Entry test (Входная работа по английскому языку 7 класс)
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Загжевская Александра Викторовна

Entry test (Входная работа по английскому 7 класс)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Entry test (Входная работа по английскому 7 класс)


I. Circle the add word out

1. car, bus, train, dinner, plane

2. wonderful, nice, interesting, good, bad

3. had, go, ran, met, understood

II/Put the verbs into the Present Simple or Present Continuous

1) My sister ____________ (be) tall and she ____________ (have) dark hair and blue eyes.

2) I ____________________ (not/ believe) in ghosts.

3) She ____________________ (practise) for her piano recital in the living room.

4) We ____________________ (walk) to work every day.

5) Tom ____________________ (be) a lazy boy. He _______________ (get up) at 10 every day.

Ш Put the verbs into the correct forms.

  1. Do you (wash)your teeth every day?
  2. Frank (make) his homework at the moment.
  3.  Did they (arrive) home early last night?
  4. We (meet) ten years ago.

IV Underline the correct item.

  1. Is Ben yours/your brother?
  2. Tom is my/mine friend.
  3. They go to bed at/in 9:00 pm.
  4. My birthday party is at/on Saturday.
  5. I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.

V  Reading

Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

  Hi, Matt!

  How are you? This is my family. This is my parents' names are Jill and Daniel. My dad is tall with sort, wavy hair. He is in his mid forties. My mum is short and slim. Her hair is short and straight. She is in her late thirties. My sister Phoebe is seven years old. She She has got long, fair hair and small mouth. My brother Michael is eight years old. He has got short, dark hair and big blue eyes. He has also got a big nose.

   Well, that is all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send me a picture, if you can.

  Bey for now,


  1. David is writing to Daniel.
  2. Michael is David's dad.
  3. Jill is David's mum.
  4. Michael has short dark hair.
  5. David's mum is short and fat.
  6. Phoebe is 7 years old.
  7. Michael has got a small nose.

 Entry test (Входная работа по английскому 7 класс)


I. Circle the add word out


  1. had, go, ran, met, understood
  2. sea, see, summer, square, come
  3. Westminster Abbey, the Summer Gardens, the Tower, the House of Parliament, Big Ben

II/Put the verbs into the Present Simple or Present Continuous

1) They ____________________ (play) chess at weekends.

2) He ____________________ (wash) his own clothes.

3) My grandfather ________________________ (not/ know) anything about music.

4) Janet ___________________ (have) a shop. She ____________________ (sell) pets.

5 I __________________________ (always/ wear) comfortable clothes.

III Put the verbs into the correct forms.

  1. We (have) a nice picnic in the park yesterday.
  2. Our teacher (say) that the class was very good today.
  3. John (run) around in the garden  at the moment.
  4. Ken (have) a shower right now.

IV  Underline the correct item.

  1. Please do/make the dusting today.
  2. Our house is under/ between the bank and the toy shop.
  3.  John sits on / next to Pete in class.
  4. You must/ can not pay your rent. That is the rule.
  5. You must/ must not go to the doctor. You look very ill.

V Reading

Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)

Hi, John!

  How are you? This is my family. This is my parents' names are Emily and Peter. My dad is tall with sort, straight hair. He is in his mid forties. My mum is tall and slim. Her hair is short and curly. She is in her late thirties. My sister Karen is eight years old. She She has got long, dark hair and and small nose. My brother Mark is nine years old. He has got short, fair hair, big green eyes and a big nose.

   Well, that is all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send me a picture, if you can.

  Bey for now,



  1. Daniel is writing to Peter.
  2. There are four people in Daniel's family.
  3. Mark is Daniel's  father.
  4. Emily is Daniel's  mum.
  5. Mark has short, fair hair.
  6. Daniel's mum is tall and fat.
  7. Karen is 9 years old.

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