Английский театр
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Данная презентация позволяет ученикам не только расширить свой словарный запас, но и погрузиться в мир театра, узнать много интересной информации, самим почувствовать себя актерами


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

В мире театра Welcome to The world of Theatre Учитель Шолота Мария Вадимовна ГБОУ СОШ № 208

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

– th eatre – b a llet, tr a gedy, a ctor, a ctress, dr a matist, t a lented, g a llery – st a ge, play, make, fake, br ea k, spect a tor – au dience, perf or mance, h a ll, stalls – o pera, box – pr i ce, light, des i gner, d i rector – c ur tain, c ir cle – s ea t, scene – c o mpany, u sher, cond u ctor – st ar , dr a ma

Слайд 4

Our Project What do modern children like to do? Do they often go to the theatre? Do we have theatre in our native place? Do our pupils know much about the theatre? What can be done in this situation? Aim : to give some information about theatre and to interest our schoolchildren. How to do it? – To learn something new and make some product about theatre (for other people to enjoy and to get interested, and to organize the first English theatre corner in our classroom) Why “Theatre”? Culture To hold the audience To be one’s own man To command oneself To have good speech and memory

Слайд 5

7 W’s Programmes Where are the most famous theatres? Who works in the theatre (theatre professions) What are different parts of theatres? Which is the strangest and funniest superstition? When did Shakespeare live and write? Why do we admire some actors? Whose theatre poster and album is better? 21 мая – The world Day of cultural diversity ( Всемирный день культурного разнообразия во имя диалога и развития ) 22 мая – Laurence Olivier was born in 1907 ( родился Лоуренс Оливье, британский актер и режиссер ) 22 мая – the Tretyakov Gallery was founded ( день основания Третьяковской галереи ) 27 мая – the Libraries Day ( день библиотек )

Слайд 6

Kinds of theatres and theatrical performances Opera House – Opera and Ballet theatre – оперный театр Drama theatre – драматический театр Musical Comedy theatre – театр музыкальной комедии Young People's theatre – театр для молодежи Children's theatre – театр юного зрителя Variety theatre – эстрадный театр ( варьете ) Puppet theatre - кукольный театр Amateur theatre – самодеятельный (любительский) театр. a tragedy - трагедия a comedy - комедия Drama - драма Opera - опера Musical – мюзикл Ballet – балет Play - пьеса

Слайд 7

Famous Theatres of the World Convent Garden: Convent Garden is situated in London, England. It is also known as The Royal Opera House. Moscow Bolshoi Theatre (1825): This is a famous theatre in the capital of Russia.

Слайд 8

Classical Peking Opera of China La Scala (1908). This opera theatre is in Milan, Italy.

Слайд 9

Traditional Japanese theatre includes Kabuki , Noh and the puppet theatre . The Kabukiza Japanese Theater (in the center of Tokyo) The Sydney Opera House, 1973 (in Australia)

Слайд 10

Theatre Rules: Follow the dress code of the event. Always wear tidy and elegant clothes. Sit only on your place (seat). Always come in time (never be late). During the performance listen attentively. Never eat during the play. Don’t make noise and don’t talk loudly. During performances all devices must be switched off or switched to silent mode. Don’t leave before the end of the play. Be always polite and well-wishing. Love theatre and never miss the chance to touch the great art.

Слайд 11

Theatre professions Actor / actress - entertains the public Controls and fits the light on stage and auditorium - a light engineer a very famous and popular actor or actress - a star Artistic director - rehearses the parts with actors Costume designer – designs clothes for actors by making drawings of them Controls and fits the sound on stage and auditorium - a sound operator A conductor - stands in front of a group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing

Слайд 12

Different parts of theatre a place where a performance takes place - the stage the office where spectators book or buy tickets - box office where the orchestra plays; the hall is separated from the stage by it - the orchestra pit this thing covers the stage - the curtain the small private compartment nearer the stage - the box the seats in the first floor - the balcony a room where a performer can get dressed - a dressing room they illuminate the stage – toplights / footlights

Слайд 13

Good and bad luck theatre superstitions To wish “ Break a leg !” instead of good luck Ghosts in every theatre ( The Ghosts night ) Ghost light on stage Cats on stage during the rehearsal The Scottish play (“Macbeth”) Stolen flowers To have real mirrors or jewelry on stage Peacock feathers Whistling on stage and in the theatre To open a play on Friday or on the 13 th of the month To use (wear) yellow, blue or green on stage 3 candles on stage

Слайд 15

Laurence Olivier Лоуренс Оливье (22 May 1907) Famous British actor and director Created many Shakespeare’s characters

Слайд 16

William Shakespeare ( Уильям Шекспир ) All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts… To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. Быть или не быть, вот в чем вопрос. Достойно ль Смиряться под ударами судьбы, Иль надо оказать сопротивленье И в смертной схватке с целым морем бед Покончить с ними?

Слайд 17

Театр «Глобус» “The Globe” Theatre

Слайд 18

B He started writing poems when theatres were closed. C The Globe Theatre was round. D Musicians made special noises. E All the characters were played by men and boys. F He wrote comedies, tragedies and history plays. G He invented lots of new English words and expressions. H His plays and poetry are still very popular today.

Слайд 19

Acting Technique – Актерское мастерство PERFORMANCE P E R F O R M A N C E s P eech (речь) voic E (голос) playing a R ole (играть роль) trans F ormation (перевоплощение) int O nation (интонация) imp R ovisation (импровизация) M emory (хорошая память) A rtistic skills (артистизм) imagi N ation (воображение, фантазия) fa C ial expression (мимика) g E stures (жесты)

Слайд 20

Tongue twisters . Скороговорки James plays with trains and planes. A girl sees three big geese. Say it with different intonation (try to express some feelings and emotions). Read rhymes Kate bakes eight tasty cakes. Here is a rose, the rose is red. Try to show some actions using only your face, gestures and body. Mirror (do the same and guess).

Слайд 21

22 May – the Tretyakov Gallery was founded (1856)

Слайд 22

27 May – Day of libraries Tragedy about the Prince and the ghost of his father Romantic story about unhappy love Jealous man kills his wife Murders to get the power

Слайд 23

Reflection: Did we answer all the questions? Where are the most famous theatres? Who works in the theatre (theatre professions) What are different parts of theatres? Which is the strangest and funniest superstition? When did Shakespeare live and write? Why do we admire some actors? Whose theatre poster and album is better?

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