Открытый урок по иностранному языку
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)

Урок овладение новым материалом, совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков; развивать навыки устной речи, чтения; развивать умение выборочно понимать необходимую информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте с опорой на просматриваемый фильм.


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Предварительный просмотр:


I Начало урока:

1. Организационный момент.

-Good morning. Sit down, please. Today we will begin a new lesson. The topic that we will discuss is «The environment.» You will learn some new words and watch an interesting film. Then we will do exercises and read the text.

2.Речевая зарядка.

-Who is on duty today?

-Is anyone absent? Why is he/she absent? Is he/she ill?

-What is the date today?

-What is the weather like today?

3.Фонетическая разминка.

( На экране.) Look at the screen and match the words with the following sounds:








destroy wildlife





II Основная часть урока:

1.проверка домашнего задания:

Описание картинок https://fsd.multiurok.ru/html/2020/06/02/s_5ed639668c7eb/img3.jpg


2.Ознакомление с новой лексикой.

Look at the screen and repeat after me


Ecology [i:'kolәʤı]


environment [ın'vaıәrәnmәnt]

окружающая середа

(to) pollute [pә'lu:t]


air pollution [εә pә'lu:∫n]

загрязнение воздуха

(to) prohibit [prәυ'hıbıt]


rubbish ['rʌ bɪ ʃ]

мусор бытовой

garbage ['ga:biʤ]



пакет, упаковка

(to) throw away [θrәυ]


(to) be in (out of) danger ['deınʤә]

быть в (вне) опасности

acid rain ['æsıd]

кислотный дождь

habitat ['hæbıtæt]

житель, обитатель



fauna        ['fo:nә]


oxygeп         ['oksıʤәn]


carbon dioxide ['ka:bәn daı'oksaıd]

углекислый газ

ultraviolet radiation [ˌ ʌ ltrә'vaɪ әlәt radiation]

ультрафиолетовое излучение

deforestation [di'forısteı∫n]

вырубка леса

environmental problems        экологические проблемы

 (to) protect the environment        защищать окружающую среду

(to) be polluted by         быть загрязненным

water pollution        загрязнение воды

land pollution        загрязнение земли, почвы

(to) be strictly prohibited        быть строго запрещенным

 (to) drop litter         бросать мусор

(to) clear litter away        убирать мусор

(to) avoid doing smth.         избегать делать ч-л

ozoпe layer        слой озона

greenhouse effect        парниковый эффект

3.Закрепление новой лексики:

Lexical Exercises

Exercise 1. Read and translate, find the right definition. Найти правильное определение данным понятиям, перевести.


+1) dirty water, air and atmosphere;

2) making water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and

animals to live in;

3) people who make water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous.


+1) air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live;

2) an organization that wants to protect the natural world;

3) something that we do to prevent air and water pollution.


+1) natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment;

2) plants growing in some area;

3) part of medicine that helps people to lead a healthy life.



1) a building in a garden or park which has glass walls and a glass roof

in which you grow plants;

2) a salad made with green vegetables;

+3) the problem of temperature rise in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Exercise 2. Read and match terms with their definitions. Прочитать и найти соответствия между терминами и их определениями.

1. Ecology

а) А gas in the atmosphere. The gas that we breathe out.

2. Environment

b) The Earth is becoming warmer because there is too much carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere.

3. Flora

с) The study of living creatures and plants іп their surroundings.

4. Fauna

d) This is the atmosphere between 10 km and 60 km above the

Earth. The ozone stops а lot of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

5. Habitat

е) When the land, sea or air becomes dirty, polluted.

6. Pollution

f) Part of sunlight.

7. Carbon dioxide

g) The natural living place of аn animal or plant.

8. Greenhouse effect

h) Rain that contains acid.

9. Ozoпe layer

i) It means what is around us.

10. Ultraviolet radiation

j) All the plants that grow in а region.

11. Acid rain

k) The animals of а region.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the proper words. пополнить предложения словами из таблицы, nepeвecти текст.

The Earth is our ___. We must take care of it. The ecologists and scientists, who study the relations between living things and their ______, _______ the importance of this task. Each of us must do everything possible to _______ the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to ________ the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.

Exercise 4 Reading Comprehension

Люди во всем

мире стараются решить экологические проблемы разными способами. Переведите текст об экологии в Великобритании. Найдите описание следующих рисунков. People all over the world try to solve the environmental problems in different ways. Read about the ecology in Great Britain. Find the descriptions of the following pictures.

The Environment in Great Britain

  1. We sort our rubbish: there are special containers for paper, tins, food, white glass, brown glass and green glass. After that special factories recycle these materials and people reuse them
  2. We never forget to turn off lights and water. Water, heating and electricity are expensive!
  3. A lot of people use public transport. They don't go by cars, because firstly, cars pollute the atmosphere and secondly, because it's very difficult and expensive to park a car in a big city.
  4. We clean up after our dogs with special pooper scoopers. If we don't — the fine is £50.
  5.  Our winters aren't very cold, so nobody wears fur coats. If you wear a fur coat, sometimes people from Greenpeace spray your coat with paint. "We mustn't kill animals for clothes,"they say
  6. When we go camping, we never make campfires. We use camping stoves.

Read and translate the text. Перевести текст письменно. Выполнить задания.


The pollution of the world’s land, air and water is one of the most important problems of civilization. It is one of the greatest dangers on the Earth. Ecological problems are deforestation, ozone holes, acid rains and the global warming and others. The seas are in danger. They are full of industrial wastes and pesticides. Many companies dump chemical and nuclear waste into water. Half of the lakes in the world are polluted. If we do nothing about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas, lakes and rivers. Air pollution is also a very serious problem as many factories release sulfates into the air. When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all living creatures. In Cairo just to breathe the air is like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. Large industrial cities all over the world have dirty air. This causes different diseases. Because of different kinds of pollution every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.

Plants and factories make the greenhouse effect. The greater problem is nuclear power stations. We all know Chernobyl tragedy.

People start to realize the environmental problems. There are many international green organizations that take care of the environment. ―Green Peace‖ is one of the most active one. All states should save the Earth from the ecological catastrophe. Many governments make strict laws against pollution. Scientists try to make factories and plants cleaner. And every person must do his best to help our planet to survive.

Exercise 1 Say whether the following sentences are true or false. Указать, правильные (Т)

или неправильные (F) следующие утверждения.

1 The pollution is one of the greatest dangers on the Earth.

2 There are many ecological problems.

3 The seas and lakes are clean.

4 Dirty air cause different diseases.

5 Nuclear power station is not a problem.

6 People start to take care of the environment.

7 Everybody must help to save our planet.

Exercise 2 Complete the sentences using the right variant. Дополните предложения правильным вариантом.

1 Environmental protection is an ________________________problem.

a) easy;

+b) important;

c) pleasant;

2 Factories dump a lot of ______________into air and water.

a) a shortage;

b) waste;

c) pollution;

3 Plants make the ________________effect.

a) greenhouse;

b) poison;

c) ecological;

4 Many rivers and lakes are_____________________.

a) polluted;

b) filled;

c) used;

5 Many scientists try _________________ecology problems.

a) to solve;

b) to know;

c) to protect;

Exercise 3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1 What are ecological problems?

2 Are the seas in danger?

3 What is the problem of civilization?

4 What happens every 10 minutes?

5 Air pollution is a very serious problem, isn’t it?

6 What makes the greenhouse effect?

7 What is the greater problem?

8 Do you think each of us must save the Earth?

4.Повторение грамматического материала:

Grammar Point

Exercise 1 Make up your sentences using modal verbs. Составить предложения с

модальними глаголами, перевести.

Should – следует, стоит, должен; shouldn’t – не следует, не стоит, не должен

Must – должен, обязан; mustn’t – не должен; не обязан

People Everybody



should shouldn't



to recycle paper, metal, boxes

to raise money to save animals

to plant trees, flowers

to leave litter

to leave fires in the forest

to feed birds and animals

to recycle litter

to kill birds

to build houses for ants

to water flowers

to help the Earth.

Exercise 2 Use the proper form of the verb to be. Translate the sentences. Вставить правильную форму глагола to be (единственное число –форма is; множественное число – форма are). Перевести предложения.

1 The water … polluted.

2 Flowers … pulled out.

3 Birds … not fed.

4 The air … polluted.

5 Nature … damaged.

6 Animals … killed.

7 Birds and animals … disturbed.

8 Trees … cut down.

Введение нового грамматического материала:

Причастие прошедшего времени. Past Participle

Причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle) или причастие II (Participle II) соответствует русскому страдательному причастию прошедшего времени (прочитанный, построенный) и имеет только форму пассивного залога.

Образование Past Participle

Past Patriciple (Причастие прошедшего времени)илиParticiple II (Причастие II)

Не имеет формы активного залога.

Passive Voice (Пассивный залог)

III форма глагола

read— прочитанный

built— построенный

opened— открытый

III форма правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления окончания -ed к основе глагола:Особенности прибавления окончания -ed

III форму неправильных глаголов нужно запомнить: Таблица неправильных глаголов (III форма в 3 колонке)

Причастие прошедшего времени в роли определения

Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени) в предложении может выполнять роль определения (какой? какая? какие?).

Одиночное причастие в роли определения чаще всего стоит перед определяемым словом, реже — после определяемого слова: The stolen money was returned to the bank. —Украденные (какие?) деньги были возвращены в банк.

Причастие с поясняющими его словами образует определительный причастный оборот, который ставится после определяемого существительного:

Some of the questions put to the lecturer yesterday were very important. — Некоторые вопросы, заданные вчера лектору, были очень важными (Некоторые из вопросов, которые задали вчера лектору, были очень важными).

Причастие прошедшего времени в роли обстоятельства

Past Participle в роли обстоятельства обозначает второе действие при глаголе-сказуемом, таким образом поясняет когда? как? почему? происходит (происходило или будет происходить) действие, выраженное глаголом-сказуемым.

Причастие вместе с поясняющими словами образует причастный оборот, который ставится чаще всего перед определяемым словом:

Written in very bad handwriting, the letter was difficult to read. — Так как письмо было написано плохим почерком, его трудно было читать (Почему было трудно читать? Потому что письмо было написано плохим почерком).

Обратите внимание, что причастный оборот в функции обстоятельства может быть как в начале, так и в конце предложения, при этом он часто вводится союзами (when — когда, if — если, unless — если … не, until — пока … не, though — хотя), которые уточняют, что это за обстоятельство (времени, причины или следствия):

When called, she refused to come. — Когда ее позвали, она отказалась прийти. If invited, I will not go there. — Если меня пригласят, я туда не пойду.

Past Participle в составе сложных глагольных форм

Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени) не имеет сложных форм. Если перед ним есть какие-либо вспомогательные глаголы, то это означает, что причастие прошедшего времени входит в состав сложной глагольной формы. Так, например, Past Participle используется как смысловой глагол при образовании времен группы Perfect:

I have already finished my homework. — Я уже закончила свое домашнее задание(finished — причастие прошедшего времени, входит в состав Present Perfect— have finished).

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect

Также Past Participle используется как смысловой глагол при образовании форм пассивного залога:

The church was built 50 years ago. — Церковь была построена 50 лет назад(built— причастие прошедшего времени в составе Past Simple Passive — was built).

Закрепление нового грамматического материала:

Exercise 1:Translate these sentences using Participle II

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастие прошедшего времени.

1. He doesn’t like boiled milk. 2. I remember well his words said at the meeting.3. We don’t like the book bought last week.4. The stolen things were returned to the owner.5. Asked about this event, he replied nothing.6. The explanation given was not complete.7. When burnt, coal produces heat.8. The results received were of great importance for the further work.9. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful than before.10. She showed us a list of the newly published books.

Exercise 2: Open the brackets using Participle II

Раскройте скобки, употребив причастие прошедшего времени. Переведите.

1. The letter (to write) by him was very long.2. We are interested in the goods (to produce) by this factory.3. She didn’t understand the word (to say) by him.4. He didn’t see the things (to keep) in her box.5. I don’t like the video (to buy) yesterday.6. This is the house (to build) many years ago.7. The question (to put) to the professor was important.8. When (to offer) to work abroad, he refused.9. The article on agriculture (to publish) in this magazine was written by Smith.10. You can get the book (to recommend) by our teacher in the library.11. When (to use) for building purposes, concrete is very important.12. When (to complete) the new building will accommodate 3000 students.

Аудирование учебного текста с опорой на новую лексику:

Полезные слова для аудирования:

pollutant[pəˈluːtənt]  –загрязняющее вещество, частицы

air pollution – загрязнение воздуха

marine [məˈriːn] pollution –загрязнение мор

to emit [ɪˈmɪt] – выпускать (о звуках, газах, лучах, в данном случае о выхлопных газах)

waste disposal [dɪsˈpəʊzəl] – выброс, утилизация отходов

industrial waste – промышленные отходы

waste sorting – сортировка отходов, мусора

to recycle [riːˈsaɪkl] – перерабатывать (для повторного использования)

to discharge smt – выбросить, выпустить (в частности, об отходах, газах)

overpopulation – перенаселение

vehicle – транспортное средство

to reconsider [riːkənˈsɪdə] smt – пересмотреть, переосмыслить что-то

public transport [ˈtrænspɔːt] – общественный транспорт

to make (some) difference – изменить ситуацию к лучшему

future generations – будущие поколения

Текст для аудирования:

Nowadays environmental pollution is one of the main topics at international conferences. Governments from all over the world discuss the situation and how it is possible to improve it. There can be different types of pollution. Let’s discuss some of them. Air pollution and marine pollution are the most discussed ones. They are caused by different reasons. First of all, it is CO2 emitted by cars when they are using fuel. Second, humans add pollution to the environment through industrial activities and waste disposal. Nowadays, many countries are trying to decrease both waste disposal and CO2 emission.

Probably, the most well-known way to reduce negative effects of waste disposal is waste sorting. It means that the waste is sorted into a few categories to be recycled later. Switching to electric vehicles is one of the most promising ways to reduce CO2 emission.

Different types of pollution are interconnected. For example, marine pollution might be caused by direct discharge of industrial waste into the ocean. But pollutants could also be released from the atmosphere.

Overpopulation is another factor that causes pollution, as well as a number of other problems. Overpopulated cities tend to be the ones with the biggest ecological problems. Vehicles and people themselves add too much pollution for a relatively small area.

But how can we stop pollution? First of all, we should reconsider our approach to transportation in general. Public transport, private and corporate vehicles produce a lot of CO2 in our cities. Second, we should stop being careless about our garbage disposal. Third, we need to realize that not only the governments are responsible for the planet, but every single human as well. Every time when you are making a food or transport choice, you can make some difference. In conclusion, I would like to say that our planet is our home, and we must keep it safe and clean for the future generations.

Read the statements and say True or False:

  1. Nowadays environmental pollution is one of the main topics at international conferences.T
  2. Humans don,t add pollution to the environment through industrial activities.F
  3. The most well-known way to reduce negative effects of waste disposal is waste sorting.T
  4. Overpopulation is another factor that causes pollution, as well as a number of other problems. F

III Итоговая часть урока.

1 Подведение итогов.

-What have we done on the lesson? - We discuss ecological problems and

3. Домашнее задание

-Learn the words in dictionaries;

- Retell about “Ecological problems” using this scheme [skiːm]:

  1. The pollution of the land……………
  2. Ecological problems are……………
  3. The seas………………
  4. Air pollution is………………
  5. Every 10 minutes……………….
  6. Plants and factories…………….
  7. The greater problem is…………….
  8. All states should……………….

Предварительный просмотр:

Природа, География, Дизайн Окружающей Среды, Глобальное Потепление, Устойчи...


Ecology [i:'kolәʤı]


environment [ın'vaıәrәnmәnt]

окружающая середа

(to) pollute [pә'lu:t]


air pollution [εә pә'lu:∫n]

загрязнение воздуха

(to) prohibit [prәυ'hıbıt]


rubbish ['rʌ bɪ ʃ]

мусор бытовой

garbage ['ga:biʤ]



пакет, упаковка

(to) throw away [θrәυ]


(to) be in (out of) danger ['deınʤә]

быть в (вне) опасности

acid rain ['æsıd]

кислотный дождь

habitat ['hæbıtæt]

житель, обитатель



fauna        ['fo:nә]


oxygeп         ['oksıʤәn]


carbon dioxide ['ka:bәn daı'oksaıd]

углекислый газ

ultraviolet radiation [ˌ ʌ ltrә'vaɪ әlәt radiation]

ультрафиолетовое излучение

deforestation [di'forısteı∫n]

вырубка леса

environmental problems        экологические проблемы

 (to) protect the environment        защищать окружающую среду

(to) be polluted by         быть загрязненным

water pollution        загрязнение воды

land pollution        загрязнение земли, почвы

(to) be strictly prohibited        быть строго запрещенным

 (to) drop litter         бросать мусор

(to) clear litter away        убирать мусор

(to) avoid doing smth.         избегать делать ч-л

ozoпe layer        слой озона

greenhouse effect        парниковый эффект

Exercise 1. Read and translate, find the right definition. Найти правильное определение данным понятиям, перевести.


1) dirty water, air and atmosphere;

2) making water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and

animals to live in;

3) people who make water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous.


1) air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live;

2) an organization that wants to protect the natural world;

3) something that we do to prevent air and water pollution.


1) natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment;

2) plants growing in some area;

3) part of medicine that helps people to lead a healthy life.



1) a building in a garden or park which has glass walls and a glass roof

in which you grow plants;

2) a salad made with green vegetables;

3) the problem of temperature rise in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Exercise 2. Read and match terms with their definitions. Прочитать и найти соответствия между терминами и их определениями.

1. Ecology

а) А gas in the atmosphere. The gas that we breathe out.

2. Environment

b) The Earth is becoming warmer because there is too much carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere.

3. Flora

с) The study of living creatures and plants іп their surroundings.

4. Fauna

d) This is the atmosphere between 10 km and 60 km above the

Earth. The ozone stops а lot of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

5. Habitat

е) When the land, sea or air becomes dirty, polluted.

6. Pollution

f) Part of sunlight.

7. Carbon dioxide

g) The natural living place of аn animal or plant.

8. Greenhouse effect

h) Rain that contains acid.

9. Ozoпe layer

i) It means what is around us.

10. Ultraviolet radiation

j) All the plants that grow in а region.

11. Acid rain

k) The animals of а region.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the proper words. пополнить предложения словами из таблицы, nepeвeдите текст.

The Earth is our ___. We must take care of it. The ecologists and scientists, who study the relations between living things and their ______, _______ the importance of this task. Each of us must do everything possible to _______ the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to ________ the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.

Exercise 4. Look at the screen and find the descriptions of the following pictures.        

The Environment in Great Britain

  1. We sort our rubbish: there are special containers for paper, tins, food, white glass, brown glass and green glass. After that special factories recycle these materials and people reuse them
  2. We never forget to turn off lights and water. Water, heating and electricity are expensive!
  3. A lot of people use public transport. They don't go by cars, because firstly, cars pollute the atmosphere and secondly, because it's very difficult and expensive to park a car in a big city.
  4. We clean up after our dogs with special pooper scoopers. If we don't — the fine is £50.
  5.  Our winters aren't very cold, so nobody wears fur coats. If you wear a fur coat, sometimes people from Greenpeace spray your coat with paint. "We mustn't kill animals for clothes,"they say
  6. When we go camping, we never make campfires. We use camping stoves.

Read and translate the text. Перевести текст письменно. Выполнить задания.


The pollution of the world’s land, air and water is one of the most important problems of civilization. It is one of the greatest dangers on the Earth. Ecological problems are deforestation, ozone holes, acid rains and the global warming and others. The seas are in danger. They are full of industrial wastes and pesticides. Many companies dump chemical and nuclear waste into water. Half of the lakes in the world are polluted. If we do nothing about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas, lakes and rivers. Air pollution is also a very serious problem as many factories release sulfates into the air. 

When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all living creatures. In Cairo just to breathe the air is like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. Large industrial cities all over the world have dirty air. This causes different diseases. Because of different kinds of pollution every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.

Plants and factories make the greenhouse effect. The greater problem is nuclear power stations. We all know Chernobyl tragedy. People start to realize the environmental problems. There are many international green organizations that take care of the environment. ―Green Peace‖ is one of the most active one. All states should save the Earth from the ecological catastrophe. Many governments make strict laws against pollution. Scientists try to make factories and plants cleaner. And every person must do his best to help our planet to survive.

Exercise 1. Say whether the following sentences are true or false. Указать, правильные (Т) или неправильные (F) следующие утверждения.

1 The pollution is one of the greatest dangers on the Earth.

2 There are many ecological problems.

3 The seas and lakes are clean.

4 Dirty air cause different diseases.

5 Nuclear power station is not a problem.

6 People start to take care of the environment.

7 Everybody must help to save our planet.

Exercise 2 Complete the sentences using the right variant. Дополните предложения правильным вариантом.

1 Environmental protection is an ________________________problem.

a) easy; b) important; c) pleasant;

2 Factories dump a lot of ______________into air and water.

a) a shortage; b) waste; c) pollution;

3 Plants make the ________________effect.

a) greenhouse; b) poison; c) ecological;

4 Many rivers and lakes are_____________________.

a) polluted; b) filled; c) used;

5 Many scientists try _________________ecology problems.

a) to solve; b) to know; c) to protect;

Exercise 3 Answer the questions. Ответить на вопросы.

1 What are ecological problems?

2 Are the seas in danger?

3 What is the problem of civilization?

4 What happens every 10 minutes?

5 Air pollution is a very serious problem, isn’t it?

6 What makes the greenhouse effect?

7 What is the greater problem?

8 Do you think each of us must save the Earth?


Exercise 1 Make up your sentences using modal verbs. Составить предложения с модальными глаголами, перевести.

Should – следует, стоит, должен; shouldn’t – не следует, не стоит, не должен

Must – должен, обязан; mustn’t – не должен; не обязан

People Everybody



should shouldn't



to recycle paper, metal, boxes

to raise money to save animals

to plant trees, flowers

to leave litter

to leave fires in the forest

to feed birds and animals

to recycle litter

to kill birds

to build houses for ants

to water flowers

to help the Earth.

Exercise 2 Use the proper form of the verb to be. Translate the sentences. Вставить

Правильную форму глагола to be (единственное число –форма is; множественное число – форма are). Перевести предложения.

1 The water … polluted.

2 Flowers … pulled out.

3 Birds … not fed.

4 The air … polluted.

5 Nature … damaged.

6 Animals … killed.

7 Birds and animals … disturbed.

8 Trees … cut down.

Exercise 1:Translate these sentences using Participle II

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастие прошедшего времени.

1. He doesn’t like boiled milk. 2. I remember well his words said at the meeting.3. We don’t like the book bought last week.4. The stolen things were returned to the owner.5. Asked about this event, he replied nothing.6. The explanation given was not complete.7. When burnt, coal produces heat.8. The results received were of great importance for the further work.9. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful than before.10. She showed us a list of the newly published books.

Exercise 2: Open the brackets using Participle II

Раскройте скобки, употребив причастие прошедшего времени. Переведите.

1. The letter (to write) by him was very long.2. We are interested in the goods (to produce) by this factory.3. She didn’t understand the word (to say) by him.4. He didn’t see the things (to keep) in her box.5. I don’t like the video (to buy) yesterday.6. This is the house (to build) many years ago.7. The question (to put) to the professor was important.8. When (to offer) to work abroad, he refused.9. The article on agriculture (to publish) in this magazine was written by Smith.10. You can get the book (to recommend) by our teacher in the library.11. When (to use) for building purposes, concrete is very important.12. When (to complete) the new building will accommodate 3000 students.


Полезные слова для аудирования:

pollutant [pəˈluːtənt] –загрязняющее вещество, частицы

air pollution – загрязнение воздуха

marine [məˈriːn] pollution –загрязнение мор

to emit [ɪˈmɪt] – выпускать (о звуках, газах, лучах, в данном случае о выхлопных газах)

waste disposal [dɪsˈpəʊzəl] – выброс, утилизация отходов

industrial waste – промышленные отходы

waste sorting – сортировка отходов, мусора

to recycle [riːˈsaɪkl] – перерабатывать (для повторного использования)

to discharge smt – выбросить, выпустить (в частности, об отходах, газах)

overpopulation – перенаселение

vehicle – транспортное средство

to reconsider [riːkənˈsɪdə] smt – пересмотреть, переосмыслить что-то

public transport [ˈtrænspɔːt] – общественный транспорт

to make (some) difference – изменить ситуацию к лучшему

future generations – будущие поколения


Read the statements and say True or False:

  1. Nowadays environmental pollution is one of the main topics at international conferences.
  2. Humans don,t add pollution to the environment through industrial activities.
  3. The most well-known way to reduce negative effects of waste disposal is waste sorting.
  4. Overpopulation is another factor that causes pollution, as well as a number of other problems.

Домашнее задание

-Learn the words in dictionaries;

- Retell about “Ecological problems” using this scheme [skiːm]схема:

  1. The pollution of the land……………
  2. Ecological problems are……………
  3. The seas………………
  4. Air pollution is………………
  5. Every 10 minutes……………….
  6. Plants and factories…………….
  7. The greater problem is…………….
  8. All states should……………….

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