«Цивилизация Майя» для учащихся 10 класса, УМК «Английский с удовольствием», Биболетова М.З, Бабушис Е.Е, Снежко Н.Д., ДРОФА/Москва 2020
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

Пасько Юлия Алексеевна

Цель: Развитие функциональной читательской грамотности при работе над текстом.


-понимать прочитанный текст, его основную мысль;

- умение находить и извлекать необходимую информацию;

- научиться: понимать; анализировать; сравнивать; видоизменять; генерировать текст.

Данный текст предназначен для 10 класса. Работа состоит из 5 заданий. 1 задание – чтение, задание направлено на выявление навыков чтения текста с пониманием основного содержания, чтение про себя с пониманием прочитанного, умение определять истинность \ ложность утверждения в соответствии с содержанием текста. Выбор правильного ответа, подходящего по смыслу, из нескольких данных.



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One of the great mysteries of archaeology was the sudden collapse of the Mayan Сivilisation of Central America. The disappearance of one of the great civilisations of the ancient world puzzled scientists for years, as they searched for clues among the ruined and deserted Mayan cities. 

How could a sophisticated culture with its knowledge of mathematics and astronomy vanish into thin air? At its height in about 800 AD, there were probably about 13 million Mayans supporting elaborate cities with grand pyramid temples. Their lands extended from Chichen Itza on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, through Tikal in Guatemala to Copan in Honduras. And then, almost instantly, everything collapsed.

Researchers have recently discovered that it was in fact climate change that caused the collapse of Mayan culture. It coincides directly with several periods of intense drought each lasting about a decade. The worst drought lasted between about 760 and 800 AD. Each one put more intense pressure on an already fragile civilisation.
The cities were densely populated. But they relied on corn-growing farmers who didn’t produce enough to sustain both themselves and the city dwellers. Even though the Maya built reservoirs to collect water, their crops still depended on seasonal rains. Their land had few rivers, being mostly dry limestone. When the rains failed, the water for drinking and agriculture simply ran out. With few reserves and lacking what became crucial for survival, Mayan Civilisation died.
History has many examples of cultures that collapsed in other parts of the world. Almost 3,500 years ago, a drought lasting about 200 years terminated a flourishing society in Mesopotamia. Scientists know from studying the rings in trees that a drought in about 1130 AD destroyed the Anasazi culture of the Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, USA.
But not all societies have had to surrender to the devastating effects of drought. The Chumash, of California’s Channel Islands, apparently changed their behavior in response to climate change. When deadly droughts threatened their survival these hunter-gatherers became traders.
What can modern societies learn from the Maya’s downfall? Supplies of clean water are one of the biggest problems facing countries all over the world. Australia has experienced record droughts since the start of the 21st century. The western USA uses so much water that the Colorado River is dry by the time it joins the sea. People will have to change their habits even more, in order to survive the climate changes that are predicted in the next decades.

Задание 1.  Выполните тест

What do you know about the Mayan civilisation?
1. The Maya were ancient people of
a) Australia b) America c) Asia
2. The Mayan civilisation is considered to have been
a) advanced b) primitive c) strange
3. The Mayan civilisation reached its peak in
a) the 1st century BC b) the 19th century c) 800 AD
4. At its peak the Mayan civilization consisted of
a) 13 million people b) 1,3 million people c) 130 thousand people
5. At the peak of its development the Mayan civilization
a) invented the wheel b) moved to another place c) disappeared
6. The reason for the downfall of Mayan civilisation was
a) climate change b) the war with another civilization c) an unknown fact        

Задание 2. Выделенные слова в тексте соотнесите с переводом


  1. Deserted –  
  1. Безлюдный, заброшенный
  1. Instantly

 B )   засуха

  1. Caused the collapse

c) Мгновенно

  1. Drought

D) выжить

  1. Intense

E )  плотное заселение

  1. Densely populated

F)  интенсивно

  1. Run out

G) в ответ на

  1. Crucial

H ) заканчиваться, уходить

  1. In response to

I ) охотники - собиратели

  1. Hanter – gatherers

J )причина коллапса

  1. To survive –

K ) критически

Задание 3. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте не сказано (Not stated):

  1. One of the great mysteries of archaeology was the sudden collapse of the Mayan Сivilisation of Africa.
  1. true       b) false    c) not stated
  1. Researchers have recently discovered that it was in fact climate change that caused the collapse of Mayan culture.
  1. true       b) false    c) not stated
  1. The cities weren’t densely populated.
  1. true       b) false    c) not stated
  1. The Maya made big supplies of water and food .
  1. true       b) false    c) not stated
  1. Supplies of clean water are one of the biggest problems all over the world.
  1. true       b) false    c) not stated

Задание 4. Выделенные слова из текста соотнесите с выражениями. Найдите для каждого выражения соответствующее определение:

  1. a long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die (drought)
    b) a group of people who live by killing wild animals and finding food but do not by growing crops (hunter-gatherers)
    c) very great or extreme (intense)
    d) as a reaction (in response)
    e) to use all of something and not have any left (run out)
    f) with a lot of people living close together (densely populated)
    g) cities with no people in them (deserted cities)
    h) extremely important because it has a major effect on something (crucial)
    i) to stay alive despite difficulties (survive)
    j) immediately (instantly)
    k) to create a situation in which something fails or stops existing (cause the collapse)

Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. Why did the great Mayan Civilization collapse?  When did it happen?
  2. Why didn’t the Maya survive the droughts?
  3. What lesson can the Maya teach us?

Подготовьте список идей и ответьте на вопрос

  1. What could the Maya have done in order to survive ?

Ответы к заданиям:

Задание 1













Задание 2

  1. Deserted –  A)  Безлюдный, заброшенный
  1. Instantly – C) Мгновенно
  1. Caused the collapse - J )причина коллапса
  1. Drought - B )   засуха
  1. Intense - F)  интенсивно
  1. Densely populated - E )  плотное заселение
  1. Run out - H ) заканчиваться, уходить
  1. Crucial - K ) критически
  1. In response to - G) в ответ на
  1. Hanter – gatherers  -  I ) охотники - собиратели
  1. To survive –  D) выжить

Задание 3











Задание 4

  1. drought
    b) hunter-gatherers
    c) intense
    d) in response
    e) run out
    f) densely populated
    g) deserted cities
    h) crucial
    i) survive
    j) instantly
    k) cause the collapse

Задание 5

  1. Researchers have recently discovered that it was in fact climate change that caused the collapse of Mayan culture. It coincides directly with several periods of intense drought each lasting about a decade. The worst drought lasted between about 760 and 800 AD. Each one put more intense pressure on an already fragile civilisation.
  2. The cities were densely populated. But they relied on corn-growing farmers who didn’t produce enough to sustain both themselves and the city dwellers. Even though the Maya built reservoirs to collect water, their crops still depended on seasonal rains. Their land had few rivers, being mostly dry limestone. When the rains failed, the water for drinking and agriculture simply ran out. With few reserves and lacking what became crucial for survival, Mayan Civilisation died.
  3. What can modern societies learn from the Maya’s downfall? Supplies of clean water are one of the biggest problems facing countries all over the world. Australia has experienced record droughts since the start of the 21st century. The western USA uses so much water that the Colorado River is dry by the time it joins the sea. People will have to change their habits even more, in order to survive the climate changes that are predicted in the next decades.

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