Методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме "Shipping goods"
план-конспект по английскому языку

Романова Анна Александровна

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                            Shipping  goods

Задание 1.  Read new words and word combinations and try to guess the meanings of them.

Fragile – хрупкое

This way up –

Keep dry –

Protect from heat –

Temperature limitations –

Handle with care -

Do not stack – не штабелировать

Do nor drop –

Harmful – вредно для здоровья

Open here

Задание 2.  Look at the pictures and name the labels of the goods.


Задание 3. Here is an extract from a manual providing rail loading instructions. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

                 carefully      attention      overhanging      sure      place      examine

          secure      instructions     fit      distribute      exceeded     diagonally

  1.  ______________   vehicle carefully.

2. Do not place items____________________ across the wagon.

3. When loading is complete, ensure that it fully complies with the______________ given in our Rail Instructions Manual.

4. Examine load carefully and make_____________ it is undamaged and suitable for loading.

5. ____________longer, heavier pieces on the bottom of the load.

6.  Make sure that load is _______________ .

7.  Ensure vehicle is _______________ to be loaded.

8.  Strap______________loads.

9.  When checking the vehicle, give special____________ to door securing mechanisms.

10. Examine vehicle and load__________after loading.

11.  ___________ load as evenly as possible and make sure wheels are evenly loaded.

12. Check whether vehicle capacity has not been_____________ .

Задание 4. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Jon:  Jon Frederikson,  Export Logistics.

Sonja:  Hi Jon, this is Sonja. I’m just phoning about your email.

Jon: Hi Sonja. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. So what can we do about GLP in France?

Sonja:  I think we’ve really got a problem here. Unfortunately, we can’t use one of our regular forwarders for this shipment. I’ve talked to all of them and the fastest service would take 48 hours.

Jon: Can’t we use someone that specializes in express deliveries?

Sonja: Not really. I’ve checked this option too, but I’m not sure it would work for us because they offer a very limited loading capacity. This means that we would have several smaller partial deliveries. And we’d have to pay a lot more as a result.

Jon: Hmm. What about the weekend delivery? That’s possible, isn’t it?

Sonja:  I’m afraid not. We can’t deliver at the weekend because of the HGV driving ban on Saturdays and Sundays.

Jon: Oh dear. I had no idea this delivery would cause so many problems. I’ll talk to GLP again and will get back to you later. Thanks for your help.

Sonja: No problem. Speak to you soon. Bye.

Jon: Bye.

Задание 5. Sonja and Jon are discussing the urgent delivery over the phone. Listen and answer the questions.

1 Can they use one of their usual forwarding agents?

2 How long would the fastest delivery service take?

3 Would express delivery be a good option?

4 Why is it not possible to deliver at the weekend?

5 What does Jon want to do next?

Задание 6. Put the words in the order they are mentioned in the dialogue. Then listen again to check.

1. really / here / 1 think / a problem / we’ve / got

2. use / this shipment / our / for / one / unfortunately / we can’t / of / regular forwarders

3. we / smaller / this / deliveries / means / partial / that / would / have several

4. have to / a lot more / and / as / we’d / pay / a result

5. Saturdays and Sundays / because of / deliver / we / can’t / at the weekend / driving ban / on / the HGV

6. problems / this delivery / no idea / 1 / would / cause / so many / had

Задание 7. Choose the correct words to complete these sentences.

1. The documents stated the wrong quantities. As a  reason/ result/ cause, the shipment was not

accepted at the warehouse.

2. The delay was    found/ noticed/ caused   by an accident on the motorway.

3. When I spoke to the logistics manager, it  noticed/ saw/t urned  out that they had used different

packing material.

4. Unfortunately, we are unable to deliver the consignment  due to/ because/ so technical problems in our warehouse.

5. Although / In spite of /But   the delay, the delivery will still arrive on time.

6. What is the  cause / reason / result for this delay?

Задание 8. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

so     because     although     due     as a result

   despite    because      in spite of

1. Our customer wants to ship valuable freight,  ________  we need to think about insurance.

2. A part of the shipment seems to be damaged  _________  of  rough handling (грубое обращение).

3. _________ the customer needed them urgently, the goods couldn’t be delivered at the weekend.

4. The flight was cancelled_________  to bad weather.

5. The driver had the wrong address.    __________, it took him three hours to deliver the pallets.

6. The consignment arrived on time __________   all the customs formalities at the border.

7. We are unable to ship today__________ we’ve had problems with our dispatch.

8. ________  being well secured, the load was damaged on arrival.

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