Контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие в 6 классе
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Яковлева Мария Николаевна

В данной публикации представлен пример теста по английскому языку за II четверть в 6 классе.


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Итоговая контрольная работа по V шагу

за I полугодие 2011-2012гг.

I. Listen to the text and choose the right variant

          1. Some animals and birds are disappearing nowadays.

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

          2. Tigers and elephants are often dangerous animals

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

          3. Some people have often hunted tigers for fun.

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

          4. The prices for tiger’s skin are high.

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

 5. The result is sad.

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

II. Write the capitals, nationality and national languages of the given countries: Canada, Great Britain, Germany, the USA, Italy, Australia, Russia, and China.

 For example:









III. Make up sentences of the given words.

1. The planet, on, we, live, is, the Earth.

2. are, large, the continents?

3. Australia, there, one, is, only, country, in.

4. Vietnam, are, in, and, Asia, India.

5. African, an Egypt, country, is.

6. the largest, country, the world, is, in, Russia.


IV. Choose the right variant.

1. When we came to the sports ground they … football.

a) played       b) will play   c) were playing

                2. My father … TV yesterday.

                     a) was watching   b) watched     c) has  watched  

                3. While Jane … a book, Susan was dancing.

                     a) was reading    b) read       c) is reading

                4. Tom … coffee while he was reading a newspaper.

                      a) drank    b) was drinking c) were drinking

                5. I … a letter to my friend last week.

                       a) write    b) wrote     c) was writing

                6. Ken … to eat fish when he was little.

                       a) used     b) use   c) using

 V. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Я не люблю ни хоккей, ни футбол.

2. Они не смогли спасти ни животных, ни птиц.

3. Ни он, ни я не можем экономить деньги.

 VI. Read the text (ex. 17, p.123), say true or false.

1. Elephants can be useful.

2. Only Indian tigers and African elephants are in danger nowadays.

3. Modern life is good for animals.

4. We must save wild animals.

Итоговая контрольная работа по V шагу

за I полугодие 2011-2012гг.

I. Listen to the text and choose the right variant

          1. Some animals and birds are disappearing nowadays.

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

          2. Tigers and elephants are often dangerous animals

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

          3. Some people have often hunted tigers for fun.

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

          4. The prices for tiger’s skin are high.

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

 5. The result is sad.

               1) true           2) false             c) don’t know

II. Write the capitals, nationality and national languages of the given countries: Canada, Great Britain, Germany, the USA, Italy, Australia, Russia, and China.

 For example:









III. Make up sentences of the given words.

1. The planet, on, we, live, is, the Earth.

2. are, large, the continents?

3. Australia, there, one, is, only, country, in.

4. Vietnam, are, in, and, Asia, India.

5. African, an Egypt, country, is.

6. the largest, country, the world, is, in, Russia.


IV. Choose the right variant.

1. When we came to the sports ground they … football.

a) played       b) will play   c) were playing

                2. My father … TV yesterday.

                     a) was watching   b) watched     c) has  watched  

                3. While Jane … a book, Susan was dancing.

                     a) was reading    b) read       c) is reading

                4. Tom … coffee while he was reading a newspaper.

                      a) drank    b) was drinking c) were drinking

                5. I … a letter to my friend last week.

                       a) write    b) wrote     c) was writing

                6. Ken … to eat fish when he was little.

                       a) used     b) use   c) using

 V. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Я не люблю ни хоккей, ни футбол.

2. Они не смогли спасти ни животных, ни птиц.

3. Ни он, ни я не можем экономить деньги.

 VI. Read the text (ex. 17, p.123), say true or false.

1. Elephants can be useful.

2. Only Indian tigers and African elephants are in danger nowadays.

3. Modern life is good for animals.

4. We must save wild animals.

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