Activities after reading the text
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Пушкарева Екатерина Сергеевна

В материале представлены задания, которые можно предложить учащимся  после прочтения текста с различным уровнем погружения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Activities after reading the text

  1. Answer the questions.
  2. Say who in the story is (kind etc.)
  3. Who said this “…….” ?
  4. Say who (took a cake)?
  5. Who in the story is (unhappy)?
  6. Match the words (adj.- noun)
  7. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.
  8. Open the brackets and complete the sentences ( Tenses)
  9. Read and draw.
  10. Write True, False, I don’t know.
  11. Put the sentences in the correct order.
  12. Match the words with their antonyms (synonyms).
  13. Say what the underlined word mean.
  14. Put the words in the right order and write sentences.
  15. Fill in the missing prepositions.
  16. Write the Past Tense Form of each verb.
  17. How do you know English words? Check yourself (Russian-English).
  18. Choose the correct answer.
  19. Fill in the missing articles.
  20. Put the letters in the right order and write down the word.
  21. Fill in the missing prepositions.
  22. Retell the story as you are…..
  23. Fill in the missing letters.
  24. Make up and write down the sentences (по табличке)
  25. Fill in the missing words (……..bigger…….)

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