Готовимся к ОГЭ по английскому языку. Условные предложения.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)

Ирина Николаевна Кулакова

Раздел "Лексика и грамматика".

Повторяем тему: "Условные предложения"

Материалы сайта ФИПИ.



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Предварительный просмотр:

“If the box was mine, I __________________ you to touch it whenever you wanted,” I answered. Alison said nothing to that.


He says if you light the lamp and make a wish, the wish __________________ true. It works particularly well with reasonable wishes that are not too big for the lamp. Its magic is not very strong.”


“If the weather is fine, we __________________ on a trip next weekend,” Dad said and put his magazine on the coffee table.


“If I __________________ it now, I would be able to take part  in the Professional Photograph Competition.


The librarian was really shocked when she saw Matilda only two days later.

“I wish all children __________________ reading so much,” the librarian said. From that day on Matilda went to the library every afternoon.


But danger could never stop Mike.

“I wish everyone __________________ that life is a very delicate thing.


If we go on in the same irresponsible way, we __________________ all life on the planet, and ourselves too”.


“Give it to me anyway,” Bella said. “If I don’t find a proper pen, I __________________ in green ink. I hope it won’t affect my grades.”


 “I’m the Chairman of the society,” he added, “If you come, we __________________ a special welcome party for new members.”


“I wish we __________________ a class for girls only,” Tina thought.


“If you go on like this, you __________________ a chance to take part in the Dance Competition next month.”


“I wish we __________________ keep a baby elephant as a pet.”

Mum said nothing and we proceeded to the pool that had the seals and penguins.


“I’d be very happy if I __________________ here,” Kim’s friend, Jessica, said when she visited her for the first time.


“I wish I __________________ my work as much as you enjoy yours,” her husband said, “ but I’m going to have just another boring day at the office.”


‘If people __________________ more responsible for their pets, we wouldn’t have so much work here,” the volunteer remarked.


“Wow,” Dr. James said. “The weatherman was right! I wish I __________________ a reindeer instead of my old car.”


 “If it goes on like this, mum __________________ us a great dinner,” he said.


“If it goes on like this, I _______________ a cold,” I told my roommate, Cathy.



“I wish I _________________ a pair of woolen socks. But I left them at home.”



“And what will we do if it __________________?” my brother asked quietly.


His boss had warned him: “If you are late again, you __________________ your job.”


The boss was not around. “Thank goodness,” Martin said to himself and sat down at his desk to work.The boss arrived an hour later. “Somebody hit my car and left without leaving a note,” he said angrily. “I wish I __________________ who he was.


I wish I __________________ it, like my Granny does.


“But if there __________________ no computers, I wouldn’t be able to communicate with my friends who live far away from me,” Michael replied.


“I wish I __________________ what you are doing,” he said.


“We bought some new furniture and paid for our holidays. I wish we __________________ buy him this present but we really can’t.”


Today I wish I __________________ an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more.



Kim felt a bit hurt. “It’s not polite to break off a conversation like that,” she thought to herself. If I __________________ older, I would explain to that lady how to talk to people politely.” 


"I wish you __________________ some other hobby!" she said.


Since that time, the building has been rebuilt and renovated several times. Now it looks beautiful from the inside and outside. If I __________________ the opportunity to go there more often, I would do it every week.


Jane looked puzzled. “I wish we __________________ change our life a bit,” went on Martin. “We probably spend too much time on things like shopping and miss more important things. When was the last time we visited a museum?”


Now I'm in my last year and I wish I __________________ stay here forever!


"I wish Roxy __________________ some tricks”, Robbie thought. “But Roxy can’t perform any.”


“I wish we __________________ in the country. It would be so good for the baby”.


“If you give me the address, I __________________ at once,” Clark said, jumping up of the bed.


Most of my friends wish they __________________ smartphones because they are cool and trendy.


I wish all people __________________ foreign languages. The more languages you know –

 the better.


And of course there were… holidays! Christmas, Easter, half-term, and the jackpot – the summer holidays. I wish I __________________ as much free time now.


Mum often said “I wish our Lucky __________________ less curious. I feel better when he is in the house, safe and lazy.”


Mum said: “If one day Lucky gets missing, the tag __________________ us find him”.


And, meteorologically, it’ll be a beautiful day tomorrow. I wish we__________________ this kind of weather more often in this country. And what does the sky tell you, Holmes?"


“If I don’t invent a very good excuse, she __________________ my parents.” Paul thought.


I wish we __________________ talk about our school days for ages, but we have some other business to discuss with your mother. It’s going to be interesting for you, too.”


“You yourself know why,” Kitty said angrily.

“No, I don’t. I wouldn’t ask you if I __________________.”

“You went to the cinema with Lisa Parker yesterday,” Kitty was almost crying.


“I wish you __________________ more time with your classmates. Don’t you feel bored in the park?”


If we manage to involve more people in our fund, we __________________ more impressive results in the future.



If we didn’t have robots, our life __________________ less comfortable and more dangerous.


“But what colour to choose?  I wish we __________________  ask a designer for professional advice,” said Kathy.


I felt uneasy but Jane laughed, “It’s a common thing. Unfortunately, we often do not notice even our own family – our parents, sisters and brothers.  If we __________________ other people better, we would understand them better.  


Kathy looked at her new room’s white walls.    “They’re so plain.”“Don’t worry,” Dad said, “If you don’t like them, we __________________ the walls any colour you like.”


  “Look, darling,” he said, “I know it’s my birthday tomorrow but I don’t want to do anything special for it.”

Liz thought, “I wish I __________________ cancel the party but I can’t –  it’s too late.


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