Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 9 класса
тест по английскому языку

Ирина Геннадьевна Егошина

Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 9 класса основной школы по английскому языку.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Немдинская средняя общеобразовательная школа имени Героя Советского Союза М.В.Лебедева»

Варианты заданий к итоговой контрольной

 работе в 9 классе

(на основе УМК Кауфман М.Ю. и др.)

                                                                  Учитель английского языка:

Егошина И.Г.

Немда-Обалыш, 2021

Final test                                                9 form

                  Variant 1

1.Rewrite the sentences in reported speech and translate them into Russian.

1. The  girls ask grandma “Is dinner ready?”

 2.Linda says to Alex “I prefer elegant and expensive clothes”.

 3. Tom tells Misha “Your jeans, sweater  and trainers are suitable for traveling”.  

4 The girls ask the shop assistant “Where is fitting room?”

5. The mother says to her children “Turn off the computer”.

6. Kate says to Sveta “ Your clothes are a little out of fashion”.

6. The customer says to shop assistant”Please, show me this trousers”

2. Заполните пропуски, используя правильную форму глагола make или do. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Мark … up his mind to become a doctor.

2.Finnally, she .. him tell the truth.

3. Natasha always … her homework in the evening.

4. Zhenya has … a lot of mistakes in his test.

5. Tomorrow Masha is going to… a report.

6. Sasha must .. a decision.

7. Has Robert … any progress in English?

3. Change the sentences into direct speech and translate them into Russian.

1. Diana tells her friends that she prefer blue jeans.

2. Jim says that he doesn’t like shopping.

3. Mark  tells his brother that he can buy cheap clothes in the sale.

4.Olga says that she always dresses in style.

5. Maxim  tells shop assistant that he doesn’t care about fashion.

Final test                            9 form

Variant 2

1.Rewrite the sentences in reported speech and translate them into Russian.

1. Tom tells Misha “Your jeans, sweater  and trainers are suitable for traveling”.  

2 .  Misha says, “I don’t like to stand out”.

3.The girls ask the shop assistant “Where is fitting room?”

4. The father said to his son “Don’t open the door to anybody”.

5.  He asks Sasha “Did your brother phone yesterday?”

6. Linda says to Alex “I prefer elegant and expensive clothes”.

2. Заполните пропуски, используя правильную форму глагола make или do. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.  Tomorrow Masha is going to… a report.

2. Linda must .. a decision.

3 Has she … any progress in Math?

4. Kate has … a lot of mistakes in her test.

5 Мark … up his mind to become a engineer. 

6. Finnally, she .. him tell the truth.

7.  Natasha always … her homework in the evening.

3. Change the sentences into direct speech and translate them into Russian.

1. Alex  tells shop assistant that he doesn’t care about fashion.

2. Mark says that he doesn’t like shopping.

3.Olga  tells his sister that she can buy cheap clothes in the sale.

4. Diana tells her friends that she prefer blue jeans.

5. Masha says that she always dresses in style.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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