Контрольная работа по английскому языку 10 класс УМК RainbowEnglish
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 10 класса по теме "In harmony with yourself " 1 Unit.УМК Rainbow English. Для составления контрольной работы использовался материал Рабочей тетради к учебнику 10 класса.Rainbow English.


Предварительный просмотр:

                      Контрольная работа по английскому языку  в 10 классе

                                   по теме «In harmony with yourself»

 Variant 1⃰

Task 1 Listen to the interview and complete the following statements.

1. Hobbies in Britain are        

a) the same as in other countries        

b) often exotic        

c) usually shared by a lot of people

d) an inherent1 feature of life

2.The British tend to work in their gardens        .

a) in all seasons        

b) in spring

c) in summer

d) in spring and summer

3. Sandra doesn't have        .

a) a flower garden        c) fruit trees in her garden

b) a kitchen garden        d) grass in her garden

4. Walking as a pastime        

a) is usually done in organized groups

b is always done with the help of maps

c) became popular quite a long time ago

d) became popular in the British countryside

5. Nowadays cycling is        .

a) the most popular pastime in Britain

b) one of the popular pastimes in Britain

c) extremely dangerous in the British countryside

d) allowed only on cycling paths

6. To win in an extreme ironing competition one must

a) find some hard conditions for ironing

b) find the most unusual conditions for ironing

c) do a lot of ironing as compared to the other contestants

d) do more ironing than the other contestants in hard conditions

inherent [in'herant] — неотъемлемый

Task 2 Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a—g). There is one phrase you don't have to use.

a) immediately creates many more

b) which have had attendance problems in the past

c) when the pupils put the cards in the machine

d) stay in prison up to two months

e) very hard to say why they miss school

f) are excluded for violence, criminal behaviour

g) they may be committing crime

"Why aren't you at school?" This is a question that many British schoolchildren may hear at some point in their school careers, when they are "playing truant", "bunking off' or absent without permission. About one million children a year bunk off school. In primary schools the average time missed per absent pupil is over five days in the year. For secondary schools it is 10 days. Why is it such a problem? The evidence shows that truancy is linked to crime and failure at school. When children are out of school (1        ) _____ , and they certainly aren't learning. The government thinks that absenteeism is getting out of control in England, but what can they do to make sure children go to school? Some people think that the answer to this question is electronic registration: this is a chip in a card that the children have to swipe at the beginning of the school day.

(2)_____ the school headmaster can see immediately who is in the school and who is absent. Other schools resort to more extreme methods: when pupils don't turn up, they get expelled. Thousands of children in England (3) _____ and truancy. Of course, throwing children out of school solves one problem but (4)____ .Some teachers want corporal or physical punishment brought back into the classroom (it was banned in the 1970s), but the government doesn't agree. British parents can be even sent to prison for failing to make their children go to school. They may have to (5) _____if they are found guilty.

Probably the best way of improving attendance is to make school and the breaks between the lessons more interesting. Some schools (6) ___ have started lunchtime radio stations, sport, music and a breakfast club with morning TV and aerobics.

Task 3 Complete these sentences with would rather or had better.

1. He … talk to someone who can help him.

2. We … fly than go by train: it will take us less time.

Task 4 Write Russian equivalents for these English compounds.

1 grey-eyed          2 old-fashioned      3 absent-minded    4 fast-developing

Task 5 Write English equivalents for these Russian phrases.

1.Тебе следует соблюдать советы врача.

2. Ешь здоровую пищу, занимайся спортом, и ты почувствуешь себя лучше.

3.Чтобы быть в хорошей физической форме, Вам следует вести здоровый образ жизни.

Task 6 Use the appropriate function words to complete the sentences (down, out, off, up).

1. The drums were beating … a new rhythm.

2. I wonder how the girl managed to beat … the attack of the dog.

Task 7. Open the brackets using Future Simple or Future-in-the-Past Simple.

1. I thought you (will visit/would visit) your granny tomorrow.

2. They don’t know when Mr. Green (return/will return).

                      Контрольная работа по английскому языку  в 10 классе

                                   по теме «In harmony with yourself»

 Variant 2

Task 1 Listen to the interview and complete the following statements.

1. Hobbies in Britain are        

a) the same as in other countries        

b) often exotic        

c) usually shared by a lot of people

d) an inherent1 feature of life

2. The British tend to work in their gardens        .

a) in all seasons        

b) in spring

c) in summer

d) in spring and summer

3. Sandra doesn't have        .

a) a flower garden        c) fruit trees in her garden

b) a kitchen garden        d) grass in her garden

4. Walking as a pastime        

a) is usually done in organized groups

b is always done with the help of maps

c) became popular quite a long time ago

d) became popular in the British countryside

5. Nowadays cycling is        .

a) the most popular pastime in Britain

b) one of the popular pastimes in Britain

c) extremely dangerous in the British countryside

d) allowed only on cycling paths

6. To win in an extreme ironing competition one must

a) find some hard conditions for ironing

b) find the most unusual conditions for ironing

c) do a lot of ironing as compared to the other contestants

d) do more ironing than the other contestants in hard conditions

inherent [in'herant] — неотъемлемый

Task 2  Use the  following words  to complete the sentences ( one word is odd):

              beating, common,   income, mirror, precious,  stand, tend.    

1. I don't want to have anything in …with these dishonest people.

2.  I could feel my heart… wildly.

3. She has always said that her children are more …   to her than her job, or her success or even her husband.

4. "If you … in my way, I'll kill you without hesitation," said the pirate.

5.  . Art can be seen as a …          image of society.

6.    What is your monthly …          ?

 Task 3 Complete these sentences with would rather or had better.

 1. You …write to her: she loves getting your letters.

2. She says she … do the work now than tomorrow.

Task 4 Use the appropriate function words to complete the sentences (down, out, off, up).

1. The drums were beating … a new rhythm.

2. I wonder how the girl managed to beat … the attack of the dog.

Task 5. Open the brackets using Future Simple or Future-in-the-Past Simple.

1. Do you think it (will snow/would snow) tomorrow?

2. He asked me whether he (will see/ would see) Olga there.

3. We were sure he (will win/would win).

Task 6  Write Russian equivalents for these English compounds.

1) progress-making, 2) well-educated, 3) easy-going, 4) low-paid,

Task 7  Write English equivalents for these Russian phrases.

1. Курение и распитие алкогольных напитков – вредные привычки.

2. Я простудился.

 3.  Вредные привычки могут привести к опасным болезням.


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