Spotlight 5 Midtest
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Spotlight 5 Midtest


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 5  Midtest

1. Аудирование. Послушайте диалог и выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1.Katie’s bedroom is on the …

a) second floor b) first floor c) third floor

2. Katie’s got a desk next to …

a) the window b) her bed c) her wardrobe

3. Bob has got ….

a) three posters on the wall b) a computer on his desk c) trainers under his bed

4. Katie’s bedroom is next to …

a) her sister’s bedroom b) her brother’s bedroom c) the bathroom

5. Bob has the same room as …

a) his brother b) his sister c) no one

2. Лексика/грамматика. Соедините действие и место, где можно его выполнять

1)take off jackets

2)have dinner

3)watch TV with your family

4)water flowers and trees

5)wash T-shirts and shorts        

a)living room

b) hall

c) dining room

d) garden

e) laundry

3. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово (House garden kitchen bedrooms floors)

This is a new beautiful (1)__________ with (2) three ________. There is a (3) _________ on the ground floor. There are three (4)____________, a large dining room on the first floor and a garage outside.  In front of the house there is a (5) __________.

4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:  There is a, There isn’t a, There are some, There aren’t any

1. ……………………chairs in the living room.  

2. ……………………fridge in the bedroom.  

3. ……………………mirror on the wall.  

4. ……………………sofas in the bathroom.

5. Выберите подходящий по смыслу вариант ответа

1. There is a garden_____________ the house.

a) under b) in front of c) over

2. The dog is ___________ sofa.

a) in b) between c) next to

3. The desk is ___________ the window.

a) under b) behind c) in

4. The carpet is ____________ the fireplace.

a) in front of b) on c) behind

5. There is a lamp __________ the desk.

a) in b) on c) in front of

6. There are some flowers ___________ the vase.

a) in b) under c) on

6. Напишите подходящее по смыслу притяжательное местоимение.

1. I have got a cat. It’s … cat.  

2. She has got a book. It’s … book.  

3. Bob has got a friend. It’s … friend.  

4. Girls have got teddy bears. They are … teddy bears.

5. We have got a nice garden. It’s … garden.

7. Чтение. Прочитайте текст и ответьте кратко на вопросы

I’m Nick. I’m ten years old. My favourite room is my bedroom. I’ve got lots of things in my room: a bed, a desk, a computer, a bookcase and a wardrobe. I’ve got some posters on the walls and a beautiful painting over my bed. My walls are white and blue. My desk is under the window and my wardrobe is next to it. My cat likes sitting on my desk. I like my bedroom very much.

1.What’s Nick’s favourite room?

2.What furniture is there?

3.What is on the walls?

4.What colour are the walls?

5.Where is his wardrobe?

*8. Письмо. Опиши свою квартиру и комнату. Вставь в пропуски слова по своему усмотрению. Перепиши текст полностью.

Hello! I’m ….(name) I’m … years old. This is my new flat. There are a lot of rooms in it: …., …., …... But my favourite room is …. I’ve got lots of furniture in my room: …, …, …, …. I’ve got … on the walls over my bed. My walls are … . My desk is … and my ….. I like my bedroom very much.


  1. 1)b 2)a 3)b 4)a 5)c
  2. 1)b 2)c 3)a 4)d 5)e
  3. 1)house 2)floors 3)kitchen 4)bedrooms 5)garden
  4. 1) there are some 2) isn’t a 3)is a 4)aren’t any
  5. 1)b 2)c 3)a 4)a 5)b 6)a
  6. 1)my 2)her 3)his 4)their 5)our
  7. 1)his bedroom 2)a bed, a desk, a bookcase, a wardrobe 3)white and blue 4)posters and a painting 5) next to the window
  8. Письмо. Max 5 баллов

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