презентация к уроку British and Russian Money 5 кл по финансовой грамотности
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)

Рыгзынова Цыцыкма Дамбинимаевна

презентация к уроку по теме British and Russian Money


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Слайд 1

British and Russian Money 5 класс Подготовила: Рыгзынова Ц.Д. учитель английского языка

Слайд 2

Цель урока : развивать умения диалогической речи Задачи: 1. Образовательные: усвоить новые лексические единицы, понять разницу penny/pence 2. Развивающие: развивать умение переводить одну денежную единицу в другую, считать деньги 3. Воспитательные: создавать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка

Слайд 3

Look at the pictures. What do you think we are going to speak?

Слайд 4

Name the shops and say what we can buy there

Слайд 5

Spell the words. What is the first sound? Listen and repeat. penny pence poun d

Слайд 6

1 pound = 100 pence 1 rouble = 100 kopecks 1 pound = 140,58 roubles (23.03.2022) Convert into roubles : 10 £ = 16 £ = 36 £ =

Слайд 7

Open your books p 113 Ex 1 Put coins A-G in order of value ( from lowest to highest ) How much do coins A-F add up to altogether?

Слайд 8

Which of the following items can you buy with this sum of money? How many roubles do you need?

Слайд 9

Imagine you bought the items above yesterday. In pairs act out dialogues, as in the example. A: What did you buy yesterday? B: I bought 2 bottles of cola. A: How much did they cost? B: They cost 52p altogether. 1. two bottles of cola 2. a bar of chocolate and a bottle of cola A packet of crisps and a bottle of cola A jar of jam and a bar of chocolate

Слайд 10

You are in a shop. You have 1 £. Use the pictures to act out a dialogue. A:How much is this bar of chocolate, please? B: It’s thirty-five pence. A: Here’s a pound. B: Thank you. Here’s your change, sixty-five pence.

Слайд 11

Hometask : Make up a poster about the coins in your country. Stick or draw pictures and label them. Use information from the Internet to find pictures.