Упражнения (предлоги)
тренажёр по английскому языку (6 класс)

Упражнения на употребление предлогов in, on, at, to


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Prepositions in, on, at, to

1. There were a couple of books on the art and a laptop … Jane’s desk.

2. The flowerpots were empty and stood … the ground.

3. There were so many people … the exhibition that I couldn’t find my friend.

4. It’s a waste of time staying … work till midnight.  

5. Why don’t we go … the cinema tonight? How do you fancy the idea?

6. Sam can’t stand people talking aloud … the concert. He gets furious instantly.

7. On my way … the shop I saw a few homeless people begging … the street.

8. There are so many vessels … the port … the summer!

9. She kindly asked me to bring the suitcase … her place … Monday.

10. Nick doesn’t usually celebrate his birthday … July 3rd.

11. The strange noise usually starts … midnight.

12. Could you see the dolphins … the sea an hour ago?

13. Many people in Europe go out … the evening.

14. I never have lunch so late … 5 p.m.

15. Sally is usually away … Christmas. She prefers to spend her holidays somewhere abroad.

16. Both of his friends were born … August.

17. For me it’s a pleasure to stay … home … weekends.  

18. My friend doesn’t drink champagne – only … New Year.

19. - Have you ever gone … the woods to pick mushrooms? – Sure, I have. We sometimes go … the forest with our relatives.

20. Are there any plants … her office? – Yes, there must be some plants. Last time I came … her office I saw a few.

21. Every summer you can see crowds of people here … this square. It’s high season for tourists.

22. When I get tired I prefer to rest … the sofa and listen to some relaxing music.

23. Oh, I see some dirty spots … the car roof. What’s that? – I have no idea, let me see..

24. That accident happened … 2003, right after you left for Thailand.

25. I don’t really rest after meal … the afternoon as the others do, I have so much to do … work.

26. - Have you taken the children … school or they are still getting there on their own? - Yes, I have. Don’t worry. They are already … school.

27. Why not come … his place and go … the gym all together?

28. Jack was so tired that he sat … the table with his head … it.  

29. – Ok, that’s a deal. Let’s meet him right … the airport and take him … the hotel. It’ll be much faster than if he got there on his own. What time does he arrive? – I’m not sure, … around 10.30 a.m.  

30. If you dive … that small area, you’ll see lots of fish all around you ... the water.

31. Could you bring the CDs … my place the nearest 10 minutes? – No, sorry, I’m in a hurry. I have to go … work and I’m leaving in 5 minutes.  

32. Do you like going … the theatre or you prefer staying … home?        

33. – Where are you now? – I’m … the shop thinking what to buy.

34. There were many coins … her pocket, so when she ran … the bus stop people could hear a funny sound made by them.

35. There are lots of beautiful bridges … Saint-Petersburg and many nice churches … Moscow.

36. I saw many people … the platform waiting for the train.

37. There’re 6 drawers … Lisa’s desk. She keeps documents and important files … each of them.

38. My neighbours never stay … the city … weekends. They prefer to go … the countryside.

39. Their family moved here … 1992 … January.

40. We are going to have a meeting … Tuesday evening. I’m afraid I won’t be able to come. I need to see a doctor … 18.45.


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