Презентация "Reported speech"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (10 класс)

Татосян Любовь Витальевна

Презентация рассчитана для учащихся 9-11 классов


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Слайд 1

The 13 th of May Class work Reported Speech Косвенная речь

Слайд 2

Reported Speech Косвенная речь служит для передачи чужой речи Личные и указательные местоимения заменяются в косвенной речи по смыслу , как и в русском языке. Если глагол, вводящий косвенную речь, стоит в настоящем времени, то форма глагола в косвенной речи не изменяется

Слайд 3

Examples Direct Speech He says, ‘I am well today.’ She says, ‘I like it here ’ She says, ‘My friend was travelling a lot’. He says, ‘ I played football yesterday’. Indirect Speech He says that he is well today. She says she likes it there. She says her friend was travelling a lot. He says that he played football yesterday.

Слайд 4

Если глагол , вводящий косвенную речь, стоит в прошедшем времени , то происходят следующие изменения: 1. Present Simple → Past Simple 2. Present Continuous → Past Continuous 3. Present Perfect → Past Perfect 4. Present Perfect → Past Perfect Continuous Continuous 5. Past Simple → Past Perfect 6. Past Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous 7. Past Perfect → Past Perfect 8. Future Simple → Future –in the- Past

Слайд 5

Direct Speech 1. He said, ‘I get up at 7 o’clock.’ 2. He said, ’I’ m reading a book.’ 3. He said, ‘ I have just come .’ 4. He said, ‘I have been waiting for you since 10 o’clock.’ Indirect Speech 1.He said that he got up at 7 o’clock. 2. He said that he was reading a book. 3.He said he had come . 4. He said that he had been waiting for me since 10 o’clock.’

Слайд 6

Наречия времени и места изменяются следующим образом Direct Speech 1. today 2. yesterday 3. tomorrow 4. two days ago 5. last week 6. next month Indirect speech 1. that day 2. the day before 3. the following day 4. two days before 5. the week before 6. the following month

Слайд 7

Direct Speech Indirect speech 5. He said, ‘I played football yesterday’ 6. He said, ‘I was playing football yesterday from 3 up to 4 o’clock’. 7. He said, ‘We had finished our work by 4 o’clock. 8. He said, ‘We will finish our work in the evening’ 5. He said that he had played football the day before. 6 . He said he had been playing football the day before from 3 up to 4 o’clock. 7 . He said that they had finished their work by 4 o’clock. 8. He said that they would finish their work in the evening.

Слайд 8

Exercise 1 . Change direct speech into Indirect: 1 . Tom says, ’I want to go to London next week’ 2. Helen says, ‘I can play tennis.’ 3. My mother says, ‘Tomorrow we will go to the country’ 4. They say, ‘We are good at English’ 5. Marat says, ‘We watched a new film yesterday’ 6. Aigul answers, ‘I am standing at the window’ 7. She says, ‘My friend was having a great time in New York’

Слайд 9

Exercise 2 Change direct speech into indirect: 1. Charles said, ‘Ann has bought a new car.’ 2. I thought, ‘He is going to give up smoking’ 3. She promised, ‘I will do my homework’ 4. Ann said, ‘I was playing the piano the whole day’

Слайд 10

Exercise 2 Change direct speech into indirect: 5. Nick said, ‘I saw Jimmy at a party last week.’ 6. Bolat said, ‘I went to Astana last week’ 7. Masha said, ‘They learned the poem yesterday’ 8. Our parents said, ‘You have never been to London. Let’s go there’

Слайд 11

John is sending two weeks travelling alone in the UK. Report what he said 1.It’s the most thrilling experience I’ve ever had/ 2.Sometimes I get a bit lonely. 3.On Sunday, I’m flying to Ireland. 4.I’ve spend five days in Edinburgh. It was amazing. 5.I can’t carry my staff around easily. 6. If I have time I will visit Cardiff.

Слайд 12

Say or tell ? ( Said or told ? ) Глаголы say и tell переводятся "говорить", тем не менее между ними есть вполне ощутимое различие. Разница употребления say и tell заключается в следующем: после tell будет стоять "лицо" (smb), которое чаще всего выражено местоимением в объектном падеже (me, her, him, us, them, you), а после say наоборот, "лицо" употреблять нельзя: tell smb - сказать кому-то, say smth - сказать что-то. Например: I often tell them how to practice English. I often say the wrong thing. "Сказать кому-то" при помощи say все же возможно, но необходимо добавить to: "say to": What did you say to her?

Слайд 13

Study the examples. Fill in the gaps with said or told . "She is going to China," Tony said. Tony said (that) she was going to China. Tony said to us (that) she was going to China. Tony told us (that) she was going to China. 1 She..........me she would go to Bulgaria. 2 Tanya .......... she had taken lots of photographs. 3 "We're leaving for Crete tomorrow," they........... 4 Bob..........his parents he would like to go to summer camp. 5 He .......... he was looking forward to his holiday.

Слайд 14

Thanks for your work!

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