Ideal and Awful Holidays
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)

Презентация по теме "Каникулы" может быть использована на уроках, посвященных тому, что делает каникулы отличными и ужасными.


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Слайд 2

The aims of the lesson are to learn to describe ideal and awful holidays, to understand people’s impressions about their holidays and to understand the holiday advertisements.

Слайд 4

I am fond of I prefer I don’t like because travelling by plane travelling on foot travelling by car, by bus It is slow! It is dangerous! It is expensive! It is boring! It is convenient! It is cheap! It is healthy! It is exciting ! It is wonderful! It is quick It is enjoyable! It is comfortable! EXPRESS YOUR OPINION

Слайд 5

What are the main reasons for travelling?

Слайд 6

I enjoy travelling because it is exciting to … it is wonderful to … it is interesting to … EXPRESS YOUR OPINION

Слайд 7

Which of these factors are the most and the least important to you when you are on holiday? weather sightseeing/culture food s cenery a ccommodation s hops who you go with entertainment When I am on holiday the most important factor(s) to me is (are) … When I am on holiday the least important factor(s) to me is (are) …

Слайд 8

to delay to pollute peaceful disgusting c покойный загрязнять The factory pollutes the air and water. отвратительный вид view NEW WORDS Because of the bad weather the plane was delayed. отложить We had a peaceful afternoon without the children. Smocking is really a disgusting habit. From the top you get a panoramic view of the city.

Слайд 9

the place you visit is lively and full of people there are views of the city from your hotel room the water is too polluted to swim in Ideal Holidays the food in the hotel is disgusting the weather is wet and windy the plane is delayed the hotel is horrible the atmosphere is peaceful and relaxing there are lots of shops t here i s entertainment I think that ideal holidays are when … In my opinion awful holidays are when… Awful Holidays

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