методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)

Дудко Юлия Александровна

Фрагмент учебного занятия

Тема: Профессии

Цель: научить обучающихся расспрашивать и давать информацию о профессии в контексте знакомства с новыми людьми.

Тип урока: введение нового лексического материала.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Фрагмент учебного занятия

(уровень Elementary)

Цель: ознакомить обучающихся с лексическими единицами по теме «Профессии»


 In Russia the 12th of March is known as the Profession Career Day. One of the reasons that makes the schoolchildren’s professional self-determination difficult is their lack of knowledge about the  world of professions, their inability to understand various types of professional activities.


Policeman – полицейский

Postman – почтальон

Driver – водитель

Fashion designer – модный дизайнер

Teacher – учитель

Hairdresser – парикмахер

Scientist – ученый

Journalist – журналист

Stylist – стилист

Florist – флорист

Car mechanic – автомеханик

Architect – архитектор

Controlled practice.

What actually people of these professions do? Let’s find out. The task is TO MATCH the profession (job) with its description.

Job                                                         Descriptions

1. Policeman                a) someone who cuts and styles hair

2. Driver                b) person who teaches children

3. Fashion designer        c) repairs machines and vehicles such as cars and buses

4. Scientist                d) someone who brings you letters and newspapers, works at the post office

5. Teacher                e) someone who makes and designs clothes

6. Journalist                f) someone who designs and constructs buildings

7. Car mechanic        g) works in a police station and keeps people safe

8. Hairdresser                h) person who reports news on TV, radio or newspaper

9. Stylist                i) someone who can create a style and image of a person

10. Postman                j) someone who can drive a car

11. Architect                k) someone who works with flowers

12. Florist                l) works in a laboratory and does experiments

Keys: 1g, 2j, 3e, 4l, 5b, 6h, 7c, 8a, 9i, 10d, 11f, 12k.

Semi-Controlled practice.

Now let’s divide these professions into three groups: Social professions (related to people), Technical professions (related to technical objects) and Creative professions (related to creativity).

Words: policeman, driver, designer, scientist, teacher, journalist, mechanic, hairdresser, stylist, postman, architect, florist.


Freer Practice.

 Now let’s play. Three of you will be customers (someone who buys goods or services), other will be specialists who gives different services. The task is to find appropriate specialist according to the instruction (using the dialogue)







Car mechanic






Your car is broken. You need to repair it. Find a specialist who will help you

Somebody stole your money. You need to find the crime. Find a specialist who will help you

You want to present your mother bouquet of flowers. Find a specialist who will help you

You need to write an article to the local newspaper. Find a specialist who will help you

You are a rich businessman, you have an expensive car, but you can’t drive. Find a specialist who will help you

You are waiting for an important parcel from another country. Find a specialist who will help you

You want to build a new house for your family. Find a specialist who will help you

You are invited to the party. You need super fashion look. Find a specialist who will help you

You want to change your hairstyle. Find a specialist who will help you


- Hello. I’m Jim. I want to change my hairstyle (instruction in the card). I need a hairdresser. Are you a hairdresser?

- Yes, I am\No, I’m not.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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