Методические рекомендации по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» для учащихся технического профиля специальности 09.02.07 Информационные системы и программирование (сокращенная версия)
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Лашина Лариса Петровна

Методические рекомендации предназначены  для подготовки и проведения практических занятий по дисциплине «Английский язык» в учреждениях  профессионального образования. В методических рекомендациях по дисциплине представлены тематические текстовые материалы для закрепления навыка перевода технических текстов с целью извлечения необходимой информации, задания на закрепление коммуникативных навыков, упражнения на расширение словарного запаса и образование потенциального профессионального словаря, грамматические таблицы, тренировочные задания для активизации знаний грамматических форм и синтаксических оборотов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Автономное учреждение                  

профессионального образования

Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры


Структурное подразделение-4

Энергетическое подразделение

Методические рекомендации

по выполнению практических работ

 по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

Сургут, 2021

Методические рекомендации по выполнению практических работ  по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности»

Сургутский политехнический колледж, 2021 г.

Составитель: Л.П. Лашина, преподаватель иностранного языка

Методические рекомендации составлены в соответствии с рабочей программой по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности», предназначены для учащихся технического профиля специальности 09.02.07 Информационные системы и программирование.

Одобрено на заседании методического объединения «Иностранный язык»

Протокол № 7 от «06» марта 2021 г.

Рекомендовано к печати Методическим советом Сургутского политехнического колледжа

Протокол № 7 от «07» апреля 2021 г.


Пояснительная записка

Практическая работа № 1. «Вводное занятие. Входной контроль»

Практическая работа № 2. «Значение технического английского языка в мире»

Практическая работа № 3.«Структура повествовательного предложения Место наречия и обстоятельства в предложении»

Практическая работа № 4.«Британия и британцы»

Практическая работа № 5. «Структура побудительного предложения»

Практическая работа № 6.«Америка и американцы»

Практическая работа № 7. «Путешествие и деловое этикет»

Практическая работа № 8. «Особенности проведения досуга в англоговорящих странах»

Практическая работа № 9. «Контрольная работа «Особенности культуры англоговорящих стран»

Практическая работа №10. «Получение профессионального образования в Великобритании»

Практическая работа №11. «Получение профессионального образования в США»

Практическая работа № 12. «Получение профессионального  образования в РФ»


Практическая работа №13. «Способы словообразования (приставочный, суффиксальный, приставочно-суффиксальный, бессуффиксный)»

Практическая работа №14. «Образование и употребление видовременных форм Simple в действительном залоге. Наречия и обстоятельства  видовременной формы  Simple»

Практическая работа № 15. «Получение профессионального  образования в РФ»

Практическая работа № 16. «Образование и употребление видовременных форм Continuous  в действительном залоге. Наречия и обстоятельства  видовременной формы Continuous»

Практическая работа № 17. «Формы итоговой аттестации в образовательных учреждениях профобразования»

Практическая работа № 18. «Кто такой инженер»

Практическая работа № 18. «Образование и употребление видовременных форм в действительном залоге Perfect. Наречия и обстоятельства  видовременной формы Perfect»

Практическая работа № 19. Профессиональные качества современного инженера»

Практическая работа № 20. «Причастие настоящего времени и прошедшего времени»

Практическая работа № 21. «Будущее профессии инженер»

Практическая работа № 22. «Известные люди в профессии: Билл Гейтс»

Практическая работа № 23. «Инженерная наука. Достижения инженерной науки»

Практическая работа № 24. «Видовременные формы глаголов в страдательном залоге»

Практическая работа № 25. «Контрольная работа «Профессия инженера в современном мире Инженерная наука. Достижения инженерной науки».

Список литературы

Пояснительная записка

Методические рекомендации по выполнению практических работ  учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности для обучающихся по программе подготовки специалистов среднего звена очной формы обучения по специальности 09.02.07 Информационные системы и программирование и преподавателей учреждений среднего профессионального образования.

Целью методических рекомендаций по дисциплине ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности по выполнению практических работ является:

-расширение потенциального словаря профессиональной лексики;

-формирование у студентов навыков устной речи по профессиональной тематике, в  различных контекстах профессиональной направленности;

- развитие потребности и умения пользоваться справочной литературой

  профессионального характера;

-развитие умения высказываться целостно, как в смысловом, так и в структурном  отношении;

-развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием основного содержания текстов  профессионального характера;

-активизация знания грамматических форм и синтаксических оборотов, употребительных в специальной профессиональной литературе.

Методические рекомендации направлены на освоение  учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык следующими умениями, знаниями, которые формируют профессиональную компетенцию, и общими компетенциями:


-общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

-переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;

-самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас;


-лексический (1200 - 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности          

ОК 4. Осуществлять поиск, анализ и оценку информации, необходимой для постановки и решения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, обеспечивать ее сплочение, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями.

В соответствии с учебным планом на проведение практических работ по дисциплине ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности отводится 168 часов.

В методических рекомендациях представлены тематические учебные материалы на расширение словарного запаса профессиональной направленности и для активизации знаний грамматических форм и синтаксических оборотов, а также материалы для подготовки к устному дифференцированному зачету.

Общие требования по выполнению практических работ:

-работа выполняется в специально отведенных тетрадях.

-в начале каждой работы посередине строки записывается дата (прописью), номер работы, тема работы.

-работа выполняется четким и разборчивым почерком.

Цель работы и задания не переписываются.

Контроль и оценка результатов освоения осуществляется в процессе проведения тестирования, выполнения практических  работ.

При оценке практических обучающих работ, состоящих из различных упражнений, учитывается следующее:

1 - степень самостоятельности учащегося

2 - объем работы

3 – четкость и аккуратность при оформлении письменных заданий

4- обоснованность и четкость изложения ответа на поставленные вопросы,

Форма оценивания практических заданий – традиционная.

Форма оценивания тестовых  заданий:






77%- 96%


51% и меньше

Методические рекомендации предназначены и для выполнения студентами с нарушением слуха, т.к. на протяжении изучения разделов, по которым проводится работа, для обучающихся разрабатывался и предоставлялся предметно дидактический инструментарий, способствующий освоению основных профессиональных терминов и понятий как грамматической, так и профессиональной направленности по дисциплине ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.

Практическая работа 1 . «Вводное занятие. Входной контроль»


- контролировать лексические и грамматические навыки по ранее изученным темам

Test 1

The criteria of your mark









  1. Отметьте одно неисчисляемое существительное во множественном числе:
  1. love     b) progress         c) advice       d) thanks

  1. Отметьте одно неисчисляемое существительное в единственном числе:
  1. love  b) glasses    c) pliers   d) thanks

  1. Отметьте одно существительное в единственном числе:
  1. geese   b) foot   c) teeth   d) postmen

  1. Отметьте одно существительное во множественном числе:
  1. leaf   b) pear   c) roof   d) mice

  1. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:Our two ... are crying all the time.
  1. a babies    b) babies             c) babys               d) babyes

6. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:Those were the happiest days of our...

  1. a  lifes           b) lives             c) lifees   d) life

7. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:… usuallyfallfromtreesinautumn.

  1. A leaf                 b) Leaves             c) Leafs        d) Leafes

9.Укажите одно  предложение, в котором окончание «-s» является показателем притяжательного падежа существительного:

  1. Не made experiments in metal superconducting.
  2. This was a very fruitful period of Watt's life.
  3. This scientist studies the problem of nuclear physics.
  4. The experiment’s stopped.

 10. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: Haveyoumet …?

  1. the Mr. Kelly wife of          b) Mr. Kelly wife         c) the wife Mr. Kelly

d) Mr. Kelly's wife      

11.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: I don't want this book. You can take …

a) it             b) them        c) her              d) him

12. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: Sue and Kevin are going to the cinema. Do you want to go with … ?           

  1. they           b) them               c) him     d) her

13.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: I saw Mr. and Mrs. Thomson with … daughter.    

  1. his          b) they                 c) their     d) her        

14.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: I'mgoingshopping. I'm going to buy … clothes.

  1. any            b) some

15. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: 'Howmuchmoneyhaveyougot?'    …

  1. No one        b) No        c) Any        d) None

16. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: Thereis …  in the room.  It's empty.

  1. nobody          b) anybody   c) anyone        d) anything not

17.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: My results in the test are … of all.

a) good    b) better    c) best   d) the best

18. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: Our scientists  want a… opportunity to their experiments.

  1. bigger    b) big    c) the biggest    d) biggest

19.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: Who is  … popular engineer in our country?

a) more    b) most    c) much   d) the most

20.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:There ... light in the room, it’s too dark.

  1. is   b) are

  1. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:         Isthere  any clean water in the bottle?
  1. is   b) are

22.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: I... your effort next Sunday.

a)thought of     b) shall think of         c) thinks of       d) thinking of

23.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: 'How …?'-'I don't know.  I didn't see it.'
a)  happened the accident           b) did happen the accident
c) does the accident happen       d) did the accident happen

24.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: She will come to tea if you…her

a)asks   b)ask    c)asked   d)will ask

  1. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа: IsawLucyandStevethismorning.  They … at the bus stop.
    a) will be waiting    b) are waiting   c) were waiting   d) was waiting

26.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:I ... totheUSA.

a) have never been      b) been have never     c) have never     d) never been

27.Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:

I ... my mind to become a computer system architect.

a) has made up   b) has make up   c) have made up   d) have make up

28. IBMC ... of an earlier form, the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co (CTRC).

a) has grown up   b) grown up   c) have grown up   d) has grew up

29. Подберите соответствующий по смыслу вариант глагола.

There’s no doubt that computers have ... our lives easier.

a) done     b) got     c) become     d) made

30.Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

The transistor ... by American scientists W.Shockly, J.Bardeen and W.Brattain.

a) was invented    b) were invented     c) invented     d) invents

Практическая работа № 2. «Значение технического английского языка в мире»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

1.Change numbers with letters. Read and tell your own opinion tothe thought of J. Goethe.


























































































2. Read and translate the text.

Today English is the language of the world.  It is only in the course of the last hundred years that English has become a world language. In Shakespeare's time it was a «provincial» language of secondary importance with only 6 million native speakers. Nowadays over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. English is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. It is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. English is also spoken as a second language in the former British and US colonies. With a number of speakers (400 million) it is second only to Chinese. English is the major international language of communication in such areas as science, technology and business. It is the language of literature, education, modern music, and international tourism. English is the major language of diplomacy; it is one of the official languages of the United Nation organization and other political organizations. Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially urgent today. One should say that English is not an easy language to learn. There is a big problem of spelling, of the large number of exceptions to any rule.  This language is very idiomatic and the prepositions are terrible.  English is one of those languages which may seem easy in the beginning, but then the bridge between basic knowledge and mastery takes a long time to cross.  But if you cross this bridge it will give you great satisfaction. You will be able to speak to people from other countries, to read foreign authors in the original language, which makes your outlook wider. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

3. Answer the questions:

1. It is easy to learn foreign languages?

2. Which language in the world is spoken by most people?

3. When did you begin learning English?

4. What was the process of learning?

5. Why is English not an easy language to learn?

6. Why is it necessary to learn English?

7. What advantages have the people who know foreign languages?

4. Match the proverbs.

1) Live and learn.

2) No pains, no gains.

3) It is never too late to learn.

4) Industriousness is the mother of good luck.

5) Knowledge is power.

6) All things are difficult before they are easy

  1. Терпение и труд всё перетрут.
  2. Без труда нет плода.
  3. Меньше слов — больше дела.
  4. Учиться никогда не поздно.
  5. Век живи, век учись.
  6. Знания — сила.

5. Answer the question using the phrases. Why should I know English?

English must be learnt …      

to have a chance to go abroad and get experience in a foreign company

to study at a college

to communicate with people of the world  

to understand films and songs in English                

to get a better job

it’s easier than other subjects you could study              it gives you a chance to meet new people                     it is useful when you  travel                                    

to do business                                                                                    

The best way to learn English is …

 to work hard and thoughtfully    

to listen attentively

to use a dictionary

 to use a cassette recorder

to read aloud

to revise often

to check for mistakes

to do exercises carefully

Useful learning strategies are…

reading English newspapers/magazines/                                              books                                                                                                        

watching English movies                                                                        

using a cassette recorder/VCR                                                              

studying at a language school in the UK/                                            

living in a country where it’s spoken                                        

communicating with native speakers-                                      

A good language learner…

 reads fast (quickly)

learns easily (fast)

writes carefully/accurately/ grammatically

speaks fluently (fast)

feels confident about learning the language

can express himself/herself effectively by correspondence with a pen friend                                        can speak and is understood by native                                                                                                                                                                speakers                                                

The key to the exercise 1.

Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own.

Практическая работа № 3. «Структура английского предложения»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

Теоретический материал:

Предложение (sentence) (как в английском, так и в русском языке) - это некоторая законченная мысль. Оно начинается с заглавной буквы (capital letter), а заканчивается точкой (full stop):

We are at home. - Мы дома.
John likes good food. - Джону нравится хорошая еда.

Как в русском языке, так и в английском предложение может состоять из следующих членов: подлежащего (subject), сказуемого (predicate), дополнения (object или complement), обстоятельства (adverbial modifier) и определения (attribute).

A tthe lessons our teachers use various interesting materials. - На уроках наши учителя используют различные интересные материалы.
our – определение, относится к слову “teachers”
teachers - подлежащее
use - сказуемое (глагол)
materials - дополнение
various interesting - два определения, относящихся к слову "materials" 

at the lessons - обстоятельство

В русском языке может существовать предложение без подлежащего и/или без сказуемого:"Это ручка.";"Поздно.","Мне холодно".

Во всех предложениях английского языка обязательно и подлежащее, и сказуемое. Сравните с примерами выше: "It is a pen." "It is late.""I am cold."
Остальные члены предложения могут отсутствовать (они называются второстепенными членами предложения).

We arrived. - Мы приехали.
We - подлежащее, arrived - сказуемое (глагол).
We arrived in the morning.
in the morning - обстоятельство времени
We arrived at a small station. - Мы приехали на маленькую станцию.
at a small station - обстоятельство места
small (маленькая) - определение, поясняющее слово station (станция)

В английском языке - фиксированный порядок слов. То есть, каждый член предложения находится на своем определенном месте. В русском языке почти во всех частях речи есть окончания, при помощи которых выражаются категории времени, рода, числа и т.п. Поэтому порядок слов в русском предложении свободный. Английский язык принадлежит к другому языковому типу и в нем практически нет окончаний. Но потребность выразить все те категории, которые выражает русский язык, осталась. Поэтому выход нашелся в фиксированном порядке слов. Это делает английский язык более "логичным", похожим на простые математические формулы, что, несомненно, облегчает его изучение:

(2) Смотрю   (1) я   (3) телевизор по будням редко.
(1) I seldom   (2) watch   (3) TV on week-days

Порядок слов в утвердительном предложении (affirmative sentence)

В утвердительном предложении на первом месте стоит подлежащее,
на втором месте - 
на третьем - 
второстепенные члены предложения.

(1) We   (2) are   (3) in the centre of Moscow now.
Мы   (есть)   в центре Москвы сейчас.

(1) Julia   (2) is   (3) a very nice girl.
Джулия   (есть)   очень милая девушка.

Порядок слов отрицательном предложении (negative sentence)

В отрицательном предложении порядок слов такой же, как в утвердительном, но только после глагола ставится отрицательная частица not.

(1) I  (2) am not   (3) hungry.
Я   не (есть)   голодный(ая).

(1) The children   (2) are not   (3) attentive
Дети   не (есть)   внимательные.


1) Некоторые второстепенные члены предложения могут менять свое местоположение в зависимости от того, что говорящий хочет подчеркнуть прежде всего.

Чаще всего могут меняют свое место в предложении обстоятельства.

We usually go home together. - Мы обычно ходим домой вместе.
Usually we go home together. - Обычно мы ходим домой вместе.

2) В русском языке существуют безличные предложения. То есть предложения, в которых присутствует только подлежащее или только сказуемое. В английском языке в предложении обязательно должны присутствовать оба главных члена предложения. Для выражения безличных предложений в английском языке используется оборот Itis (это есть), где It - подлежащее, а Is - сказуемое.

It is cold. - Холодно. (Это есть холодно)
It is late. - Поздно. (Это есть поздно)

3) В разговорной речи могут использоваться и используются фразы, не являющиеся полными предложениями:
— Hello! How are you? - Привет! Как поживаете?
— (I am) Fine, thanks! - Спасибо, хорошо!

Практический материал:

1. Build the sentences from the words:

1. she, won, easily, the game
2. tennis, every weekend, Ken, plays
3. quietly, the door, I, closed
4. his name, after a few minutes, I, remembered
5. a letter to her parents, Ann, writes, every week
6. some interesting books, found, we, in the library
7. across from the park, they, a new hotel, are building
8. to the bank, I, every Friday, go
9. on Saturday night, didn't see, at the party, you, I
10. brightly, is, shining, sun, the
11. in, lives, my, sister, New York
12. a, became, doctor, good, Mary
13. a, decided, go, on, picnic, to, we

2. Mark sentences with the false order structure. Correct them. Translate sentences into Russian.

Образец: Tom walks every morning to work. - Tom walks to work every morning.

1. Jim doesn't like very much baseball.
2. Ann drives every day her car to work.
3. When I heard the news, I immediately called Tom. (immediately – сразу)
4. Maria speaks very well English.
6. You watch all the time television.
7. Liz smokes about 20 cigarettes every day.
8. I think I'll go early to bed tonight.
9. You should go to the dentist every six months. (should – следует)
10. We went last night to the movies.
11. We go every summer to the sea in August.
12. In the evening my parents go to the cinema with their friends.

3. Build the sentences from the words.Translate sentences into Russian.

1. always, at nine o'clock, out of the garage, in the morning, gets, his car, he
2. he, into town, after breakfast, often, Mrs Hodges, takes
3. a parking place, near the shops, they, find, rarely
4. sometimes, in a garage, Mr Hodges, his car, parks
5. fly, with my parents, to Florida, sometimes, I, in winter
6. late, came, last year, she, often, to school, in spring
7. often, have, at about three o'clock, a cup of tea, they, at the hotel, in the afternoon
8. meet, at the bar, they, after dinner, always, their friends
9. enjoys, very much, swimming, in our pool, always, in the morning, she

Практическая работа № 4.  «Британия и британцы»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.


Active vocabulary

1.Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:


to act - действовать, поступать, работать

patience - терпение;

patient -терпеливый;

behaviour - поведение;

polite -вежливый ;

politeness-вежливость ;

civilrights- гражданские права;

common— общепринятый, распространенный

co-operative— отзывчивый,

готовый помочь

custom— обычай, традиция;

to depend on — зависеть от

each other — другдруга

toenjoy— наслаждаться, получать удовольствие

especially— особенно

except— за исключением

formal— официальный;

informal— неофициальный

forthefirsttime— в первый раз

togreet— приветствовать;

greeting— приветствие

helpful— любезный, услужливый

however— однако

inorderto— для того, чтобы

in spite of — несмотряна

instead of — вместо

mostly— главным образом

to move— двигать(ся), передвигать(ся)

necessary— необходимый;

necessity— необходимость

often— часто

to praise— хвалить, прославлять

privacy— уединение; частная жизнь;

private— частный

probably— возможно, вероятно

to protect— защищать

pub(сокр. отpublicplace) —

паб, пивная, закусочная

rarely— редко

reserve— сдержанность;

reserved— сдержанный

to respect— уважать, почитать;

respectful— почтительный

rude— грубый, невежливый

to say goodbye— прощаться

self-confident— уверенный в себе

sense of humour— чувство юмора

to shake hands— пожимать руку;

handshake — рукопожатие

stranger — незнакомец

that is why — вот почему

through— через, посредством

usual— обычный;

usually— обычно

to value— ценить, дорожить

to visit — посещать

to wait for— ждать кого-л., чего-л.

well-mannered — воспитанный

2. Read the text and complete the following statements.

The text is about...

It describes...

The text also mentions...

Britain is the birthplace of Newton, Darwin, Shakespeare and the Beatles. It is a home of the world’s largest foreign exchange market, the world’s richest football club — Manchester United, the inventor of the hovercraft and the author of the Harry Potter books. Britain is full of culture and traditions which are hundreds of years old and famous all over the world. When people think of Britain they often think of people who drink tea, eat fish and chips and wear bowler hats1, but there is more about Britain than just those things.

The British character is well known. The British people are famous for reserve in manners, dress and speech. A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion. He never tells you anything about himself. When the British meet people for the first time they do not easily ask personal questions like “How old are you?” or even “What is your name?” Questions like “Where did you buy this watch?” or “What is your salary?” are impossible. British people rarely shake hands except when they meet someone for the first time. They hardly ever shake hands with their friends except when they see them after a long time or say goodbye before a long journey. The usual formal greeting is “How do you do?” and a handshake. “How do you do?” is not a question, it is a greeting and the correct response is to repeat “How do you do?”. “How are you?” is a question and the most common and polite response is “I am fine, thank you. And you?”

The British sense and feeling for privacy is well known. England is the land of brick fences and stone walls, of hedges2 and thick draperies3 at all the windows. The British people are also famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humour. Another national characteristic is conservatism, the British love familiar things. You can see it, for example, in their respectful attitude to the monarchy. British people value punctuality very much. If you agree to meet friends at three o’clock, they will be there just after three. In Britain, people make great efforts to arrive on time. They think it is impolite to arrive even a few minutes later.

Most people in Britain work a five-day week, from Monday to Friday; schools, colleges and universities are also closed on Saturdays and Sundays. As Friday comes along and people leave work they say to each other, “Have a nice weekend.” Then on Monday morning they ask, “Did you have a nice weekend?” The weekends are a time for families in Britain. On Sundays most British people do gardening, wash the car, go to the pub or take the dog for a walk. However, gardening is the most popular hobby. The British are known as a nation of gardeners. Most British people love gardens, and that is why so many people prefer to live in houses rather than4 flats. Most people have a garden of their own. Many people in Britain are proud of their houses and gardens.

Going to the pub is almost as popular as gardening. A common misconception among visitors to Britain is that pubs are bars. But pubs are also gathering places, conversation zones, even restaurants. Pubs are, generally speaking, places where people go to meet their friends. In small towns pubs act almost as town halls5. British people are the world’s greatest tea drinkers. Many of them drink tea at least eight times during the day.

Notes on the text

  1. bowler hat—шляпа-котелок.
  2. fence —живая изгородь.
  3. draperies — портьеры.
  4. ratherthan —а не, более чем.
  5. town hall —ратуша.

        Text and vocabulary exercises

3. Match the English words or phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.



3.hardly ever

4.brick fence

5.to make efforts


7.gathering place

8.tea drinker

9.conversation zone

  1. практически никогда
  2. кирпичный забор
  3. судно на воздушной подушке
  4. стараться
  5. неправильное представление
  6. место встреч
  7. место для общения
  8. родина
  9. любитель чая

4. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

рынок иностранной валюты

самый известный

официальное приветствие

каменные стены

заниматься садоводством

выгуливать собаку

 личный вопрос

 правильный ответ

хорошо известный

 вообще говоря

5.Find the right English equivalent for the following Russian words.

  1. вокруг
  2. год
  3. показывать
  4. чувство
  5. соглашаться
















6. Choose the right answer.

  1. Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for....

a) millions of years b) thousands of years c) hundreds of years

  1. The best-known thing about Britain is ....

a) British weather b) British character c) British Queen

  1. British people shake hands ....

a)every time they meet somebody    b) every time they meet someone for the first time       c) when they meet friends                                

  1. The British people are especially famous for ....
  1. their sense of humour  b) their politeness c) self-discipline
  1. In Britain it is impolite to arrive ....
  1. an hour late        b) a few minutes later  c) too late

7. Work in pairs and decide whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

Most people in Britain work a six-day week, from Monday to Saturday.

Taking a dog for a walk is the most popular activity on Sunday.

The weekends are a time for families in Britain.

Most British people love gardens, and that is why so many people prefer to live in houses.

Going to the pub and meet friends is very popular.

Many British drink tea at least ten times during the day.

Among British national characteristics there is also conservatism.

Практическая работа № 5. «Наречия и обстоятельства  видовременной формы Simple»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  • строить предложения в Indefinite (Simple) Tense, отличать подобные предложения по ключевым словам, строить утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с разными типами глаголов.

Теоретический материал

Видовременная группа Indefinite / Simple.

Видовременная группа Indefinite (Simple) употребляется для обозначения постоянного или регулярного действия в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем без указания на его длительность, завершённость или предшествование другому действию. Видовременная группа Indefinite (Simple), в зависимости от выбранного термина, называется группой неопределенного или группой простого времени.

Группу неопределенного (простого) времени составляют следующие грамматические времена:

  1. Настоящее неопределенное (простое) время (the Present Indefinite / Simple Tense);
  2. Прошедшее неопределенное (простое) время (the Past Indefinite / Simple Tense);
  3. Будущее неопределенное (простое) время (the Future Indefinite / Simple Tense);
  4. Будущее неопределенное (простое) время в прошедшем (the Future Indefinite / Simple Tense in the Past).

Настоящее неопределенное (простое) время (thePresent Indefinite / SimpleTense) употребляется для обозначения действий в настоящем, не связанных с моментом речи и может быть выражено в активном залоге глаголами в утвердительной, отрицательной, вопросительной, вопросительно-отрицательной и утвердительно-усилительной формах.

Поскольку личное местоимение 2-го лица единственного числа thou "ты" вышло из употребления, в современном английском языке оно заменяется местоимением 2-го лица множественного числа you, имеющим в этом случае морфологическую форму множественного числа и семантическое значение единственного.

Спряжение глагола to work в Present Simple




I work

I do not work

I don’t work

Do I work?

He works

He does not work

He doesn’t work

Does  he work?

She works

She does not work

She doesn’t work

Does she work?

It works

It does not work

It doesn’t work

Does it work?

We work

We do not work

We don’t work work

Do we work?

You work

You do not work

You don’t work work

Do you work?

They work

They do not work

They don’t work work

Do they work?

Наречия и обстоятельства, часто употребляемые в PresentSimple

Everyday — ежедневно (every month, every year)

Usually — обычно        

Seldom — редко

As a rule — как правило        

Sometimes — иногда

Always — всегда        

Often — часто


-es после -s / -eh / -sh: pass-►passes watch-►watches finish -► finishes; также:        do-►does        go-►goes;

-ies Carry -► carries        study -►studies.

1.Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form

English words____in many languages all over the world (appear).

English____        to the w eastern sub-branch of the Germanic branch of the

Indo-European family of languages (belong).

My parents____        in Rostov (live).

It____        a lot in summer (not ram).

Traditional American cuisine____        such ingredients as potatoes, meat


Professional baseball____        from 1869 (date).

People____        various indoor and outdoor activities in Britain (enjoy).

In Britain the banks        ____at 9.30 in the morning (open;.

The City Museum____        on Sundays (not work).

My car____        much petrol (not use).

Спряжение правильного глагола towork и неправильного towrite в PastSimple




I worked

I did not work

I didn’t work

Did I work?

He worked

He did not work

He didn’t work

Did  he work?

She worked

She did not work

She didn’t work

Did she work?

It worked

It did not work

It didn’t work

Did t work?

We worked

We did not work

We didn’t work

Did we work?

You worked

You did not work

You didn’t work

Did you work?

They worked

They did not work

They didn’t work

Did they work?

Правильные и неправильные глаголы.

По способу образования прошедшего времени все глаголы в английском языке можно разделить на две группы: правильные и неправильные. У правильных глаголов вторая и третья формы (PastIndefiniteTense и PastParticiple — простое прошедшее время и причастие прошедшего времени) совпадают между собой и образуются путем прибавления к основе глагола окончания -ed (-d):

to ask — asked, to change — changed, to receive — received, to work— worked

Неправильные глаголы образуют вторую и третью формы различными способами, без четких правил. Это наиболее часто употребляемые глаголы.

Наречия и обстоятельства, часто употребляемые в PastSimple

Yesterday — вчера        The day before yesterday —позавчера

Lastweek — на прошлой неделе        Lastmonth — в прошлом месяце

Lastyear — в прошлом году                                   Ago — тому назад


study-►studied                 marry -► married               stop -►stopped plan planned

2.Write the Past Simple form of these verbs

   1. be (am /is)         ..........................                   11. lose          ...............................

   2. break                 ..........................                   12. make        ..............................

   3. come                  .........................                   13. meet         ..............................

   4. do                      .........................                    14. pay           ..............................

   5. drink                 .........................                     15. run           ..............................

   6. drive                 ..........................                    16. see           ..............................

   7. eat                    ..........................                     17. sell           .............................

   8. get                    ..........................                     18. sit             ............................

   9. give                 ..........................                      19. take          .............................

   10. go                  ..........................                      20. cut            .............................

3.Read the text opening the brackets

Michael Faraday

      Michael Faraday, English experimental physicist, … (be born) in 1791 in a poor family. The boy … (begin) to work as an apprentice at a bookbinder’s shop at an early age. One day a man … (enter) the shop and … (find) the boy studing an article on electricity. The man … (be) surprised to see a boy so interested in such a difficult subject and … (give) him four tickets for the lectures at the Royal Institutions.

       The boy … (go) to the lectures and … (make) notes of what he … (hear). At the end of the lecture he … (come) to Sir Humphry Davy, the greater English scientist, and … (show) him his notes. Davy … (be) surprised. Later he … (make) Faraday his assistent and … (help) him in his education.

       Faraday … (have) many important discoveries. Among his works are the concept of the magnetic field and the magnetic “lines of force”, production of new kinds of optical glass, and reseach on electrolysis.

        Faraday … (produce) the first mechanical motion by means of a permanent magnet and an electric current. This is the principle upon which the modern electric motor is based.

        Faraday … (be) very modest and he … (love) his work more than honours. He … (refuse) to become President of the Royal Society and also … (refuse) to be knighted.

4.Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form

    1. An operator ... (not use) the machines’ safety guards.

    2. On 3 January 1999 the team ... (do) its trip to Mars, they ... (use) imperial measurements and the other metrics.

    3.The employee ... (go) home after the accident but he ... (come) back to work on 10 June.

   4. A typical printed circuit board … (have) dozen individual components.

   5.The electrical equipment … (control) the starting of the engine.

   6. Safety engineering … (be) the most rapidly growing field.

   7.Tupolev’s TU-144 supersonic jet liner … (begin) its commercial passenger flights  in 1977.

   8. Ergonomics … (continue) its work in solving such problems as safety of nuclear reactors, operators’ errors and malfunctioning equipment.

   9. She … (work) with this experiment next year.

   10. At present he ... (work) on improving of this mechanism.

Спряжение правильного глагола towork и неправильного towrite в FutureSimple




I  shall (/‘ll) work

I shall not work

I shan’t work

Shall I work?

He will (/‘ll) work

He will not work

He won’t work

Will  he work?

She will(/‘ll)  work

She will not work

She won’t work

Will she work?

It will (/‘ll) work

It will not work

It won’t work

Will t work?

We shall (/‘ll) work

We shall not work

We shan’t work

Shall we work?

You will(/‘ll)  work

You will not work

You won’t work

Will you work?

They will (/‘ll) work

They will not work

They won’t work

Will they work?

Наречия и обстоятельства, часто употребляемые с FutureSimple

Tomorrow - завтра        In 2 (3—4) days — через 2 (3—4) дня

Nextweek — на следующей неделе        Nextmonth — в следующем месяце

Next year — в следующем году

5.Open the brackets and put the verbs will / won't.

Model: Don’t drink strong tea before you go to bed. You won’t sleep.

You do not work hard. You ... pass your exam.

If you do not go to bed now, you ... feel better in the morning.

Leave some bread under the tree. The birds... eat it.

That bag is too heavy. 1... help you with pleasure

The tea is too hot. Don’t drink it, you ... bum yourself.

I’m afraid, my friends ... come soon.

They... become engineers in a year.

We ... invite them to the theatre tomorrow.

She ... enjoy reading this book

I... take part in sports events.

6.Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form( Present, Past или Future Simple).

London 2012 and Sochi 2014: Some Facts and Figures

When London officially (become) the Olympic city on August 24, 2012, it (mark) the start of the Summer Olympiad. London (be) the first city to host Olympic Games three times. It (host) Olympics in 1908 and 1948 and (play) a great role in the development of the modern Olympic movement.

In 2012, five million visitors (arrive) in London. London’s Olympic Park (be) in the East End. There (be) a lot of new facilities in East London. For example, there (be) a new 80,000-seat Olympic Stadium in the Olympic Park. It (host) opening and closing ceremonies. Experts (say) that 5,000 new homes (be) available there after the Olympics.

When Sochi (become) the Olympic Games city in February 2014 it (be) the first time Russia (host) the Winter Olympics. The first Winter Olympic Games (start) in 1901 in Sweden

Olympic sport facilities (be) in two places: the Olympic Park of Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana. A lot of volunteers (come) to Sochi and (work) during the Games. There (be) new hotels, business centers, concert halls and many other facilities

Практическая работа № 6.«Америка и американцы»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

1.Read the following text. What information is new for you? Exchange your opinions with a partner.


American culture is a mixture of domestic ideals and beliefs with traditions and customs imported via1 colonization and immigration from the British Isles. American culture also includes elements from Native Americans and other ethnic subcultures, especially the culture of African American slave descendants and different cultures from Latin America. Many American cultural elements, mostly popular culture, have spread across the globe through modern mass media. Who in the world has not heard of Coca Cola, McDonald’s, IBM, General Motors, Microsoft and Boeing? People all around the world watch American films, listen to American music and use borrowings from the American English.

The Americans are famous for their independence; they are always proud of their nationality and they always protect their civil rights and freedoms. The American character is impossible without freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of somebody’s own interests, freedom of religion, freedom of movement, etc.

American society is more informal than the British and, in some ways, there is less social distinction in it. Students do not stand up when a teacher enters the room. You do not always address a person by his title, such as “Major”, or “General”, or “Doctor”. It is better to do it when you meet him or her for the first time, and then allow the person to tell you how to call him or her.

The Americans use first names with each other, slap on the back, joke, and use more slang than the British people. You will often hear the word “Hi” (a form of greeting among friends) instead of the usual “Hello” and “Howdy” instead of “How do you do?” They call people who do not easily show these signs of friendship “snooty”2, or “snobbish”. They praise people who show such simple signs of friendship, especially to their own economic and social inferiors, as “regular guys”3 or as “truly democratic”. As a description of character, democratic generally means that a person of high social or economic status acts in such a way that his or her inferiors forget about their inferiority.

But, in spite of all the informality, Americans, even in the way they address each other, show some social distinction. For example, they use more formal language when they talk to superiors. While the informal “Hello” is an acceptable greeting from an employee to an employer, the employee should say “Hello, Mr Ferguson,” while the employer may reply “Hello, Jim.” Other forms of politeness are necessary in public places. Women may wear hats in church, in restaurants and other public places at any time of the day except for the evening. Men who wear hats usually take them off in elevators, churches, restaurants, private homes and business offices — in most situations when they wish to show respect.

In American families children do not live with their parents for a long time. College and university students try to move out of their parents’ home in order to be independent and self-confident. Americans are rather mobile and move from place to place depending on4 where they want to study or work. Adult children very rarely live with their parents. Family members often live in different parts of the country, but families usually get together for family holidays. Americans spend a lot of time driving their cars. In a large city you can get around5 with the help of public transport, but in small towns a car is not a luxury but a necessity. A car is necessary to get to work, to take children to school, to go shopping, etc. When teenagers are sixteen, they get a driving license as quickly as possible, because driving means freedom of movement.

Notes on the text

  1. via — посредством, с помощью.
  2. snooty — высокомерный, заносчивый.
  3. Regular guy —отличный парень, славный малый.
  4. Depending on —в зависимости от.
  5. get around — зд.: передвигаться.

Text and vocabulary exercises

2.Match the English words or phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.

  1. mass media
  2. slave descendants
  3. family member
  4. domestic
  5. belief
  6. borrowing
  7. social distinction
  8. in some ways
  9. slap on the back
  1. член семьи
  2. домашний, отечественный
  3. потомок рабов
  4. заимствование
  5. социальные различия
  6. мнение, вера, убеждение
  7. средства массовой информации
  8. хлопать по спине
  9. в некоторой степени

3. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

обычно, как правило                как можно скорее

приемлемый, допустимый        делать покупки

общественное место                общество

общественный транспорт        слегка, довольно, весьма

главным образом                роскошь

4. Find in the text the right word to complete the sentences.

American culture includes elements from Native Americans and other ethnic____.

The Americans are famous for their___.

American society is more informal than___, and there is less social

distinction in it.

The Americans use first names with____, slap on the back and joke.

Women may wear hats in church, in restaurants and other public places at any time of the day except for        .

College and university students move out of their parents’ home in order to be___and__.

Family members often live in different parts of the country, but families usually___for family holidays.

In small towns a car is not a luxury but a___.

5.Work in pairs and decide whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

  1. American culture is a mixture of domestic ideals and beliefs with traditions from the British Isles.
  2. Many American cultural elements, mostly popular culture, have spread all over the world through modern mass media.
  3. The Americans do not use slang in their speech.
  4. Americans never use formal language even when they talk to superiors.
  5. In American families children live with their parents for a long time.
  6. Americans spend a lot of time driving their cars.
  7. Driving means freedom of movement in small towns in America.

Практическая работа № 7. «Путешествие и деловое этикет»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

1.Read the following text to answer these questions.

  1. What opportunity does travelling offer?
  2. Why is travel etiquette important?
  3. What is the most important part of travelling?
  4. Are British and American rules of etiquette the same or different?
  5. Why is patience important in Britain?
  6. What phrases do you say to show good manners?
  7. When is it necessary to shake hands in Britain?
  8. Do the British like to answer personal questions?
  9. In America, do you kiss people when you meet them for the first time!
  10. What is very important at the first meeting in America?
  11. What is business etiquette?


Travelling offers the opportunity to explore different cultures and customs and to enjoy it. But there also can be some potential problems, so it is very important to follow travel etiquette because it will make your travelling nice and more comfortable. The most important part of travelling is your behaviour. Helpful, co-operative and well-mannered behaviour will make the trip enjoyable for you and people around. It is also always good to know some social rules and traditions of the country which you want to visit. In general, British and American rules of etiquette are much the same, differences are slight.

In Britain...

Stand in line. British people like to form queues (standing in line) and wait patiently for their turn, for example, boarding a bus. They take waiting in line incredibly seriously. The British value patience very much and will show disapproval of “queue jumpers”, people who try to cut in line. No matter how long the line is always go to the back and wait.

Say “Excuse me”, “Please” and “Thank you”. It is very good manners to say “excuse me”, “please”and “thank you”. British people take politeness very seriously. They will think you are rude if you do not follow these rules. You can never say “please”,“thank you” or “sorry” too often; you will notice that the British themselves say “thank you” a lot.

Pay as you go. Pay for drinks when you order them in pubs and other types of bars.

Shake hands. It is necessary to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time, both men and women. A common response to an introduction is “Pleased to meet you”.

Shake hands. It is necessary to shake hand when you meet someone for the first time, both men and women. A common response to an introduction is “Pleased to meet you”.

Say “Sorry”. If you accidentally bump into1 someone, say “Sorry”. They will probably say “Sorry” too, even if it was your fault!

Smile. A smiling face is a welcoming face.

Open doors for other people. Men and women both hold open the door for each other. It depends on who goes through the door first.

Do not greet people with a kiss. We only kiss people who are close friends and relatives.

Do not ask personal or intimate questions. The British like their privacy, so never ask questions such as “How much money do you earn?”, or “How much do you weigh?”, or “Why aren’t you married?” They consider even the common question “What do you do?” rude and too personal. One of the favourite topics which never fail is the weather.

In America...

Shake hands and do not greet people with a kiss. Americans shake hands with each other when they meet for the first time, but rarely when they say goodbye, it is a European custom. Kissing, as a greeting, is possible only between people who know each other well.

Keep distance and eye contact. When Americans talk to each other they slay at least half a metre away from each other, farther away2 than in many other countries. An American may feel threat if you come too close, even if such a distance is usual in your own country. Eye contact is very important at the first meeting. Americans like people who smile, especially when the smile is accompanied by eye contact.

Get to the point3. When you ask an American for something, do not use a lot of preliminary phrases which are usual in some other countries. “Excuse me” is usually enough to get the person’s attention, for example, when you ask for directions. Americans may become suspicious if a stranger begins with a general “Hello, how are you?” phrase and does not get to the point of the encounter directly.

Foreign languages. If you are with a group of mainly English-speaking people and the conversation is in English, it is not polite to speak in your own or another foreign language for more than a few sentences.

Taboo topics. Never use swear words, obscenities4, or ethnic vulgarisms in conversation, even if you hear that someone else uses this kind of language. This kind of language may be effective with some Americans, but can be very offensive to others. The use of obscenities is never a good idea. You may indeed hear it, but do not repeat it.

Business etiquette is a code of behaviour that makes your business communication successful. The business etiquette rules are quite similar to the basic do’s and don’ts in the UK and America. International marketing consultants advise to be punctual, respect personal space and keep a distance, remember to shake hands at the first meeting and not to forget to exchange business cards. It is also necessary to show respect for rank and remember that instructions are polite requests.

                                        Notes on the text

  1. bump into — столкнуться.
  2. farther away — дальше.
  3. Get to the point — говорить по существу.
  4. obscenities — непристойности.


Text and vocabulary exercises

  1. Match the English words or phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.
  1. explore
  2. enjoyable
  3. social rules
  4. incredibly
  5. show disapproval
  6. eye contact
  7. preliminary phrase
  8. encounter
  9. directly
  1. встреча
  2. выказывать неодобрение
  3. невероятно
  4. социальные нормы
  5. приятный
  6. исследовать, изучать
  7. прямо
  8. зрительный контакт
  9. вводная фраза

  1. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

потенциальные проблемы



придерживать дверь

этикет для путешествий

обидный, оскорбительный


что можно и чего нельзя


тот, кто хочет пройти без очереди

  1. Choose the right answer.

1. If you do not follow travel etiquette, you will have ....

a) no problems        b) real problems c) potential problems

2. When you travel it is always good to know some ....

a) social rules of your native country   b) social rules of the travelling

c) social rules of country where you go        

3. British people take waiting in line incredibly ....

a) seriously        b) easily        c) funny

4. A common response to an introduction is ....

a) “How do you b) “How are you?” c) “Pleased to meet do?”        you”

5. If you accidentally bump into someone, say ....

a) “Sorry”        b) “Excuse me” c) nothing

6. One of the favourite topics which never fail is ....

a) the economy         b) the weather        c) the sport

4.British and American Culture Quiz. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true or false.

In accordance with British business etiquette, when you meet people for the first time you shake hands.

It is polite to ask about an individual’s profession and salary during the lirst meeting in the UK.

In America people don’t keep distance.

It is common to arrive 10—20 minutes before the arranged time.

If you hear that someone uses swear words and vulgarisms in conversa- tion, you can repeat them too.

If you are with a group of mainly English-speaking people, it is not polite to speak in your own or another foreign language at all.

5. Travel and Business Etiquette in Russia. With a partner discuss which of the etiquette rules from Text can be applied in Russia, use the following plan.

Do’s and don’ts in personal conversation (introduction phrases, handshakes, distance, eye contact, safe topics).

Do’s and don’ts in public places (cafes, restaurants, theatres, cinemas).

Business etiquette.

A. Here are pairs of sentences. They mean the same, but one is formal and the other is informal. Divide them into formal and informal sentences.

Hello.                    How do you do?

Hi.                    Howdy?

How are you?                    Not too bad.

How’s it going?                    Very well, thank you.

Thank you very much.                    Yeah?

Thanks a lot.                    Oh, yes?

Have some coffee.                     I’d love to.

Would you like some coffee?        Let me introduce myself, my name is Peter.

I’m Kate.                                  Could you tell me what time it is? OK.

Практическая работа № 8. «Особенности проведения досуга в англоговорящих странах»

Цель:закрепить   лексические навыки по теме  и совершенствовать навыки самостоятельной работы.

1.Complete the table 1 using the information of read texts

 Table 1


 The British

The Americans

The Russians






independent, proud for their nationality, 

like freedom



How do you do?









gardening, going to pub, drinking tea 




 like to live in stone houses with fences and garden


like to live in cities or towns 




government officers, doctors, lawyers  



Children don’t live with their parents for a long time 



There are many differences in……………….. for me.

There are many similarities in……………….. for me.

It was interesting for me to find out ……………..

I like …………………………………………… 

Практическая работа № 9. «Контрольная работа «Особенности культуры англоговорящих стран»


- контролировать лексические и грамматические навыки по ранее изученным темам

Test 2

1. Lexical Controlling

1.Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:

  1. common sense
  2. to make efforts
  3. misconception
  4. conversation zone
  5. formal greeting
  6. do gardening
  7. belief
  8. social distinction
  1. стараться
  2. здравый смысл
  3. заниматься садоводством
  4. неправильное представление
  5. вера, мнение
  6. социальные различия
  7. официальное приветствие
  8. место для общения

2. English in Use Controlling

2.Fill in the blanks with the proper answer(s):

1. When you travel it is always good to know some social rules of … .

a) your  native country          b) the country where you go            c) travelling

2. Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for … of years.

a) millions         b) thousands            c) hundreds

3. The best-known thing about Britain is British…

a) character    b) Queen   c) sense of humor

4. In Britain it isn’t polite to arrive …

a) too late   b) a few minutes later   c) a few minutes earlier

5. The best-known thing about the USA  is American…

a) character    b) music   c) independence

6. Many American cultural elements have spread across the globe through the…

a) modern mass media    b)people        c)waves

7. A common response to an introduction is … .

a) “How do you do?”   b) “How are you?”    c) “Pleased to meet you?”

8. One of the favorite topics which never fail is … .

a) the economy         b) the weather            c) the sport

3. True or false. Correct the false statements.

1. In accordance with British business etiquette, when you meet people for the first time you shake hands.

2. If you hear that someone uses swear words and vulgarisms in conversation, you can repeat them too.

3. American culture is a mixture of domestic ideals and beliefs with traditions from the British Isles.

4. Americans spend a lot of time driving their car.

5. It is polite to ask about an individual’s profession and salary during first meeting in the UK.

6. In America people don’t keep distance.

7. It is common in Britain to arrive 10–20 minutes before the arranged time.

8. If you are with a group of mainly English-speaking people, it is not polite to speak in your own or another foreign language at all.

Reading Controlling

  1. Read the text and match the titles with the paragraphs.

One paragraph is unnecessary:

1. Unfriendly nation                

2. Different meaning of timekeeping

3.Loud interlocutors                

4.The main difference

5. Progressive bringing up      

6. Not any topic

7. Very logical  customs                  

8. A sign of respect

  1. The French like conversation. When you are speaking to French people, do not be surprised if they keep interrupting you and even raise their voices; it is quite  normal. French people shake hands much more than Americans or most Europeans; if you fail to shake hands, you may be considered rude. You shouldn’t sit down in the cafe until you’ve shaken hands with everyone you know. A woman in France will offer her hand first.                

B. I like how Americans raise their children. They raise them to be independent. It is part of American culture. Small children learn to do things on their own. They learn to take care of themselves, clean their rooms, help with the dishes and the laundry, spend time away from their parents in day-care or with a babysitter. Most teens try to find summer or after school jobs, so that they can have their own money.

  1. Russians have many superstitions which are often taken seriously. But they are fun. For example: meeting a woman with empty buckets — bad luck; a feeling of your face or ears burning means that someone is talking about you. Before leaving on a journey they sit down quietly for a few moments together. But this superstition is very reasonable. It helps to concentrate all one’s thoughts and attention and not to leave anything important at home, tickets, for example.
  2. Of course, punctuality is a necessary habit in the life of a civilized society. Without it, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion. But how do different nationalities understand it? If you have arranged a birthday party, what time should you expect your foreign guests to arrive? If they are German, they’ll be on time. If they are British, they’ll come 10 or 15 minutes late — this gives hosts time to finish their preparations. And you should allow up to an hour for the Italians.

E. In various parts of Germany, if you arrive at dinner table and you cannot shake everyone’s hands because you’ll have to stretch across the table, the Germany guest will tap his knuckles lightly on the table to signal his to everyone. This same gesture also applies to when the person leaves the table. Also, university students use this gesture in order to greet their professors in a classroom.

F. Don’t believe all the stories about how unfriendly the English are. In a train or cafe, anywhere really, they will talk to you, but you must ‘break the ice’ first. Then see them talk. Any subject will do — the weather, their dogs, the Common Market, food. But don’t be curious about their private life. Never ask them how much money they earn. This would be considered very rude unless you know the person very well. Don’t ask about their age and weight. Avoid religion, too. They also don’t like talking about politics.

G. I’ve been in England quite a long time now. What differences do I notice between Russia and England? Of course, the biggest difference is people. The average Englishman is rather reserved. He is friendly, but he doesn’t try to be friendly too soon. The land and climate in Britain don’t have any extremes. Neither do people.

Writing Controlling

  1. Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend, Mag.

… We are doing a project about holidays and traditions of different counties. I decided to find some facts about Russia. May be you can help me. What are the most important holidays in Russia? Can you tell me about the celebration of a typically Russian holiday? Have you got any family tradition connected with this holiday?

Практическая работа №10. «Получение профессионального образования в Великобритании»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

about— о, об; приблизительно

according to— в соответствии с, согласно, по

additional— дополнительный

to admit— допускать, принимать;

admission — прием (в учебное заведение)

Bachelor— бакалавр

Chemical engineering— химическое машиностроение

civil engineering— гражданское строительство

to complete— завершать, заканчивать

compulsory— обязательный

constantly— постоянно

to contain— содержать, включать

curriculum— курс обучения, учебный план

degree— степень

demand— требование

department— факультет

due to— благодаря, вследствие

field— поле, область, сфера

grade— степень

to graduate from— оканчиватьвысшее учебное заведение;

graduation— окончание высшего учебного заведения

graduation paper— дипломная работа

Higher education— высшее образование

humanities— гуманитарные науки

in addition— в добавление, к тому же

to last— длиться

Master— магистр

major— специальность

postgraduate— аспирант

practical training — производственная практика

to prepare— готовить(ся)

to qualify— обучать, давать квалификацию;

qualification — квалификация

to receive — получать

to require — требовать

science — наука;

natural sciences — естественные науки;

applied sciences — прикладные науки

to select — выбирать

to specialize — специализироваться;

specialization — специализация

subject — предмет

to take an examination — сдавать экзамен;

to pass an examination — сдать экзамен

technician — техник, специалист

term — семестр

throughout — повсюду, везде

to train— обучать, подготавливать

undergraduate— студент

way— способ, путь, дорога

2.Read the text and complete the following statements.

The text tells us about...

It specifies...

The text also mentions...


People throughout the world recognize and respect UK engineering education. A professional engineering qualification from the UK is a good foundation for the student’s future, his or her career and prospects for a high salary. Quality standards for UK institutions of higher education are among the best in the world. Universities, colleges and schools constantly prove that their courses meet strict criteria. Many other countries are now trying to follow the example of the UK.

The education system in the UK is different from that in many other countries. At the age of 16, British children take General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations1. Then they study A-Levels2 which last for two years and qualify them for entry to university. Students tend to specialize in these courses and often study for three or four A-Levels. Most British begin their higher education at the age of 18 at colleges or universities.

An undergraduate engineering course usually takes three years with extra subjects, but it takes longer (four years) if it includes a year in the industry for practical training or a year abroad. The universities offer a huge variety of undergraduate engineering courses, either in one of the major disciplines, such as civil, mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering, or in a specific branch of engineering, such as aerospace or automotive. The main subjects in the curriculum for any specialty are mathematics, engineering science3 and technology. In addition, many UK universities now have business skills in the curriculum. They are becoming an essential part of most jobs and include economics, management, communication and accountancy modules.

An undergraduate programme consists of a number of lectures, seminars, tutorialsand laboratory classes, in total about 15 hours per week. According to a particular programme students take a number of lecture courses which may last one academic term or the whole year. Along with each lecture course l here are seminars, tutorials, laboratory classes which illustrate the topics of the lectures. The academic year has three terms. Lectures and seminars take place in the first two terms which last for twenty four weeks in total. The third term is for laboratory classes and examinations and lasts for six weeks. Lectures are for large groups of students (from 20 to 200). Seminars and tutorials are much smaller than lecture classes and in some departments can be on a one-to-one5 basis — one member of staff and one student. Lectures, seminars and tutorials all last an hour, laboratory classes last two or three hours. In Britain they put much emphasis on the private study. Each student has a tutor whom he can consult on any academic or personal matter. The teaching encourages students to learn in the most effective way.

Students who receive good grades in their undergraduate degree (BEng — Bachelor of Engineering) may choose to take a Master’s degree, which takes minimum one more year. There is a number of graduate courses6, which enable the students to get an MBA (Master of Business Administration7), MSc (Master of Science8) or Doctorate in Engineering Management. Many university courses now involve study in continental Europe. The MEng (Master of Engineering) course at Bristol University, for example, has exchange partnerships with France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands. In the UK, work experience is now a valuable part of the learning process.

Students who receive good grades in their undergraduate degree (BEng — Bachelor of Engineering) may choose to take a Master’s degree, which takes minimum one more year. There is a number of graduate courses6, which enable the students to get an MBA (Master of Business Administration7), MSc (Master of Science8) or Doctorate in Engineering Management. Many university courses now involve study in continental Europe. The MEng (Master of Engineering) course at Bristol University, for example, has exchange partnerships with France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands. In the UK, work experience is now a valuable part of the learning process.

Notes on the text

1.General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) — экзаменнаполучениеаттестатаобобщемсреднемобразовании.

2.A Level (Advanced Level) — экзамен по программе средней школы второго уровня сложности.

3.engineering science — машиноведение.

4.tutorial — консультация.

5.one-to-one —индивидуальный.

6.graduate course — магистратура.

7.Master of Business Administration — магистр делового администрирования. 8.Master of Science — магистр естественных наук

Text and vocabulary exercises

3.Match the English words or phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.

1. engineering education        

2. high salary

3. meet strict criteria

4. entry to university

5. quality standards

6. a huge variety of

7. branch of engineering

8. business skills

9. undergraduate engineering


  1. стандарты качества
  2. инженерное образование
  3. поступление в университет
  4. высокая зарплата
  5. удовлетворять взыскательным требованиям
  6. деловые навыки
  7. огромное разнообразие
  8. отрасль машиностроения
  9. базовый университетский
  10. курс машиностроения

4.Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

профессиональная квалификация инженера;        


весь год;

основная часть;

в совокупности;

придавать большое значение;

опыт работы;

процесс обучения;

давать возможность

5. Choose the right answer.

1. Quality standards for UK institutions of higher education are among the best....

a) in Europe        b) in the West        c) in the world

2. British children take General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations ....

a) at the age of 18  b) at the age of 16  c) at the age of 14

3. An undergraduate engineering course usually takes ....

a) four year            b) three years             c) five years

4.According to their programme students take a number of lecture courses which last....

a)one academic term  b) the whole year c) one academic term        or the whole year

6.Decide whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

  1. People throughout the world recognize and respect UK engineering education.
  2. Many countries in the world are now trying to follow the example of the UK.
  3. Most British begin their higher education at the age of 18 at colleges or universities.
  4. The universities offer undergraduate engineering courses only in one of the major disciplines, such as civil, mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering.
  5. UK universities do not have business skills in the curriculum.
  6. The academic year in British universities has four terms.
  7. Students who receive good grades in their BEng degree may choose to take a Master’s degree.

7.Match a question in column A with an answer in B.



1. Is the timetable at school the same every day?

a) 16 and 18.

2. Do all children go to nursery school?

b) No, you do different things.

3. What age do you go to primary school?

c) You have to go between the ages of 11 and 16.

4. What age do you go to secondary school?

d) Three years.

5. Does everyone leave school at 16?

e) No, some people stay at school until they are 18.

6. What age do teenagers take public exams?

f) You can study a lot of different things: engineering, business, science and others.

7. How long does a degree course usually last?

g) You have to go between the ages of 5 and 11.

8. When do you do a postgraduate course?

h) After you’ve got your first graduate degree.

9. How many terms are there in the academic year?

i) Three: from September to December; from January to March and from April to July.

10. What subjects can you do at university?

j) No, only some go between the ages of 3 and 4.

8.Complete the sentences using the information from the table above.

1) The timetable at British school is ...

2) In Britain, nursery school education begins...

3) In Britain, primary school education is ...

4) British children ...  to secondary school...

5) Teenagers ... public exams...

6) A degree course usually lasts …. .

7)A postgraduate course begins  after  getting ...

8) The academic year has ...  

9) At university you can study...

Практическая работа № 11. «Получение профессионального образования в США»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

Pre-text exercises

1.“False friends”. There are many words in English that can mislead you when you translate them into Russian. For every wrong translation of a “false friend” find the correct English word and complete the following table. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

      “False friend”

Correct translation

Wrong translation

English word


















передача прав







A. Study the following information.

В английском языке существительные могут употребляться в качестве определения к другим существительным. И тогда два или более существительных стоят рядом. Например: laboratorywork, stateexam, bachelordegreeprogrammer, etc.

При переводе на русский язык следует помнить, что в таких атрибутивных комплексах существительное всегда стоит на последнем месте, а остальные выполняют роль определения к нему и могут переводиться следующим образом:

  • прилагательным, e.g.:

Laboratory work — лабораторная работа,

state exam — государственный экзамен;

  • существительным в родительном падеже, e.g.:

Education system — система образования,

world universities — университеты мира;

  • существительным с предлогом, e.g.:

Bachelor degree programme — программа обучения на степень бакалавра.

В.These attributive complexes are taken from Text. Read and translate them.

US university course, admission process, physics and mathematics courses, graduate school, undergraduate degree, exam results, education courses, laboratory practice, postgraduate studies, undergraduate grade, work environment.

2. Read the following text and choose the correct subtitle (a—f) for each paragraph (I—VI).

  1. Qualification in Community Colleges;
  2. Rules of Admission;
  3. Technical Training Schools;
  4. Engineers in Science;
  5. Engineering University Course;
  6. Postgraduate Programmes.


I. Engineering is quickly becoming one of the largest professions in the US. Traditionally the academic fields of study are chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, and mechanical engineering. There are a lot of technical training schools; community colleges1 ; colleges that offer four year Bachelor degree programs; universities which contain one or more colleges and graduate schools that offer Master‘s or Doctoral Degree programmes in the USA.

II. In the United States students usually begin higher education after 12 years of primary and secondary school. University course usually consists of four years of study at an institution of higher learning. US university courses and programmes differ greatly from one another in any discipline. However, the admission process for undergraduate degrees in engineering is similar to other programmes of study in the US. Most US colleges and universities SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)2 exam results, a personal statement and letters of recommendation.

III. Community Colleges in the US offer technical Engineering Degrees which include an Associate of Science (A.S.)3 and Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)4. Students with an Associate‘s Degree have qualification to work as a technician or can continue to study to earn a Bachelor‘s degree.

IV. Similar to other 4-year undergraduate degrees in the US, engineering students usually complete a number of general education courses before they choose a specific major. During the first two years they follow a basic program which includes humanities, literature, science (biology, chemistry and physics) and mathematics courses. Every student selects at least one course from each of the basic fields of study: English (4 years), science, modern languages, history or physical education (at least one year). During the first two years students also need to fulfill the introductory courses in the subject of their interest. In the final two years students choose from courses that relate to their specific major — engineering science. Most undergraduate programmers combine mathematical and scientific theory with laboratory practice in order to prepare students for postgraduate studies or future work. At the end of each year students have a final written examination. Like high school, the four undergraduate grades are commonly called freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years (alternatively called first year, second year, etc.).

V. After four years of study the students receive a Bachelor‘s degree (either BEng or BSc). With an additional year of study students may get a Master‘s degree.

VI.  In order to get admission to postgraduate engineering programmes in the US, applicants must have an undergraduate degree in engineering. Postgraduate Engineering Students earn a Master‘s of Science (MS) or a Master‘s of Engineering (MEng) degree. Most postgraduate engineering programmes develop the skills necessary in a competitive work environment. Many engineering schools offer a curriculum with a focus on using technology, working in teams and taking courses in other disciplines.

VII. The two highest degrees an engineer can earn are a Doctor of Science (DSc) or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). In order to get a position as a researcher or a teacher, most engineers will need to earn a Doctorate degree. A Doctorate degree usually takes a minimum of seven years of undergraduate and postgraduate study and writing of the dissertation.

Notes on the text

1.community college — местный (общинный) колледж (двухгодичный колледж, готовящий специалистов средней квалификации для работы на территории местного сообщества).

2.SAT (ScholasticAssessmentTest) — стандартизованный тест, проводимый централизованно.

3.Associate of Science — выпускник колледжа по специальности естественных наук.

4.Associate of Applied Science — выпускник колледжа по специальности прикладных наук.

Text and vocabulary exercises

3.Match the English phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.

1.fields of study

2.        chemical engineering

3.        civil engineering

4.        electrical engineering

5.        industrial engineering

6.        mechanical engineering

7.technical training school

8.        primary school

9.        secondary school

  1. химическое машиностроение
  2. начальная школа
  3. области изучения
  4. гражданское строительство
  5. машиностроение
  6. организация производства
  7. средняя школа
  8. техническое училище
  9. электротехника

4. Find in the text the right word to complete the sentences.

Engineering is quickly becoming one of the ______ professions in the United States.

In the United States students usually begin higher education after____years of primary and secondary school.

US university courses and programmes ____ greatly from one another in any discipline.

Engineering students usually complete a number of _____education courses before choosing a specific major.

During the first        years students need to fulfil the introductory courses in the subject of their interest.

After four years of study the students receive a ____        degree.

Many engineering schools offer a curriculum with a focus on         _____and__        .

The two highest degrees an engineer can earn are a Doctor of Science and____.

5.Decide whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

  1. In the USA a university course usually consists of five years of study.
  2. The US university programmes differ greatly from one another, however, admission process is similar.
  3. Students with an Associate’s degree have qualification to work as a technician or can continue to study to earn a Bachelor’s degree.
  4. Every student selects at least two courses from each of the basic fields of study during the first two years.
  5. Most programmes combine scientific theory with laboratory practice i n order to prepare students for postgraduate studies or future work.
  6. In order to get admission to postgraduate engineering programmes in the US, applicants must have an undergraduate degree in engineering.
  7. A Doctorate degree takes about seven years of undergraduate and postgraduate study and writing of the dissertation.

Практическая работа № 12. «Получение профессионального  образования в РФ»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

Pre-text exercises

1.Collocations. Match a verb with a noun or a phrase. Translate them.

1) make        a) development

2)influence        b) production

3)facilitate                                  c)contribution

4)train                                d) bachelor’s degree

5)write                                e) a graduation paper

6)get                                           f) studies                                                

7)continue                                   g) engineers

2.Read the following text to answer these questions.

  1. When did the first engineering school appear in Russia?
  2. How many state technical universities are there nowadays?
  3. When do the Russians begin to study at university?
  4. How many years did university programmes last traditionally?
  5. Why did the situation change?
  6. What system of education are universities implementing now?
  7. Which disciplines do the university programmes include?
  8. What do students do to get a Bachelor’s degree?
  9. How long does it take to get a Master's degree"!
  10. Are there postgraduate studies at technical universities in Russia?



Russian engineering schools are a unique national tradition; they significantly influence the development of science and technology, make contributions to the industrial process improvement and facilitate industrial production. The engineering education in Russia began with the foundation of the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow according to Tsar Peter the Great’s Decree dated 27 January 1701. Soon after the Navigational School, other schools appeared: the Artillery-Engineering School (1701), the Moscow Engineering School (1703) and St Petersburg Engineering School (1713). In 1733, the Mining College appeared in St Petersburg. It was equal in status to academies. In 1828, the first institute — St Petersburg Practical Technological Institute appeared.

Nowadays there are 275 state technical universities in Russia. They train engineers in different fields of engineering and technology, natural sciences and social economics. The quality of Russian teaching in natural sciences and technology is higher than in many western countries. Most Russians begin to study at the university after the compulsory education (a secondary school, a lyceum or gymnasium) at the age of 17. Admission to the university is according to the Unified State Exam results. Competition for places in universities and other prestigious academic institutions is rather stiff.

Traditionally the basic university programme lasted five years and at the end students received a university degree. For five years at the end of each vear students had oral examinations. They also wrote a graduation paper for university degree. At present due to the fact that Russia has signed Bologna Declaration, the system of higher technical education in Russia began to change according to the demands of the international educational organizations. Universities are now implementing a system similar to that of Britain and the USA: 4 years for a Bachelor’s degree and 2 more years for a Master’s degree. The Bachelor’s degree programmes last for at least 4 years of full-time university level study.

The undergraduate programmes correspond to the State Educational Standards which regulate almost 80% of their content. The university itself elaborates other 20%. The programmes include professional and special courses in Science, the Humanities and Socio-economic disciplines, professional training, completion of a research paper or project and State final exams. To get the Bachelor’s degree students defend a Diploma project under the guidance of a supervisor and pass the final exams.

Students with the Bachelor’s degree may enter the Master’s programme (two more years). After graduation from the university students may continue postgraduate studies. It usually takes 3 or 4 more years and writing the dissertation to get the Candidate of Science degree (equivalent to the Ph. D. degree in the American and British systems) and 3 more years and defending the doctoral thesis to get the Doctor of Science degree (no equivalent in the American and British education systems).

Text and vocabulary exercises

3.Match the English words or phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.

1. in accordance with

2. sign

3. elaborate

4. industrial process improvement

5. academic institution

6. doctoral thesis

7. full-time university-level study

8. under the guidance

9. research paper

  1. докторская диссертация
  2. разрабатывать
  3. технологический прогресс
  4. подписывать
  5. под руководством
  6. научное учреждение
  7. в соответствии с
  8. научная работа
  9. очное университетское обучение

4.Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

-национальная традиция                -основание

-промышленное производство     -прием в университет

-обязательное образование          - ЕГЭ

-окончание университета            - государственный выпускной экзамен

5.Choose the right answer.

  1. Russian engineering schools are a unique national....

a) heritage        b) system        c) tradition

  1. The engineering education in Russia began with the foundation of....

a) the School of  Mathematical and Navigational        Sciences        

b) the Moscow Engineering  School

c) St Petersburg Engineering School  

  1. The first institute —        St Petersburg Practical Technological Institute appeared....

a) in 1733        b) in 1701        c) in 1828

  1. The quality of Russian teaching in natural sciences and technology is higher than in ....

a) many eastern b) many western c) many countries countries        countries

  1. Admission to the university is according to the results of....
  1. the preliminary b) the Unified State Exam  c) state final exams exams        
  1. Competition for places in universities and other prestigious academic institutions is rather....

a) low        b) stiff        c) high

Практическая работа № 13. «Наречия и обстоятельства  видовременной формы Continuous»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  • строить предложения в Continuous (Progressive) Tense, отличать подобные предложения по ключевым словам, строить утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с разными типами глаголов.

Теоретический материал

Образование и употребление PresentContinuous (Progressive) в действительном залоге (ActiveVoice)

Времена группы Continuous обозначают длительное действие, которое происходит, происходило или будет происходить в точно указанный момент или период в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем (now, at 5 o’clockyesterday, tomorrow, whenIcame/come).


What are you doing now?             Что ты сейчас делаешь?

When you came I was sleeping.        Я спал, когда ты пришел.

Особенностью времен группы Continuous является то, что они выражают незаконченное действие, и, следовательно, переводятся глаголом несовершенного вида.

В Continuous не употребляются глаголы, выражающие чувства, восприятиеижелание: to want, to like, to love, to wish, to see, to hear, to feel, to notice, to know, to understand, to remember, to recognize, to forget, to seem, to be, etc.Как правило, они стоят в одном из времен группы Simple.

Спряжение глагола to work в PresentContinuous (действие в процессе, совершается в тот момент, когда о нем говорят)




I am working

I am not working

I’m not working

Am I working?

He is working

He is not working

He isn’t working

Is he working?

She is working

She is not working

She isn’t working

Is she working?

It is working

It is not working

It isn’t working

Is it working?

We are working

We are not working

We aren’t working

Are we working?

You are working

You are not working

You aren’t working

Are you working?

They are working

They are not working

They aren’t working

Are they working?

Наречия и обстоятельства, часто употребляемые с PresentContinuous:


        At the moment

        At this time

         Right now


come —» coming        run -» running            sit  -» sitting              

 lie  -»  lying             die -» dying

1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form.

Please be quiet. I__________(work).

Take the umbrella. It________outside (rain).

My parents______________        at their friends’ now (stay).

Where are you? — I______        dinner in the kitchen (cook).

You can turn the TV off. I________        it (not watch).

Hurry up! The bus______        (come).

The climate on the Earth_______        (change).

It is summer now. The days        longer and the nights        shorter (get).

Look! Kate_____        across the river (swim).

10. At present European countries______        more foreign students from all over the world (receive).

2. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form (Present Simple /Present Continuous).

Model: I (do) English now, though I (speak) it fluently yet.

I am doing English now, though I don’t speak it fluently yet.

  1. I (live) in Rostov, though I (stay) in Moscow at the moment.
  2. Ann generally (take) the bus to work but today she (drive) a car.
  3. We usually (have) dinner at home, but today we (have) it in the restaurant.
  4. I (stay) with my parents at the moment, though I (have) my own flat.
  5. They usually (not work) at the weekend, but they (work) this Sunday.
  6. He usually (drink) coffee but today he (drink) tea.
  7. I usually (work) at night, though I (have) a rest tonight.
  8. Look! It (rain), we cannot play tennis.
  9. He sometimes (read) on a bus, but today he is (speak) to his friend.
  10. What you (do) there? — I (try) to find my pen.

3. Translate the text (Present Simple/ PresentContinuous).

Сейчас начало семестра и студенческая жизнь начинается! Первокурсники знакомятся со своими одногруппниками (groupmates), преподавателями и новыми дисциплинами. Они узнают много нового и интересного о своем университете и будущей профессии. На первом курсе студенты изучают общеобразовательные дисциплины и вводные курсы по своей специальности. Они начинают заниматься научно-исследовательской работой. Однако университет предлагает много возможностей не только для обучения и научной работы, но и творческого развития. Студенты, которые любят петь, танцевать и шутить, принимают участие (takepartin) в студенческих фестивалях и праздниках.

Present Simple и Present Continuous для будущего времени

Present Simple и Present Continuous используются для выражения
действий в будущем.


We are leaving for Moscow tomorrow.-Завтра мы уезжаем в Москву

I am meeting my friends tonight.- Я встречаюсь с друзьями сегодня вечером.

PresentSimpleупотребляется для выражения действий, происходящих в будущем по расписанию, распорядку.


The concert starts at 8 o’clock.                Концерт начинается в 8 часов.

What time does the train leave?                Когда отходит поезд?

The train leaves at 4.15.                        Поезд отходит в 4.15.

Практическая работа № 14. «Наречия и обстоятельства видовременной формы Perfect»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  • строить предложения в Perfect Tense, отличать подобные предложения по ключевым словам, строить утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с разными типами глаголов.

Времена группы Perfect употребляются для выражения действий, свершившихся к определенному моменту в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем. Точный момент совершения действий не упоминается.


We have already passed the exam.

Мы уже сдали экзамен.

We had passed the exam before you came.

Мы сдали экзамен до того, как ты пришел.

We shall have passed the exam by 10 o’clock tomorrow.

Завтра к 10 часам мы уже сдадим экзамен.

Спряжение глагола to write в Present Perfect




I have written

I have not (haven’t) written

Have I written?

He has written

He has not (hasn’t) written

Has he written?

She has written

She has not (hasn’t) written

Has she written?

It has written

It has not (hasn’t) written

Has it written?

We have written

We have not (haven’t) written

Have we written?

You have written

You have not (haven’t) written

Have you written?

They have written

They have not (haven’t) written

Have they written?

Наречия и обстоятельства, часто употребляемые с PresentPerfect:

already, yet, just, never, ever, recently, today, this week / month, etc.


I have bought a book today / this week / this month.                

We have just come.                                                >Present Perfect

How long have you worked there? For 5 years.

I bought a book yesterday / last week / last month.                > Past  Indeifinite

We came a minute ago

Present Perfect употребляется, когда точный момент действия неизвестен или неважен, в то время как Past Indefinite всегда обозначает действие-факт, произошедшее в определенный момент.

1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form (Present Perfect).

  1. Where_____you        (be)? — I_______(be) to the doctor.
  2.         ____you____(see) my glasses anywhere? — Yes, they were on the table.
  3. He        _____        just______(go out).
  4. I        _______(lose) my passport. I cannot find it anywhere.
  5. We______        (buy) a new sofa. Come and look at it.
  6. The film_____just____(begin). You are a little late.
  7.         ____you ever_____(ride) a bicycle?
  8. Many people_______never_______(fly) a plane.
  9. How long____you____(know) Mr Smith? — I____(know) him for 10 years.
  10. It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow and I___(not buy) her a present yet.

2.Translate the text into English using forms of  Present Perfect, Present Simple, Present Continuous.

Российские ученые сделали величайшие открытия в истории науки. Они изобрели периодическую таблицу химических элементов, лазер, самолет, вертолет, радиоприемник, телевизор, электродвигатель, персональный компьютер и т.д. Мы первыми запустили искусственный спутник (tolaunchasatellite) Земли, совершили первый полет в космос. Российская наука продолжает развиваться. И сегодня наши ученые делают много для того, чтобы люди жили комфортно. В настоящий момент очень актуальна тема энергетической эффективности. Ученые стараются использовать энергию солнца, ветра, океанов. Академик (academician) Российской академии естественных наук Виктор Петрик изобрел особую технологию изготовления оконного стекла. Стекло является не только окном, но и перерабатывает озон (ozone) в электрическую энергию.

                        Спряжение глагола to write в Past Perfect




Ihad / I’d written

I had not / hadn’t written

Had I written?

Hele had / he’d written

He had not / hadn’t written

Had he written?

She had / she’d written

She had not / hadn’t written

Had she written?

It had /it’d written

It had not / hadn’t written

Had it written?

We had /we’d written

We had not / hadn’t written

Had we written?

You had / you’d written

You had not / hadn’t written

Had you written?

They had / they’d written

They had not / hadn’t written

Had they written?

PastPerfectупотребляется для обозначения действия или события, которое завершилось до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент может быть выражен:

а)        с помощью указания на какое-то другое, более позднее по отношению к данному действие.


Не bought a new car as he had
broken his old one

Bill waited outside for his friend
wondering where he had gone.

Он купил новую машину, так как разбил старую.

Билл ждал своего друга на улице, недоумевая, куда тот ушел.

б)        с помощью таких выражений времени, какby six o’clock, by Sunday, by the end of the year

I had done the homework by 5 o’clock.

Не had already left by that time.

Я cделал домашнюю работу к 5 часам.

К этому времени он уже ушел

Наречия и обстоятельства часто употребляемые с PastPerfect:

Just, already, yet, before that time, by 6 o’clock (к 6 часам)

3. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form (Past Simple/ Past Perfect).

  1. When the police (arrive), the car (go).
  2. When I (get) to the shop, it (close).
  3. They (eat) everything by the time I (arrive) at the party.
  4. Nobody (come) to the meeting because Ann (forget) to tell people about it.
  5. I (try) to telephone her several times, but she (leave) the city.
  6. She (not find) the book I (lend) her.
  7. He (wonder) why I (not visit) him.
  8. I (be) hungry because I just (have) lunch.
  9. I (not recognize) our teacher. She (change) a lot.
  10. He (not know) the woman. He never (see) her before.

Спряжение глагола to write в Future Perfect




I will have written

I  will not / won’t I’ll not have written

Will I have written?

He will / he’ll have written

He will not / won’t / he’ll not have written

Will he have written?

She will / she’ll have written

She will not (won’t) / she’ll not have written

Will she have written?

It will / it’ll have written

It will not / won’t / it’ll not have written

Will it have written?

We will / we’ll have written

We will not n

Will we have written?

You will /you’ll have written

You will not (won’t) / we’ll not have written / you’ll not have written

Will you have written?

They will / they’ll have written

They will not (won’t) / they’ll not have written

Will they have written?

Future Perfectиспользуется при описании действия, которое будет
и вершено к определенному моменту времени в будущем.

Наречия и обстоятельства, часто употребляемые с FuturePerfect

By the time — к тому времени

By 5 o’clock tomorrow — к 5 часам завтра

4. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form (Future Perfect).

  1. By half past seven we (have) supper.
  2. I (learn) English by the end of the year.
  3. He (finish) his work before you leave.
  4. When we see you next week we (buy) a new car.
  5. By this time next week you (pass) all your exams.
  6. Before I see you again I (visit) to Paris.
  7. I hope I (not forget) all about the Future Perfect tense by the next lesson.
  8. By the end of this year we (graduate) from the university.
  9. I (find out) the information when you phone me next time.
  10. I (read) the book up to the end by tomorrow.

5.Translate the text into English using forms of  Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Present Perfect.

История человечества много раз показывала нам, что ученые и инженеры сделали свои открытия случайно (accidentally). Гениальные идеи посещали (cometo) их не во время того, как они размышляли над проблемой, а во время отдыха или сна. Менделеев увидел свою таблицу, когда спал. Ньютон (Newton) открыл закон всемирного тяготения (lawofuniversalgravitation), когда сидел под деревом и яблоко упало ему на голову. Архимед открыл свой закон (Archimedes’ principle), когда принимал ванну. Хьюберт Пут (HubertBooth) изобрел пылесос (vacuumcleaner), когда обеспечил в ресторане. Александр Белл изобрел телефон, когда проводил эксперимент и случайно пролил кислоту (spillacid). Конечно, до этого все они очень много работали, размышляли, читали и экспериментировали.

Практическая работа № 15. «Формы итоговой аттестации в образовательных учреждениях профобразования»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. Read the text and complete the following statements.
  1. The article deals with the problem of ...
  2. At the beginning of the article the author describes...
  3. Further on the author passes on to...
  4. To finish with the author describes ...
  5. In conclusion the author tells...

Give your advantages («+») and disadvantages («-»)  of the E.G.E.

Unified State Exam

In 2009, the E.G.E., or Unified State Exam (the Russian version of American SAT), in Russian language and math became mandatory for high school graduation and college entrance. Students who are planning to enter college choose a their planned major.

President Dmitri A. Medvedev is a strong supporter of  the test as part of his modernization plan and an effort to fight fraud and bribed. He said in a television interview in August 2009 that the E.G.E. is “a) directed against corruption; b) it makes the testing process much more transparent” . Mr Medvedev and other officials, including Sergei B. Ivanov, the first deputy Prime Minister, also praised the test as a “social lift” that gives students from the provinces a fair chance to enter prestigious universities.

But there are opponents to the experiment. Sergei Mironov, chairman of the Federation Council, Russia’s upper chamber of Parliament, said last month that the E.G.E. “experiment is playing a negative role” and that Interior Ministry statistics showed that corruption in education doubled in 2009.

Academics and parents say that they see an overall drop in education standards, embodied by the E.G.E.’s multiple-choice tests, which are the polar opposite of the oral exams and essays that were the basis of the Soviet testing system.

“We see that students can do brilliantly on the E.G.E., but they come here and don’t know a lot,” said Yevgenia Petrova, who has taught at Saratov State University for nearly 50 years.

At State Educational Institution Educational Centre No. 109, students are preparing for the E.G.E. and they are not at all opposed to it. “The idea is not bad,” said Maria Zamyatina. “It just needs improvements”.

(adapted from the International Herald Tribune)

Практическая работа № 16. «Контрольная работа «Получение профессионального образования в разных странах»


- контролировать лексические и грамматические навыки по ранее изученным темам

The criteria of your mark









1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:

  1. practical training
  2. to pass an exam
  3. quality standards
  4. business skills
  5. fields of study
  6. technical training school
  7. under the guidance
  8. research paper
  9. industrial process improvements
  10.  meet strict criteria

  1. удовлетворять взыскательным требованиям
  2. под руководством
  3. область изучения
  4. образовательные стандарты
  5. деловые навыки
  6. исследовательская работа
  7. технологический прогресс
  8. техническое училище
  9. сдать экзамен
  10. производственная практика


2. Fill in the blanks with the proper answer(s):

1. Quality standards for UK institutions of higher education are among the best… .

a) in Europe       b) in the West        c) in the world

2. British children take General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations …

a) at the age of 18        b) at the age of 16      c) at the age of 14

3. Russian engineering schools are a unique national … .

a) heritage                    b) system                    c) tradition

4. The quality of Russian teaching in natural sciences and technology is higher than in many … countries.

a) easternb) westernc) northern   d)southern  

5. Admission to the university is according to the results of … .

a) the preliminary exams    b) the United State Exam    c) state final exams

6. Competition for places in universities and other prestigious academic institutions is rather… .

a) low      b) stiff       c) high


3. True or false. Correct the false statements.

1. Many countries in the world are now trying to follow the example of the UK.

2. The British universities offer undergraduate engineering courses only in one of the major disciplines, such as civil, mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering.

3. In the USA a university course usually consists of five years of study.

4. Most US programs combine scientific theory with laboratory practice in order to prepare students for postgraduate studies or future work.

5. In Russia there are 375 high engineering schools that provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in all branches of modern engineering.

6. In the American and British educational systems there is no equivalent for Doctor of Science degree.

7. Educational system in Russia is similar to the British and American ones.


4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition (in,at,to) where it is necessary:

  1. My brother is studying computer technology __ Surgut Polytechnical College.
  2. Were you __college yesterday?
  3. When are you coming___ home?
  4. How many pages are there__ your research paper?
  5. Would you like to study __another country?


5.Open the brackets using a verb in the correct form (past simple- past continuous, present simple-present continuous, future simple-future continuous)

1) The wind… .(blow) when we… (be) in the open sea.
2) She…(watch) the children play now.
3) They…(leave) at once  when we…(arrive) tomorrow.
4) I…( rain) all the evening yesterday.
5) When I…(enter) the classroom, everybody…(sit) at the desks.


6.Read the text and match the titles with the paragraphs:

1. Absolute honesty

2. The cost of education

3.Just choosing

4.Informal teaching

5. Another application

6. Optional teaching

7.Needed move

8. Uncertain parents

  1. At the beginning of your last year at school you receive an application form . On this form you choose up to five universities that you would like to go to. The form is sent to those universities with information from your school about you and your academic results. If the universities are interested in your application, they will ask you to attend an interview and will offer you a place. Any offer, however, is only conditional at this stage.
  2. А-level examinations are the exams taken at the end of your time at school. So, when a university makes an offer, it will tell you the minimum grades that you must get on your а-level exam. If you don’t get those grades, then you will not be accepted and you will have to apply again to another university.
  3. Like all British universities, Oxford is a state university not a private one. Students are selected on the basis of their results in the national examination or the special Oxford entrance examination. There are many applicants and nobody can get a place by paying. Successful candidates are admitted to a special college of the university: that will be their home for the next three years and for a longer period if they would like to go on studying for a postgraduate degree.
  4. An undergraduate will spend an hour a week with his or her ‘tutor’; perhaps in the company of one other student. Each of them will have written an essay for the tutor, which serves as the basis for discussion, arguments, the exposition of ideas and academic methods. At the end of the hour the students go away with a new essay and a list of books that might be helpful in preparing for the essay.
  5. Lectures and seminars are other kinds of teaching; popular lecturers can attract audience from several faculties, while others may find themselves speaking to two or three loyal students or maybe to no-one at all. In practice, most students at Oxford are enthusiastic about academic life and many of them work for days on each essay, sometimes sitting up through the night with a wet towel round their heads.
  6. Most 18 and 19 year-olds in Britain are rather independent people, and when the time comes to pick a college, choose one as far away from home as possible. So, many students in northern and Scottish universities come from England and vice versa. It’s very unusual for students to live at home. Although parents may be a little sad to see this happen, they usually have to approve of this step and see it as a necessary part of becoming an adult.
  7. Students all over the world have to work for their education. A college education in the USA is expensive. The costs are so high that most families begin to save for their children’s education when their children are the babies. Even so, many young people cannot afford to pay the expenses of full-time college work. They do not have enough money to pay for school costs. Tuition for attending the university, books for classes, and dormitory costs are high. There are other expenses such as chemistry and biology laboratories fees and special student activity fees.


7.Writea letter to your English-speaking friend, Martinand answer his 3 questions. Write 70–100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

… I study hard, but the moment I enter the exam room, I’m so nervous that I don’t seem to remember anything. Of course, I often show bad results or even fail.

Do you feel nervous and forget things when you are in the exam room? What do you do to feel self-confident? How do you get ready for exams to memorize things better? …

Total: 5

Практическая работа  № 17. «Профессия инженера в современном мире»


-формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме

1.Read the following text. What information is new for you? Exchange your opinions with a partner.

There are many reasons why young people all over the world are increasingly choosing engineering as a career. Engineering by its nature is a creative profession, and if you like to question, analyze, invent, discover and create,then engineering profession is ideal for you. Engineering will offer you intellectual and technical challenges and allow you to test your analytical and creative skills every day.

Engineers help sustain our country in the international competition, maintain our standard of living, ensure a strong national security and protect public safety. Engineers also make a tremendous contribution to society through enhancement and protection of the environment. The ideas that engineers develop and the wealth that they generate solve global problems. Engineers have a high level of responsibility and autonomy within their area of work. As a member of such a respected profession, you will receive a high amount of prestige.

Engineers are always leaders in technical innovation. They are developing such innovative engineering fields as biomedicine and robotics.

There is a tremendous opportunity for engineers to collaborate with many other professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, geologists, scientists, meteorologists, and government officers.

The professional engineers are always in demand. Besides, there is an opportunity for quick advancement to the top jobs for those who have abilities, ambition and wish to succeed. Qualified engineers with management abilities can be quickly promoted to top management with correspondingly high salaries. 24% of top executives in Europe hold a degree in science, engineering or technology.

Engineering is an international activity, and professional engineers often have the opportunity to travel abroad.

The imagination, skills and experience of engineers have had more influence on the development of the world than any other profession. Engineering has never mattered more than nowadays. What engineers know and can do are critical resources for the sustainability of the world. Engineering students must prepare to master their profession and to excel it.

First and foremost condition for a future engineer is a good engineering education. In Russia there are a lot of engineering high schools that provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in all branches of modern engineering. A degree in engineering takes four to five years. Future engineers should study mathematics and physics. As engineers express ideas graphically and may need to visualize products or processes in three dimensions, they should also pay attention to graphics, drafting or design courses. A good way to develop interests in engineering is to join extracurricular activities like Science Olympiads or Business Games that focus on science, technology and communication. Such competitions exercise the brain, develop ability to think logically and to solve problems. These skills are valuable not only for work but throughout the whole life.

Text and vocabulary exercises

2. Match the English phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right

1. by nature

а) уважаемая профессия

2. standard of living

b) высшие руководящие должности

3. enhancement

с) обращать внимание на

4. respected profession

d) продвижение

5. advancement

е) по природе

6. top jobs

f) стандарт жизни

7. qualified engineer

g) способности к руководству

8. management abilities

h) высокие посты

9. top management

i) улучшение

10. pay attention to

j) квалифицированный инженер

3. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

национальная безопасность

на протяжении всей жизни

общественная безопасность

ездить за границу


первое и самое главное

отчетливо представлять

выражать идеи графически

4.Find in the text the right word to complete the sentences.

1.There are many reasons why young people all over the world are increasingly choosing engineering as a_______

2. Engineering by its nature is a creative profession, and if you like to____ analyze,___, ___and create, then engineering profession is ideal for you.

3.Engineering will offer you intellectual and technical___.

4.Engineers make a tremendous contribution to society___enhancement and protection of the environment.

5.Engineers have a high level of____and____within their area of work.

6.Engineers are always leaders in___

7.There is a tremendous opportunity for engineers to__with many other professionals.

8.The professional engineers are always____.

9.Qualified engineers with management abilities can be quickly promoted to ___.

10.Professional engineers often have the opportunity to___.

5. Decide whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

  1. Engineers help sustain our country in the international competition, maintain our standard of living, ensure a strong national security and protect public safety
  2. The ideas that engineers develop and the wealth that they generate solve local problems.
  3. 54% of top executives in Europe hold degree in science, engineering or technology
  4. The imagination, skills and experience of engineers have had more influence on the development of the world than any other profession.
  5. What engineers know and can do are critical resources for the sustainability of the world.
  6. Engineering students must prepare to master their profession and to excel it.
  7. In Russia there are a few high engineering schools that provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in all branches of modern engineering.
  8. A degree in engineering takes three to six years

  1. A. These verbs with prepositions are from the text.

Match each verb with a preposition.

1 wake        a) with

2 combine        b) in

3 specialize        c) up

4 carry        d) to

5 listen           e) with

6 deal           f) after

7 name           g) out

B. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Translate the sentences.

  1. My brother is an engineer. He specializes___electrical engineering.
  2. At the laboratory class we carried___an interesting experiment.
  3. Our teacher always combines theoretical explanation___practice.
  4. We listened___his report with great attention.
  5. This research deals____the problem of renewable energy.
  6. The Moscow State University was named___M.V. Lomonosov.
  7. I woke___early in the morning.

Практическая работа № 18. «Кто такой инженер»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. Jobs. Match jobs from column A with activities from column B. Translate the sentences.



1. A doctor

a) helps people in court.

2. A lawyer

b) conducts scientific research.

3. An accountant

c) forecasts the weather.

4. A geologist

d) maintains business accounts.

5. A scientist

e) works in the sphere of geological engineering.

6. A meteorologist

f) works for local or state government.

7.A government officer

g) treats people.

2. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

Aerospace engineering-  авиационно-космическая техника

be in demand — иметь спрос, быть популярным

brain— мозг

branch — отрасль, нововведение;

broad — широкий, обширный syn.wide

graphics — проектирование

increasingly — все больше и больше, в большей степени

innovative- инновационный

to master — овладевать, усваивать

competent— компетентный

competition— соревнование, конкуренция

to cover— охватывать, покрывать

despite— несмотря на

drafting— черчение

electrical engineering— электротехника

to excel— совершенствовать, доводить до совершенства

executive— управленец;

top executive— высшее руководство

extra curricular— необязательный, факультативный

materials engineering— материаловедение, проработка материальных потоков

mechanical engineering — машиностроение

nuclear engineering — ядерная технология

prototype— опытный образец

relevant— значимый; существенный; важный

suitable — годный, подходящий

surely — конечно, непременно; syn.certainly, of course

3. Read and translate the text


Engineering applies scientific and mathematical principles, experience, judgement and common sense to make things that serve people. Engineers design bridges and important medical equipment as well as methods that minimize toxic effects of modern production process and public transportation systems. Engineering produces a technical product or system to meet a specific or urgent need.

Engineering influences modern life and today you surely have already used one or more engineering achievements. Perhaps you woke up to a DAB1 clock radio or used a train or a bus? Maybe you have listened to an iPod? Or watched television? Do you have a mobile phone in your pocket or trainers on your feet? All these things are engineering achievements. Engineering covers a wide range of businesses and industries, and engineers work in all kinds of environments.

Historically the main branches of engineering include Aerospace engineering, Chemical engineering, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering and Mechanical engineering. Aerospace engineering deals with the design and i (instruction of aircraft and spacecraft. Chemical engineering is the exploitation of chemical principles in order to carry out large-scale chemical processes, as well as design of new materials and fuels. Civil engineering deals with the design and construction of public and private projects, such as roads, railways, water supply systems, bridges, and buildings. Electrical engineering is a very broad area that may include the design and study of various electrical and electronic systems, such as generators, motors, electromechanical devices, computer systems, telecommunications, and many others. Mechanical engineering designs physical or mechanical systems, such as engines, vacuum technology and others.

Due to the rapid advancement of technology many new fields are becomingimportant and new branches are developing, such as materials engineering, computer engineering, nanotechnology, mechatronics, genetic engineering, nuclear engineering, biomedical engineering, and environmental engineering. These new specialties sometimes combine with the traditional fields and form new branches, such as Mechanical engineering and Mechatronics or Electrical and Computer engineering.

Whatever you decide to specialize in, just remember that it is your choice, not your parents’, teachers’ or friends’. The field of engineering is wide enough for people of all types and, despite public opinion, for women as well. In fact, of the most successful engineers in the past were women. You must know about Marie Curie and Sophia Kovalevskaya but there were more. A British mathematician Ada Bryon Lovelace helped invent a machine that was a prototype of the modern computer. She also predicted the development of software .md artificial intelligence years before they actually became reality. A universal computer programming language was named after her “ADA”. Grace Murray I lopper was an American computer scientist. Thanks to her programmers we can write their programs with the use of English rather than machine language, and this, of course, makes their jobs much easier. Elsa Garmire advanced optical technology and made the commercial use of lasers possible. Thanks to her we use CD players and laser printers in our everyday life.  Chemist Stephanie Kwolek discovered a solvent that later was used in the production of Kevlar2, the key component of bullet-proof vests3. Mary Anderson invented the windshield wiper4 that is widely used in cars today.

You should also know that engineers in all fields of engineering apply the sciences of physics and mathematics to find suitable solutions to problems or to make improvements. Engineering is considered a branch of applied mathematics and science. That is why engineers now should have knowledge of relevant sciences for their design projects. They also must be competent in computer programs. At present computer is widely used in engineering. One of the most useful tools is computer-aided design (CAD) which allows engineers to create 3D models, 2D drawings and schematics of their designs. As a result, engineers should learn throughout their career.

Notes on the text

  1. DAB clock (= Digital Audio Broadcasting) — цифровое радиовещание, часы с цифровым радиовещанием.
  2. Kevlar — кевлар, (синтетическое волокно, обладающего высокой прочностью).
  3. bullet-proofvests — бронежилет
  4. windshield wiper — стеклоочистители (в машине).

Text and vocabulary exercises

4. Match the English words and phrases on the left with their Russian

1. judgement

2. common sense

3. to meet a need

4. trainers

5. a wide range of

6. all kinds of

7. rapid advancement

8. water supply system

9. rather than

10. applied mathematics

11. computer-aided design

а) кроссовки

b) здравый смысл

с) удовлетворять потребность

d) быстрое продвижение

е) широкий диапазон

f) всевозможный

g) а не

h) прикладная математика

i) автоматизированное проектирование

j) экспертное мнение

к) система водоснабжения

5. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

оборудование                         нанотехнология       программное обеспечение

язык программирования      исторически             генная инженерия

железная дорога                    электромеханический прибор        

6. Choose the right answer.

  1. Engineering produces a technical product or system to meet a specific or urgent....
    a) standard        b) need        c) requirement
  2. Aerospace engineering deals with the design and construction of....
    a) medical        equipment   b) electronic devices  c) aircraft and spacecraft
  3. Some of the most successful engineers in the past were ... .
    a) children        b) women        c) teenagers
  4. Ada Bryon Lovelace helped invent a machine that was a prototype of ....
    a) the modern computer         b) the mobile phone c) the vacuum cleaner
  5. Thanks to Grace Hopper programmers of today can write their programs with the use of English rather than ....
  6. a) computer language    b) machine language     c) artificial language
  7. Engineering is considered a branch of applied mathematics and ....

a) economics        b) management c) science

7. Decide whether these statements are true or false.Correct the false ones.

  1. Engineering applies scientific and mathematical principles, experience, judgement and common sense to make things that serve people.
  2. Engineering covers a wide range of businesses and industries, and engineers work in all kinds of environments.
  3. Chemical engineering deals with the design and construction of public md private projects such as roads, railways, water supply systems, bridges, and buildings.
  4. Despite the rapid advancement of technology no new fields or new branches appear.
  5. The field of engineering is not for women.
  6. Mary Anderson invented the windshield wiper that is widely used in cars today.
  7. Engineers now should be competent in computer programs.
  8. Engineers do not need to learn throughout their career.

Практическая работа № 19. Профессиональные качества современного инженера»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

1.Read the following text to check your ideas. Then answer the following questions.

  1. Why should an engineer develop his/her analytical skills?
  2. What ability is very important for an engineer?
  3. Why should the engineers have good communication skills'?
  4. Which academic subjects are important for engineers?
  5. Is there a formula for a successful engineer?


Engineers are responsible for the greatest inventions and technologies the modern world depends on. Everything from space shuttles to air-conditioning systems requires the work of a competent engineer. To be successful in the field of engineering, one must have certain qualities.

Analytical Skills. People make errors every day, no matter what the consequences are. The errors which engineers make may determine people’s life and death because even the slightest error can cause not only financial but physical damage as well. That’s why engineers should be able to analyze a situation as a whole and see all the factors that are involved in it. Every detail must be reviewed thoroughly during the design of a project. A good engineer should develop his analytical skills and constantly examine things, and think of ways to help things work better.

Ability to Solve Problems and Creativity. The ability to solve problems is an important part of engineering. An engineer must be able to figure out the causes of a problem and quickly develop a solution. For this an engineer should be able to understand how things work and how problems arise. Creativity is also necessary. Only creative engineers can think of new and innovative ways to develop systems and make existing things work more efficiently.

Communication Skills. Modern engineering is a team work, and a competent engineer understands that he is a part of a larger team of engineers who are working together to make successful projects. Therefore, engineers must work well as a part of that team and should have good communication skills. Besides, engineers should be able to translate complex technical language into plain everyday language and communicate both with colleagues and clients.

Proficiency in Mathematics, Science and Computers. Engineering is closely connected with science and mathematics and always involves complex calculations. Scientific and mathematical principles are the main tool that engineers use to develop solutions to problems. A good engineer also has vast technical knowledge. He understands a lot of computer programmes and other systems that people commonly use during an engineering project. Moreover, engineers have to know all the latest developments in the industry. Changes in technology happen rapidly, and the most successful engineers keep abreast1 of new research and ideas.

Interest in Engineering and Persistence. The most important thing that is required to be a successful engineer is genuine interest in engineering. But interest is not always enough. You have to be determined to succeed.

Of course, there is no precise formula what professional and personal qualities will help you become a successful engineer. Besides, not all these qualities are necessary, but if engineering is your future, you should know and try to develop them all.

Note on the text

1keep abreast —бытьвкурсе, идтивногу.

Text and vocabulary exercises

2.Match the English words or phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.

1. space shuttle

2. air-conditioning system

3. consequences

4. figure out

5. team work

6. main tool

7. vast technical knowledge

8. genuine interest

  1. работа в команде
  2. подлинный интерес
  3. основной инструмент
  4. система кондиционирования воздуха
  5. последствия
  6. воздушно-космический аппарат
  7. постигать, разгадывать
  8. обширные технические познания

3. Choose the right answer.

  1. Everything from space shuttles to air-conditioning systems requires the work of....

a) a qualified worker    b) a competent  engineer        

c) a competent manager        

  1. The errors which engineers make may determine people’s ....

 a) life and death       b) health      c) wealth

  1. The ability to solve problems is an important part of....

a) scientific research    b) designing        c) engineering

  1. Modem engineering is ....

a) a team work        b) designing process c) an individual task

  1. Engineering is connected with science and mathematics and always involves....

a) preliminary research   b) complex calculations           c) scientific experiment        

  1. A good engineer also has vast technical....

a) skills      b) experience        c) knowledge

4.Read the text above once more. In pairs, discuss the statements below. Say what you think about them and ask your partner if he or she agrees or disagrees with you. Use the following phrases to help you.

Agreeing        Disagreeing politely

I agree with you.                                          I’m afraid, I cannot agree with you.

Yes, that is what I think too.                 I see what you mean, but I think...

You are right!                                          Well, as far as I know...

  1. Engineers are responsible for the greatest inventions and technologies the modern world depends on.
  2. Any person can be successful in the field of engineering.
  3. A good engineer should develop his analytical skills, examine things and think of ways to help things work better.
  4. Creativity can be a useful quality for an engineer.
  5. Scientific and mathematical principles are the main tool that engineers use to develop solutions to problems.
  6. The most important thing for a successful engineer is vast technical knowledge.
  7. There is a precise formula what professional and personal qualities will help you become a successful engineer.

5.Sum up the text in 6—8 sentences.

  1. The text tells us about...
  2. According to it...
  3. The text also mentions...
  4. It emphasizes...
  5. I want to point out the following facts that were new for me...
  6. The text concludes...
  7. In conclusion I’d like to mention that...

Практическая работа № 20. «Причастие настоящего времени и прошедшего времени»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  • строить утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с разными видами неличных глаголов.

Теоретический материал

Неличные формы глагола обозначают только действие, не указывая на лицо или число – ничего личного. К ним относятся причастие, инфинитив и герундий.

Причастие — совмещает в себе признаки двух частей речи – прилагательного и глагола. Причастие служит для описания существительного, а также используется для образования времен. Причастие в английском языке бывает двух видов, каждый вид имеет несколько названий, которые вы наверняка уже встречали, и если вы запутались, то сейчас все встанет на свои места:

ParticipleI / Present Participle/V-ing – это причастие настоящего времени, известное также как глагол с «инговым» окончанием. Оно служит для образованиях всех времен группы continuous:

Reading – читающий

He is reading a paper. – Он читает газету.

 ParticipleII / Past Participle/V3 – это причастие прошедшего времени, известное также как третья форма глагола. Оно помогает строить все времена группы perfect:

Write – wrote – written (это неправильный глагол «писать» , он имеет третью форму written)

He has just written al etter. – Он только что написал письмо.

Arrive – arrived — arrived (это правильный глагол «приезжать», он образует третью форму с помощью добавления окончания –ed)

He has already arrived. – Он уже приехал.

Образование причастий происходит следующим образом:

Причастие 1 (Present)

Причастие 2 (Past)

Правильные глаголы

Добавление суффикса


к основе

К основе слова добавляется окончание -ed

Неправильные глаголы

Третья колонка в таблице irregular verbs



Причастие I имеет временные различия (Indefinite, Perfect), а причастие I, образованное от переходных глаголов, имеет различия залога (Active, Passive)







being read
being played

Одновременное с действием основного глагола
Reading this book he cannot help laughing.


having read
having played

having been read
having been played

Предшествующее действию основного глагола
Having finished the book I put it aside.

Participle I  Indefinite

 используется для обозначения предшествующего действия, если мы имеем глаголы восприятия и движения:to see, to feel, to notice, to hear, to come, to enter, to arrive, to leave, to turn, to seize:

Hearing some noise at the corridor I locked the door.
Entering the room she greeted everybody.

PARTICIPLE II имеет только одну форму:

His eyes fixed on me irritated me. (одновременное действие.)
I remember the picture seen in the museum. (предшествующее действие.)

Причастие II используется в основном в пассивном залоге: I saw a broken cuponthefloor.


Причастие сочетает в себе свойства глагола (имеет категории времени, вида, залога) и прилагательного (в предложении причастие может выполнять функцию определения).

PARTICIPLE I сочетает в себе признаки глагола, наречия и прилагательного:

Going – идущий / идя Reading – читающий /читая

PARTICIPLE II образуется от основы инфинитива:

to write – written – написанный to play – played – сыгранный

Формы Perfect Participle употребляются для обозначения действия, предшествующего действию глагола в личной форме.

Having passed the exams he went  to the Crimea.- Сдав экзамены, он уехал в Крым

Кроме глагольных свойств причастие обладает свойствами прилагательного и наречия. Как и прилагательное, оно может выполнять функцию определения и стоять перед определяемым словом или после него. В последнем случае оно образует обособленный причастный оборот.

Часто в функции обстоятельств PerfectParticiple  используется с союзами when, while, if, as, unless...        

While using new equipment, the  engineers pay special attention to safety.


Причастие настоящего времени (PARTICIPLE I) может употребляться в предложении как:

Именная часть сказуемого: I looked at the bookshelf: one book was missing. Я посмотрел на книжную полку: одной книги не хватало.

Определение: I saw a smiling girl. Я видел улыбающуюся девушку.

Обстоятельство: Knowing English well he was able to read this book. Зная английский хорошо, он смог прочитать эту книгу.

Причастие прошедшего времени (PARTICIPLEII) может употребляться в предложении как:

Именная часть сказуемого: The climate of Russia is varied. Климат России разнообразен.

Определение: My photo lost in the park is important. Моя фотография, потерянная в парке, важная.

Обстоятельство: When given freedom I’ll build a house. Когда выйду на свободу, я построю дом.

1.Call the participle forms. Translate sentences into Russian.

  1. Do you know the device converting mechanical energy into electrical one?
  2. Electrically charged matter produces electromagnetic fields.
  3. The moving electrons are electricity.
  4. Most of the portable devices made in this factory produce varying amounts of electricity depending on their size.
  5. It is easy to create electricity from sunlight using a solar cell or you can create electricity from the chemical energy in hydrogen and oxygen using a fuel cell.
  6. A positive terminal remained untouched.
  7. The monopoly structure of the industry must be dismantled in favour of competition among generators.
  8. After watching the documentary on global warming, we felt a bit de¬pressed.
  9. A permanent magnet used showed good results.
  10. A special switching system formed had all the necessary properties.

2. Open the brackets using the verb in brackets  in correct participle forms. Translate sentences into Russian.

  1.  (То send) power over long distances George Westinghouse developed a device (to call) a transformer.
  2. Wires in the generator (to waste) more power as heat are considered to be more complicated.
  3. There is a (to grow) demand for the electricity (to produce) by environmentally friendly and non-polluting sources of energy.
  4. (Not to know) of their parametres they could not arrange the electromagnets properly.
  5. The generator has a series of (to insulate) coins of wire (to form) a stationary cylinder.
  6. A turbine (to convert) the kinetic energy of a moving liquid (or gas) to mechanical energy is widely used in industry.

The Nominative Absolute Participle Construction (Самостоятельный причастный оборот)

Причастие в сочетании с существительным или местоимением может образовывать причастные обороты. В английском языке причастные обстоятельственные обороты бывают двух типов:

а) обороты, в которых причастие выражает действие, относящееся к подлежащему предложения. Они соответствуют русским деепричастным оборотам и называются зависимыми.

б) обороты, в которых причастие имеет свое собственное подлежащее, отличное от подлежащего основного предложения. Такие обороты называются независимыми, или самостоятельными, причастными оборотами. Они соответствуют русским обстоятельственным придаточным предложениям или самостоятельным предложениям в зависимости от их места в предложении. Независимый причастный оборот, стоящий в начале предложения, переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением с союзом так как, поскольку, когда, после того как, если и др. Независимый причастный оборот, стоящий в конце предложения (или как часть сложного предложения), переводится на русский язык придаточным присоединительным предложением с союзом и, а, причем и др.

  1. Other liquids being tool ight, a barometer uses mercury. — Так как / поскольку прочие жидкости слишком легкие, в барометре используется ртуть.
  2. Radio activity discovered, great progress was made in atomic physics. — Когда (после того как) была открыта радиоактивность, был сделан большой прогресс в атомной физике.

3. Call the participle forms. Translate sentences into Russian.

  1. The worker repairing the device at that time, I went to the chief instead of him.
  2. The device being repaired, we will soon be able to get it for installation.
  3. The worker having repaired the device, the engineer examined it.
  4. The device having been repaired, we could start it immediately.
  5. The intensity of the current being unchanged, the parametres of the system did not change either.
  6. The new devices showing promise, scientists began to develop them at a rapid pace.
  7. With friction eliminated, no force at all would be necessary to keep mechanisms in motion.
  8. No more time left, we had to enhance the experimental work.
  9. The mixture would not be combustible, the fuel uniformly mixed with the air.
  10. The driver having repaired the engine, we could go further.

4. Find out if the sentence is correct or wrong:

  1. The man walked slowly as if hiding from somebody.
  2. Be careful when cross the street.
  3. While walking our dog we found a wallet full of money.
  4. When come home I ran into my old school friend.
  5. I like to fall asleep listening to classical music.
  6. My brother watching TV when doing his homework.
  7. Playing the guitar well he joined a rock band.
  8. When looking through my family photos I often feel happy.

5. Choose the correct word:

  1. If… home in a taxi we shall save a lot of time.(---, got, put, taken)
  2. When … freedom I’ll build a house and get married.(---, got, put, given)
  3. … to college the boy is now missing his friends.(---, sent, broken, put)
  4. … up in leather she attracted men’s attention.(---, broken, dressed, put)
  5. Even … the construction looked impressive.(---, taken, dressed, broken)
  6. My credit card … in the park has much money on it.(---, got, lost, put)

6.Correct the errors:

  1. She heard her name call.
  2. I was kept to wait in the hall for an hour.
  3. They were seen crossed the street.
  4. We want to have our piano to tune.
  5. We’ll have the house to paint.
  6. I saw the girl to dance in the hall.

Практическая работа № 21. «Будущее профессии инженер»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

1.Read the following text to answer these questions.

  1. Why is engineering considered the main driver of human development?
  2. When did the wide distribution of electrical power become possible?
  3. How many cars are there in the modern world?
  4. Who was the first flight made by?
  5. What invention led to the early designs of radio and television?
  6. Where is climate control extremely necessary?
  7. When and why was Internet devised?
  8. Where is fiber optics used?
  9. Is nuclear power safer than fossil fuels?

Engineering is a main driver of human development. In recent years engineering has greatly influenced quality of our life and become a tool which makes changes to environment, society and economies. Engineers have devised new equipment and goods, power systems, weapons, new materials, transport and transportation systems, design of buildings, etc. The 20th century was a revolutionary period in the history of modern civilization. Let’s consider some of its greatest engineering achievements.

Electrification. The wide distribution of electrical power in the 20th century brought light to the world and power to almost every home and plant in modern society. Electrification is responsible for innumerable developments that have made life safer, healthier and more convenient; now it is hard to imagine our lives without it. It runs the smallest electric devices in homes and offices, the huge computers that control power grids1 and telecommunications systems, and the machinery that produces consumer goods.

Automobile. At the beginning of the 19th century an average person travelled about 1,920 km in an entire lifetime, mostly on foot. Today an average person travels about 16,000 km a year by automobile alone, and there are half a billion cars in the world. The automobile has become the major transporter of people and goods in the world.

Airplane. Air travel has revolutionized our world. After the Wright brothers2 achieved the first successful flight in 1903, the airplane developed rapidly, particularly in response to the needs of World War I, with advances in materials, wing design, and engines. In 1939, the gas turbine was introduced and this marked the beginning of jet transport. Today air travel makes possible transporting goods and people around the globe.

Electronics. From vacuum tubes to transistors and microprocessors; elec- tronic devices became smaller, more powerful and more efficient throughout the 20th century and provided the technological basis for countless innovations and products. The vacuum tube led to the early designs of the radio, television and computer. The key to this amazing revolution is the integrated circuit — the heart of the modern electronic systems. Brilliant engineering and innovation lie behind these elements that operate wireless communications, satellite broadcasts, air traffic control systems, microwave ovens, video cameras, touch-tone phones, computers, and many other innovations that have improved the quality, safety and convenience of modern life.

Radio and Television. The introduction of radio and television were major reasons of social change in the 20th century. By the middle of the 1930s almost every home in the world had a radio, and in the 1940s the television first reached the market.

Computers. Perhaps no other engineering device has attracted the attention of an average person as much as a computer. A computer has become an essential part of every major industry — communications, manufacturing, research, medicine, education, government, entertainment, and others. It has transformed business and lives around the world, increased productivity and opened access to vast amounts of knowledge with little effort.

Telephone. In the 20th century after a remarkable series of innovations, engineers transformed a system of copper wire, wooden poles and primitive transmitters into a modern telephone. Nowadays telephone poles with theirthousands of miles of copper wire are being replaced by new technologies, mobile telephones

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. Our life changed greatly in the 20th century when air conditioning and refrigeration systems became more efficient. Climate control has become so reliable and inexpensive that it has grown from an invisible luxury to a common necessity. Control of air temperature and quality provides the clean environments necessary for surgery, manufacture of computer chips and many types of research.

Internet. The Internet was devised in the 1960s as a tool to exchange information and share resources. What eventually grew out of this project is an amazing cheap technology that is now available to ordinary people at home, universities, public libraries and “cyber” cafes. Today the Internet has over 150 million users from 65 countries. We are only beginning to realize the future possibilities of its use.

Laser and Fiber Optics. Pulses of light from lasers are used in industrial tools, surgical devices and satellites. Fiber optic cables are used for modern communications; they carry much more information than copper cables.

Nuclear Technologies. Today nuclear power plants generate about 20% of the world’s electrical power. Nuclear power is safer than fossil fuel systems in terms of industrial accidents, environmental damage, health effects and long-term risks.

Notes on the text

  1. power grid — единая энергосистема.
  2. the Wright brothers — братья Райт.

Text and vocabulary exercises

2.Match the English phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.


main driver




jet transport


спутниковое вещание


satellite broadcasts


главный двигатель


air traffic control system


кнопочный телефон


touch-tone phone


система авиадиспетчерской службы


laser and fiber optics


хирургическое оборудование


surgical device


оптоволоконный кабель


fiber optic cable


ископаемое топливо


fossil fuel


долгосрочные риски


long-term risks


лазерная и волоконная оптика

  1. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

система транспортировки, в ответ на, бесчисленные разработки        , газовая турбина, всю жизнь, беспроводное общение, полмиллиарда, микроволновая печь, главный перевозчик        

4.Choose the right answer.

  1. The 20th century was a revolutionary period in the history of....
  1. modern Europe            b) modern America          c) modern civilization
  1. It is hard to imagine our lives without....

a) airplanes                      b) electricity                  c) automobiles

  1. The introduction of the gas turbine marked the beginning of....

a) car transport                      b) air transport            c) jet transport

  1. The heart of the modern electronic systems is ....

a) an electric battery             b) a laser                c) an integrated circuit

  1. Nowadays old telephone communication is being replaced by ....

 a) satellite broadcasts                b) mobile telephones          c) the Internet

  1. Today nuclear power plants generate about....

a) 50% of the world’s       b) 20% of the world’s   c) 80% of the world’s electrical power                                                                                

5.Quiz. Are you an erudite person?

Answer the questions and check your knowledge

1.Who made the first flight in an airplane?

a)Louis Bleriot                      b) Oliver Wright                c) Wilbur Wright

2.Who invented the electric light bulb?

a)Thomas Edison                  b) James Herington                 c) Henry Ford

3. Who built the Great Wall?

a)the Ancient Japanese             b) the Ancient Chinese             c) theAncient  Romans  4. Where did the first computer appear?

  1. in Britain        b) in America        c) in Japan

6.Read and translate the following:

  • the blue whale can produce sounds up to 188 decibels. This is the loudest sound that a living animal can produce;
  • Three Gorges Dam in China is the largest hydroelectric power station in the world with a power output of 22,500 MW. The dam of the station is 2309 metres wide and 101 metres tall;
  • the highest temperature the scientists produced in a laboratory was 511,000,000 °C at the Tokomak Fusion Test Reactor in Princeton, the USA;
  • Concorde was the world’s most successful supersonic passenger airliner until 2003;
  • the hottest planet in the solar system is Venus, with a surface temperature of 462 °C;
  • sound travels about  4  times faster in water than in air;
  • boron nitride (BN) is the second hardest substance known to man;
  • Buij Dubai is a skyscraper and is the world’s tallest building. The Burj Dubai is 818 metres tall and includes homes, hotels and parkland. The more you know about the Burj Dubai, the more amazing the whole building seems. The most amazing are the observatory lifts which travel the longest distance between lowest and highest stops. These elevators also travel at 18 metres per second and it is a really fast ride!
  • Channel Tunnel is the longest tunnel with an undersea section in the world. The length of the Channel Tunnel is 50.5 kilometres. It links England to France. Construction of the tunnel began in 1988 and opened in 1994. The American Society of Civil Engineers ranks it as one of the Seven Wonders of the modern world.

Практическая работа № 22. «Известные люди в профессии: Билл Гейтс»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

Famous people of computer science and engineering


software — программное обеспечение
to create — создавать
collaborator — сотрудник
to found — основать
due to — благодаря чему-либо
to apply — применять

to carry out — выполнять
belief — убеждение
competitiveness — конкурентоспособность
remarkable — замечательный
spotlight — центр внимания
welfare — благосостояние

1. Read the following text.

William Henry Gates, also known as «Bill», has established himself as the richest man in the world.

He is the youngest self made billionaire, and perhaps the best businessman in the world. Bill Gates is important because he did not only change the computer technology in America, but also created the biggest, strongest, richest and the most powerful company in the world.

Bill was born on October 28, 1955, his parents, Mary and Bill, had one other daughter Kristi.

Gates began his career in PC software, programming computers at age thirteen.

As to his education, he attended a well-known private school in Seattle, Washington called Lakeside. At Lakeside, he met his future business partner Paul Allen. Bill Gates entered Harvard in 1973.

He created the programming language BASIC. Gates attended Harvard University and after a few years Gates and his business collaborator, Paul Allen, dropped out of Harvard to begin the Microsoft Corporation in 1975.

Throughout his life, Gates had many experiences with business. Allen and Gates started a small company called Traf-O-Data. They sold a small computer outfitted with their program that could count traffic for the city.

Gates also worked at a programming company called 'TRW. After all his minor jobs, Gates and Allen founded Microsoft in 1975, the largest computer  based company in the world. Gates is the Chief Executive officer and Paul Allen is VP. They are both very wealthy due to this business.

Gates believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence you can accomplish anything.

Bill works very hard to carry out his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work is what put him where he is today, as well as being in the right place at the right time. He doesn't believe in luck or any sort of god, just hard work and competitiveness.

«Trey» as he is called at home is a remarkable man who has been able to go into the world spotlight as a genius at what he does. His welfare until today is worth about 92,000,000,000 dollars.    

3.Answer the questions

1. Why is Bill Gates important?
2. How did Gates begin his career?
3. Where did Bill Gates study?
4. When was the Microsoft Corporation begun?
5. What are Gates' beliefs?
6. How much is Gates' welfare worth?

4. Circle the correct word in the sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian

  1. William Henry Gates is a Scottish / an American inventor and mechanical engineer.
  2. Bill Gates created the biggest, strongest, richest and the most powerful company in the world/ in America.
  3. Gates ended/began his career in PC software, programming computers.
  4. He created the programming language COBOL/ BASIC.
  5. Gates is the Chief Executive officer /Vice President.
  6. He believes in luck / in competitiveness.

5. Complete and translate into Russian the sentences with right form of the verb in Passive or Active

  1. He (be) the worlds most famous computer engineer.
  2. He (design) book on the computer language BASIC and many computer programmers and operating systems for computer, such as DOS (disk operating system), Windows NT (New technology) (create).
  3. He (enrol) in a well-known private school in Seattle, Washington where he (meet)  his future business partner Paul Allen.
  4. They (sell) a small computer outfitted with their program that could count traffic for the city.
  5. The programming language BASIC (create) by Gates.
  6. Allen and Gates (open) a small company called Traf-O-Data where they (sell) a small computer, (outfit) it with their program counted traffic for the city.
  7. Gates and Allen (find) Microsoft in 1975, the largest computer company in the world.
  8. Gates (think) that if you (be) intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence you (be) able to accomplish anything.
  9. Bill (work) very hard to carry out his ideas/

10.His welfare (increase) to 92,000,000,000 dollars this year.    

6. Name the events of Bill Gates’s life according to the certain dates:

1. October 28, 1955-Bill Gates ......

3. 1968- Bill Gates ......

2. 1973- Bill Gates ......

4. 1975- Bill Gates ......

to work personally in product development at Microsoft.

Практическая работа № 23. «Инженерная наука. Достижения инженерной науки»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  •  совершенствовать навыки чтения, понимания основного содержания текста;
  • развивать умения отвечать на поставленные вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. Match the English phrases on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.


1. to deal (with)

2. to elaborate (to work out) programs

3. computer-aided-design

4. computer-aided-manufacturing

5. to meet up-to-date demands

6. software

7. hardware

8. to offer solutions

9. to solve problems

10. to defend from viruses

а. программное обеспечение

b.отвечать современным требованиям

с. аппаратная часть

d.иметь дело (с кем-л., чем-л.)

е. автоматизированное проектирование

f. защищать от вирусов

g. предлагать решения

h.разрабатывать программы

i. автоматизированное производство

j. решать проблемы

2. Read the following text.

Computer Science

1. Computer science is a part of applied mathematics. Specialists in computer science say that this field of knowledge is very interesting because it deals with computer-aided-design (CAD) and computer-aided-manufacturing (CAM).

2. Computers are intended to improve the productivity of labour of scientists, designers, engineers, managers, and other specialists, because computers offer quick and optimal solutions. One of the main goals of using CAD/CAM is to shorten the time between designing and manufacturing.

3. Moreover, computers came in our life and to our houses and now we can solve our everyday problems with their help.

4. Computers can be divided into simple and complex devices. Simple computers such as calculators can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. As far as complex computers are concerned they can do different logical operations and some of them even have artificial intelligence.

5. Thus in order to elaborate up-to-date and inexpensive programs as j well as to defend them from viruses, it is important to know some programming languages.

6. There are low-level programming languages such as a machine l language and an assembly language and high-level programming languages, for instance, FORTRAN, PASCAL, ADA, C, BASIC, etc.

3. Match the questions on the left with their answers’ equivalents on the right.

The questions

The answers

1.What do specialists in computer science deal with?

a. To improve the productivity of labour of scientists, designers managers and other specialists by offering quick and optimal solutions to them.

2. What are the computers used for?

b. Computer-aided-design (CAD) and computer-aided-manufacturing (CAM).

3. What operations can simple devices perform?

c. For shortening the time between designing and manufacturing.

4. What operations do complex computers perform?

d. Different logical operations.

5. What are CAD/CAM systems intended to do?


6. What high-level programming languages do you know?

f.Addition,subtraction, multiplication and division.

4. Complete the sentences:

1. Experts in computer science deal with…

 a) manufacturing cars;     b) computer-aided-design;

 c) increasing the productivity of car.


2. One of the aims of using computers is ....

a) to work out up-to-date demands;     b) to shorten the time between

designing and manufacturing;        c) to construct hardwares.

3. High-level programming languages are....

a) BASIC, FORTRAN;     b) assembly and machine languages.

Практическая работа № 24. «Видовременные формы глаголов в страдательном залоге»


  • формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
  • строить предложения в страдательном залоге, отличать подобные предложения по ключевым словам, строить утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с разными типами глаголов.

Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)









to be (am, is, are, was, were, ...) + V3/Ved


I + am V3/Ved

he, she, it + is V3/Ved

we, you, they + are V3/V ed

I + am being V3/V ed

he, she, it + is being V3/Ved

we, you, they + are being V3/Ved

I, we, you, they

+ have been V3/Ved

he, she, it

+ has been V3/Ved


Меня спрашивают.


Меня спрашивают(сейчас).

I have been asked.-Меня спросили (уже).


I, he, she, it + was V3/Ved

we, you, they

+ were V3/Ved

I, he, she, it

+ was being V3/Ved

we, you, they

+ were being V3/Ved

had been V3/Ved

I was asked. –

Меня спросили.

I was being asked.-

Меня спрашивали.

I had been asked.- Меня спросили.


 will be V3/Ved


will have been V3/Ved

I will be asked.-

Меня будут спрашивать.


I will have been asked.-

Меня спросят.


The rooms are cleaned every day.              Комнаты убирают каждый день

The house is being built now.

Basketball was invented in America.

Дом сейчас строят.

Баскетбол был изобретен в Америке.

Обратите внимание, первый элемент tobe является переменной величиной и изменяется в зависимости от времени, а также лица и числа подлежащего; второй элемент остается постоянным, то есть в страдательном залоге всегда используется глагол с окончанием -ed или 3-я форма неправильного глагола (причастие II). Употребление времен в страдательном залоге соответствует правилам употребления соответствующих времен в действительном залоге.

Форма страдательного залога употребляется в предложении, подлежащим которого является предмет или лицо, на который направлено действие, выраженное глаголом.


My car was stolen yesterday. Мою машину украли вчера.

Football is played all over the world. В футбол играют во всем мире.

I will be asked tomorrow at the Меня спросят завтра на уроке.


Субъект действия может быть выражен дополнением с предлогом by(с одушевленными существительными) или with (с неодушевленными существительными).


The letter was written by John.                       Письмо было написано Джоном.

The letter was written with a pencil.

Письмо было написано карандашом.

При преобразовании предложений из действительного залога в страдательный необходимо помнить следующее:

а)        дополнение в действительном залоге будет подлежащим в страдательном и наоборот.


They build new houses in our street.

Они строят новые дома на нашей улице

New houses are built in our street.

На нашей улице строятся новые дома.

б)        глагол в страдательном залоге ставят в том же времени, что и в действительном. Лицо и число может меняться, так как меняется подлежащее.


I translate texts every day.

Я перевожу тексты каждый день.

Texts are translated every day. Тексты переводятся каждый день.

в)        если в предложении действительного залога имеется два дополнения, то любое из них может быть подлежащим в страдательном залоге. При этом важно помнить, что подлежащее в страдательном залоге всегда стоит в именительном падеже.


Nick gave me an interesting book.

Николай дал мне интересную


I was given an interesting book.

Мне дали интересную книгу.

г)        дополнение с предлогом by в страдательном залоге часто опускается, если оно выражено личным местоимением.


Не showedmetheplan

Он показал мне план

The plan was shown to me (by him).

Мне показали план.

 Перевод глаголов в страдательном залоге на русский язык

Существует несколько способов перевода английской конструкции страдательного залога на русский язык.

1.Соответствующей страдательной конструкцией.


Many houses were destroyed  by the fire.

The house is being built in our street.

Огнем было уничтожено

много домов.

Дом строится на нашей улице

2.Глаголом в действительном залоге в 3-м лице множественного числа с неопределенно-личным значением.


The question has been discussed.

The child is being dressed.

Вопрос уже обсудили.

Ребенка одевают.

Поскольку в английском языке страдательный залог употребляется гораздо чаще, чем в русском, существует ряд случаев, представляющих определенную трудность при переводе. К ним относятся следующие.

-Если в страдательном залоге указан носитель действия (by somebody), то при переводе может употребляться личная форма глагола действительного залога.


The news is brought by my sister.

Новость принесла моя сестра.

-Если сказуемое в страдательной конструкции выражено глаголом с предлогом, то подлежащее переводят дополнением с соответствующим предлогом, а сказуемое — неопределенно-личной формой глагола.


The doctor has been sent for.

The child is being looked after.

За доктором послали.

За ребенком присматривают.

-Если сказуемое в страдательной конструкции выражено глаголами to follow, to influence, to affect, to attend(ухаживать за), to penetrate, to succeed, to watch, то на русский язык подлежащее переводится дополнением с предлогом, а сказуемое — личной формой глагола в действительном залоге.


Не was influenced by his friend.

Влияние на него оказал его друг.

-После ряда глаголов (to give, to help, to send, to tell, to show, to ask, to see, to teach) подлежащее на русский язык переводят существительным или местоимением в дательном или винительном падеже, а сказуемое — неопределенно-личной формой глагола


My friend was asked to come to the party.

I wasn’t told about it.

Моего друга попросили прийти на вечер.

Мне об этом не сказали

Безличные конструкции переводят следующим образом:

It is known that

It is said that

It is expected that

Известно, что

Говорят, что

Ожидают, что

1.Open the brackets using the correct answer in Passive

  1. Ia very interesting book to read (give).
  2. Heoften        at the lesson (ask).
  3. This problemat tomorrow’s meeting (discuss).
  4. This pictureby the great Russian artist Surikov (paint).
  5. Today wemuch homework (give).
  6. The question(not answer).
  7. These books         by Pushkin (write).
  8. Our house 10 years ago (build).
  9. My carjust. I hope itsoon (steal, find).

2. Choose the correct variant of translation.

  1. The results of the experiment were influenced by the previous data.
  1. Результаты эксперимента повлияли на предыдущие данные.
  2. На результаты эксперимента повлияли предыдущие данные.
  1. His business trip has been insisted on by his chief.
  1. На его командировке настоял шеф.
  2. Он настоял на командировке шефа.
  1. The report was followed by a lot of questions.
  1. За докладом последовало много вопросов.
  2. Доклад последовал за вопросами.
  1. This scientist is often referred to by the authors of scientific papers.
  1. Этот ученый часто ссылается на авторов научных статей.
  2. На этого ученого часто ссылаются авторы научных статей.
  1. This man is easily relied upon.
  1. На этого человека легко положиться.
  2. Этот человек легко полагается на других.

3.Change the active form into the passive.

Model:Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow in 1147.-Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky.

  1. Next year students will study some new subjects.
  2. The plant produces modern equipment.
  3. Our country launched the first sputnik into the space in 1957.
  4. A lot of tourists visit St Petersburg in summer.
  5. We shall send this letter at once.
  6. We will have finished the work by the end of the next week.
  7. The students have just translated this text.
  8. They speak English in the USA.
  9. Alexander Bell invented the telephone.
  10. Egyptians built pyramids.

4.Make questions.

  1. Microwave oven was invented by Percy Spencer in 1955.
  2. Mobile phones are being improved more and more nowadays.
  3. The first telescope was made in Holland in 1608.
  4. Radioactive elements radium and polonium were discovered by Marie Curie.
  5. Plastic was first made in 1862.
  6. Many inventions and improvements are made by modern scientists today.
  7. Space will be colonized by humans in the future.
  8. New communication technologies have been developed recently.

5.Open the brackets using the correct answer in Passive (Past/ Present Simple ).

abacus — счеты the Babylonians — вавилоняне

The first calculating machine (call) the abacus. It (use) by the Babylonians in about 3000 BC. In 1834, Charles Babbage (design) a machine for calculating, but it (be) too difficult to build. The first real computer (make) in 1948. Ten years later, Texas Instruments (produce) a chip that (make) of silicon, with an integrated circuit. In 1969, an American scientist (invent) a microprocessor with different parts of the computer on one silicon chip. Now these microprocessors (use) everywhere: in watches, cars, airplanes, in factories and offices.

Практическая работа № 25. «Контрольная работа «Профессия “инженер” в современном мире»


- контролировать лексические и грамматические навыки по ранее изученным темам

The criteria of your mark









1.Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:

  1. rapid advancement
  2. judgment    
  3. common sense
  4. respected profession
  5. enhancement
  6. genuine interest
  7. computer-aided design
  8. standard of living
  9. figure out
  10. team work
  1.  постигать
  2. работа в команде
  3. улучшение
  4. экспертное мнение
  5. уважаемая профессия
  6. здравый смысл
  7. стандарт жизни
  8. автоматизированное проектирование
  9. быстрое продвижение
  10. подлинный интерес


2.Fill in the blanks with the proper answer(s):

    1. The errors which engineers make may determine people’s ....

a) life and death b) health        c) wealth

2.The ability to solve problems is an important part of....

a) scientific research b) designing        c) engineering

3.A good engineer also has vast technical....

a) skillsb) experience c) knowledge

4.Engineering produces a technical product or system to meet a specific or urgent....

a) standard        b) need        c) requirement

5.Engineering is considered a branch of applied mathematics and ....

a) economics   b) management    c) science

6.Everything from space shuttles to air-conditioning systems requires the work of....

a) a qualified worker     b) a competent  engineer        c) a competent manager



3.True or false. Correct the false statements.

  1. Engineers help sustain our country in international competition, maintain our standard of living, ensure a strong national security and protect public safety.
  2. The ideas that engineers develop and the wealth that they generate solve local problems.

3. The imagination, skills and experience of engineers have had more influence on the development of the world than any other profession.

  1. Engineering students must prepare to master their profession and to excel it.
  2. In Russia there are a few high engineering schools that provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in all branches of modern engineering.
  3. Engineering applies scientific and mathematical principles, experience, judgment and common sense to make things that serve people.
  4. Engineering covers a wide range of businesses and industries, and engineers work in all kinds of environments.


4. Insert necessary modal verbs. Translateinto Russian:

1. For each new product the producing equipment ... reprogrammed and changed over.

2. The applications of robots ... be divided into three categories.

3. The petrol engine ... develop much power at low speeds.  

4. Despite its diversity, electrical engineering ... divided into four main branches.   5.. Engineers ... know how materials respond to external forces, such as tension, compression, torsion, bending, and shear.


5. Use the modal verbs and their equivalents into

Past Simple:

1. He must work hard to finish his experiment.

2. I can devote myself to scientific work.

3. You may repeat this experiment.

4. He must illustrate this law by several experiments.

5. She can study automation in the college.

Future Simple

1. He must check the temperature three times a day.

2. In this figure you can see a diagram of temperature changes.  

3. He may use a barometer to measure the atmospheric pressure.

4. You may use this method in your research.

5. She can do the work in time.  


6.Make up the text into the correct order. Translate1,2,4,6 into Russian:

  1. It is important for engineers to continue their education throughout their careers because their work depends on their knowledge of the latest technology. Engineers in high-technology areas, such as advanced electronics or information technology, know that technical knowledge can become outdated quickly.
  2. Engineers consider many factors when they develop a new product. For example, when engineers develop an industrial robot, they precisely specify the functional requirements; design and test the robot’s components; integrate the components to produce the final design; and evaluate the design’s overall effectiveness, cost, reliability, and safety. This process applies to the development of many different products, such as chemicals, computers, gas turbines, helicopters, and even toys.
  3. Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical problems. Their work is the link between social needs and commercial applications.
  4. Engineers use computers to produce and analyze designs; to simulate and test how a machine, structure or system operates; and to generate specifications for parts. Many engineers also use computers to monitor product quality and control process efficiency. The field of nanotechnology, which involves the creation of high-performance materials and components, also introduces entirely new principles to the design process.
  5. In addition to design and development, many engineers work in testing, production or maintenance. These engineers supervise production in factories, determine the causes of component failure, and test products’ quality. They also estimate the time and cost to complete projects. Some engineers move into engineering management or into sales. In sales, an engineering education enables them to discuss technical aspects and assist in product planning, installation and use. Supervisory engineers are responsible for major components or entire projects.
  6. Most engineers work in office buildings, laboratories or industrial plants. Others may work outdoors at construction sites and oil and gas exploration and production sites, where they monitor or direct operations or solve onsite problems. Some engineers travel to plants or worksites.


Список литературы

1. Голубев, А. П. Английский язык: учебное пособие для студентов учреждений среднего профессионального  образования /А. П. Голубев, Н. В. Балюк, И. Б. Смирнова. – 18-е изд., стер. -  Москва: Академия, 2018. – 336 с.

2. Голубев, А. П. Английский язык : учебник для студентов учреждений среднего профессионального образования /А. П. Голубев, Н. В. Балюк, И. Б. Смирнова. - 18-е изд. , стер. - Москва: Академия, 2018. - 336 с. Текст: электронный // ЭБС Академия [сайт]. - URL: http://academia-moscow.ru (дата обращения: 04.10.2019).

3. Краснова, Т. И. Английский язык для специалистов в области интернет-технологий: учебное пособие для СПО/ Т.И. Краснова, В.Н. Вичугов .- 2-е изд. – Москва: Юрайт, 2018. - 205с.

4.Радовель, В.А. Английский язык в программировании и информационных системах: учебник для студентов СПО/ В. А. Радовель. – Москва: КноРус, 2018. – 240 c.

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