Входная дианостика для учащихся 9-х классов по английскому языку.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

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    Вводный  тест  по  английскому  языку для  9 класса    по УМК  «Английский в фокусе»                              


Choose the correct item :

1. Water pollution is…many fish species with extinction.

   a) destroying      b)threatening      c)  damaging

2. Animal … are in danger all over the world .

   a)  homes            b) hedgerows       c)  habitats

3. The Nile …  flows into the Mediterranean Sea .

   a)  Lake               b)    River               c)    Pond

4. How many …  of  birds live in this woodland ?

    a)     species       b)   residents         c)  inhabitants

5. My neighbour   is very …; she never says hello to me .

    a)  arrogant       b)    selfish             c)  friendly

6. Kate’s been calling you …. because she wants to ask you something.

    a) still                  b)at the moment   c) all morning

7. I haven’t been to the circus ….a long time.

    a) since            b)for                      c) so far

8. Mary is ….worried about the lost book.

    a)still               b)all morning           c)already

9. Jackson Pollock was one of the most well…and unusual American painters.

  a) believed        b)known                 c)done

10. I was ….by the directions they gave me, so I asked a local to show me the way.

     a) curious                  b)excited                c) confused

11. Mone painted beautiful … of the countryside.

     a) images                 b)celebrities           c) collections

12. Tom was very tired .He …football for hours.

      a)  had played         b)had been playing  c)played

13. Mary was happy because she… the first prize in the art competition.

     a)  won                     b)had bin winning    c)had won

14. The boys … TV when their mum came home.

    a)  were watching  b)had been watching c)had watched

15. Nick …play football when he was a child.

   a)  would               b)used to              c)had played

16. I don’t like my next-door neighbor; she is …nosy woman.

    a) so                        b)a so                  c)such a

17. Mike buys ….many gadgets.

   a) so                        b)such                 c) such a

18. This time next week I… myself  on Cyprus.

   a) will enjoy          b)will be enjoying  c)will have enjoyed

19. The train to Moscow….at 7 p.m.

   a) will leave         b)will be leaving    c)leaves

20. Be careful! You …tea  on your dress !

  a) are going to spill  b) will spill         c)will be spilling

21. The first Harry Potter book…by J.K. Rowling in 1997 .

   a) has written          b) was written    c)  had written

22. Our flat has been painted…environmentally friendly paints.

   a) with                      b)from                  c) by

23. The money from the sales…to a local charity .

     a) will have given   b)we will give it    c)will be given

24. All the children in the neighbourhood come out to play …the sun is shining.

     a) whenever            b)however            c)wherever

25. Don’t believe…he tells you; he isn’t a very honest person, you know.

      a) whichever           b)whatever           c)whenever

26. Mary wanted to change her hair colour, so she …blonde .

      a)had it dyed          b)had dyed it        c)has been dyed

27. She doesn’t look …today .Is she alright ?

      a) yourself                b)herself                 c)himself

28 . Ann told her friends to make … at home .

      a)herself                    b)ourselves           c)themselves

29.  Boys , if you want some more food ,help … .

      a)yourselves           b)themselves           c)ourselves

30. He did it all by ….     .

      a) herself                  b)himself                  c)itself

31. Nick, did you choose my present … ?

       a) itself                    b)myself                    c) yourself

32 .The house … was  nice , but the area was horrible .

       a)itself                  b)himself                   c)herself

33 . Students … to call the school if they miss a class .

      a)have                   b)should                     c)can

34 .We … wash our hands before eating so as not to get sick .

     a) needn’t              b) must                      c) can

35. You…     wash the dishes .Sue has already done it .

    a) don’t have  to    b)ought not to           c)mustn’t

36.  Mum ,…I have some ice cream after dinner , please ?

    a) must                    b)should                     c) can

37. I …return the book to the library today or I’ll pay a fine.

  1. ought                b)must                       c)may

38 .If you are on a diet, you …avoid  eating junk food and anything that has too much sugar in it .

  1. should               b) can                          c)could

39 .If I … you , I would study better .

  1. had been           b) were                       c)been

40 .If I had prepared ahead of time for my trip, I …so many problems .

      a) won’t have         b)wouldn’t have had   c)hadn’t had

41. When I go to Brazil next year, I … the Carnival .

     a) attend                 b) would attend        c) will attend

42 .If I had more time ,I … the gym .

     a) would join          b)will join                    c)would have joined

43. If he … such a poor diet , he wouldn’t be ill  all the time .

     a) hadn’t                b)hadn’t had               c) hasn’t

44 .We won’t make it to her birthday party in time unless we … now.

  1. will leave            b) leave                        c)left

45 .If he …at the traffic light, he wouldn’t have had an accident .

  1. had stopped       b)stopped                  c ) stops

46. She told me  … before  she spoke to me .

  1. don’t leave          b)not to leave             c)didn’t leave

47 .The concert starts at seven ,….?

  1. won’t it                b)didn’t it                    c) doesn’t it

48. She is alright , … ?

    a) isn’t she              b)aren’t she                  c)is she

49. You have watered the flowers ,… ?

   a) didn’t you            b)haven’t you               c)have you

50. He called the doctor ,… ?

  1. didn’t he              b)is he                           c)doesn’t he

51 .She can do this , …. ?

  1. couldn’t she         b)can she                     c)can’t she

52. Give me that book ,…?

  1. will you                b)can you                       c)won’t you

53 .There aren’t  enough apples ,…?

  1. weren’t there    b)aren’t there                c)are there

54 .Let’s go to the cinema ,…?

  1. shan’t we            b)shall we                      c)aren’t we

55. Mum told me … before she spoke to me .

    a) not to leave         b)don’t leave                c)didn’t leave

56. I’ve looked for my pen … ,but I still can’t find it .

    a) anywhere             b)somewhere              c)everywhere

57. After the storm there was … in many parts of the region .

    a) flood                      b)drought                    c)rain

58. This painting is … one in the gallery.

   a) expensive              b)the most expensive  c)more expensive

59. This story is … than that one.

   a) the most interesting b)more interesting  c)interesting

60. That picture is … than this one.

   a) the best                b)good                            c)better

Read the text and say whether the statements are true , false or not stated.

We are living at a time when nothing is as important as information. Newspapers and magazines are the oldest source of it .Now we have a wide range of magazines and journals about computers , cars, fashion,  cooking ,fishing , and the arts .There are three main types of newspa -          pers : broadsheet ,tabloids and local . Editors, reporters and photogra-      phers do their paper successful.

Radio is a convenient source of information and entertainment – people often listen to the radio in their cars.

Television is the most important form of mass media. It informs, edu-          cates and entertains people. It influences the way people look at the  world and can make them change their views.

The Internet has revolutionized technology. You can get information about everything you want and send an email to a friend. Indeed, it’s   often called the “information highway”. Moreover, users can buy books online, find out about holiday offers, book tickets and so on .One worry is cyberterrorists. Some hackers can get into the computer systems of banks and governments.

To sum up, we have to say that people can get information thanks to modern technology and mass media. Information is what we need to survive today and tomorrow.

True, false or not stated?

1. Information is very important nowadays.

   a) True                b) False           c) Not stated

2. Newspapers and magazines are the youngest source of information.

   a) True                 b) False            c) Not stated

3. Only editors do their paper successful.

   a) True                 b) False            c) Not stated

4. Radio is a conventional source of information and entertainment.

   a) True                 b) False             c) Not stated

5. The Internet is the most important source of information.

   a) True                  b) False             c) Not stated

6. Television is called “the information highway”.

    a) True                 b) False             c) Not stated

7. People can get information thanks to modern technology and mass media.

   a) True                   b) False             c) Not stated

8. We need information to survive today and tomorrow.

   a) True                   b) False               c) Not stated

Answers :

Grammar and vocabulary:

1b 2c  3b  4a  5a  6c  7b  8a  9b  10c  11a  12b  13c  14a  15b  16c  17a  18b  19c  20a  21b  22a  23c  24a  25b  26a  27b  28a  29a  30b  31c  32a  33a  34b  35a  36c  37b  38a  39b  40b  41c  42a  43a  44b  45a  46b  47c  48a  49b  50a  51c  52a  53c  54b  55a  56c  57a  58b  59b  60c.


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