Открытый урок "Шоу гаджетов" ("Gadget Show"), 9 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)

Шишигина Олеся Васильевна

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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

“The Gadget Show”

Слайд 2

David from England speaking a) What gadgets did David have when he was a teenager? b) What gadget will he start using next week?

Слайд 3

Name/ Surname David ……………. Gadgets from David’s past __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Gadgets in use __________________________ __________________________

Слайд 4

Name/ Surname David Stokes Gadgets from David’s past an old Dan-set record player a Grundig reel a hand-held square microphone a Sony combined radio a tape recorder Gadgets in use a laptop a tablet

Слайд 5

Answer the questions: a) Why does David like vinyl records? b) What did his father buy him when he was a 15-year-old boy?

Слайд 7

Chart What modern gadgets would you like to have? Why ? Use: As for me, I would like to have / I would prefer to have /I would use …. because I will be able to…

Предварительный просмотр:

На уроке использован прием See-Think-Wonder, который позволяет учащимся сформулировать цели и задачи урока, активизировать лексику. Работа над открытием новых знаний проходит через работу над видеоматериалом, работу с текстом (поисковое чтение), выполнением приема «Chart», “Cinquain”. Ребята работают в группах, что обеспечивает речевое общение, сотрудничество. В соответствии с требованиями ФГОС формируются навыки самоконтроля, самопроверки, самооценки. На уроке использованы задания репродуктивного, продуктивного характера, что также отвечает требованиям ФГОС.

Тип урока: урок построения системы знаний (структурирование и систематизация изучаемого материала) в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС.

Цели урока:

  • обобщение знаний по изученной теме;
  • совершенствование лексических навыков;
  • развитие коммуникативных умений;
  • расширение кругозора учащихся через лингвострановедческую информацию.

Планируемые результаты

Личностные УУД:

  • воспитание личностных качеств (активности, умение сотрудничать, личной взаимной ответственности, самоорганизации);
  • формирование ценностного отношения к совместной познавательной деятельности;
  • формирование бережного отношения к своему дому.

Метапредметные УУД:

  1. Познавательные:
  • умение работать с информацией;
  • умение осуществлять межкультурное общение в говорении, чтении, аудировании и письме;
  • умение использовать речевой этикет страны изучаемого языка;
  • умение анализировать свои действия.
  1. Коммуникативные:
  • умение слышать, слушать и понимать речь учителя и одноклассников, аудировать и понимать иноязычную речь;
  • использование навыков сотрудничества;
  • умение говорить на английском языке, отвечать на поставленные вопросы.
  1. Регулятивные:
  • умение формулировать цель и задачи урока;
  • умение планировать свое время и действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей;
  • умение осуществлять контроль и самоконтроль;
  • умение оценить свои знания, возможности и перспективы.


  • умение использовать ЛЕ (modern/oldfashioned gadgets) в заданной ситуации;
  • умение составить монологическое высказывание – ответы на вопросы по теме;
  • умение разыграть ситуацию по заданной теме.

Оборудование: презентация к уроку, видео «Gadgets», задания, work sheets, карта оценивания работы на уроке.

Программа Ваулина, Дули «Spotlight 9»

Технологическая карта урока

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

  1. 1. Организационный момент. Настрой на урок. Ознакомление с маршрутным листом.

Hello dear guests and students!

How are you?

I am happy to see you here at our open lesson which I’ve entitled as “The Gadget Show”. I hope you will have pleasure!

  • During the lesson you are to fill in your work sheets. At the end of the lesson you yourselves evaluate your work.

Good morning, teacher.

Nice to meet you too.

Ss отвечают на вопросы учителя

2. Формулирование темы, целеполагание.






недостаточности знаний, выявление затруднений






Определение задач урока



Well, look at the blackboard, please.

What can you see here? Gadgets. Are they modern or old-fashioned? (Both: gadgets from the past/from the present time). 


Can you formulate the theme of our lesson?

What have you already known (+) and what would you like to know (-) today?







4. Коммуникация. Поиск новых знаний.








What gadgets did your grandparents have when they were teenagers?

5.Поиск новых знаний. Работа с видеоматериалом.

Now we are going to watch a video.

While watching, you are to answer two questions:

a)        What gadgets did David have when he was a teenager?

b)        What gadget will he start using next week?

Now we are going to watch another video. Robert from Poland is speaking here.

While listening, you are to answer the question “What is Robert’s favorite gadget now?”(3 minutes)

Ss смотрят видео и выполняют задание на листочках (заполняют таблицу), отвечают на вопросы. В группах сравнивают ответы и приходят к единому мнению.

S1 зачитывает свои ответы, другие дополняют.

8. Самостоятельная работа

It’s time for speaking. 6. Make the chart, please. The question is “What modern gadgets would you like to have? Why?

Use: As for me, I would like to have / I would prefer to have /I would use because I will be able to…  (10-15 minutes).

Now we will get to know what associations do you have about modern and old-fashioned gadgets.

7.        In groups, make a cinquain, please. The first group, your word is “tape recorder”, the second group “fitness tracker”.(5 minutes)

Ss работают в парах

сменного состава, группах.







9. Объяснение домашнего задания

It’s up to you to decide what you will do at home. 8.        At home you are to write a letter to David or Robert. You can choose by yourself. In your letter write about the gadgets you have and your favorite one and ask about hi-technologies in England or Poland nowadays. David and Robert have promised to give you an answer.(1- minute).


Ss записывают дом.

10. Рефлексия

Now it is the end of our lesson. Do you like our lesson? Was it interesting?

Evaluate your work. 9.        Fill in the table about your likes and dislikes today at the lesson and things you get to know (tick, please).(2 minutes)

- Thank you very much for your work! I am pleased with it. Be ready with your hometask. You may be free. Good-bye.



Ss оценивают урок, свою работу, заполняют оценочный лист

Предварительный просмотр:

Hello dear students!

Hello guests and hello Dudinka! It is Tuesday 27th of November 2018.

How are you?

My name is David Stokes. I am from southern England, but now I live in western Finland, near Turku, the oldest city in Finland.

The weather forecast says it is rather cold in Taimyr now. Nearly

 - 30 degrees and apparently it was such a strong wind that you didn’t go to school the other day. I know that strong arctic winds often blow in Dudinka. We have here our first snow of the winter making the ground white with perhaps 2 cm’s deep.  It started early on Monday 26th of November and the temperature is as low as minus 7. So much warmer than in Dudinka!

Today you have an unusual lesson on the topic “The Show of Gadgets”. There are a lot of gadgets and new technologies nowadays that help us to make our life pleasant and comfortable. My favorite gadget is my laptop, but also use my tablet to call my parents in England and listen to music at night. I will also start using a smart phone for the first-time next week.

Olesya asked me to tell you about the gadgets of my childhood.

Well, when I was 15, I lived in East Grinstead, in the county of Sussex in southern England with my parents and younger sister, Deborah. At that time, I also used quite a few gadgets too. When I was 14, we had an old Dan-set record player for playing 12-inch vinyl LP’s and pop music 7 inch vinyl “singles”. I also had a Grundig reel to reel tape recorder that enabled me to record music from the radio and TV using a hand-held square microphone. The big problem was getting my mother and sister to be really quiet when I recorded a programme! Their voices would get onto the 2 track tape and I got really cross when I played it back!

 Then when I was 15, my father bought a Sony combined radio, tape recorder and record player that enabled me to directly record rock and jazz music in stereo, straight from my favourite radio programme, which was at 10’ O clock at night.It was the John Peel Show and you can find a few You-tube videos of him being interviewed and talking about his vast record collection. My large record collection is still in England, but I plan to get it to Finland where I live one day soon! I really love vinyl records and like the feel and the high sound quality they give. When I go back to my parent’s house, I get out my old records and still play them and remember when and where and who I was with when I bought them!

Now you know what gadgets were popular in my country when I was your age.Then, I dreamt that one day such a thing as a smart phone would exist and so I guess most of you now have what I most desired then, as a teenager of 15. Technology really has changed in my life time!

Hello dear guests and students!

How are you?

I am happy to see you here at our open lesson which I’ve entitled as “The Gadget Show”. I hope you will have pleasure!

Well, look at the blackboard, please.

What can you see here? Gadgets. Are they modern or old-fashioned? (Both: gadgets from the past/from the present time).

  1. Define, please, gadgets from the past and gadgets from the present time.

What gadgets did your grandparents have when they were teenagers? (5minutes)

  1. Now we are going to watch the video. (5minutes)

While watching, you are to answer two questions:

  1. What gadgets did David have when he was a teenager?
  2. What gadget will he start using next week?
  1. Now fill in the table, please, using the information from the text about David. (7 minutes)
  2. Answer the questions, please.
  1. Why does David like vinyl records?
  2. What did his father buy him when he was a 15-year-old boy?
  1. Now we are going to watch another video. Robert from Poland is speaking here.

While listening, you are to answer the question “What is Robert’s favorite gadget now?”(3 minutes)

  1. Make the chart, please. The question is “What modern gadgets would you like to have? Why?

Use: As for me, I would like to have / I would prefer to have /I would use because I will be able to…  (10-15 minutes)

  1. In groups, make a cinquain, please. The first group, your word is “microphone”, the second group “fitness tracker”.(5 minutes)
  2. At home you are to write down a letter to David or Robert. You can choose by yourself. In your letter write about the gadgets you have and your favorite one and ask about hi-technologies in England or Poland nowadays. David and Robert have promised to give you an answer.(1- minute)
  3. Fill in the table about your likes and dislikes today at the lesson and things you get to know (tick, please).(2 minutes)

Thank you very much for your work! I am pleased with it. Be ready with your hometask. You may be free. Good-bye.

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