Разработка урока-телешоу по аглийскому языку "Эко-понедельник"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

Сафонова Наталья Николаевна

Мероприятие по теме "Защита окружающей среды" для 8-х классов, занимающихся по УМК Rainbow English О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, К.М.Баранова


Файл good_afternoon_dear_guests.docx259.36 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Good afternoon dear guests!

Today our show EcoMonday will expose some of the most urgent problems of the environment. And our  guests will help us find the decision how to save the planet and to survive.

First of all, let us give the floor to the representative of a local environmental organization “The Umbrella”.

“People have been polluting the planet for many years. Pollution started in a small way, but then it began growing and soon we all shall be in danger. The time has come to save our planet, to protect people, animals and plants from dying.”

We all agree. Pollution is a heavy disease of nowadays. But to find out how to solve the problem we should master our eco vocabulary.

Say what these words mean:

1. to protect

-to help

-to defend

2. to pollute

-To make extinct

-To make dirty

3. Behaviour

-The way of doing things

-The way of seeing things

4. A  member

-Someone who protects  the environment

-Someone who belongs to a group

5. Environment

-The place where people or animals live

-The nature around us

6. Endangered


-Becoming extinct

7. Waste

-Useless materials which people leave

-Old things

8. Dump

-A place outside a town where people collect waste

-A place where people  collect dirt

Well done! Now we are able to discuss the definition of the word “Environment”. Look at the screen and put the words in the order to make up true sentences.

What is  Environment

  1. is all the things The environment  we need to live- clean to drink water, to breathe air and healthy to eat food
  2. can’t animals live without We  plants and
  3. help to make They  the soil, they water and air clean, give they food us.

As we invited ecologists to our show we also need to mention what ecology is. Choose the right variant:

What is Ecology?

It is a science that studies how to protect our health from diseases.

It is a science that studies how plants, animals and human beings live together and influence each other.

There are different kinds of pollution. Let’s have a look at the screen.

Air pollution. (What are the resons?)

Water pollution. (What are the resons?)

Soil pollution. (What are the resons?)

Our guests are also usual people that don’t want to live in a polluted world. They see the problems and try to do their little bit to avoid a disaster. Here what they say:


Mike: I always walk and go by bike. People can do something about pollution from cars.




I hope all of the decisions which we’ve made during the show will soon come true.

There’s no secret that our world lies in the hands of our children. We have invited schoolchildren to see what they’ve learnt about the protection of the environment at school.

We must keep our planet clean.

We must protect endangered species of plants and animals.

We must teach children to love nature.

We must think about the future of the planet.

We mustn’t dump waste into seas, lakes and rivers.

We mustn’t cut down trees.

We mustn’t destroy the animal’s natural habitat.

We mustn’t pollute the environment.

Thank you, these words should become a law for all the people.

The leader of the “Umbrella” would like to conclude.

“We all must work to keep our planet clean”

And we promise to do it!


Thanks for having an important talk. See you soon on our next Monday show.

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