Экзаменационные билеты английский язык ля группы 2ПК-19 (повара)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)

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Экзаменационные билеты английский язык ля группы 2ПК-19 (повара)


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                                                                                                         заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, выполните задания

The Greeks have Mediterranean eating habits with a diet of fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, cheese and olive oil. The herbs and spices used are oregano, mint, garlic, onion, dill and bay leaves. Lunch is the main meal with meze, traditional Greek starters like grilled octopus, olives, aubergine or cheese salad. Food is usually served with bread and dips such as taramosalata, made of fish roe, or tzatziki, made of yoghurt and cucumber and accompanied with a glass of red wine. This is followed by main courses such as moussaka, made with aubergines, lamb and cheese, or souvlaki, skewered meat cooked in a traditional way, grilled on an open fire. Other cooking techniques include frying, sauteing, boiling, baking and roasting.

2. Заполните пропуски.

Factfile on______________________________food.

Typical meal: meze, dips, bread and a main course.


Traditional cooking technique/pot: skewered meat, grilled on an open fire.

Habits and customs:______________________________________________________________

Typical dishes:__________________________________________________________________

Typical drinks:__________________________________________________________________

3. Ответьте на любые 5 вопросов о себе. Запишите вопросы и ответы в форме диалога.

  1. When did you decide to become a cook?
  2. Who is the best cook in your family?
  3. Are there cooks among your relatives?
  4. Do your parents approve of your choice?
  5. Have you ever taken part in a culinary competition?
  6. Where would you like to work after college?
  7. Would you like to continue your studies?
  8. What do you like in your profession?

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Mexicans love to eat together. Traditional Mexican cuisine is hot and spicy, with chilli and garlic and herbs like oregano. A central ingredient is corn to fish, vegetables, beans and cheese to make enchiladas. They are often served with a spicy tomato sauce called salsa, sour cream, or an avocado dip called guacamole. Mexicans also eat a lot of rice and sweet potatoes and it is the birthplace of chocolate! Mexican beers and fresh fruit juices are popular drinks. Cooking methods include grilling, frying and boiling, but they also have a more traditional technique of slow cooking marinated meat over an open fire known as barbacoa. It is easy to see where the word ' barbecue' came from.

2.Заполните пропуски.

Factfile on______________________________food.

Typical meal: ____________________________________________________________.


Traditional cooking technique/pot: barbacoa.

Habits and customs:____________________________________________________________.

Typical dishes: enchilada.

Typical drinks:______________________ ____________________________________________.

  1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. pre-dinner cocktails

a. сливочные коктейли

2. coco-nut sprinkle

b. высокое содержание алкоголя

3. ingredients

c. аперитив

4. shot cocktails

d. слоистый (слоями)

5. to be mixed

e. рюмка

6. high alcohol content

f. дообеденный коктейль

7. to be served as a dessert

g. стимулировать аппетит

8. sweet liqueur

h. крепкий и чистый алкоголь

9. aperitif

i. подаваться перед едой

10. layered

j. ингредиенты

11. creamy cocktails

k. сладкий ликер

12. small glass

l. кокосовая стружка

13. to be served before eating

m. подается в качестве десерта

14. stimulate the appetite

n. коктейли, которые пьют залпом

15. strong and clear spirit

o.  быть смешанным (смешивать)


Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Chinese cuisine is popular and varied, reflecting China's different regions. A typical Chinese meal includes several dishes, with a balance of meat, fish or tofu, combined with vegetables and served with rice or noodles. Tasty sauces like soy, oyster or yellow bean and a combination of spices such as ginger, garlic, cloves and peppers, create unique flavors . Meals usually end with a cup of green tea. The Chinese believe in the philosophy of opposites , yin and yang. This is evident in the food with many hot and cold, spicy and mild, and sweet and sour dishes, such as sweet and sour pork. Cooking techniques include steaming, boiling and stir-frying in very little oil using a wok, a traditional deep frying pan. People eat food with wooden sticks called chopsticks.

2.Заполните пропуски.

Factfile on______________________________food.

Typical meal: ____________________________________________________________.

Spices/souses/dips: ginger, garlic, cloves and peppers, soy, oyster, yellow bean sauce.

Traditional cooking technique/pot: barbacoa.

Habits and customs:______________________________________________________________

Typical dishes: ____________________________________________________________________

Typical drinks: green tea.

  1. Ответьте на любые 5 вопросов о себе. Запишите вопросы и ответы в форме диалога.
  1. When did you decide to become a cook?
  2. Who is the best cook in your family?
  3. Are there cooks among your relatives?
  4. Do your parents approve of your choice?
  5. Have you ever taken part in a culinary competition?
  6. Where would you like to work after college?
  7. Would you like to continue your studies?
  8. What do you like in your profession?

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Indian meals are based on rice and curry, a dish of meat, fish or vegetables cooked in a spicy sauce. Common spices are chilli, cumin , turmeric, ginger, coriander and garlic, while dips include mango chutney, lime pickle and raita , made of yoghurt and cucumber. There are many vegetarian dishes too, because Hindus, the main religious group in India, do not usually eat meat. Indian food is traditionally eaten by hand and accompanied by different kinds of flatbread such as naan, baked in a tandoori , a traditional hot clay oven, where you also cook the famous dish, tandoori chicken. Indians love drinking masala chai: tea leaves, spices and milk boiled together to make a very sweet drink. Lassi is also a popular drink, combining yoghurt, milk, fruit and spices.

2. Заполните пропуски.

Factfile on______________________________food.

Typical meal: ____________________________________________________________.

Spices/souses/dips: ____________________________________________________

Traditional cooking technique/pot: ___________________________________

Habits and customs: often vegetarian, eat by hand.

Typical dishes: tandoori chicken.

Typical drinks: ___________________________________________________________

3. Установите соответствие между страной и блюдом.





a) pasta

b) roll

c) studen

d)  tacos

e) sushi

f) zbiten

g) quesadillas

h) pizza

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

I’ve always liked food. I was slim when I was young. However, when I was 40 I was very overweight and I didn’t have much energy. My doctor gave me lots of information about diets and exercise, but it was very complicated. Then I read about it in the newspaper. It’s very simple. You eat only one meal a day - in the evening, so I don’t eat breakfast or lunch. However, for dinner in the evening you can eat as much as you like.

So, a normal dinner for me is a big piece of grilled fish or a really big steak with a medium-sized bowl of pasta or a couple of baked potatoes, and a lot of vegetables or salad. I often have one or two fried eggs with that. Then I have desserts - some fruit or a big slice of apple pie. After that I have some cheese with several biscuits and a couple of glasses of wine, too.

I have dinner at 9 o’clock, so when I go to bed I feel very full. However , I always sleep well.

I started the diet a few months ago. It was very hard at first. I felt very hungry by midday and I wanted a biscuits or a sandwich, but it’s OK now. I don’t have any snacks and I just drink a lot of water during the day. And it works. I’ve lost 20 kilos. I’ve got more energy, too, so I feel great.

2.Прочитайте текст, выберите верный вариант ответа.

1.What is the basic rule of the diet?

a)You eat a little but often b)You don’t eat anything on one day a week c) You only eat one meal a day

2.When does he eat?

a)in the evening b) every four hours c) in the morning

3.Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. pre-dinner cocktails

a. сливочные коктейли

2. coco-nut sprinkle

b. высокое содержание алкоголя

3. ingredients

c. аперитив

4. shot cocktails

d. слоистый (слоями)

5. to be mixed

e. рюмка

6. high alcohol content

f. дообеденный коктейль

7. to be served as a dessert

g. стимулировать аппетит

8. sweet liqueur

h. крепкий и чистый алкоголь

9. aperitif

i. подаваться перед едой

10. layered

j. ингредиенты

11. creamy cocktails

k. сладкий ликер

12. small glass

l. кокосовая стружка

13. to be served before eating

m. подается в качестве десерта

14. stimulate the appetite

n. коктейли, которые пьют залпом

15. strong and clear spirit

o.  быть смешанным (смешивать)

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Kitchen design may vary according to the following things: the food outlet location, the type of customer, the number of covers, the menu, the service and the number of staff. However, the organization of every kitchen should always follow two basic rules: a linear production line, so that there is a logical progression from preparation to service to improve efficiency, and a separation of processes, to avoid contact between raw materials, packaging, leftovers and kitchen waste, which can lead to contamination.

Therefore, the kitchen should be in a strategic point, between the storage areas and the restaurant, so that raw materials are conveniently stored and final dishes are served quickly to customers. Access to storage premises should be easy for vehicles carrying goods and waste from outside, but totally separate from food preparation areas. Storage premises should cover the smallest possible area to avoid wasting space and to ensure the regular supply of raw materials. Inside the kitchen, space is divided according to the type of activity carried out in different areas. Each area (or specialist station) is equipped and located to communicate with the other areas. For example the cold preparation section, the area where raw materials are prepared, must be near the cold storage rooms, where perishable goods are stored. Next to this, you usually find the storeroom, where equipment and non-perishable goods are stored. Whereas the main kitchen or hot dish section, where hot food is prepared, must be directly connected to the service area, where orders are placed and waiting staff collect food. This in turn must be near the dishwashing area, where dishes, pots and pans are washed and stored.


2. Соедините названия частей кухни с их назначением.

1) The main kitchen is .. .

a) where equipment and non-perishable goods are stored.

2) The cold preparation section is ...

b) where dishes, pots and pans are washed and stored.

3) The service area is ...

c) where hot food is prepared.

4) The storeroom is .. .

d) where orders are placed and waiting staff collect food.

5) The cold storage room is .. .

e) where perishable goods are stored.

6) The dishwashing area is .. .

f) where raw ingredients are prepared.

3. Установите соответствие между страной и блюдом.





a) pasta

b) roll

c) studen

d)  tacos

e) sushi

f) zbiten

g) quesadillas

h) pizza

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Нow much do you know about the history of some of your favorite foods? Do you know when people in England started cooking curry dishes? Do you know in which country pizzas or hamburgers were first made? The facts might surprise you.

Many people think the English found out about curry from people in India in the 1600s. In reality, wealthy English people were eating dishes made with curry spices hundreds of years before British ships traveled to India. Cooks of wealthy English families during the time of King Richard I were making curry dishes, and in fact, the word “curry” can be found in an English language cookbook as far back as 1377.

As for pizza, this dish was probably first made in Persia (what is now Iran). The Persians were eating round, flat bread with cheese in the 500s. That was nearly 1,000 years before pizza caught on in Naples, Italy! Finally, let’s look at the truth behind hamburgers. Many people think hamburgers are an American food. However, according to some stories, hamburgers came from Hamburg, Germany. A German named Otto Kuasw created the first hamburger in 1891. Four years later, German sailors introduced hamburgers to Americans. Where foods come from isn’t nearly as important as how they taste; as long as they are delicious! So, go get some of your favorite food and dig in.

2.Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1) What is the main idea of this reading?

a) Curry was created in England. b) There are many foods that help your body.

c) People created fast food long ago. d) Some facts about foods are surprising.

2) Which is probably true about British curry dishes in the 1400s?

a) The dishes did not have meat. b) The spices cost a lot.

c) People ate curry on special days. d) British sailors first made curry.

3) What did people in Naples learn from Persians?

a) How to make pizza b) How to cook cheese

c) How to use spices from Iran d) How to make flat bread

4) Who introduced hamburgers to America?

a) Persians b) Otto Kuasw

c) Italians d) German sailors

5) Which food was probably made first?

a) Hamburgers b) Cheesy Persian bread

c) Italian pizza d) English curry

3. Заполните резюме.



First name__________________________________________________________


Telephone number___________________________________________________

Age_______________________________________________________________ Sex_______________________________________________________________

Date of birth________________________________________________________

Nationality_________________________________________________________ Marital status_______________________________________________________



Signature___________________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________________________

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская


Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

John Montagu loved playing cards. When he was in London he played all the time. One day I 1762, he was hungry - but he wanted to continue playing cards. So he took two pieces of bread and a piece of meat. he put the meat between the bread – and made the world’s first sandwich! Why did he call it a sandwich? Because that was John Montagu’s other name – the Earl of sandwich.

South American Indians ate potatoes 4000years ago. Potatoes arrived in Europe nearly 5 centuries ago, but they weren’t popular at first. People didn’t eat them - because they thought they were poisonous! The most popular fast food is “French fries” – or in the USA, just “fries”. The British call them “chips” - “fish and chips” is traditional British fast food.

A baker called Raffaele Esposito of Naples, Italy invented the modern pizza in 1889 when the Italian king and queen went to Naples. Raffaele wanted his new pizza to look like the Italian flag – it was white (mozzarella cheese), green (basil) and red (tomatoes).

The queen really liked this pizza. She was called Queen Margherita, so this kind of pizza is now called a Margherita.

2.Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What is the American name for ‘chips’?

2.Who invented the modern pizza?

3.What’s the traditional fast food?

4.How did the Earl of Sandwith make the first sandwich?

3.Ответьте на любые 5 вопросов о себе. Запишите вопросы и ответы в форме диалога.

  1. When did you decide to become a cook?
  2. Who is the best cook in your family?
  3. Are there cooks among your relatives?
  4. Do your parents approve of your choice?
  5. Have you ever taken part in a culinary competition?
  6. Where would you like to work after college?
  7. Would you like to continue your studies?
  8. What do you like in your profession?

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Choosing a restaurant .

Most cities have hudreds of restaurants, so travelers have many options. Fast food reataurants are good for people who don’t have a lot of time. These restaurants make your food very quickly and some even have drive – through service. A family restaurant usually has table service. Here the waitstaff takes your order and brings your food to you. A steakhouse is another type of restaurant. It offers many cuts of meat. reastaurants serve different types of cuisines. For example, Indian cuisine has a lot of vegetarian dishes. Before you choosen a restaurant, look at a guide that contains ratings. A restaurant with better food and service receives more stars.

2.Соотнесите слова и их значения.

1.Family restaurant

a)A restaurant that serves different types of meat.


b)A restaurant that weicomes children and adults.


c)Different types of meat.


d)Restaurant workers who serve customers


e)A type of restaurant service in which customers receive their food in their car.


f)The style of food from a place.

3.Составь мини диалог.

Прочитай фразы. Подбери к каждой фразе подходящую ответную реплику.

- Hi Jeanne! How are you?

- (1)

 - I’m also well, thanks! How’s the weather in Ottawa today?

- (2)

- You know, as usual. It’s quite foggy and chilly.

- (3)

- How is summer in Ottawa?

- (4)

(a) - I’m fine, thank you! And how are you?

(b) - It’s a fine weather, but it’s a bit rainy. How about London? Is the weather good there?

(c) - Yes, summer in London is gorgeous.

(d)- Well, it is nice, of course. It can also rain sometimes or be cloudy, but in general it’s warm and sunny.

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Miracle oil.

Did you know that there is a fruit juice that you can cook with, wash with and preserve things with? Well, there is. Ithas been used for thousands of years in countries such as Greese, Italy and Spain. What is it? It’s olive oil, of course, and it’s fast becoming the most popular oil in the world.

Although people in Meditarranean countries have been using olive oil over 4000 years, it has only recently become popular in other parts of the world.in fact, people beyond the Mediterranean once saw olive as little more than an exotic but expencive luxury. However recent stidies linking an olive oil-rich diet with low rate heart disease have made the rest of the world sit up and on notice. As a result , more and more people have come realise the many health and nutritional benefits of giving other oils and using olive oil instead.

As well as tasting delicious and being the health cooking oil available, olive oil has many other uses. It is major ingredient in many cosmetics, hair conditioners soaps. It also has a wide variety of lesser known uses, as fixing squeaky doors and even polishing diamonds also a preservative , and will keep fish and cheese years.

Perhaps more important , though, is olive oil’s value a medicine. Not only can eating olive oil lower the risk serious diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, it can also have a healing effect on many stomach disorders. On top of this Mediterranean people have traditionally used it to treat minor wounds and illness. This could explain why people in Mediterranean countries tend to live longer. So the next time you go shopping, don’t forget to add olive to your list. It will make your food taste better and your life last longer.

2.Выберите правльный вариант ответа.

1.Olive oil….

a)Is not well known

b)Is going populariety

c)Is a fruit

d)Is used only in the Mediterranean

2.The people of the Mediterranean

a)Have been using olive oil for a very long time

b)Think olive oil is too expensive

c)Nave recently discovered olive oil

d)Have a high rate of heart disease.

3.Olive oil is not used

a)To wash with

b)To cook with

c)To polish wood

d)To keep food fresh

4.Olive oil can

a)Cure heart disease

b)Heal serious injuries

c)Cause stomack problems

d)Help you live longer

3. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. pre-dinner cocktails

a. сливочные коктейли

2. coco-nut sprinkle

b. высокое содержание алкоголя

3. ingredients

c. аперитив

4. shot cocktails

d. слоистый (слоями)

5. to be mixed

e. рюмка

6. high alcohol content

f. дообеденный коктейль

7. to be served as a dessert

g. стимулировать аппетит

8. sweet liqueur

h. крепкий и чистый алкоголь

9. aperitif

i. подаваться перед едой

10. layered

j. ингредиенты

11. creamy cocktails

k. сладкий ликер

12. small glass

l. кокосовая стружка

13. to be served before eating

m. подается в качестве десерта

14. stimulate the appetite

n. коктейли, которые пьют залпом

15. strong and clear spirit

o.  быть смешанным (смешивать)

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Food Industry                     5.Food in Britain

2. Home-cooked Food            6. Fast Food

3. We are What We Eat          7. A Swеet Tooth

4. Definition of Food              8. Food in the USA

A. Food is any substance or materials eaten or drunk to provide nutritional support for the body and/or for pleasure. It usually consists of plant or animal origin that contains essential ingredients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth and maintain life. The right to food is a human right derived from the International

Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

B. Packaged foods are manufactured outside the home for purchase. Early food processing techniques were limited by available food preservation, packaging and transportation. This mainly involved salting, drying, pickling, curdling, fermentation and smoking. Food manufacturing arose during the industrial revolution in the 19th century. This development took advantage of new mass markets and emerging new technology such as milling, preservation, packaging, labeling and transportation.

C. People who have busy work or social schedules don’t have much time for cooking at home. Takeout meals from restaurants, pizza parlors and delicatessens have become a regular part of everyday life. Food can be picked up at a café, or people call in orders by phone and the takeaway meal is delivered to their homes. Ready-to-eat and instant processed foods that are quick to prepare are very popular. Snacks and junk food like doughnuts, popcorn, cookies, or potato chips are also easy to prepare.

D. The expression “as American as an apple pie” means something that is typically American, but even apple pie came from somewhere else. The only true American foods are those that the Native Americans gave the first settlers, including corn, squash, pumpkin, turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie which are still eaten at Thanksgiving. Immigrants have brought all kinds of dishes with them from their home countries. A typical family may eat tacos (originally from Mexico), pizza (from Italy), or apple pie (from England).

E. How much food do you think you will eat by the time you are seventy-nine? The average Frenchwoman, for example, will eat 25 cows, 40 sheep, 35 pigs, 1200 chickens, 2.07 tones of fish, 5.05 tones of potatoes, 13 000 eggs, 50 000 loaves of bread, 1.37 tones of apples, 768 kg of oranges, 430 bags of carrots, 720 kg of tomatoes, 1300 lettuces, hundreds of packages of coffee,

sugar, spaghetti, and 8 kg of dirt. How many cows and pigs have you swallowed already?

F. Although Britain is quite a small country, it offers a wide choice of food and drink. The types of food people eat have changed a lot over the years for several reasons. People have come to Britain from different parts of the world, bringing their favourite food with them and often opening restaurants. In Britain you can find traditional food like roast beef or fish and chips and vegetarian food for those who do not eat meat. As well as foods from different parts of Britain, you can buy Italian, Mexican and West Indian food.

G. Cakes, chocolate ice-cream… The British love them all. A meal is not a meal without some kind of dessert and sweet things are very popular as a snack too. Chocolate is the most popular sweet snack and the British eat more than 8 kg per person per year of it. Chocolate is almost eaten anywhere, any time but is very popular at Christmas and Easter. Ice-cream is eaten as a snack, a dessert, or with another dessert (like a piece of hot apple pie).

2. Составь предложения из предложенных слов.

  1. We, when, ill, are, call, we, doctor, the.
  2. Us, he, examines.
  3. The, doctor, illness, the, diagnoses.

3.Установите соответствие между страной и блюдом.





a) pasta

b) roll

c) studen

d)  tacos

e) sushi

f) zbiten

g) quesadillas

h) pizza

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

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_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие упражнения.

St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral is situated in the City of London. It was designed by Sir Christopher Wren (1632s 1723 4-234?) who was not only an architect but also one of the best geometers of his day, a mathematician and astronomer. It took Wren 35 years to build the Cathedral which is the greatest of English Churches. It is considered to be a fine specimen of Renaissance architecture.

The Cathedral is 515 ft long and 180 ft wide. Its famous dome is the largest church dome in the world after St. Peter’s in Rome. The Cathedral is Gothic in plan but the details are classic Renaissance. In one of the twin baroque towers there is one of the largest bells in the world, Great Paul, weighting 17, 5 tons.

Inside there is a wonderful mixture of architectural work, paintings, mosaics and statues which are monuments to generals and admirals who are buried there and among them admiral Nelson and the Duke of Wellington (under his command the army of the allies defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815).

When Christopher Wren was 90 he was carried here once a year so that he could see his beautiful work. He himself is buried in the Cathedral. There is no monument to Christopher Wren but on his tomb in the centre of the Cathedral there is an inscription which reads: “If you seek a monument, look around”. The inscription is in Latin.

St. Paul’s Cathedral was partly destroyed in 1941 by a direct hit from bombs. After the war it was restored.

2.The text is about …Текст о…

1) the interior of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

2) Sir Christopher Wren.

3) Renaissance architecture.

4) Christopher Wren’s masterpiece.

3. Дополните предложение согласно тексту.

In one of the towers of St. Paul’s Cathedral one can see …

  1. one of the largest bells in the world.
  2. the monument to Christopher Wren.
  3. the tombs of Nelson and Wellington.
  4. the largest church dome in the world.

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

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                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие упражнения.


1. Pre-dinner cocktails or aperitifs are usually served before eating. They stimulate the appetite. They are made with strong and clear spirits, such as whisky, gin or brandy. They have high alcohol content. They have no more than three ingredients and are not mixed with juice or cream.

2. Creamy cocktails are usually served after a meal as a dessert. They are made with ice cream, milk, sweet liqueurs, fruit, chocolate and coco-nut sprinkles. They can be made layered.

3. Long cocktails are usually served in a long glass with a straw. They are not as strong as other cocktails. They consist mainly of ice with a little spirit, fruit juice and sodas.

4. Sour cocktails are a combination of spirits and liqueurs with lemon juice and sugar syrup. They are good in hot weather because they are served with ice.

5. Shot cocktails are served in small glasses. They can be sipped or “shot”.

6. Non-alcoholic cocktails are made of fruit juices and soda. They are served in large cocktail glasses with a straw. They can be decorated with fruit slices.

2.Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. pre-dinner cocktails

a. сливочные коктейли

2. coco-nut sprinkle

b. высокое содержание алкоголя

3. ingredients

c. аперитив

4. shot cocktails

d. слоистый (слоями)

5. to be mixed

e. рюмка

6. high alcohol content

f. дообеденный коктейль

7. to be served as a dessert

g. стимулировать аппетит

8. sweet liqueur

h. крепкий и чистый алкоголь

9. aperitif

i. подаваться перед едой

10. layered

j. ингредиенты

11. creamy cocktails

k. сладкий ликер

12. small glass

l. кокосовая стружка

13. to be served before eating

m. подается в качестве десерта

14. stimulate the appetite

n. коктейли, которые пьют залпом

15. strong and clear spirit

o.  быть смешанным (смешивать)

3.Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы.

Your answer



1. When are pre-dinner cocktails or aperitifs usually served?

a. with strong and clear spirits, such as whisky, gin or brandy.

2. When are creamy cocktails usually served?

b. ice cream, milk, sweet liqueurs, fruit, chocolate and coco-nut sprinkles.

3. What are pre-dinner cocktails made with?

c. in small glasses.

4. How are shot cocktails served?

d. before eating.

5. What are creamy cocktails made with?

e. after a meal as a dessert.

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

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_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте текст. Подберите название к тексту из предложенных вариантов.

A person is seen and evaluated through his behavior and communication with other people. If someone has a rich and beautiful inner world he or she demonstrates high level of social etiquette. Sometimes when we simply say “Hello!” meeting people and “Good Bye!” leaving, it shows our good manners. It is also necessary to use polite words in formal situations and when talking to strangers or elderly people.

  1. Table manners
  2. Public behavior
  3. Good manners
  4. Courtesy
  5. Bad manners

2.Установите соответствие между страной и блюдом.





a) pasta

b) roll

c) studen

d)  tacos

e) sushi

f) zbiten

g) quesadillas

h) pizza

3.Прочитайте текст. Выбери действующее лицо из левой колонки и соответствующую ему информацию из правой.

Judy took her first job in a restaurant only as a mean to buy a car, but soon she like it very much. She graduated from the Culinary Institute of America and worked for a time as a line cook in Florida, then was offered the chef position at the Country Club. “I1m happy because I love what I do,” she says.

1.Nick                          a) His mother couldn`t cook.

2.Mary                         b) His father didn`t want him to be a cook.

3.David                        c) She had plans to be an artist.

4.Philippe                    d) His father was a baker.

5.Judy                         e) She says she`s happy because she loves what she does.

                                    f)  He`s a pastry chef at a restaurant.

                                    g) She is a head chef at the Country Club.

           h)She is a co-owner of a restaurant.

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

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                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Ответьте на любые 5 вопросов о себе. Запишите вопросы и ответы в форме диалога.

  1. When did you decide to become a cook?
  2. Who is the best cook in your family?
  3. Are there cooks among your relatives?
  4. Do your parents approve of your choice?
  5. Have you ever taken part in a culinary competition?
  6. Where would you like to work after college?
  7. Would you like to continue your studies?
  8. What do you like in your profession?

2. Заполните резюме.



First name__________________________________________________________


Telephone number___________________________________________________

Age_______________________________________________________________ Sex_______________________________________________________________

Date of birth________________________________________________________

Nationality_________________________________________________________ Marital status_______________________________________________________



Signature___________________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________________________

3.Переведите инструкцию на русский язык.

 The Cook must know:

-legislation, regulations, orders another guiding and normative documents and materials related to nutrition;

-sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations;

-recipes, cooking techniques, quality requirements, rules, terms and conditions of storage of dishes;

-types, properties, and a culinary destination of products;

-organoleptic characteristics and methods of determining the quality of products;

-rules, techniques and sequence of operations to prepare products for heat treatment;

-assign, rules for the use of technological equipment, industrial equipment, tools, weighing equipment, utensils and care for them.

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

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                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Установите соответствие между профессиональными глаголами и выражениями на английском языке с их эквивалентами на русском языке:


To baste the meat


Снимать крышку


To form the meat into balls


Очищать капусту от внешних листьев


To fry the fish in oil


Быстро переворачивать


To turn over quickly


Делать мясные фрикадельки


To trim a cabbage




To pepper


Варить в большом количестве воды


To bring to boil


Чистить картофель


To boil in plenty of water


Поливать мясо подливкой


To peel potatoes


Жарить рыбу в масле


To uncover


Доводить до кипения

2.Прочитайте профессионально направленный диалог и переведите его на русский язык:

Waiter: Welcome to our  restaurant. Here is the menu. I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.

Waiter (After a couple of minutes): Are you ready to order?

Igor Smirnov: Not yet, give us a second, please.

Waiter:  No problem. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes…. (After a couple of minutes) What would you like to order?

Igor Smirnov: I’ll have boiled beef with sauce.

Waiter: And you?

Igor Smirnov’s wife: I’ll have vegetable and mushrooms stew.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Igor Smirnov: I’ll have tea with lemon.

Waiter: And you?

Igor Smirnov’s wife: I’ll have juice. What kind of juice do you have?

Waiter: Orange, mango, apple and pineapple.

Igor Smirnov’s wife: One pineapple juice please.

Waiter: OK. So that’s one boiled beef with sauce, one vegetable and mushrooms stew, one tea with lemon, and one pineapple juice.

Waiter (After a time): Here you are. Enjoy your meal.

Waiter (After a time): How was everything?

Igor Smirnov: Delicious, thanks!

Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert?

Igor Smirnov: No, thank you.

Waiter: Can I get you anything else?

Igor Smirnov: No, just the bill please.

Waiter: Sure. I’ll be right back with that… Do you want to pay separately?

Igor Smirnov: No, you can put it all on one bill.

Waiter: (Brings the bill) Here you are.

Igor Smirnov: (Give the money to the waiter) Thanks a lot.

3.Составьте на английском языке рассказ из 5 предложений о своей будущей профессии «Повар, кондитер».

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

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_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



       ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Заполните таблицу, подбирая к английским словам на тему «Персонал предприятий общественного питания» их русские эквиваленты:


Serving staff


Executive director


Managing director

Head waiter

Financial director



2.Прочитайте данный рецепт на английском языке. Расставьте действия в способе приготовления в правильной последовательности. Переведите данный рецепт на русский язык:




60 g butter, melted

1 leek, finely chopped

2 rashes bacon, chopped

Whole meal breadcrumbs

1 egg yolk

Salt and pepper to taste

1.5 kg chicken

20 g butter, melted extra


  1. Brush chicken with extra melted butter
  2. Turn over, cook for further 16-18 min
  3. Combine all stuffing ingredients
  4. Place chicken on a rack, breast-side down, for 16-18 min
  5. Fill cavity of chicken with stuffing and secure with a toothpick

3.Ответьте на любые 5 вопросов о себе. Запишите вопросы и ответы в форме диалога.

  1. When did you decide to become a cook?
  2. Who is the best cook in your family?
  3. Are there cooks among your relatives?
  4. Do your parents approve of your choice?
  5. Have you ever taken part in a culinary competition?
  6. Where would you like to work after college?
  7. Would you like to continue your studies?
  8. What do you like in your profession?

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Соотнесите следующие профессионально направленные выражения и их английскими эквивалентами:

  1. ПОЛИВАТЬ МЯСО ПОДЛИВКОЙ                              
  1.  To thicken with flour
  2. To pepper
  3. To baste the meat
  4. To mince the meat
  5. To slice thinly
  6. To skim it clean
  7. To turn over         quickly
  8. To boil potatoes in jackets
  9. To pick out all the bones
  10. To bring to boil

2.Заполните таблицу, подбирая к русским словам на тему «Посуда предприятий общественного питания» их английские эквиваленты:

Глубокая тарелка, миска





Столовая ложка

Чайная ложка




3.Составь мини диалог.

Прочитай фразы. Подбери к каждой фразе подходящую ответную реплику.

- Hi Jeanne! How are you?

- (1)

 - I’m also well, thanks! How’s the weather in Ottawa today?

- (2)

- You know, as usual. It’s quite foggy and chilly.

- (3)

- How is summer in Ottawa?

- (4)

(a) - I’m fine, thank you! And how are you?

(b) - It’s a fine weather, but it’s a bit rainy. How about London? Is the weather good there?

(c) - Yes, summer in London is gorgeous.

(d)- Well, it is nice, of course. It can also rain sometimes or be cloudy, but in general it’s warm and sunny.

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

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                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Indian meals are based on rice and curry, a dish of meat, fish or vegetables cooked in a spicy sauce. Common spices are chilli, cumin , turmeric, ginger, coriander and garlic, while dips include mango chutney, lime pickle and raita , made of yoghurt and cucumber. There are many vegetarian dishes too, because Hindus, the main religious group in India, do not usually eat meat. Indian food is traditionally eaten by hand and accompanied by different kinds of flatbread such as naan, baked in a tandoori , a traditional hot clay oven, where you also cook the famous dish, tandoori chicken. Indians love drinking masala chai: tea leaves, spices and milk boiled together to make a very sweet drink. Lassi is also a popular drink, combining yoghurt, milk, fruit and spices.

2. Заполните пропуски.

Factfile on______________________________food.

Typical meal: ____________________________________________________________.

Spices/souses/dips: ____________________________________________________

Traditional cooking technique/pot: ___________________________________

Habits and customs: often vegetarian, eat by hand.

Typical dishes: tandoori chicken.

Typical drinks: ___________________________________________________________

3.Установите соответствие между страной и блюдом.





a) pasta

b) roll

c) studen

d)  tacos

e) sushi

f) zbiten

g) quesadillas

h) pizza

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



        ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Chinese cuisine is popular and varied, reflecting China's different regions. A typical Chinese meal includes several dishes, with a balance of meat, fish or tofu, combined with vegetables and served with rice or noodles. Tasty sauces like soy, oyster or yellow bean and a combination of spices such as ginger, garlic, cloves and peppers, create unique flavors . Meals usually end with a cup of green tea. The Chinese believe in the philosophy of opposites , yin and yang. This is evident in the food with many hot and cold, spicy and mild, and sweet and sour dishes, such as sweet and sour pork. Cooking techniques include steaming, boiling and stir-frying in very little oil using a wok, a traditional deep frying pan. People eat food with wooden sticks called chopsticks.

2.Заполните пропуски.

Factfile on______________________________food.

Typical meal: ____________________________________________________________.

Spices/souses/dips: ginger, garlic, cloves and peppers, soy, oyster, yellow bean sauce.

Traditional cooking technique/pot: barbacoa.

Habits and customs:______________________________________________________________

Typical dishes: ____________________________________________________________________

Typical drinks: green tea.

3. Заполните резюме.



First name__________________________________________________________


Telephone number___________________________________________________

Age_______________________________________________________________ Sex_______________________________________________________________

Date of birth________________________________________________________

Nationality_________________________________________________________ Marital status_______________________________________________________



Signature___________________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________________________

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

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                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Mexicans love to eat together. Traditional Mexican cuisine is hot and spicy, with chilli and garlic and herbs like oregano. A central ingredient is corn to fish, vegetables, beans and cheese to make enchiladas. They are often served with a spicy tomato sauce called salsa, sour cream, or an avocado dip called guacamole. Mexicans also eat a lot of rice and sweet potatoes and it is the birthplace of chocolate! Mexican beers and fresh fruit juices are popular drinks. Cooking methods include grilling, frying and boiling, but they also have a more traditional technique of slow cooking marinated meat over an open fire known as barbacoa. It is easy to see where the word ' barbecue' came from.

2.Заполните пропуски.

Factfile on______________________________food.

Typical meal: ____________________________________________________________.


Traditional cooking technique/pot: barbacoa.

Habits and customs:____________________________________________________________.

Typical dishes: enchilada.

Typical drinks:______________________ ____________________________________________.

3. Ответьте на любые 5 вопросов о себе. Запишите вопросы и ответы в форме диалога.

  1. When did you decide to become a cook?
  2. Who is the best cook in your family?
  3. Are there cooks among your relatives?
  4. Do your parents approve of your choice?
  5. Have you ever taken part in a culinary competition?
  6. Where would you like to work after college?
  7. Would you like to continue your studies?
  8. What do you like in your profession?

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, выполните задания

The Greeks have Mediterranean eating habits with a diet of fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, cheese and olive oil. The herbs and spices used are oregano, mint, garlic, onion, dill and bay leaves. Lunch is the main meal with meze, traditional Greek starters like grilled octopus, olives, aubergine or cheese salad. Food is usually served with bread and dips such as taramosalata, made of fish roe, or tzatziki, made of yoghurt and cucumber and accompanied with a glass of red wine. This is followed by main courses such as moussaka, made with aubergines, lamb and cheese, or souvlaki, skewered meat cooked in a traditional way, grilled on an open fire. Other cooking techniques include frying, sauteing, boiling, baking and roasting.

2. Заполните пропуски.

Factfile on______________________________food.

Typical meal: meze, dips, bread and a main course.


Traditional cooking technique/pot: skewered meat, grilled on an open fire.

Habits and customs:______________________________________________________________

Typical dishes:__________________________________________________________________

Typical drinks:__________________________________________________________________

  1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. pre-dinner cocktails

a. сливочные коктейли

2. coco-nut sprinkle

b. высокое содержание алкоголя

3. ingredients

c. аперитив

4. shot cocktails

d. слоистый (слоями)

5. to be mixed

e. рюмка

6. high alcohol content

f. дообеденный коктейль

7. to be served as a dessert

g. стимулировать аппетит

8. sweet liqueur

h. крепкий и чистый алкоголь

9. aperitif

i. подаваться перед едой

10. layered

j. ингредиенты

11. creamy cocktails

k. сладкий ликер

12. small glass

l. кокосовая стружка

13. to be served before eating

m. подается в качестве десерта

14. stimulate the appetite

n. коктейли, которые пьют залпом

15. strong and clear spirit

o.  быть смешанным (смешивать)

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Kitchen design may vary according to the following things: the food outlet location, the type of customer, the number of covers, the menu, the service and the number of staff. However, the organization of every kitchen should always follow two basic rules: a linear production line, so that there is a logical progression from preparation to service to improve efficiency, and a separation of processes, to avoid contact between raw materials, packaging, leftovers and kitchen waste, which can lead to contamination.

Therefore, the kitchen should be in a strategic point, between the storage areas and the restaurant, so that raw materials are conveniently stored and final dishes are served quickly to customers. Access to storage premises should be easy for vehicles carrying goods and waste from outside, but totally separate from food preparation areas. Storage premises should cover the smallest possible area to avoid wasting space and to ensure the regular supply of raw materials. Inside the kitchen, space is divided according to the type of activity carried out in different areas. Each area (or specialist station) is equipped and located to communicate with the other areas. For example the cold preparation section, the area where raw materials are prepared, must be near the cold storage rooms, where perishable goods are stored. Next to this, you usually find the storeroom, where equipment and non-perishable goods are stored. Whereas the main kitchen or hot dish section, where hot food is prepared, must be directly connected to the service area, where orders are placed and waiting staff collect food. This in turn must be near the dishwashing area, where dishes, pots and pans are washed and stored.


2. Соедините названия частей кухни с их назначением.

1) The main kitchen is .. .

a) where equipment and non-perishable goods are stored.

2) The cold preparation section is ...

b) where dishes, pots and pans are washed and stored.

3) The service area is ...

c) where hot food is prepared.

4) The storeroom is .. .

d) where orders are placed and waiting staff collect food.

5) The cold storage room is .. .

e) where perishable goods are stored.

6) The dishwashing area is .. .

f) where raw ingredients are prepared.

3.Составьте на английском языке рассказ из 5 предложений о своей будущей профессии «Повар, кондитер».

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Choosing a restaurant .

Most cities have hudreds of restaurants, so travelers have many options. Fast food reataurants are good for people who don’t have a lot of time. These restaurants make your food very quickly and some even have drive – through service. A family restaurant usually has table service. Here the waitstaff takes your order and brings your food to you. A steakhouse is another type of restaurant. It offers many cuts of meat. reastaurants serve different types of cuisines. For example, Indian cuisine has a lot of vegetarian dishes. Before you choosen a restaurant, look at a guide that contains ratings. A restaurant with better food and service receives more stars.

2.Соотнесите слова и их значения.

1.Family restaurant

a)A restaurant that serves different types of meat.


b)A restaurant that weicomes children and adults.


c)Different types of meat.


d)Restaurant workers who serve customers


e)A type of restaurant service in which customers receive their food in their car.


f)The style of food from a place.

3.Заполните таблицу, подбирая к английским словам на тему «Персонал предприятий общественного питания» их русские эквиваленты:


Serving staff


Executive director


Managing director

Head waiter

Financial director



Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

Новый точечный рисунок (2)




                                                                                                заместитель руководителя по УПР

_____________ М.О.Солнцева.



ОУД.02 Иностранный язык в проф.деятельности(Английский)

Профессия 43.01.09 «Повар, кондитер»

1.Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие упражнения.


1. Pre-dinner cocktails or aperitifs are usually served before eating. They stimulate the appetite. They are made with strong and clear spirits, such as whisky, gin or brandy. They have high alcohol content. They have no more than three ingredients and are not mixed with juice or cream.

2. Creamy cocktails are usually served after a meal as a dessert. They are made with ice cream, milk, sweet liqueurs, fruit, chocolate and coco-nut sprinkles. They can be made layered.

3. Long cocktails are usually served in a long glass with a straw. They are not as strong as other cocktails. They consist mainly of ice with a little spirit, fruit juice and sodas.

4. Sour cocktails are a combination of spirits and liqueurs with lemon juice and sugar syrup. They are good in hot weather because they are served with ice.

5. Shot cocktails are served in small glasses. They can be sipped or “shot”.

6. Non-alcoholic cocktails are made of fruit juices and soda. They are served in large cocktail glasses with a straw. They can be decorated with fruit slices.

2.Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. pre-dinner cocktails

a. сливочные коктейли

2. coco-nut sprinkle

b. высокое содержание алкоголя

3. ingredients

c. аперитив

4. shot cocktails

d. слоистый (слоями)

5. to be mixed

e. рюмка

6. high alcohol content

f. дообеденный коктейль

7. to be served as a dessert

g. стимулировать аппетит

8. sweet liqueur

h. крепкий и чистый алкоголь

9. aperitif

i. подаваться перед едой

10. layered

j. ингредиенты

11. creamy cocktails

k. сладкий ликер

12. small glass

l. кокосовая стружка

13. to be served before eating

m. подается в качестве десерта

14. stimulate the appetite

n. коктейли, которые пьют залпом

15. strong and clear spirit

o.  быть смешанным (смешивать)

3.Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания.

The beginning of the sentence

The end of the sentence

1. Pre-dinner cocktails or aperitifs …

a) after a meal as a dessert.

2. Long cocktails are usually

b) served in a long glass with a straw.

3. Creamy cocktails are usually served…

c) are usually served before eating.

End of the sentence

4. Sour cocktails are

d) are served in small glasses.

5. Shot cocktails

e) a combination of spirits and liqueurs with lemon juice and sugar syrup.

Преподаватель: О.В.Воскресенская

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