Test on “Appearance and Character”. 5th Form.
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Архипова Мария Алексеевна

задания по чтение, грамматике и лексике по теме "Внешность и Семья" - 5 класс


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Test on “Appearance and Character”. 5th Form.

А. Выбери правильный ответ

  1. Ben go / goes swimming every day.
  2. My mother watch/ watches news in the morning.
  3. Kate help / helps her mother about the house.
  4. My sister do / does sports after classes.
  5. My brother have / has lunch at home.
  6. My cats is / are/ has cute and clever.
  7. His brother is/ are / have creative and kind.
  8. My niece is/ are/ has short dark hair.
  9. My nephew is/ are/ has tall and slim.

B Заполни пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом:

C Выбери правильный ответ

D Выбери правильное слово:

1. Look at …!

a) we b) us c) our

2. … mother is 45 years old.

a) Her b) She c) He

3. I know … teacher.

a) they b) their c) them

4. … don't like my school.

a) Me b) I c) My

5. Where is … pencil?

a) me b) my c) I

6. Give … some water.

a) them b) their c) they

E Напиши ответ на электронное письмо

F Прочитай и выполни задания после текста


Caroline Porter has a large family. There are nine people in it.
The oldest member of her family is her granny. You can hardly believe it but she is about 90. She lives in a small cottage in the country .
Caroline’s granny is very interested in life. She is fond of gardening
and has got a lot of beautiful and unusual flowers in her small tidy garden. When Caroline’s granny was young she was a greengrocer and worked in a small shop in the same street.

Caroline’s mother and father are architects. They are about 50 but look much younger. They are fond of ancient Russian churches and they often travel to Russia. They visit big cities and small towns. They are real specialists and know a lot. They often tell their family about their journeys. Caroline’s mother is called Debbie. She is a tall woman, slim and fair-haired, very clever and nice. Her husband’s name is Peter. Peter is shorter than his wife. He is thin and dark-haired. He is very brave. They have been married for 25 years and are real friends.

Debbie has a brother, Victor, and a sister, Alice, who is a nurse in a hospital. Alice is not married and has no children. Victor is a salesman. He is married and has two children — Bob and Polly. They are at primary school.
Caroline’s cousins are very bright. They are not short but they are not tall either. They are both seven, fair-haired, pretty and polite. Their parents are proud of them. But sometimes the children are lazy.

Caroline’s cousins like to play active games. They are never tired and they are seldom quiet. They have got a very rich imagination. They like to read a lot and listen to their granny’s stories. Victor’s wife, Mary, is a typist. She works in a big firm. All the members of the family are very friendly and hospitable. Their friends often come to see them and they all have wonderful parties.

F1 Закончи утверждения, выбрав подходящий ответ из предложенного списка, cогласно информации из текста:

  1. In Caroline's family there are

a) 4 people b) 9 people c) 7 people

  1. Caroline's grandmother likes

a) playing chess b) doing gardening c) reading books

  1. Caroline's parents are

a) forty b) thirty c) fifty

  1. Caroline's mother isn't

a) short b) fair-haired c) smart

  1. Caroline's cousins are

a) naughty b) clever c) angry

F2 Ответь на вопросы по тексту:

  1. How old is Caroline's grandmother?
  2. What does she like?
  3. What is Caroline's mother like?
  4. What does Caroline's father look like?
  5. What are Caroline's cousins like?
  6. What do they like?

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