Конспект урока английскогоя зыка в 8 классе "Книги это тоже СМИ?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

Золотова Татьяна Вячеславовна

Конспект урока английского языка по учебнику "EnjoyEnglish" в 8 классе "Книи это тоже СМИ?"  (Section 5)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Section 5. КНИГИ - ЭТО ТОЖЕ СМИ?

Урок 64.

Тема: Роль книг в нашей жизни

Дата проведения:_____________


  • развитие навыков поискового чтения;
  • тренировка в употреблении структуры «глагол + -ing».

Оборудование: записи на доске; РТ.

Ход урока

l Организационный момент

  • - We continue speaking about mass media. We have already discussed television, radio, the press. It's time to discuss the problem of reading books. And our theme today is "Are Books Media, Too?"

II. Фонетическая разминка

—  As usual, we begin with a phonetical exercise. Open your workbooks at p. 45. See ex. 1. First complete the table in writing. Write the missing words with the sound [f]. (Photo, phone, phrase, famous, often.)

—  Say what letters can give the sound [f]? ("Ph " and "f'-)

—  Pronounce the words correctly. First repeat after me.

—  Now read the words one by one.

P1,P2, P3.

—  Can you give other examples of the words with the sound [f]? (Father, philosophy, friend, photograph, photographer, face, etc.)

III. Речевая разминка

—  Let's revise some words on our theme. Look through the words in ex. 2, p. 45 in your workbooks. In each line name the odd word. Explain your choice. Use the structure from the blackboard.

Запись на доске: "..."is not connected with... Keys:

a) "reporter" is not connected with a book;

b) "manager" is not connected with people writing books;

c) "advertisements" is not connected with genres of book;.

d) "Schwarzenegger" is not connected with book characters.

IV. Обучение чтению

—  Open your books at p. 75, ex. 63. Look at the photos. What do you think the text is about?

—  Look through the task. Were you right?

—  Read the questions. Do you understand them? Read the text and find the answers to the questions.


1. Margaret does. Because reading helps you learn the world.

2. Andy does.

3. Pamela does.

—  What do you think about books? Are you fond of reading? Do you think it is better to have paper books or CD books? Will paper books die one day? Whom do you agree with: Pamela, Margaret or Andy?

  • —  See ex. 64, p. 76. Translate the passage from the text. Pay attention to -ing forms. (Перелистывая страницы электрон-

ной книги, вы можете увидеть, что происходит в действии. Это на самом деле изумительно. Это намного интереснее, чем сидеть с книгой часами и пытаться узнать, что происходит.)

-  You see that some of them are a part of the predicate. Then we translate it as an adjective or a verb. Some of them play the role of the subject. Then we translate it as a verb. Besides, the -ing form can be a participle. There are some other situations when -ing forms are used. Before we discuss them let's have a rest. Stand up, please.

V. Физкультминутка

VI. Обучение грамматике

-  See other situations where -ing forms are used. Think of Russian equivalents to phrases in ex. 65, p. 76.

-  Now find similar phrases in the text. Read your sentences one by one. Other pupil will translate them.

- You try to make up your own sentence/with -ing forms. Use the table in ex. 66, p. 76. Think for a while. Let's play. Say as many sentences as you can, don't repeat your classmates' sentences. He who says the last sentence is the winner. Примерный ответ:

—  Now, we return to the text about reading books. Work in pairs, read the statements in ex. 67, p. 76 and say if they are true or false. Prove your points of view with the examples from the text. So, report to the class what you have found out.

 VII. Подведение итогов урока

—  What interesting facts about reading have you learnt? Do you often read books? That is all for today. The lesson is over, good-bye.

Домашнее задание

Уч.: упр. 29, стр. 88; РТ: упр. 3, стр. 45.

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