Материалы для проведения олимпиады по английскому языку для студентов вторых курсов ОГАПОУ "БСК"
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку

Бочкова Светлана Александровна

Данная олимпиада помогает осуществлять независимый контроль уровня владения английским языком обучающихся, познакомить с типовыми заданиями, способствующими выявлению уровня сформированности коммуникативных компетенций в иностранном языке. В материалах представлены : положение, задания . образцы дипломов.


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Олимпиада по английскому языку для студентов 2-х курсов ОГАПОУ

 « БСК ». Задания.

ноябрь  2020/2021 учебный год

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Жёстких требований к оформлению работы нет. Оформляйте её как Вам удобно: в документе Word или напишите ответы от руки и отсканируйте. Также Вы можете выбрать любой способ ответов: краткий или более развёрнутый, в виде текста или таблицы, но главное – это должен быть Ваш собственный ответ, а не скопированная из Интернета информация.

Задания конкурса оцениваются от 4 до 20 баллов. За каждую работу по решению жюри может быть добавлено 4 дополнительных балла:

• 1 балл за чёткие и обоснованные ответы – когда в ответе отсутствует дополнительная ненужная информация.

• 1 балл за оригинальные идеи или пояснения к ответам – когда предложена нестандартная точка зрения, которая отличается от ответа других участников, но при этом является правильной; или представляется несколько вариантов решения одной и той же задачи.

• 1 балл за красочное оформление работы, грамотное написание ответов, креативность и тому подобное.

• 1 балл за указание литературных источников, как печатных, так и интернет-источников.


Task 1.KINDS OF SHOPS. In which shops would you buy the following items? (10points).

a) apricots, radishes

at the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ’s

b) aspirin, vitamins

__ __ __ __ __ __ __’s

c) bread and cakes

__ __ __ __ __ ’s

d) dogs, cats, hamsters

__ __ __ shop

e) hammer, nails

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ’s

f) mutton, veal

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ ’s

g) pens, writing paper

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ’s

h) roses, daffodils

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ ’s

i) salmon, herring

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ’s

J ) tea, sugar, coffee

__ __ __ __ __ __’s

Task 2. Put one suitable preposition in each space (10 points).

1. We always have the same food everyday. I’m fed up ….. it.

2. Susan is married ….. two children.

3. Tom has no money of his own. So he is totally dependent ….. his parents.

4. She apologized ….. me ….. her behaviour.

5. The police believe that there is no connection ….. the two crimes.

6. He accused his wife ..…being jealous.

7. I’ve received a cheque ….. $ 200.

8. Did you know the cause …..the fire?

9. The children were excited ..… going to the circus the next day.

10. I nearly forgot that it was Jack’s birthday. Fortunately I remembered it ..… time.

Task 3. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate tense form (10 points).

a. I … (not  to understand) what you … ( to wait) for.

b. … anyone ( to see) my pencil? I … ( to leave) it here somewhere.

c. When he … (to arrive) tomorrow? I (to be afraid)  I (to be late) to the airport.

d. you ( to go away) this weekend? Oryou( to run out) of money?

e. Yesterday it( to be) such a cold day that I (to wear) my winter coat.

f. I … really ( to enjoy) myself at the moment.

g. … you( to let) me know as soon as you… ( to hear) any news?

h. Something … (to tell) me that you … (not  to listen) to a single word I … (to say) in the past ten minutes!

i. They ( to play )such loud music at the party next doorthat I ( to go round)to complain.

j. By Friday morning I ( to pass ) my exams.

Task 4. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same (9 points).

a) I expect this beach will be deserted.

This beach should be deserted.


b) This climb is possibly dangerous.



c) Arthur is sometimes really irritating.



d) You can’t borrow my car.



e) How about going to the theatre instead?



f) Do you want me to turn off the oven, or not?



g) I don’t think Harry is likely to resign.



h) I’m sure this isn’t the way to Norwich.



i) It would be all the same if we gave up now.



j) Please turn off the light before leaving.



Task 5.Read the text given below. Use the words in capitals under the text in their proper forms grammatically and lexically.Insert formed words in the spaces.(9 points)

“One picture (1) attracted attention,” Green told him. He consulted his catalogue. “Number thirty-seven. It (2) a name, so your wife and I decided to call it “Midnight” – because all the colors are very dark.”

Hanley, (3) to recognize the picture from this (4), was puzzled, but he said nothing. When everyone (5), he slipped across to see for the painting which had attracted so much attention. He laughed so much that Green (6) across to see what the matter was. (7) hard to suppress his (8), Hanley told him that one of his son’s (9) had been hung up by mistake.







7. TRY



Task 6. Decrypt TEXT messages . Write down proper sentences.( 4 points)

1) My holswr gr8.

2) R u l8? PCM!

3) Btw, I 4got 2 tell u about dnr.

4) Ok. NP.CUL.

Task  7. Insert words that match the definitions.  The hint: all answers end in -Y. (12 points)

1) The number after thirty-nine

2) If something is very small, it is …

3) He finds out secret information

4) People do it at the wedding

5) A question word

6) A joke is usually …

7) A truck

8) To produce tears

9) When something is not clean, it is …

10) An insect

11) You should say it, when you have done something wrong

12) It’s above the Earth

Task 8. Match these phrasal verbs (1-10) with their meanings (a-j). Use each meaning once only. (10 points)

1. get through

a. start doing

2 go on

b. catch (a disease)

3 grow up

c. increase

4 pick up

d. make something start to work

5 put off

e. discourage

6 put on

f. complete

7 put up

g. begin to live a routine life

8 settle down

h. develop into an adult

9 take up

i. become

10 turn into

j. take place

Task 9. Dear friends! What do you see yourself  in 25 years’ time? Tell us about your plans for the future (not more than half a page (Times New Roman, 14) (20 points).

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