Animals - май 2024
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Данный материал может быть использован при подготовке к ЕГЭ. Тема  - "Животные"


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Pollution (air/water/noise)

Poaching/ illegal hunting

Illegal trade

Forest fires

Climate change – global warming


Industrial waste

Your idea


The result of the human activity

Destruction and  loss of natural habitats  - endangered species – extinction


Raising funds – donating money

Raising awareness of the problems by posting in social media

Imposing/ increasing  fines for illegal hunting

Passing a moratorium on illegal trade and hunting

Green economy

Creating more national parks and nature reserves

Your idea

What can I do to protect nature?

  • Volunteering
  • Raising awareness of the problems by posting in social media
  • – donating money for charity
  • Working in animal shelters
  • Participating/ organizing  in a clean-up day
  • Planting trees
  • Using water rationally
  • Sorting out litter
  • Using an eco-friendly means of transport( a bike/an electric car)

What can school do to encourage students to protect the environment?

  • to have ecological classes on a school curriculum
  • organize  clean-up days
  • organize a volunteering club at school
  • make projects on the issue
  • invite conservationists to school
  • to organize photo exhibitions of different endangered animals or plants



Volunteering in an animal shelter

Volunteering is a vital work in the modern world. Unfortunately, nowadays many species have become endangered. Fortunately, many people start volunteering in animal shelters as they can take care of them. Moreover, volunteering helps to realize the importance of responsibility for animals and caring  about  them.

Volunteering is a very important work nowadays. However, it  also has some disadvantages. First of all, it takes a lot of time to take care of animals. Furthermore, you spend a lot of energy on this, unfortunately not everyone appreciates it  and can easily become disappointed.

Looking at the animals in zoos

In addition, people can learn a lot of new information about animals. It can teach people new skills such as caring, veterinary medicine or training animals.

Working in the zoos is a very difficult job. It requires a big responsibility for animals. Workers have to keep animals in good conditions; also they should to take care  of  animals daily. As a result, people might be under the stress and  it leads  to health problems or depression.

Keeping an exotic animal as a pet

Nowadays some people start keeping an exotic animal as a pet. It’s a good way to save exotic species that might become extinct/ that are endangered. 

Exotic animals often require special care and food that can be expensive or it’s hard to find smth for such animals. What is more, exotic animals  may be  dangerous for owners if people don’t know how to keep them.

Animals living in the wild

When animals live in their natural habitats, it might affect? the health as their habitats are the best conditions for their living. Furthermore, animals are the part of the ecosystem and they might play an essential role in it.

They can roam free and breed .

Animals can suffer from hunger or diseases. Therefore, some species have become endangered Unfortunately, their habitats can be destroyed or polluted. Furthermore, nowadays we rather often can face poaching. Consequently, it leads to extinction

Animals living in captivity

Animals should live in their natural habitats but it isn’t always possible due to poaching, diseases, pollution or distraction. To deal with the issue, animals have to live in captivity. People take care of animals. They help improve the living conditions and health of animals.

Living in captivity has some disadvantages. To begin with, there is not enough space. Animals should live on big areas to move and explore the territory. Animals need a lot of freedom. In addition, animals living in captivity don’t have access to nature. As a result, it might have a negative effect/ impact  on their health and behavior

Working as a vet

The job of a Veterinarian is a very important job. They help to save animals’ lives  not only when animals  are sick but also in case of very dangerous diseases or injuries.

When you work as a veterinarian you have a high level of responsibility for the life and health of animals. This work requires a lot of time and  special education/ good education.  You should improve your knowledge daily. What is more, people often are under  stress and pressure. Consequently, it causes health problems or depression.

Problem- solving

Outline a problem that can arise with



With protecting animals

Undoubtedly, any person can face certain difficulties protecting animals.  The problem is  lack of funding. Organizations don’t have enough money to keep animals in good conditions.  

One of the ways to solve this problem is to try to raise awareness of the problem by posting in social media. Therefore, a lot of people not only staff will help animals. Furthermore, people can make donations, which will be directed to keeping and helping animals

Volunteering in an animal shelter

Undoubtedly, any person can face certain difficulties  while volunteering in an animal shelter. It  is misunderstanding the importance of it.

One of the ways to solve this problem is to organize special events for students and pupils to show the importance of it. What is more, people can try to raise the public awareness about the benefits of protecting animals by posting in social media. As a result, people will join to the volunteering movement

Perform various functions

The importance of animals


  • They are an integral part of eco- system and maintain natural balance
  • Protect owners and help the disabled
  • Are Friends for people and help not to feel lonely
  • Give us food
  •  -

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1 Wild animals. Animals at the zoo. Animals in the reserve. Spotlight 4. Урок 18

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