Методические материалы к открытому уроку "В стране страдательного залога"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)

Открытый урок по теме: "В стране страдательного залога" в 7 классе. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Good morning, dear students! It’s been a pleasure to meet you. But before we start let’s do the first check-up of your state of mood (QR-code question). Scan the code with your smart phones and answer one question, please. Thank you very much for your participating.

(OST Pirates of the Caribbean Sea)

Good afternoon, dear passengers!

Now we are about to sail to the voyage which is called “The Land of the Passive Voice”.

I hope you remember what the Passive Voice is. You will learn the usage and the formation of Passive constructions in the English language, read a short text and do some exercises. I shall be your guide at our lesson. Let’s start our voyage.

Our vessel is a simple boat today. So, to make this voyage we need our mussels. Now grab your oars and let’s row the boat.  (Everybody is rowing)

-Let’s make a stop here.

The first station is called the “Phonetic”. You will hear a song. Please, listen to it and complete the lyrics in your worksheets. Here we go. (Sweet Dreams song)

Now, it’s time to check your answers. Do you like this song? I find this song very moving. While listening I want to start doing something. Even stamp my feet in the same beating. What about you? (Possible answers)

Now it’s time to sail to the next station. Grab your oars! Right! Left! Right! Left!

The second station of our voyage is called “the Formula”.

What is the common formula for all the tenses in the Passive Voice?

(The auxiliary verb “to be” and the Participle II of the main verb)

-What is the Participle II?

(It is the main verb in the third form.)

Please, write down the formula. to be + V3

-How do we form Present, Past and Future Simple Passive?  (examples)

The Passive Voice

Залог - это форма глагола, которая показывает, является ли подлежащее производителем действия, выраженного сказуемым, или само подлежащее подвергается воздействию. В английском языке имеется два залога: the Active Voice (действительный залог) и the Passive Voice (страдательный залог). Страдательный залог показывает, что действие направлено на предмет или лицо, выраженное подлежащим.

Your son broke my window. - Действительный залог.

В данном примере наше подлежащее (son) выполнило действие (broke).

My window was broken (by your son) - Страдательный залог.

В данном примере мы видим, что подлежащее не выполняет действие, а действие было выполнено над ним, причем нам не столь важно кем. (Окно не само себя разбило. Действие было произведено над ним).

Значение и употребление времен глагола в страдательном залоге чаще всего такое же, как и времен глагола в действительном залоге.

Страдательный залог употребляется, когда само действие представляет больший интерес, чем тот, кто его выполнял, или в том случае, когда исполнитель действия неизвестен.

My watch was broken. Мои часы были сломаны.

Если в страдательной конструкции указывается исполнитель действия, выраженный существительным или местоимением, то перед ним ставится предлог "by":
The book was written by Tom Brown.

Если указывается объект или материал, от имени которого совершено действие, употребляется
предлог "with":

The finger was cut with a knife. 

Страдательный залог показывает, что подлежащее не выполняет действия, а подвергается действию другого лица или предмета. Если указано, кем произведено действие, то употребляется предлог by, а если указано, чем произведено действие, – предлог with:


Donald Duck was created by Walt Disney in 1936.        Утенок Дональд был создан Уолтом Диснеем в 1936 году.

Rice is eaten with chopsticks in China                        Рис едят палочками в Китае.

-Fill in by or with 

  1. The lock was broken with a hammer.
  2. This book was written … my favorite author.
  3. The cake was decorated … icing.
  4. The tiger was shot … a gun.
  5. He was hit on the head … an umbrella.
  6. Moscow University was founded … Lomonosov in 1755.
  7. The first flight into space was accomplished … Yuri Gagarin.
  8. The story was written … Akunin in 2000
  9. Donald Duck was created … Walt Disney in 1936.
  10. Rice is eaten … chopsticks in China

Well done, but it’s time to continue our voyage. The next station of our excursion is ”The Table”. 1) In groups Make up sentences and translate them. 2) Work in pairs with your shoulder partner using the cards. Define the tense and the voice.

Now use your voting cards and choose which Voice is it. Use Cards A ( for active) or P (for passive).

  1. I'm paid twice a month.
  2. She opened the door.
  3. Renault cars are made in France.
  4. Are any classes taught at weekends?
  5. Do you study at weekends?
  6. The policeman helped us.
  7. We were helped by the policeman.
  8. The President was photographed by the journalists.
  9. The journalists photographed the President.

Now we at the Middle of our journey. It’s time to make a check-up. mood (QR-code question). Scan the code with your smart phones and answer one question, please. Thank you very much.

Now it’s time to sail to the next station. Grab your oars! Right! Left! Right! Left!

The next station of our voyage is ” The Grammar Exercises “

-Read the sentences, find mistakes and correct them.

  1. The text will be translated when he came.
  2. English is speak all over the world.
  3. Ice cream be made from milk.
  4. The computers was bought in the shop.
  5. The flowers are not watered last week.
  1. The text was being translated when he came.
  2. English is spoken all over the world.
  3. Ice cream is made from milk.
  4. The computers were bought in the shop.
  5. The flowers were not watered last week.

How can you translate these sentences into Russian? 

1. She was sent a fax.

а) Она послала факс.

б) Ей пошлют факс.

в) Ей послали факс.

2. They were told an interesting story.

а) Они рассказали интересную историю.

б) Им рассказали интересную историю.

в) О них была рассказана история.

3. We were shown a film.

а) Фильм будет показан нам.

б) Мы показали фильм.

в) Нам показали фильм.

4. Sasha was offered help.

а) Саша предложил помощь.

б) Саше предложили помощь.

в) Помощь будет предложена Саше.

5. I was promised a trip to England.

а) Мне обещали поездку в Англию.

б) Я обещал поездку в Англию.

в) Они обещали поездку в Англию.

Keys: 1 в, 2 б, 3 в, 4 б, 5 а, 6 в)

-Thank you very much. The most passengers have done the task well and some passengers have made a few mistakes. Now it’s time to sail to the next station. Grab your oars! Right! Left! Right! Left! The next station of our trip is “Test Yourself”. “Please take cards and do exercises in pairs.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Shakespeare …"Hamlet".

A) wrote                B)write                C)was written

2. "Hamlet" …by Shakespeare.

A) was written        B)written                C) wrote

3. The Chinese …paper.

A)invite                B)was invited                C)invited

4. Paper …by the Chinese.

A)invited                B)was invited                C)invite

5. Butter …from milk.

A)made                B)was made                C)is made

6. A kettle …to boil water.

A)used                        B)is used                C)use

7. We …a kettle to boil water.

A)used                        B)is used                C)used

8. My new car …yesterday.

A)is stolen                B)was stolen                C)stolen

9. I …to the cinema every weekend.

A)go                B)was go                        C)went

10.We …to school by bus.

A)was taken                B)are taken                C)taken

Keys: wrote, was written, invited, was invited, is made, is used, use, was stolen, go, are taken.

Now, dear passengers, our excursion is going to the end. Grab your oars! Right! Left! Right! Left! The final station of our trip is “Drifting station

Our voyage to the “Land of the Passive Voice” is over. You have done a lot of activities and exercises. You were such brave and steadfast passengers! We hope our Grammar Practice Voyage helped you to get the idea of the Passive Voice and you will choose our travelling company next time or recommend us to your friends. Before we go away, let’s do the last check-up of your state of mood (QR-code question). Scan the code with your smart phones and answer one question, please. Thank you very much.

-We work hard today and I think everybody gets good marks. See you next journey. Goodbye!

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