"Страдательный залог" ( 8-9 класс) конспект
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8, 9 класс)

Ефремова Оксана Анатольевна

Конспект уррка  для 8-9 класов по теме " Passive Voice"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Времена и залог английского глагола. 8 класс

Цель урока:повторить и закрепить употребление английских глаголов в разных временах действительного и страдательного залога.

Задачи урока:         


  1. закрепить формы неправильных глаголов.
  2. повторить особенности  употребления пассивного залога
  3. пользоваться знаниями, полученными из других предметов (география,  история, литература)


  1. развивать интерес к изучению грамматики в  английском языке;
  2. вовлекать учащихся в   активную практическую деятельность


  1. развивать навыки употребления пассивного залога  и времен.
  2. развивать  умения работать с таблицами,  формулами и схемами;

Оборудование:презентация по теме « Действительный и страдательный залог» ,карточки с заданиями.

Ход урока.

  1. Приветствие. Good afternoon, children!
  2. Организационныймомент.

- How are you? We have an unusual lesson today. I am your teacher for this lesson. My name is ……...  Don`t be afraid. Calm down. Be active.

- What do you usually do on Sundays?  (ответыучащихся)

- What did you do yesterday evening? (ответыучащихся)

-  What will you do tomorrow? (ответыучащихся)

-  What do you think? What are we going to speak about today? (ответыучащихся)

- You are right…….. Today we will play and do different tasks.

3.Фонетическая разминка.

Teacher: Let’sstart. Look at the screen. To do our tasks we must remember the irregular verbs.

Buy        bought       bought

Buildbuilt built

Bring brought brought

Come came come

Catch caught caught

Do did done

Findfound found

Give gave given

Go went gone

 Leave left Left

Make made made

Show showed shown


Sell soldsold

Speak spoke spoken

Steal stole stolen

Teach taught taught

Tell toldtold

Write wrote written

Teacher:  Yourfirsttask .you should take a card and name the tense. (ученикивыходяткдоске ,вытягиваюткарточкусформулойвременииназываютвремя)

Thecards. : V1/ Vs,  V2/Ved, will V1,   will be Ving,  had V 3

am                             was                                      have

Is            VingVing  V3

Are                            were                                    has

Teacher:  good of you! The next task is to find the verb in the sentences and name the tense. ( находятглагол и называютвремя)

Kate sent the letter yesterday.

The chef has made dinner.

Mrs Gates will look after the baby.

Someone left the door open.

Somebody is using the computer.

Nick`s brother was teachinghim to drive.

Many people speak English.

The doctor hasalready told him to go on a diet.

They were waiting for Mary.

The classmates often laugh at my little brother.

Everybody has just listened to this poem.        

Teacher:  Well done. Now look at these sentences. Do they differ?

I wrote the letter to my friend two days ago.

The letter was written by me two days ago.

Pupils:ответы учащихся.

Teacher: you are right.  The first sentence- the verb is in the Active voice. In the second- in the Passive Voice. When do we use the Passive voice?

We use it if we don’t know or we are not interested in the person who performs an action.

( Залог- это форма глагола, которая показывает: сам предмет или лицо производит действие( действит. залог)  или действие производится над предметом или лицом( страдат. залог)

Записьнадоске:Look at the blackboard and read it.

They are written, it was broken,

He is given, it’ll be left.

They were eaten, it was spoken,

It’s being driven, he’ll be lent.

Teacher:You see the Passive constructions in every line there. WhatistheformulaofthePassivevoice?

Универсальная формула образования пассивного залога:

TO BE (в форме нужного нам времени) + V3 (всегда)

Present Simple – am/is/are +V3

Past Simple – was / were + V3

Future Simple – will be + V3

Present Perfect – have been / has been + V3

Past Perfect – had been + V3

Present Continuous – am being / is being / are being + V3

Past Continuous – was being / were being + V3

Teacher: now you should match the active and passive voices. ( the forms of the verbs. )

( учащимся раздаются карточки с действ.залогом и страдат. надо их соотнести)

V1/ Vs


 is        V3






will V1

will be + V3





been V3


had V 3

had been V3


Is            Ving


am being

 is being      V3

 are being 




was being


were being  


It’s time to have a rest.

Let’s do exercises.

     Hands on the head,

Hands on the hips,

Hands on the table,

Hands like this.

Hands on shoulders,

Hands up and down,

Hands behind the head

And sit down!

Teacher:  Now you must tell what form of the passive voice is used in the sentence.

  1. Your tax is being sent at the moment.
  2. The book will be printed in May. -
  3. The robber had been caught before the police arrived.
  4. These questions are included in the text. -
  5. The guests were entertained by Alison. -
  6. Tveris located not far from Moscow. -

  1. Passengers will be offered dinner during the flight. -
  2. Natalie was promised a trip to Europe.
  3. The work has just been finished.
  4.  When he came into the room his letter was being read.

Teacher: Now let`s change the sentences into the Passive Voice.

1) They usually repair cars very quickly.

2) Somebody has stolen my keys.

3) She composed her first opera five years ago.

4) They closed the supermarket at 7 p.m. yesterday.

5) They will visit Shakespeare’s birthplace next month.

1. Ann cleans her room every week. - Is cleaned
2. People build new houses in big cities.-
are built
3. We bought oranges and peas in the shop. –
were bought
4. They sold stamps in the post office. -
Were sold
5. Children will play hide-and-seek in the park.-
will be played
6. Pupils didn’t visit the boy last week.-
was not visited
7. We don’t translate poems  at home. -  
are not translated .

( answers)                    a) Cars are usually repaired very quickly.

b) My keys have been stolen.

c) Her first opera was composed five years ago.

d) The supermarket was closed at 7 p. m. yesterday.

e) Shakespeare’s birthplace will be visited next month.

Teacher: – Now it’s time to do the next task. You should put the words in the in the logical order  in the following sentences.

1/ Discovered, in, America, 1942, was.
2. In the morning, the newspaper, not, brought, is.
3. Monday, written, next, the letter, will be.

4/. Built, was, in 1991, this house
5. Yesterday, photo, taken, that, was.
6. will be,  the letter,  next week.  answered

Teacher:  Correct the mistakes.

  1. When was invented the radio?
  2. The book was wrote Pushkin
  3. A lot of people will invited to the party
  4. Where  the key was found?
  5. All his pens were borrow.
  6. This car will not  stolen

Teacher^Особенности употребления пассивного залога в английском языке.


Myfriendtoldmean interesting story.  

подлежащее       сказуемое         косвенное         прямое

  дополнение    дополнение

     Это предложение  в aктивном  залоге (ActiveVoice), в нем два дополнения

me, aninterestingstory. :

me – косвенное дополнение, так как  отвечает на вопрос кому? (дательный падеж)

aninterestingstory– прямое дополнение, так как отвечает на вопрос что? (винительный падеж)

Одной активной конструкции в английском языке могут соответствовать две пассивные конструкции, то есть прямое и косвенное дополнение активного залога могут стать подлежащими пассивного залога со следующими глаголами:

to give - даватьto pay        -   платитьto leave   -  уезжать

to send -   посылатьto promise -  обещатьto show   -  показать

to tell     -   рассказатьto offer-предлагать

Active   Voice

                        Passive  Voice

My friend    toldmean interesting story

Мой друг рассказал мне  интересную историю .

The interesting story was told to me.

Интересная история была рассказана мне.

I was told an interesting story.

Мне рассказали интересную историю.

Если в английском языке подлежащее пассивного залога выражено личным

  местоимением,  то оно (местоимение) стоит в именительном падеже.

Teacher: Образуйте две пассивные конструкции из одной активной.

1. Sasha sent a letter to Alison   -               _________________________

2. Mike told us an interesting story.-         _________________________

3. The Garretts showed Sasha their house.- ________________________

4. Father promised Natalie a new car. -       _________________________

                         5. The librarian offered us a very good book.

                          6. Mother gives me lunch every day.

Teacher: Choose the correct translation.

1) She was sent a fax.

а) Она послала факс.

б) Ей пошлют факс.

в) Ейпослалифакс.

2) They were told an interesting story.

а) Они рассказали интересную историю.

б) Им рассказали интересную историю.

в) О них была рассказана история.

3) We were shown a film.

а) Фильм будет показан нам.

б) Мы показали фильм.

в) Нам показали фильм.

4) Sashawasofferedhelp.

а) Саша предложил помощь.

б) Саше предложили помощь.

в) Помощь будет предложена Саше.

5) I was promised a trip to England.

а) Мне обещали поездку в Англию.

б) Я обещал поездку в Англию.

в) Они обещали поездку в Англию

6) He will be asked a lot of questions.

а) Он задаст много вопросов.

б) Ему задали много вопросов.

в) Емузададутмноговопросов

Для повторения времен ( распечатать и разрезать)

V1/ Vs


will V1




had V3

will be Ving










will be + V3





been V3


had beenV3







Раздаточный материал

1) They usually repair cars very quickly.

2) Somebody has stolen my keys.

3) She composed her first opera five years ago.

4) They closed the supermarket at 7 p.m. yesterday.

5) They will visit Shakespeare’s birthplace next month.

6. Ann cleans her room every week.
7. People build new houses in big cities
8. We bought oranges and peas in the shop.
9. They sold stamps in the post office.
10. Children will play hide-and-seek in the park
11. Pupils didn’t visit the boy last week
12. We don’t translate poems  at home.

1) They usually repair cars very quickly.

2) Somebody has stolen my keys.

3) She composed her first opera five years ago.

4) They closed the supermarket at 7 p.m. yesterday.

5) They will visit Shakespeare’s birthplace next month.

6. Ann cleans her room every week.
7. People build new houses in big cities
8. We bought oranges and peas in the shop.
9. They sold stamps in the post office.
10. Children will play hide-and-seek in the park
11. Pupils didn’t visit the boy last week
12. We don’t translate poems  at home.

  1. Your tax is being sent at the moment.
  2. The book will be printed in May. -
  3. The robber had been caught before the police arrived.
  4. These questions are included in the text. -
  5. The guests were entertained by Alison. -
  6. Tver is located not far from Moscow. -
  7. Passengers will be offered dinner during the flight. -
  8. Natalie was promised a trip to Europe.
  9. The work has just been finished.
  10.  When he came into the room his letter was being read.

  1. Your tax is being sent at the moment.
  2. The book will be printed in May. -
  3. The robber had been caught before the police arrived.
  4. These questions are included in the text. -
  5. The guests were entertained by Alison. -
  6. Tver is located not far from Moscow. -
  7. Passengers will be offered dinner during the flight. -
  8. Natalie was promised a trip to Europe.
  9. The work has just been finished.
  10.  When he came into the room his letter was being read.


  1. This room hasn’t been used for ages.
  2. The keys will be given you tomorrow.
  3. Dr Johnson is being interviewed at the moment.
  4. By the time I arrived, all your letters had been already opened.
  5. The problems of the family are usually talked briefly at dinner time.
  6. Is the car being washed by Sue now?
  7. Who was this mess made by?
  8. The new sport centre will be opened soon.
  9. Some holiday pictures were shown to me by Liz two days ago.
  10. The essays will be marked by the teacher tomorrow.
  11. The grass hasn't been cut by Clive yet.

  1. This room ………. ( not/use)for ages.
  2. The keys ………….. ( give)you tomorrow.
  3. Dr Johnson ………..( interview)at the moment.
  4. By the time I arrived, all your letters………. ( already/ open).
  5. The problems of the family ……… ( usually /talk)briefly at dinner time.
  6. …..the car ………. ( wash)by Sue now?
  7. Who ……..this mess ……… ( make)by?
  8. The new sports centre ……….. ( open) soon.
  9. Some holiday pictures ……… ( show)to me by Liz two days ago.
  10. The essays ………. ( mark)by the teacher tomorrow.
  11. The grass ……. ( not/ cut)by Clive yet.

  1. This room ………. ( not/use)  for ages.
  2. The keys ………….. ( give)you tomorrow.
  3. Dr Johnson ………..( interview)at the moment.
  4. By the time I arrived, all your letters………. ( already/ open).
  5. The problems of the family ……… ( usually /talk)briefly at dinner time.
  6. …..the car ………. ( wash)by Sue now?
  7. Who ……..this mess ……… ( make)by?
  8. The new sports centre ……….. ( open) soon.
  9. Some holiday pictures ……… ( show)to me by Liz two days ago.
  10. The essays ………. ( mark)by the teacher tomorrow.
  11. The grass ……. ( not/ cut)by Clive yet.

  • Kate sent the letter yesterday.
  • The chef has made dinner.
  • Mrs Gates will look after the baby.
  • Someone left the door open.
  • Somebody is using the computer.
  • Nick`s brother was teaching him to drive.
  • Many people speak English.
  • The doctor has already told him to go on a diet.
  • They were waiting for Mary.
  • The classmates often laugh at my little brother.
  • Everybody has just listened to this poem.        

  • Kate sent the letter yesterday.
  • The chef has made dinner.
  • Mrs Gates will look after the baby.
  • Someone left the door open.
  • Somebody is using the computer.
  • Nick`s brother was teaching him to drive.
  • Many people speak English.
  • The doctor has already told him to go on a diet.
  • They were waiting for Mary.
  • The classmates often laugh at my little brother.
  • Everybody has just listened to this poem.        

  • Kate sent the letter yesterday.
  • The chef has made dinner.
  • Mrs Gates will look after the baby.
  • Someone left the door open.
  • Somebody is using the computer.
  • Nick`s brother was teaching him to drive.
  • Many people speak English.
  • The doctor has already told him to go on a diet.
  • They were waiting for Mary.
  • The classmates often laugh at my little brother.
  • Everybody has just listened to this poem.        

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"Страдательный залог" ( 8-9 класс)

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