Тест по английскому языку на тему Герундий и Инфинитив
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Цыбикдоржиева Ирина Владимировна

Тест разработан для учащихся 8 классов на тему Герундий и Инфинитив. 


Файл gerundiy_i_infinitiv.docx23.94 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение 1. Tick the correct item.

  1. Greg enjoys … in the rain.   □ walk □ walking □ to walk
  2. I’d like … Molly an e-mail now.  □ send □sending □ to send
  1. What does Steve want ...?    □ do □ doing □ to do
  1. The cold coach watched his team … football.  □ play □ playing □ to play
  1. I prefer … detective stories.   □ read □ reading □ to read
  1. Would you like something …?     □ drink □ drinking □ to drink

Упражнение 2. Use Infinitive or -ing form.

  1. It was quite late when they saw Martin … (come) up the other side of the street. They saw him … (pause) in front of his house, … (look) up at it and … (knock) at the door.
  2. My parents let me (stay) at Molly’s house last weekend. They agreed … (take) me to his place in the car and they made me (promise) to behave myself.
  3. Mel hates (answer) the phone. And very often Mel just lets it … (ring).
  4. At first Jenny enjoyed … (listen) to Steven but after a while she got tired of … (hear) the same story.
  5. Polly can’t (go) to the cinema today. She’s busy … (study) for her exam, which is next week, but she’s decided … (take) a break and … (phone) Megan.
  6. I tried … (listen) carefully and in order (not/show) how I was embarrassed, I did my best … (keep) the conversation … (go) on one topic and another.

Упражнение 3. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

  1. Peace activist Baroness Bertha von Suttner encouraged Alfred Nobel ... a prize for peace. (establish / to establish / establishing / to be established)
  2. The police officer made Neil get out of the car and demanded … his driver's licence.(see / seeing / to see / to be seen)
  3. In the time of Peter the Great the noblemen were not allowed … beards. (have / to have / having / having had)
  4. They wouldn't let ... the country without the entry visa, would they? (him to enter / he enters / him enter / him entering)
  5. Fred couldn’t make … that he had caught the huge fish himself. (I believed/ me believe / me believed / me to believe)
  6. Nick was very close to the phone-box and Mary noticed him … the number, and then she heard him ... something to passer-by. (to dial, to say / dialing, to say / to dial, say / dial, say)
  7. Nick was seen ... the hall and then Jane watched him ... (enter, go away / be entered, to go away / enter, go away / to have entered, to be gone away)
  8. It's too late now, but I will always regret ... John to do the work. (to ask / asking / ask / to be asked)
  9. My friend Moira stopped ... whole milk because she is on a diet. (to buy / buying / buy / to be bought)
  10. They were allowed... discussing the plans, so their partner introduced himself and went on to talk about the project. (to continue / continuing / continue / to be continued)

Упражнение 4  Put one of the given verbs in the correct form – infinitive or gerund:

to see, to lock, to explain, to go, to show, to play, to listen, to do, to write, to earn, to discuss, to drive, to look, to speak, to understand, to do, to stay, to work, to spend

  1. I wish ... the manager.— It’s no use ... to him.
  2. Don’t forget ... the door before ... to bed.
  3. My mother told me not ... to anyone about it.
  4. He tried ... but she didn’t want ...
  5. Would you mind ... me how the lift works?
  6. I’m beginning ... what you mean.
  7. The boys like ... tennis but not ... this in bad weather.
  8. Try ... this correctly.
  9. He likes ... in his cabinet.
  10. I prefer ... my car myself.
  11. I advise you ... at my place and ... for a new flat.
  12. Let’s ... this tomorrow, I’m tired now.
  13. Most people prefer ... money. Some don’t want ... them.

Упражнение 5. Complete the sentences using either the Infinitive or Gerund. Insert prepositions if necessary. Раскройте скобки, употребив герундий или инфинитив (с или без частицы to). Если нужно, вставьте предлог

  1. He used ... (think) that life ended at 40, but now when he’s 41, he knows it’s not true.
  2. ... (make) such a terrible noise!
  3. It’s five in the morning. I’m not used ... (get) up this early,
  4. It’s impossible... (cut) with this knife. It’s blunt.
  5. My father enjoys ... (listen) to jazz music.
  6. I’m sorry... (hear) that your mother isn’t well.
  7. Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help ... (laugh).
  8. I couldn’t help them ... (find) what they were looking for as I was in too much of a hurry.
  9. I’d like... (cook) something special when guests come.
  10. What do you feel like... (do) tonight?
  11. My dad promised ... (buy) me a bike if I passed my exams well.
  12. I hate... (wait) in queues. It really annoys me.
  13. I looked forward ... (see) you again soon.
  14. It’s difficult ... (concentrate) when there’s loud playing on the radio.
  15. We stopped for a while ... (admire) the scenery.
  16. He can’t afford ... (hire) a taxi every day.
  17. Is it worth ... (run) such an awful risk?
  18. Would you mind ... (fetch) another chair?
  19. I offered ... (pay) for the meal, but she refused.
  20. I’m sorry... (disturb) you, but could you tell me the time?
  21. My younger sister can’t stop... (eat) sweets.
  22. He dislikes... (spend) money on car repairs.
  23. I remember... (go) to Venice as a child.
  24. ... (call) Mike
  25. I suggested ... (call) a taxi so we wouldn’t be late.
  26. I can’t stand ... (wait) in queues.
  27. There used to ... (be) a cinema in our village but it closed down three years ago.
  28. He is Spanish so he’s used ... (drive) on the right.
  29. Did you remember ... (send) your sister a card? It’s her birthday today.
  30. Have you tried ... (read) a book to help you to sleep?
  31. Nowadays I’m used... (go) to bed early.
  32. He’ll never forget ... (see) the Grand Canyon for the first time.
  33. He offered ... (drive) me to the airport.
  34. I’ll stop ... (lend) you money if you waste it on cigarettes.
  35. Maya stopped ... (tie) her shoelace.
  36. John suggested ... (go) together in one car.
  37. Will you stop ... (make) so much noise, boys?
  38. It’s difficult to get used ... (sleep) in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.
  39. Linda offered ... (look after) my cat while I was out of town.
  40. Could you please stop... (whistle)! I’m trying ... (concentrate) on my work.


Exercise 1.

1 walking; 2 to send, 3 to do; 4 playing; 5 reading; 6 to drink

Exercise 2.

  1. come, pause, look, knock 2. stay, to take, promise 3. answering, ring 4. listening, hearing 5, go, studying, to take, to phone 6 to listen, not to show, to keep, going.

Exercise 3.

1 to establish, 2 to see, 3 to have, 4 him enter, 5 me believe, 6 dial, say, 7 enter, 8 go away, 9 asking, 10 to continue

Exercise 4.

1  to see / writing   , 2 to lock / going, 3 to speak / to listen, 4 to explain / to listen, 5  showing,  6 to understand, 7  to play (playing) / to do  8 to do, 9 to work или working , 10 to drive или driving 11 to stay / to look 12 discuss 13 to earn (earning) / to spend или to spend (spending) / to earn.

Exercise 5.

1 to think, 2 making, 3 to getting, 4 to cut, 5 listening, 6 to hear, 7 laughing, 8 find, 9 to cook, 10 doing, 11 to buy, 12 waiting, 13 to seeing, 14 to concentrate, 15 to admire, 16 to hire, 17 running, 18 fetching, 19 to pay, 20 to disturb, 21 eating, 22 spending, 23 going, 24 to call, 25 calling, 26 waiting, 27 be, 28 to driving, 29 to send, 30 reading, 31 to going, 32 seeing, 33 to drive, 34 lending, 35 to tie, 36 going, 37 making, 38 to sleeping, 39 to look after, 40 whistling / to concentrate

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