Презентация "Victorian Families"
презентация к уроку (11 класс)

Пономарева Анастасия Игоревна

Презентация "Victorian Families"


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Слайд 1

V ictorian families

Слайд 2

Queen Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria) 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901

Слайд 3

Victorian era is the period of Queen Victoria‘s reign 20.06.1837- 22.01.1901

Слайд 4

British Empire

Слайд 5

1837 - Victoria becomes queen 1838 - The first photographs are taken 1842 - The first Mines Act 1843 - The first Christmas Card 1846 - 1852- Potato famine 1853 - Crimea war begins 1872 - The first soccer FA Cup Final is played 1878 - The first light bulb is invented 1891 - Free primary schools for all children 1901- Queen Victoria dies

Слайд 6

Queen Victoria Prince Albert

Слайд 9

Life for Victorian Children in Victorian times was nothing like childhood in today’s world. For the wealthy there was an overwhelming sense of boredom and the constant prodding to be proper and polite with very little parent to child communication . For the poor Victorian Children life was much different. The poor children had to work public jobs for their families to survive. Toys were nothing more than homemade dolls or wooden blocks. On the other hand their family life was tighter knit and more loving . While the wealthy children may have been spoiled and had a much better life than the poor children, they also had what would seem to be a sad, redundant and affection-less existence. Children were mostly raised by a nanny who would teach the child what was proper and what was not. Day to day living was nothing more than a lonely monotonous routine and very formal. Wealthy Victorian Children rarely communicated with their parents except for a specified time each day. Find the equivalents in the text : affectionate, interaction, jobless, repeated, brought up, dull, arranged, astonishing, monotony

Слайд 10

opened in 1875 120 , 000 pounds Albert Memorial

Слайд 12

Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences opened in 1871

Слайд 14

Caroline Cottages, Conduit Place

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