Оценочные процедуры в 8 классе по УМК Starlight 8
статья по английскому языку (8 класс)

Король Людмила Викторовна

Материал создан для подготовки к итоговой контрольной работе (учебник Starlight 8)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку. 8 класс.

NAME________________________________________________ CLASS__________Date____________

  1. Reading.

Read the text. Decide which of the statements (1-7) are true (1-True), false (2-False) or not stated, meaning that you cannot give a clear answer to them (3- Not stated).


Within a ten minute walk of Windsor Castle, across a bridge over the River Thames, there’s an old Gothic building. It is the legendary Eton College. It is one of England’s largest independent schools and one of the highest in prestige. Members of the British royal family are traditionally educated here. It was one of the best schools when first founded and remains so now; it is still commonly known as one of the greatest schools among all the schools in the world.

Following the old tradition, Eton is a full boarding school, which means all students live and study at the school with their fellow students throughout the school year. Eton is also one of the four remaining boys’ schools, so there’s no opportunity for a girl to study there. Eton students traditionally come from England’s wealthiest and most prestigious families, many of them aristocratic. Boys enter Eton at about 13 and continue to study there until they are ready to enter university.

The school was founded by Henry VI in the fifteenth century to provide free education for poor pupils who would then go on to get a higher education at King’s College in Cambridge. That connection no longer exists today.

All students have a uniform of a black tailcoat and a waistcoat, a white collar and dark trousers. All students wear a white tie. This uniform is not for special occasions, it is worn at all times for all classes. If you visit Eton during term time, you will see students walking along the streets with books under their arms dressed in their uniforms.

At Eton, there are dozens of organisations known as ‘societies’, in many of which students come together to discuss a particular topic. The societies are traditionally governed by the boys themselves. Societies range from astronomy to Scottish dancing and stamp-collecting. Some of them are dedicated to music, some to arts, some to languages, and so on. Meetings are usually held after supper and often include a guest speaker. Among past guest speakers were composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, writer J. K. Rowling, designer Vivienne Westwood, and actor Ralph Fiennes.

One of the oldest and most influential Eton societies is called the Pop. Its members are like school head-boys or prefects who are given limited authority over other students. They are called Poppers and take an active part in many official events of the school year, including parents’ evenings. While all students wear black waistcoats, members of the Pop are allowed to wear any waistcoat they please. Prince William, when he was a Popper, wore a waistcoat designed like the British national flag. The style immediately became popular. Irrespective of this, the official colour of the college is the so-called ‘Eton blue’. It’s a light blue-green colour which has been used since the early 19th century. The main purpose was to identify Eton sportsmen in rowing races and on the cricket field.

1.Eton is one of the best schools in Great Britain.

           1) True                  2) False                   3) Not stated

2. In our time, girls are allowed to enter Eton College.

           1) True                   2) False                  3) Not stated

3. Eton College was established to educate the children from the wealthiest British families.

           1) True                           2) False                   3) Not stated

4. The Eton uniform is sold only in one shop on the territory of the college.

           1) True                           2) False                   3)         Not stated

5. Students wear traditional uniform all the year round.

        1) True                2) False                3) Not stated

6. Teachers usually govern  the student societies.

           1) True                         2) False                 3) Not stated

7. It is easy to identify Poppers in a crowd of students due to their clothes.

           1) True                           2) False                   3) Not stated

7. The official colour of Eton College is white.

           1) True                           2) False                  3) Not stated

  1. Listening.

You will hear 4 short dialogues. Match the speakers (A-D) to the places where the speakers are talking to each other (1-5). One place is extra.

1.         In a library

2.         At home

3.         In a school lobby

4.         In a bookshop

5.         In an art gallery







  1. Grammar. The Reported Speech.

a) Complete with said or told.

1.      Kate _____ Bill had won the lottery.

2.      Mark _____ me he was going to give her a ring for her birthday.

3.      She ____, “I haven’t talked to Tim yet”.

4.      He _____ his boss that he had found a better job.

5.      She _____ to me, “I’ll never forgive you”.


b) Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1.         I don’t understand,” Georgia said.


2.      Sue told me, “I saw Mike on my way to school.”


3.      My sister  told me, “ I’m not going to help you.”


4.      She said to me, “I’ve decided to move to a bigger house.”


5.      “I need a new phone,” he said.


6.      I said, “Olga has already told me about the party.”


7.      I’ve never been to Italy,” George said to me.


8.      She told me, “I was working all day.”


9.  Alex said, “Sarah is looking for a new job.”


c. Rewrite the questions in reported speech.

1.      “ How often do your exercise?” the doctor asked him.


2.      “Do you speak English?” the tourist asked me.


3“When did he call?” She asked her mother.


4.      Jeff asked her, “Can you hear that noise?”


5.      Emma asked Frank, “Have you finished your test?”


  1. Vocabulary

A. Fill the gaps with the correct words: skilled, tutor, attracted, extracurricular, grubby, tuition, residence, participants, scholarship, relief.

1.    After school Kate takes part in many ____________ activities like dancing.

2.    Before the race began the_________ did some warm up exercises.

3.    Ilyas’s home video lectures soon __________       people’s attention.

4.    Some of the high-school students hire a _________ to understand topics better.

5.    The university hall of ___________ are located on campus grounds.

6.    These monks are so strong and ___________ that they can fight blindfolded.

     7. To get a _____________ you must study well and be active.

8.    Universities charge their students with paying __________ fees.

9.    To my _____________, nobody was hurt during the accident.

10.  While working in the dusty ranch, Jack’s clothes were rather ___________.

B.Choose the correct item.

1. Jane is not a very ______________________ person because she can’t keep a secret.

a. eager        b. trustworthy                c. organized        d. efficient

2. Jill is a total ________________________ . She exaggerates everything!

a. steamroller                b. drama queen        c. party animal        d. whinger

3. Carol is often complaining. She’s a bit of a _____________

a. chatterbox                b. whinger        c. bighead                d. troublemaker

4.  A know-it-all takes great _________________ in proving other people wrong.

a. interest        b. triumph        c. care                d. delight

5. After having _____________ surgery, Lydia feels more confident.

a. cosmetic         b. plastic         c. beauty        d. operation

6. Certain animals can ____________ each other with sounds and gestures.

a. signal          b. declare        c. release         d. notify

7. Philipp ______________ an eyebrow in disbelief.

a. widened        b. opened        c. raised        d. pursed

8. The politicians worked together in order to ____________ the conflict.

a. finish        b. deliver        c. resolve        d. maintain

9.  In a job interview, it’s a good idea to _____________ good eye contact with the interviewer.

a. maintain        b. continue        c. increase        d. trust

10.  She always __________her nails when feels nervous

a. stamps        b. plucks        c. bites                d. grows

  1. Writing

You have received an email from your English-speaking pen-friend Lily:

From: Lily@mail.uk

To: Russian_friend@oge.ru

Subject:Best friend

… My new friend, Sam, is really great! I’m sure you’ll get along well when you meet.

… What’s your best friend like? What qualities of his or hers do you admire most? What would make you not want to be friends with him or her any longer?

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of email writing.


  1. Reading 1) 1        2) 2        3) 2        4) 3        5) 1        6) 2        7) 1        8) 2
  2. Listening









  1. Grammar. Reported speech
  1. 1. Told        2) told                3) said                4) told                5) said
  2. 1. Georgia said that she didn’t understand.

2. Sue told me that she had seen Mike on her way to school.

3. My sister told me that she wasn’t going to help me.

4. She said to me that she had decided to move to a bigger house.

5. He said that he needed a new phone.

6. I said that Olga had already told me about the party.

7. George said to me that he had never been to Italy.

8. She told me that she had been working all day.

9. Alex said that Sarah was looking for a new job.

c) 1. The doctor asked him how often he exercised.

2. The tourist asked him if/whether I spoke English.

3. She asked her mother when he had called.

4. Jeff asked her if she could hear that noise.

5. Emma asked Fred if/whether he had finished his test.


  1. Vocabulary:
  1. 1. Extracurricular


3. attracted

4. tutor

5. residence

6. skilled

7. scholarship


9. relief

10. grubby

B. 1. B

2. B

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. A

7. C.



10. C.

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