методическая разработка по английскому языку

Аюпова Мадина Аралбаевна

методические разработки к уроку в 6 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:




             №1.  Match the names of disasters to their definition.

1.  Drought

а uncontrolled fire on trees spreading quickly.

2. Hurricane

a sudden shaking of the ground.                                                                                                      

3. Flood

a huge wave which flows onto land.                                      

4. Forest fire

a large amount of water covering land.                                                          

5. Tsunami

a hot long period of time without rain.

6. Tornado

a violent wind with a fast spinning air column.  

7.  Earthquake

an extremely violent wind or storm.




violent- сильный,


column- столб, колонна


            №2. Listening. 

I just arrived in Hatay, Turkey with the 1)………………….. and I can’t believe my eyes! The earthquake that happened four days ago has 2)……….………….most of the buildings! The earthquake has affected 1 million people. Thousands have lost their lives or have terrible 3)……….………...., and even more have lost their homes. Turkey suffers from floods and forest fires, but this is something else! Our team’s first challenge is clearing the 4)………………… , which is everywhere!

Conditions are terrible. Thousands of people are living in tents with no toilets or 5)………………....

The whole world is helping Turkey. 6)…………….……… have come from different countries.

 Together hopefully, we can rebuild Turkey after this awful disaster.

Fill in the missing words into the text:

(volunteer team, rescue team, rubble, running water, injures, destroyed)


           Rate your neighbor.  Put the stick


         You were …………..……………………. today 

              Homework:   p. 81 EX. 8 (b)

Предварительный просмотр:

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