Контрольные материалы
материал по английскому языку (7 класс)

               Контрольные материалы 

               «Страны мира и их столицы, национальности и языки, на которых они говорят».


Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Контрольные материалы
  2. Класс: 7 «В»
  3. Раздел:  2
  4. Тема:   «Страны мира и их столицы, национальности и языки, на которых они говорят».
  5. УМК:    М.З. Биболетова  «Enjoy English- 7 класс»  
  6. «Английский с   удовольствием – 7»
  7. Форма контроля:  тест
  8. Количество уроков:  1 урок (45 мин.)

Цели: 1.Контроль и самоконтроль уровня сформированности навыков лексико-грамматического оформления речи:

  • Проверка умения читать  текст, осмысливать информацию и восстанавливать пропущенные  слова в тексте (предложении);
  • Проверка  умения задавать специальные вопросы  с «How»;
  • Проверка  умения создавать имена существительные  с помощью суффиксов;
  • Проверка  умения  строить предложения с использованием Passive  Voice.

2. Контроль и самоконтроль  уровня сформированности  коммуникативных умений, позволяющих участвовать в иноязычном общении.

Progress Check 2

1   Complete each sentence with one of the word combinations below.

official languages, by boat, is situated, be successful, success, round Europe, was awarded, collected his thoughts, the rush hours, the only, foreign languages, collect.

  1. He can speak three ...: English, German and Spanish.
  2. India ... in Asia.
  3. If you work hard, you'll ... in your career.
  4. There are 15        in India and thousands of different dialects.
  1. English is ... solution to this communication problem.
  2. The famous scientist ... a Nobel Prize in 1930.
  3. He ... and began his report.
  4. Last summer their family travelled ... by bus.
  5. Try to get to the office before ... or you'll be late for the meeting.
  1. The winners will travel ... from Australia to New Zealand.
  2. Will you ... the books from Ann, please?

2.        Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

    India is situated in Asia. This large country is ... for its ancient culture and outstanding people. It is the birthplace of four world religions.

The ... of the country is New Delhi. Its ... has grown to 1,000 million people. There are 15 official ... in India and thousands of different dialects. People from different parts of the country often do not speak ... language. English is the ... solution (решение) to this communication problem. Children ... English at primary and ... school and then at the university.

3.        These sentences are the answers to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your questions with "How".

Example: Martin is ten years old.— How old is Martin?

  1. It takes him 20 minutes to get to school.
  2. Sir John Bouring (1792-1872) could speak 28 languages.
  3. Everest is 8848 metres high. It's the highest mountain in the world.
  4. The Thames is 334 kilometres long.
  5. This nice dress is only 25 dollars.
  6. They have 6 lessons on Monday.

4.  The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: IMPRESS

Her dance made a great ... on my friends.— Her dance made a great impression on my friends.

1.        TRANSLATE

The girl was awarded a prize for her English ... of the poem.

2.        DISCUSS

The ... has already begun.

3.        DEVELOP

Hong Kong is famous for its quick economic ....

4.        WIN

At the award ceremony the ... collected a gold medal for his excellent Russian.

5.        PERFORM

Her last ... in the theatre was successful.

6.        TOUR

The National Park is visited by thousands of ... every summer.

7.        MEET

We'll discuss this important question at the ... tomorrow.

5.  Read a sentence and write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the Passive Voice.

  1. John R. R. Tolkien wrote his famous novel "The Lord of the Rings" in 1965.
  2. In Bangladesh people celebrate New Year in April.
  3. "Our team will win the prize," said the boy.
  4. Most people in the country speak English.
  5. The students use computers at the lesson.
  6. Joseph Turner painted this unforgettable landscape.
  7. The writer will publish his new book next year.
  8. The girl cleaned the room yesterday.
  9. "I'll collect the books from you," said Jim.
  1. A group of artists organized this original exhibition.
  2. Their team lost the game yesterday.
  3. Thousands of tourists visit London every month.

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