Урок-презентация в 8"А" классе.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

Сотникова Елена Васильевна

Представлен материал урока-презентации о моем родном городе Кронштадте.Тема урока: "East or West-home is best".Учитель ГБОУ СОШ N418 Кронштадтского района Санкт-Петербург


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Предварительный просмотр:


 Учитель английского языка
Кронштадтский район
Сотникова Е.В

There is no plaсe like home
Урок-презентация в 8 «А» классе


Развивающие: формировать устойчивый интерес к дальнейшему изучению английского языка, вовлекать учащихся в творческую деятельность.

Образовательные: совершенствовать навыки устной речи на основе изученного лексико-грамматического материала.

Воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к родному городу и стране.

Учебные: совершенствовать умение в чтении, аудировании, диалогической и монологической речи.

Оборудование: 1: Сайт www.englishteachers.ru

Презентация № 1 «You are welcome».

Презентация № 2 «Geographical position of Kronstadt».

Презентация № 3 Kronstadt in the past.

Презентация № 4 Kronstadt sights.

Test № 2 «What do you know about Kronstadt?»

Ход урока

   1.  Организационный момент.

   2. Введение в тему. Today we are going to talk about our home town-Kronstadt. T-St. What do you know about its geographical position?

 3. Working with the presentation № 1 and № 2. Students are telling about geographical position Kronstadt using their presentations № 1 and № 2.

St1.The most brilliant pages Russian history are related to Kronslot-«Crown lock», the first sea fortress at the Baltic. The sea fortress Kronstadt created by Peter the Great is located on the Island Kotlin in the eastern part of the Finnish Gulf.

You have learned some information about its geographical position. Now let’s  remember its history ,its glory past. Presentation № 2.

St2.On the seventh of May, 1704 Peter the Great founded the fortress Kronslot.  «Crown lock». For a short time fortifications were built. Peter the Great approved the plan of Fortress Kronstadt in 1721. It included: A : the fortress, the forts, small separate fortress, Kronslot, the Citadel the Merchant harbour, the Middle harbour and the Military harbour.

The first big stone houses were built in 1715. For 1717-1718 24 houses were built. The Coat of Arms of Kronstadt was approved in 1780 Presentation № 2.

Kronstadt played an important part not only in the wars against Sweden, but in the wars against Turkey (1768-1774, 1787). Also the terrible event happened in Kronstadt. It was the flood of 1824.

T.Now imagine that you are from the UK. You will be guides. To begin with ,we invite you to visit our centre- Anchor square with Naval cathedral in its centre.  

St1. Telling about this sight using his presentation. On the twenty seventh of October 1904 14000 people took part in the building of this beautiful cathedral. The architect is G.Kosyakov. But on the first of June, 1929 the church service was stopped. The cathedral was closed.

T-There are  about 230 monuments in Kronstadt.

St2. The first monument was opened in 1828 ,and it was devoted to the deed of a sailor A.A.Domashenko. He dived in 1827 trying to save a sailor from the ship «Azov».

St3. The monument to Peter the Great was created in 1841. The author is A.N.Olenin. It was opened on the twenty seventh of June 1841.

Also, there is the monument to F.F. Bellingshausen. It was opened in 1870 on the eleventh of September. He was a military governor of Kronstadt. The architect is Monigetti.

St4-In 1873 in the Summer garden a monument to the crew of  clipper “Oprichnik” was created .

St1-On the nineteenth of October 1886 the monument to P.K.Pakhtusov was created.

St2-The monument to Admiral S.O.Makarov was opened in Anchor square in 1913.

Work in groups. We live in wonderful place. Let’s imagine what will happened to our native place in the future.

Think of the following:

  • population
  • streets
  • parks
  • monuments
  • shops
  • transport

    Students are working in groups of three or four.

    Test. T-We have worked will today to sum up, let’s do the test about Kronstadt.

     Assigning homework.

     Using the facts you have learnt today write a letter to your

      American friend and invite him to your place. Write 120-150 words. Your marks are…

       Reflexion    1. Did you like the lesson?
                           2. What did you like best?


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