Сочинение-эссе для 11 класса на тему "Pushing boundaries" (Раздвигая границы)
статья по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Курепин Сергей Викторович

Данная статья-эссе предназначена для учащихся 11 классов средней школы как вспомогательный материал на уроках английского языка. Тематика нарушения запретов или раздвигания границ очень актуальна для молодежи в современном обществе. В статье показан двоякий подход к проблеме. Раздвигать границы можно как в хорошую, так и в плохую сторону. Представленный материал может быть полезен учителям и ученикам. 


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                                                               Pushing boundaries

     There is a double attitude to the phrase pushing boundaries. This phrase is connected with revolutionary changes in our life. But changes can be either to Good or Bad. Let s see to both of the sides.

     The whole life we are confronted with boundaries or frames. Just from the first day of our life till the end. When we are born, boundaries for us serve as swaddling clothes and if we lose them suddenly we can catch a cold and die. When we grow up a little bit the boundaries are like our cradle. We feel safe in it. But if we climb out of the cradle we can get hurt or harm ourselves. When we grow older frames are gradually widening but they always stay.

     Concerning social frames, after the birth we are surrounded by our family and relatives. Then come nurses and teaches. They establish the rules for our behavior in the society. They teach us to be in boundaries. Everything at this point is submitted to the principle of boundaries. Possibly it is one of God s rules. He takes care of us like a good father using frames and the system of conditions for gradual, evolutionary changes in our life which let us grow above ourselves, step by step overcome these obstacles and go to another level of life. But what happens if we suddenly break the rules and push the boundaries at once? It may concern risky kinds of sports such as basejumping, wingsuit flies or other thrilling sport activities pointed to get adrenaline buzz. Also it may be taking drugs or social deviations of all kinds beginning from epatage to criminal actions. In the long run anyway all these deviations cause addiction and obsession and lead to loss of physical and spiritual health, to prison or death. These things are directed to pushing boundaries in revolutionary way and lead to Bad.

     Addiction and obsession are other, opposite kinds of boundaries. They are chains for those people who afforded to violate physical, spiritual or social laws. And from this point of view pushing boundaries means the wish to break these chains, determination to quit an addiction or to refuse an obsession. Such revolutionary changes in life lead to Good. Actually to infringe the Laws of the Universe is very easy. On the contrary to push the boundaries of addiction is very difficult. But everything is possible, especially with the help of God.    

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