Тест по теме "Спорт"
тест (8 класс) по теме

Тест можно использовать при изучении темы и знакомстве с правилами игр.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Match the sport or game to the appropriate set of rules.

                                                Sports Quiz

1 Table tennis.

2 Water polo.

3 Basketball.

4 Volleyball.

5 Cycle racing.

6 Judo.

7 Ice hockey.

8 Boxing.

9 Football.

a) Each team may have up to eleven players, only seven of whom are allowed to play at the same time. One team should wear blue caps, the other white. Players must not splash water into an opponents`s face.

b) The two contestants must bow to each other at the start of the contest. They should wear white clothing. Contestants must only attack the arms and legs of their opponent. They should not get overexcited.

  1. The game can be played by two or four players. The players should not wear white. The players must change position after each game. The ball must touch the table on both sides of the net each time it is hit.

  1. Competitors should wear a crash hat. They must not stop another competitor from overtaking. Competitors are not allowed to help each other. They may eat and drink during the event.

e) Each team may have up to ten players, only five of whom may play at the same time. Players are not allowed to leave the court without permission. The ball may be thrown but it must not be carried or kicked. A team must try for a good within 30 seconds of getting possession of the ball.

f) Each team must have eleven players. The two teams should wear different colours. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to play the ball with his| her hands or arms.


g) Each team must have six players. The server may hit the ball with his|her hand or any part of the arm.

He| She must release the ball from his|her other hand before hitting it. Players must not touch the net.

h) Each team may have up to seventeen players, only six of whom are allowed to play at the same time. Players must wear skates and numbered shirts.

i) Contestants are weighed before the contest. The contestants` assistants must leave the ring before the fight begins. Contestants must wear gloves and must not hit an opponent behind the neck.

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