Контрольный тест 7 класс
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Доброхотова Ирина Александровна

Тест к учебнику Spotlight 7. Моудуль 1-4


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                                 Test  Modules 1-4.  7-th form

 1.Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

High quality lifestyle

Тишина и спокойствие

Feel isolated

Чувствовать одиноко, изолированно

Beautiful landscapes

Отзывчивые люди

High rate of unemployment

Красивые пейзажи

Peace and quiet

Правильный образ жизни

Helpful people

Высокий уровень безработицы

2. Use Present Continuous or Present Simple to complete the sentences.

1. Where’s Jane? – She ……. a shower. (have)

2. My lessons ……..at 9.00. (start)

3. Tom never …….computer games before he ……. his homework. (play, finish)

4.Nick and Peter …….. chess at the moment. (play)

5. …….you ……. a cow these days? (milk) – Yes, I …..

6. What time ……. your train……? (leave)

3.Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

Run   out of/after/into

1.Tom ran …. Dan on his way home.

2.She ran … milk, so he went to buy some.

3.The police are running …. A robber.


1.Я всегда езжу на автобусе.

2.Я люблю ходить пешком.

5. Put the words in the correct order.

1. and/Alex/to look/professor/around/decided.

2. went/They/to look/a dangerous/for/journey/the/the/of/earth/center/on.

3. huge/They/elephants/saw.

4. raft/broke/Their/rocks/against.

5. found/a/They/old/knife/very.


6.Use the cues to complete the sentences with “used to”.

1. She has short hair now. When she was young,she…….long hair.

2. He doesn’t play football, but when he was at school he ….. football.

3. She is a hairdresser now. Five years ago she ……. a bus driver.

4. They live in New York now. Twenty years ago they ….. in Moscow.

5. I don’t watch TV anymore. Three years ago I …..TV for hours.

7.Translate the words from Russian into English.

1. Powerful

2. Confused

3. Go out  

8.Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word.

e.g. I thought the film was really disappointing( disappoint).

1.Ben was very …. After the football match ( tire).

2.I was really …. Watching that film (bore)

3.Mary is ….  of snakes (scare)

4.The book was really ….(interest)

5.Mum said she was really … in us (disappoint)

9. Translate into Russian.

1.Pretty –

2.Thin –

3.Spiky –

4.Scar –

5.Plump –

6.Middle-aged –

7.Round –

8.Beard –

9.Skinny –

10.Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continiuos.

1. When I came into the kitchen, mother (to cook).

2. She (to cook) the whole day yesterday.

 3. We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday.

4. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday.

 5. You (to do) your homework yesterday?

6. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday?

7. Why she (to sleep) at seven o'clock yesterday?

 8. He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday.

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