The 21st Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada/The analysis of our loss, searching the ways out
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Поникаровская Евгения Станиславовна

Form: 8 


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Предварительный просмотр:

The 21st Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada/The analysis of our loss, searching the ways out

Form: 8


Цели и задачи:

Обучающие –

- расширение лексического запаса учащихся по теме «Зимние виды спорта», «Спорт»;

- активизация употребления лексики по теме «Спорт», «Олимпийские игры»;

Развивающие –

-  развитие мотивации к обучению с помощью использования актуального материала на примере событий сегодняшнего дня;

- развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся в области слушания, письма и говорения;

- развитие информационной компетентности (поиск информации);

- развитие навыков проектной деятельности;

Воспитательные –

- воспитание у учащихся патриотизма через анализ результатов выступления нашей сборной на 21 Олимпийских играх;

- воспитание у учащихся умения работать в паре и в группе.



Проектор, доска с магнитами, компьютер.


Lesson Plan


1)    Warming up.

T.: Good morning everybody. You are welcome to our Panel discussion. I think you’ve guessed what we are going to discuss today - one of the most important and touching topics during the last two weeks for our country - the results of our Russian National Team at this Winter Olympic Games.

- By the way, where did the Olympiad take place?/What was the host city for the 21st Olympic Games?

- Ps

- What Olympic winter sports do you know? (Количество видов спорта – 15 (биатлон, хоккей, бобслей, лыжные гонки, фигурное катание, прыжки с трамплина, лыжное двоеборье, керлинг, конькобежный спорт, шорт-трек, фристайл, горные лыжи, санный спорт, скелетон, сноуборд)

- Ps

- How many sets of medals were awarded all in all? (86)

- Ps

2) Stating the problem.

About a week ago I found an article while searching the Internet. It dates back to … What is it about?

Россия планирует выиграть почти сорок медалей на Олимпиаде в Ванкувере

На зимних Олимпийских играх 2010 года в канадском Ванкувере сборная России должна выиграть до 39 медалей, в том числе 9-12 золотых, и это позволит попасть в тройку лидеров в неофициальном общекомандном зачете. В проекте Концепции, отражены все вопросы подготовки сборных команд России к зимней Олимпиаде-2010 в Ванкувере: характеристика мест проведения соревнований; мировые тенденции развития зимних олимпийских видов спорта; характеристика стран-лидеров по результатам выступления на Олимпиаде в Турине; принципы отбора кандидатов в сборные России для участия на Олимпиаде в Ванкувере; прогнозируемые результаты выступлений российских спортсменов на Играх-2010; финансирование Единого календарного плана при подготовке к Олимпиаде в Ванкувере; организация медицинского, научно-методического и информационного обеспечения, антидопингового контроля; и многое другое - в том числе, механизм реализации Концепции.

РИА Новости



- Ps: Our sportsmen, government were planning to win al least 40 medals (including 9-10 gold medals)

- T: Have our dreams fulfilled (realised)?

What affected our failure and the decision of the problem you will find out yourself.

Use the new words, please.


3)    Revising the vocabulary. (in pairs)

T: Revise the words in pairs and make up 2 or 3 sentences out of them. You have 2-3 minutes. (2-3 min)

Useful vocabulary

To go to the start line well-prepared – выходить на старт хорошо подготовленным

To handle the difficulties – справляться со сложностями

To compete (for the Russian team, in smth)/competition

To take part

To participate/Participants/ Participation –участвовать/участники

High qualified coaches – высококвалифицированные тренеры

To take place – проводить(ся)

To hold

To be held (The 21st Olympic Games were held in Vancouver, Canada)

To host the Olympic games – проводить (принимать олимпийские игры)

Host city of the Olympic Games – город, принимающий олимпийские игры

Sports facilities – спортивное оборудование

Equipment – оборудование, снаряжение

Financial support – финансовая поддержка

To prepare mentally/morally/physically – подготовиться морально/физически

To pay out grants to the candidates to the Olympic team – выплачивать премии…

To have training camp – проводить сборы

Russian National Team – Российская сборная

To earn money with the profession

The salary of coaches from the Ministry is very low

To develop sport – развивать спорт

Weather conditions – погодные условия

Good luck - удача

To win - выигрывать

Victory – победа

To lose – проигрывать

Loss – проигрыш

To sustain (suffer) defeat – потерпеть поражение

Promising sportsmen – подающие надежды спортсмены

To require/demand – требовать


Ps discuss the questions


4) As you see the results of the Olympiad were unpredictable. What place does the Russian team take? (analysing the charts of the Olympic results)


Compare the chart with the results of the previous years.

Ps: Russia and the Soviet Union has always been the first.

By the way, do you know what winter kinds of sport has our National Team been the best in for during many years? You can see the hints on the screen (from the previous Olympiad). (figure skating, skiing – biathlon,…)


5)    Project work

Now, imagine that you are members of the Olympic Committee of Russia. Choose one of the sports to better the situation, to work out the strategy to develop the sport in Russia as the host city for the Winter Olympic Games in 2014 will be Sochi.


Figure Skating


To study and analyse the situation in Russian figure skating in order to be a success in Sochi in 2014. Working out the strategy of the winter sport development.





Support your ideas with…

2) Stating the problem

3) Offering the ideas

The problem is…

The real problem is…

The awful thing is…

Don’t forget that…

The most striking fact is…

As a rule…

I can prove it…

In my opinion,

To my mind…

I personally believe (feel) that…

First of all, smb should…

The main thing is…

The most important thing is…


Who should solve the problem?






-              T: Our gils have prepared the first question at home. Listen to their ideas.

-              P1,P2

Use the new words to discuss the tasks after listening:
The Soviet and now Russian figure skating team has not lost any Olympiad for 46 years up to now.

Our world-known figure skaters are…

The problem is  - our sportsmen went to the start line not well prepared.

Our promising sportsmen were not required and presented other countries.

The sports facilities and equipment of our sportsmen were out-of-dated.

High qualified coaches get low salary and they leave for other countries.

The part of money given for the Olympiads wasn’t spent on it.

The competition was not fair.

Bad luck.


The way out (your ideas):

To work out the programme of sport development (like “Top Secret” in Canada)

To be ready for any weather condition next time.

To prepare our sportsmen morally as well as physically.

To raise the salary of our coaches and to invite high qualified coaches from other countries.

To develop our sports facilities.

To choose the candidates to the Olympic team better.

To check how the money is spent.

Good luck will help us to handle the difficulties)))


6) The Results of the lesson

T: You are 14 now and in 2014 you’ll be 18. The people of this age can take part in the international Olympic games already. I think you’re old enough to decide what kind of the Olympiads it will be and I hope your ideas on the development  of  the sport in our country will be helpful. And remember, you should be proud of your country in any case…


7) H/W Work out your ideas to better the situation for any other winter kind of sport for the 22nd Olympic Games in Sochi.











Useful vocabulary

The reasons of our failure in Vancouver:

The weather conditions were bad/disadvantageous.

Our sportsmen went to the start line not well prepared.

The competitions were not fair.

High qualified coaches get low salary and they leave for other countries.

The sports facilities and equipment of our sportsmen are out-of-dated.

Our promising sportsmen are not required.

The part of money given for the Olympiads wasn’t spent on it.

Bad luck.


The way out (your ideas):

To be ready for any weather condition next time.

To prepare our sportsmen morally as well as physically.

To raise the salary of our coaches and to invite high qualified coaches from other countries.

To develop our sports facilities.

To choose the candidates to the Olympic team better.

To check how the money is spent.

Good luck will help us to handle the difficulties)))

Дидактический материал к уроку "The 21st Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada/The analysis of our loss, searching the ways out"

Winter Olympic kinds of sport


Bobsleigh  (bobsleigh, bobsleigh skeleton)

Luge (singles, doubles)

Skating (figure skating, Speed skating, Short track speed skating)

Skiing (snowboard, ski jumping, freestyle skiing, Cross-country Skiing)



Ice hockey

Useful vocabulary

To go to the start line well-prepared

To handle the difficulties

To compete (for the Russian team, in smth)\competition/ to take part

To take place

To hold

To be held (The 21st Olympic Games were held in Vancouver, Canada)

To host the Olympic game

Host city of the Olympic Games

Sports facilities


To prepare mentally

Financial support

To pay out grants to the candidates to the Olympic team

To have training camp – сборы

Russian National Team

To earn money with the profession

The salary of coaches from the Ministry is very low


To develop sport

Weather conditions

Good luck

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