Тест 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Тест 5 класс по грамматике


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Предварительный просмотр:

I. Put a preposition from the box into the gaps.

At / without / on / to / about

1. I am worried ….. the exam.

2. She is good ….. singing.

3. She climbs ….. ropes.

4. What is ….. TV tonight.

5. Well, let’s go ….. the cinema.

Answers: 1. about; 2. at; 3. without; 4. on; 5. to.

II. Put do, don’t, does or doesn’t into the gaps.

1. ….. you like red roses? Yes, I …..

2. ….. he work for Toyota? Yes, he …..

3. ….. she go to the supermarket on Monday? No, she …..

4. ….. you learn English on Saturdays? No, I …..

5. ….. they drive to work? Yes, they …..

Answers: 1. Do/Yes, I do; 2. Does/Yes, he does; 3. Does/No, she doesn’t; 4. Do/No, I don’t; 5. Do/Yes, they do

III. Write is / are in the gaps.

1. Where ….. you from?

2. What …. this?

3. ….. they from Italy?

4. What ….. your telephone number?

5. ….. you a secretary?

Answers: 1. are; 2. is; 3. are; 4.is; 5. are.

IV. Put have/has in the gaps.

1. What pets ….. people got?

2. Ann ….. many friends at school.

3. Nina …..a blue dress.

4. All boys and girls in the class ….. books and pens.

5. His cat ….. three kittens.

Answers: 1. have; 2. has; 3. has; 4. have; 5. has.

V. Choose the correct verb.

1. At weekends Ali cook/cooks dinner for his friends.

2. When does/do you get up?

3. Andrew and I like/likes playing tennis.

4. Tom have/has lunch at work.

5. John lives/live in London.

Answers: 1. cooks; 2. do; 3. like; 4. has; 5. lives.

VI. Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjective.

1. That house is very old.  Yes, __________________ in the village.

2. The Ritz is a very expensive hotel. Yes, __________________ in London.

3. Hambledon is a very pretty village. Yes, _________________ in England.

4. Everest is a very high mountain. Yes, ____________________ in the world.

5. This is a very easy exercise. Yes, _________________ in the book.

Answers: 1. Yes, it’s the oldest house in the village. 2. Yes, it’s the most expensive hotel in London. 3. Yes, it’s the prettiest village in England. 4. Yes, it’s the highest mountain in the world. 5. Yes, it’s the easiest exercise in the book.

VII. Put There is/There are in the gaps.

1. ….. a big tree in the garden.

2. …. a lot of accidents on this road.

3. ….. a good film on TV tonight.

4. ….. 11 players in a football team.

5. ….. a train at 11.30.

6. ….. some big trees in the garden.

7. …..a man on the roof.

8. ….. seven days in a week.

Answers: 1. There is; 2. There are; 3. There is; 4. There are; 5. There is; 6. There are; 7.There is; 8. There are.

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