"Special Days in Great Britain, the USA and Canada"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)

Задания на тему "Special Days in Great Britain, the USA and Canada" (7 класс)

Учебник: «Английский язык», Вербицкая М.В., Гаярделли М., Редли П., Миндрул О.С., Савчук Л.О. / Под ред. Вербицкой М.В.
Тема: Special days in the UK and the USA


Предварительный просмотр:

“Mother`s Day”

  1. Prepare an extract for good reading.

  1. Say true, false or not stated. Find a proof in the text.

1) In the USA this holiday is celebrated in March.

2) It is an official holiday.

3) All mothers are given flowers and some presents on this day.

4) There are parades on this day all over the world.

  1. Answer the questions.

1) What countries is Mother`s Day celebrated in?

2) When is this holiday celebrated?

3) What people do on this day?

4) What can you say about Anna Jarvis?

5) What is the meaning of this holiday?

  1. Prepare a short talk about “Mother`s Day”.

“Thanksgiving Day”

  1. Prepare an extract for good reading.

  1. Say true, false or not stated. Find a proof in the text.

1) This holiday is celebrated in November in Britain.

2) People go to church on this day.

3) This holiday commemorates the independence of the USA.

4) On this day people have a big meal with their families.

  1. Answer the questions.

1) What countries do celebrate this holiday?

2) When is “Thanksgiving Day” celebrated?

3) Who were the Pilgrims?

4) What do people do on this day?

5) What is the meaning of this holiday?

  1. Prepare a short talk about “Thanksgiving Day”.


  1. Prepare an extract for good reading.

  1. Say true, false or not stated. Find a proof in the text.

1) This holiday is popular in Britain.

2) It is believed that all the dead come to life.

3) Children wear school uniforms on this day.

4) Adults wear special costumes and visit people`s homes to get sweets.

  1. Answer the questions.

1) What countries is “Halloween” celebrated in?

2) When is this holiday celebrated?

3) How do people dress for this holiday?

4) What do people do on this day?

5) What is the meaning of this holiday?

  1. Prepare a short talk about “Halloween”.

“Thanksgiving Day” / “Halloween”

  1. Prepare an extract for good reading.

  1. Say true, false or not stated. Find a proof in the text.

1) Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in November in Britain.

2) People go to church on Halloween.

3) Adults wear special costumes and visit people`s homes to get sweets on Halloween.

4) On Thanksgiving Day people have a big meal with their families.

  1. Answer the questions.

1) What countries do celebrate these holidays?

2) When are these holidays celebrated?

3) Who were the Pilgrims?

4) What do people do on these days?

5) What is the meaning of these holidays?

  1. Prepare a short talk about “Thanksgiving Day” and “Halloween”.

“Guy Fawkes Night” / “Independence Day”

  1. Prepare an extract for good reading.

  1. Say true, false or not stated. Find a proof in the text.

1) On the 4th of July America became independent from Europe.

2) There are always parades and fireworks on Guy Fawkes Night.

3) Guy Fawkes wanted to blow up British Parliament.

4) Guy Fawkes was burn after his arrest.

  1. Answer the questions.

1) What countries do celebrate these holidays?

2) When are these holidays celebrated?

3) What is the “Gunpowder Plot”?

4) What do people do on these days?

5) What is the meaning of “Independence Day”?

  1. Prepare a short talk about “Guy Fawkes Night” and “Independence Day”.


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4







Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4







Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4







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