урок английского языка по теме "Washington"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Родина Наталья Владимировна

урок английского языка по теме "Washington"


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Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока английского языка по теме “Washington D.C.”


    Обучающая: поддержать интерес к изучению английского языка, стране изучаемого языка, совершенствование лексических навыков чтения и говорения

Воспитательные – воспитание общей культуры через знакомство с историей развития народа и историческими памятниками, воспитание культуры речи, воспитание интереса к изучаемому материалу.

Познавательные: ознакомить обучающихся с достопримечательностями города Вашингтон.

Учебные: развитие умения воспринимать на слух информацию, развитие речевых умений

Планируемые результаты: формирование и совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции; расширение и систематизацию знаний о языке, расширение лингвистического кругозора и лексического запаса, дальнейшее овладение общей речевой культурой;

Регулятивные УУД: развивать мотивы познавательной деятельности, умение самостоятельно формулировать тему урока;

Познавательные УУД: развивать механизмы чтения, навыки говорения;

Коммуникативные: развивать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с преподавателем и студентами.

Личностные УУД: формирование  понимания причин успешности/неуспешности учебной деятельности), навыков самоанализа.


Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Today we will get acquainted with lexical material on the theme “Washington” and with the Present Continuous Tense.

  1. Let’s remember Past, Present and Future Simple Tenses. (Преподаватель раздает карточки и просит составить предложения):

1.        go to school (yesterday)

2.        play baseball (tomorrow)

3.        read book (every day)

4.        paint house (last year)

5.        meet friends (on Sundays)

6.        buy bread (tomorrow)

7.        not do homework (every day)

8.        sing song (tomorrow)?

9.        clean room (last week)?

10.        not send email (yesterday)

11.        not draw picture (two days ago)

12.        brush teeth (every day)

13.        play piano (next month)

14.        find money (two days ago)

15.        make snowman (yesterday)

16.        finish English homework (three days ago)

17.        listen to music (in the evenings)

18.        drink milk (yesterday)

19.        study math (on Saturdays)

20.        get 5 (yesterday)

  1. 1. New words. Read and pronounce the following words, remember them.


District of Columbia – округ Колумбия

Piece of land – участок земли

Nearly – около, приблизительно

Marble - мраморный

Two storied - двухэтажный

Declaration of Independence – Декларация независимости

in honour - в честь

location – местоположение

to give freedom to slaves – освободить рабов

Students watch the video “Washington”


After watching video answer the following questions:

  1. Watch the video and tick the correct answer:
  1. Who chose the place, where Washington stands now?
  1. George Washington
  2. Cristopher Columbus
  3. Abraham Lincoln
  1. What is the symbol of American nation?
  1. Capitol
  2. Washington monument
  3. Lincoln Memorial
  1. What is contribution of Lincoln in the history of the USA?
  1. The author of the Declaration of Independence.
  2. The author of the Emancipation Proclamation
  3. The 1st president of the USA
  1. Who is Thomas Jefferson?
  1. The 1st President
  2. The 3rd president and the author of Declaration of Independence
  3. The author of the Emancipation Proclamation
  1. Where is Washington situated?
  1. District of Columbia
  2. District of Texas
  3. District of Virginia
  1. There are no skyscrapers in Washington, because…
  1. they would hide the monuments from view.
  2. it is too expensive to build them
  3. the citizens were against it.

Read and translate the text:


Washington, the capital of the United States is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The district is a piece of land which does not belong to any one state but to all the States. The district is named in honour of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America. It is very interesting that Americans never say simply «Washington». They always add «D.C». as the indication of the location. It is important because there are many towns with the same name all over the country and even one large state in far north-west.
Washington was founded in 1791 as the capital of the United States of America. Washington is quite a new city. The population of the city is nearly one million people. It is not a very large city, but it is very important as the capital of the USA. There is a law in Washington against building structures higher than the Capitol.
Washington has many historical places. The largest and tallest is the Capitol, where the Congress meets. It is a very beautiful building with white marble columns. Not far from the Capitol is the Library of Congress. It holds five million books.
The White House, the residence of the president is the oldest public structure in the capital and one of the most beautiful. It was built in 1799. It is a two storied white building. Not far from the Capitol is the Washington monument, which looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 metres and it is empty inside. A special lift brings visitors to the top in 70 seconds, from where they can enjoy the view of the city.
The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third President of the USA Thomas Jefferson, who was also the author of the Declaration of Independence. The Memorial is surrounded by cherry trees.
The Lincoln Memorial is devoted to the memory of the sixteenth President of the USA, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America.

Task 1. Vocabulary

Put the letters in a right order to form words:

doal - load

pxceet - except

ommrye - memory

fedeorm - freedom

pcatali – capital

Task 2. Vocabulary

Make up a story using the following words:

to be named in honour of


to look like

in memory of


Answer my questions:

  1. What building is the largest and the tallest among the buildings in Washington? (Capitol)

  1. Where does the President of the USA live? (White house)

  1. Who was the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America?

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences:

  1. The district is a piece of land which does not belong to any one state…
  2. The district is named…
  3. Washington was founded in 1791 as…
  4. The population of the city is…
  5. The White House, the residence of…
  6. Not far from the Capitol is the Washington monument, which…

Grammar theme: The Present Continuous Tense

Преподаватель раздает картинки

A сейчас, ребята, я раздам вам  картинки. Перед вами действия, которые были описаны в тексте. Найдите общую черту для всех глаголов в предложениях. В каком времени использованы эти глаголы? Когда происходят действия на картинках? Скажите, для выражения какого действия используется данное время?

Present Continuous используется для обозначения действий, протекающих в точно указанное время, либо одновременно с другим действием.

What are you writing? - I am writing a letter to a friend of mine. – Что ты (сейчас) пишешь? – Я пишу (сейчас) письмо моему другу.

They are not working. They are on their holidays. Они не работают (сейчас). Они в отпуске.

Утвердительная форма настоящего продолженного времени образуется из вспомогательного глагола "to be" в соответствующем лице настоящего времени (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола с окончанием –ing.

He is reading a book. Он читает книгу .

I am waiting for a call. Я жду телефонного звонка.

S+to be+V-ing

Чтобы задать вопрос в настоящем продолженном времени, нужно поставить глагол "to be" перед подлежащим, смысловой глагол в форме "-ing" следует за подлежащим.

Is he reading a new book? Yes, he is. (No, he isn’t). Он читает новую книгу? Да. (Нет).

Are you waiting for a bus? Yes, I am. (No, I am not). Ты ждёшь автобус? Да. (Нет).

To be+S+V-ing

Отрицательная форма образуется путём постановки отрицания "not" после вспомогательного глагола.

They are not playing football now. Они не играют в футбол сейчас.

They are very busy. Они очень заняты.

S+to be not+V-ing

Work with exercises:

  1. Task 1

1 Use the form of the verb “to be” in the sentences:

1.He …reading a book now.

2.We… playing in the park.

3.Look! Her sister …dancing.

4.Listen! They … singing a new song.

Task 2

Change sentences into negatives and questions:

1. Mary is sleeping.

2. You are listening to the radio.

3. I am studying.

4. You are eating now.

Task 3

Choose Present Simple or Present Continuous:

1.Right now I (watch) a movie. I (watch) a lot of movies.

2.Rickie (be) my friend. We (like) to talk together. Right now we (talk) about school.

3.The police officer (wear) a badge and a gun to work every day.

4.Jamie usually (eat) cold cereal for breakfast, but today he (eat) soup.

4. Заключительный этап. Рефлексия.


Let’s answer some questions:

What’s new I found out?

Was it easy or hard?

Was it informative for you?

Homework:        The USA: Washington – retell the text, to learn new words, Present Continuous Tense, ex.4, 5 p. 123

Resume of the lesson:        

-brief conclusion of the work done;

-evaluation of students’ work;

-brief outlook for the next lesson.

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