тест на тему "Descriptions"
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

тест по 5 юниту технического английского.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Find the right form of the verb of the noun CALCULATOR

  1. calculate
  2. contain
  3. conduct
  4. propel

Find the right form of the verb of the noun CONTAINER

  1. calculate
  2. contain
  3. conduct
  4. propel

Find the right form of the verb of the noun CONDUCTOR

  1. calculate
  2. contain
  3. conduct
  4. propel

Find the right form of the verb of the noun PROPELLER

  1. calculate
  2. contain
  3. conduct
  4. propel

Find the right form of the adjective of the noun CONE





Find the right form of the adjective of the noun CONE

  1. conical
  2. circular
  3. cylindrical
  4. rectangular

Find the right form of the adjective of the noun CIRCLE

  1. conical
  2. circular
  3. cylindrical
  4. rectangular

Find the right form of the adjective of the noun CYLINDER

  1. conical
  2. circular
  3. cylindrical
  4. rectangular

Find the right form of the adjective of the noun RECTANGLE

  1. conical
  2. circular
  3. cylindrical
  4. rectangular

Insert the right word in the sentence: The air conditioning __________ in this building is very good.

  1. device
  2. system
  3. tool
  4. vehicle

Insert the right word in the sentence: A wheel wrench is a very useful __________ for tightening and loosening wheel nuts.

  1. device
  2. system
  3. tool
  4. vehicle

Insert the right word in the sentence: A solar-powered car is a new type of __________ which uses energy from the sun.

  1. device
  2. system
  3. tool
  4. vehicle

Insert the right word in the sentence: A mouse is a __________ that allows you to move a cursor around a computer screen.

  1. device
  2. system
  3. tool
  4. vehicle

Choose the correct word in brackets: From the air, the building is (triangle / triangular) in shape.

  1. triangle
  2. triangular

Choose the correct word in brackets:  My new web camera is in the shape of a (sphere / spherical).

  1. sphere
  2. spherical

Choose the correct word in brackets:  Look at my new pen. It’s (shapes / shaped) like a banana.

  1. shapes
  2. shaped

Choose the correct word in brackets:  The wings of an aeroplane lift the plane. They also act as (stabilizing / stabilizers).

  1. stabilizing  
  2. stabilizers

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: My watch has two functions. It tells the time, but it can also act __________ a         stopwatch.

  1. as
  2. for
  3. to
  4. like
  5. in
  6. of

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: The pod of the Man Overboard alarm system is in the shape __________ an egg.

  1. as
  2. for
  3. to
  4. like
  5. in
  6. of

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: MP3 players are mainly used __________ downloading music, but they can also show         pictures.

  1. as
  2. for
  3. to
  4. like
  5. in
  6. of

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: This new robotic device is designed __________ dig holes up to 20 metres deep.

  1. as
  2. for
  3. to
  4. like
  5. in
  6. of

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: Look at that building. It’s shaped __________ a large cube.

  1. as
  2. for
  3. to
  4. like
  5. in
  6. of

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: The plan of the new sports stadium is __________ the shape of a large letter O.

  1. as
  2. for
  3. to
  4. like
  5. in
  6. of

Choose the correct answer in the sentence: A space shuttle is used _____ astronauts up to the space station.

  1. for transport
  2. for transporting        
  3. as transport
  4. to transporting

Choose the correct answer in the sentence: This device _____ a heater in the winter and a cooler in the summer.

  1. acts as        
  2. is for                
  3. used as        
  4. designed to

Choose the correct answer in the sentence: My new invention is _____ help students to do their homework.

  1. act as        
  2. used for        
  3. designed to
  4. function to

Choose the correct answer in the sentence:        Here’s a definition of a pen: it’s a device _____transfers ink to a sheet of paper.

  1. to
  2. what
  3. it
  4. that

Choose the correct answer in the sentence: The dynamo on my bicycle lamp _____ enough electricity for the lamp.

  1. generator        
  2. generation        
  3. generating        
  4. generates

Choose the correct answer in the sentence: A chronometer is an instrument _____time very exactly.

  1. measure
  2. which measures        
  3. measures         
  4. it measures

Choose the correct answer in the sentence: The antenna on my mobile phone acts as a small radio _____.

  1. transmit
  2. transmission        
  3. transmitter        
  4. transmitting

Choose the correct answer in the sentence: A sub-sea engineer is an engineer _____ works below the surface of the sea.

  1. who                
  2. which                
  3. what                
  4. he

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