КИМ по английскому языку, разработанный на основе УМК “Starlight5”(«Звездный английский 5 класс»)
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Комплект диагностических контрольно-измерительных материалов по английскому языку, разработанный на основе УМК “Starlight5”(«Звездный английский 5 класс»)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Комплект диагностических контрольно-измерительных материалов по английскому языку, разработанный на основе УМК “Starlight5”(«Звездный английский 5 класс»)

Фрагмент грамматического теста



Задание 1.1. Choose the correct word.

Выберете правильное cлово

  1. I’ve got two ……….
  1. knifes
  1. knives
  1. There are …….. in the house.
  1. mouses
  1. mice
  1. There are seven ……….in the basket.
  1. peachs
  1. peaches
  1. I met two … in the street yesterday.
  1. ladies
  1. ladys
  1. Show me your …….. .
  1. feet
  1. foots
  1. They are beautiful ……… .
  1. woman
  1. women

Задание 1.2. Fill in many, much, little, few.

Вставьте слова ……………

  1. How … friends have you got?
  2. He doesn’t like soft toys. He has … of them.

4.  You should go to the shop, we have … milk in the fridge.

5.  I don’t have … time to talk to you.

Задание 1.3. Choose the correct item.

Выберете правильный вариант.

Maryisfrom … (the/a/-) England.  Mary’s mother is … (the/-/a) teacher and her father is … (a/an/the) artist. Mary has got … (a/-/the) cat and …. ( a/the/-) parrot. (A/The/-) parrot and … (a/the/-) cat are friends.



Задание 5.1. Choose the correct variant.

Выберете правильный вариант.

  1. Jane … a new dress last week.
  1. didn’t buy
  1. didn’t bought
  1. Did he … his teeth yesterday?

A) brushed

B) brush

  1. I … home at 6 o’clock.

A) came

B) comed

  1. Last year we … to London.

A) travelled

B) travel

  1. Mary … for Paris two days ago.

A) leaved

B) left

  1. Last Sunday Tim … late.

A) didn’t wake up

B) didn’t woke up

Задание 5.2. Put the verbs into the Past Continuous

Поставьте глаголы в прошедшее продолженное время.

1.        I ……………. (play) computer games yesterday at 5 o’clock.

2.        We ……………… (read) books the whole evening yesterday.

3.        When I got up my parents ………………… (have) breakfast.

4.        ..… you ………………. (sleep) when I called you?

Задание 5.3. Choosethecorrectvariant

Выберете правильный ответ.

  1. When grandfather (watched/was watching) TV, he (was falling/fell) asleep.
  2. We (were sitting/sat) in the garden when it (was starting/started) raining.
  3. Mary (cooked/was cooking) when she (was burning herself/burnt herself).
  4. They (rode/were riding) their bicycles to school when they (were seeing/saw) an accident.

Задание 5.4. Choose the correct item.

Выберете правильный ответ.

  1. We … to school last week.

A) have gone     B) has gone      C) went

  1. They … their dog and are very sad .

A) lost    B) have lost   C) have losed

  1. I … my work ten minutes ago.

A)  finished     B) has finished    C) have finished

  1. … to London yet?

A)  Have you been    B) Were you    C) You been

  1. They … the letter.

A) just wrote    B) have just written   C) just has written

Приложение 2

Фрагмент лексического теста

Блок 1       I and my world

1.1     Read the text and choose the correct words to fill in the gaps.

Прочтите текст и выберите правильное слово, что бы заполнить пропуски.

John is a 1)………. man. He is in his 2)………. forties. He is a thin man of medium 3) .......His eyes are 4)………. . John has got a short  5)……….hair. He has got an oval face with a 6) ……….. .and a moustache.

A  curly

D green

B  late

E beard

F height

C middle-aged


Блок 2.  Day after Day.

2.1  Choose the correct answer

Выберите правильный ответ.

1………up A have B get C do

2……….a shower A do B go C have

3………..breakfast A brush B do C have

4………  to school A walk B do C have

5………  lessons A clean B have C watch

6………sport A go B have C do

Блок 3 Free Time. Leisure.

3.1  Match the words. Соединитеслова.

1. ride

A computer games

2. play


3. read

C flowers

4. walk

Da horse

5. plant

Ethe dog

6. go

F to the gym

3.2  Fill in the words.

Вставьте слова в пропуски.

  1. My mother loves ……. . She loves films with songs and dancing.
  2. Ann likes ……. films like Sherlock Holmes.
  3. I just love…..…. films about things like aliens and life in the future.
  4. This …….. film takes you back in time to the days of the true heroes.
  5. A ……… will have even the bravest shaking in their seats.

A historical D thriller B science-fiction E detective C musicals

Блок 5  Nature

5.1 Matchthe animals with the correct category.

 A Wild

B Domestic


D Sea animals

1. Fox

2. Octopus

3. Sheep

4. Leopard

5. Whale

6. Hamster

5.2 Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps.

Выберите правильное слово, что бы заполнить пропуски.

1. Niagara Falls is the second largest ………..in the world

2. The largest freshwater……….. in the world is in Russia.

3. The Sahara……… is in Northern Africa.

4. Santorini is a very beautiful……..in Greece.

5. Sherwood……….in England is famous  because of the Robin Hood legend.

A lake B desert C waterfall

D forest E island


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