки с фразеологическими оборотами и русским эквивалентом, задача-правильно соединить. Время ограничено. Варианты карточек:


1 To have a ready tongue                                                    a  со стороны виднее

2 It stands out a mile                                                           b не лезть за словом в карман

3 Lookers-on see most of the game                                    c  быть как рыба в воде

4 To be well launched into one’s topic                               d это шито белыми нитками

(1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c)


1 to make one’s head spin                                                  a опасное положение

2 touch-and-go                                                                   b нагонять тоску

3 to give somebody the hump                                            с вскружить голову

4 to school one’s nerves                                                     d заколять нервы

(1-с, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d)


1 to call a spade a spade                                                  a соблюдать правила

2 to cross somebody’s path                                             b встать кому-либо поперёк дороги

3 to play the game                                                           c покупать кота в мешке

4 to buy a pig in a pocket                                                d называть вещи своими именами

 (1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c)


1 to inch along                                                                   a лезть в драку

2 to fork out                                                                      b раскошелиться

3 put that in one’s pipe and smoke it                            c делать медленные, но верные успехи

4 to spoil for a fight                                                          d над этим стоит подумать

(1-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a)


1 to lick into shape                                                           a промокнуть до нитки

2 to be even with somebody                                            b привести в порядок

3 to melt a woman’s bones                                              c сводить счёты

4 to be as wet as a rat                                                       d покорить женское сердце

(1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a)

Жюри подводит итоги, называет количество заработанных баллов. Результаты записываются на доску.

4. Командам дается одно длинное слово – задача детей составить  как можно больше новых слов используя буквы из данного слова. При проверки команды по очереди называют полученные слова и вычёркивают. Выигрывает команда, у  которой останутся слова, которых не назвали другие команды.

ACCOMPLISHMENT (достижение, успех)- accomplish, accept, accent, man, note, ten, ship, lamp, pen, come, he, nail, team, mat, mate, compact, tip, tin, hen, tie, than, then, nice, lime, time, lie, meal, tap, mean, meat, shop, list, elm, ham, name, nap, main, once, line, she, it, help, hat, ice, implant, lemon, ocean, oil, mail, one, limp, local, alone, lose, lot, mane, sin, panic, paint, pale, pan, pants, helm, mesh, …

5. Our  next contest is Grammar

) Answer the following questions.

(1) Tom is taller than Richard, and Richard is taller than Fred. Which of the boys is the tallest?

     Which is the shortest?

(2) It is hotter in Athens than it is in London; it is not as hot in Oslo as it is in London. Which of the

      three cities is the hottest? Which is the coldest?

(3)   Richard got fewer marks than Fred in the examination. John got more than Richard. Which boy  

       got most marks? Which boy got fewest?

(4) A train goes faster than a ship but not as fast as an airplane. Which is the fastest? Which is the



3. You buy things there (4)

5. A colour and a type of flower (6)

6. Go….from here! (4)

7. An animal with long ears. (6)

10. “This meal…awful!” (6)

13. If you hit someone, you will…………them. (4)

14. A place where you will find typewriters and desks. (6)

15. Thin. (4)


1. The bird flew…….the houses. (4)

2. You do this to tidy your hair. (4)

3. The United …….of America. (6)

4. Acolour and a type of fruit. (6)

8. Every year. (6)

9. The lowest point. (6)

11. A journey. (4)

12. If you plant one of these, something will grow. (4)

















1-over, 2-comb, 3-states, 4-orange, 5-violet, 6-away, 7-rabbit, 8-annual, 9-bottom, 10-tastes, 11-trip, 12-seed, 13-hurt, 14-office, 15-slim.

6. Угадай  животное.

7. Captains’  competition. Конкурс капитанов.

How many words about school can you make up out of these letters? (На столе перед капитанами находится английский алфавит.)

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