Рождественский квест для проведения внеурочного мероприятия "Christmas is coming to Town"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

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Предварительный просмотр:

Christmas Holidays

1. Guess the song

A. Jungle Bells        B. Let It Snow                C. Magic Moments        D. Santa Is Coming to Town

2. Can jingle

A. angel         B. chain        C. bell        D. coloured light

3. Who helps Santa Claus? (colour the right answer)

A. http://www.101coloringpages.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/santas-helpers-coloring-pages-christmas-girl-elf-elf-coloring-pages-printable-792x1024.jpg        B. http://www.coloring-book.info/~~v/coloring/Harry%20Potter/harry-potter-59.jpg        C. https://ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/coloring/item/zima-v-derevne.jpg                D. http://raskraski-dlya-malchikov.ru/wp-content/uploads/Snegurochka-4.jpg

4. What is the opposite of poor?

A. Kind                B. Beautiful                C. Rich                D. Ugly

5. Finish the phrase: “Presents … usually… under the Christmas tree.”

A. is put        B. have put        C. are put        D. put

6. How many sides does  a snowflake have?

A. 10        B. 5        C. 8        D. 6

7. Where does Santa land his sleigh?

A. On the Freeway        B. On the roof                C. On the White House        D. On the runway

8. Who was the red-nosed, lead, reindeer?

A. Rudolf        B. Dasher        C. Grinch        D. Prancer

9. In the USA, the day after Thanksgiving is traditionally the start of the Christmas shopping season.

What is this day also known as?

A. Expensive Friday        B. Red Friday        C. Shop-till-drop Friday                D. Black Friday

10. What is the smallest country in the world?

A. the Vatican        B. Monaco        C. Mali                D. Andorra

11. The Christmas tree in London's Trafalgar Square is traditionally given to Britain by which country?

A. Norway        B. Denmark        C. Sweden                D. Austria  

12. According to the tradition what Englishmen usually do under the  Mistletoe?

A. make a wish                B. kiss        C. hug                D. dream

13. Who was the composer of 'The Nutcracker' ballet?

A. Handel                B. Bach                C. Tchaikovsky                D. Schubert


Christmas Holidays

1. Guess the song

A. Jungle Bells        B. Let It Snow                C. Magic Moments        D. Santa Is Coming to Town

2. Can jingle

A. angel         B. chain        C. bell        D. coloured light

3. Who helps Santa Claus? (colour the right answer)

A. http://www.101coloringpages.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/santas-helpers-coloring-pages-christmas-girl-elf-elf-coloring-pages-printable-792x1024.jpg        B. http://www.coloring-book.info/~~v/coloring/Harry%20Potter/harry-potter-59.jpg        C. https://ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/coloring/item/zima-v-derevne.jpg                D. http://raskraski-dlya-malchikov.ru/wp-content/uploads/Snegurochka-4.jpg

4. What is the opposite of poor?

A. Kind                B. Beautiful                C. Rich                D. Ugly

5. Finish the phrase: “Presents … usually… under the Christmas tree.”

A. is put        B. have put        C. are put        D. put

6. How many sides does  a snowflake have?

A. 10        B. 5        C. 8        D. 6

7. Where does Santa land his sleigh?

A. On the Freeway        B. On the roof                C. On the White House        D. On the runway

8. Who was the red-nosed, lead, reindeer?

A. Rudolf        B. Dasher        C. Grinch        D. Prancer

9. In the USA, the day after Thanksgiving is traditionally the start of the Christmas shopping season.

What is this day also known as?

A. Expensive Friday        B. Red Friday        C. Shop-till-drop Friday                D. Black Friday

10. What is the smallest country in the world?

A. the Vatican        B. Monaco        C. Mali                D. Andorra

11. The Christmas tree in London's Trafalgar Square is traditionally given to Britain by which country?

A. Norway        B. Denmark        C. Sweden                D. Austria  

12. According to the tradition what Englishmen usually do under the  Mistletoe?

A. make a wish                B. kiss        C. hug                D. dream

13. Who was the composer of 'The Nutcracker' ballet?

A. Handel                B. Bach                C. Tchaikovsky                D. Schubert


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