Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "Учить Английский - это весело!"
методическая разработка по теме

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия


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Сценарий мероприятия на английском языке

«Учить английский – это весело!»

Начиная подготовку к мероприятию, мы поставили перед собой такие задачи:

1.Расширить по сравнению с базовым уровнем знания учащихся о традициях и обычаях, существующих в англоязычных странах;

2.Активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников.

3. Повысить мотивацию учеников к изучению английского языка.

Приводим сценарий праздника.

1.Сообщение на тему: «Праздник Рождества в Британии»

Ученик1. Dear friends! We are going to present you the result of our mutual work – the project “Main holidays in Britain” Every nation and every country has its own traditions of celebrating of some holidays. Today we are going to tell you about some English holidays and about the way of their celebration.

Ученик2. One of the most popular holidays in Britain is Christmas. British people celebrate this Holiday on the 25ht of December. But in the weeks before Christmas people are busy. They make or buy traditional Christmas cards and send them to their friends, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.

Ученик1. There are beautiful decorations in the streets People buy Christmas trees and put them in their living rooms. Children decorate Christmas trees with toys and little colored lights. On Christmas Eve everybody puts their presents under the Christmas trees. Father Christmas to fill them with presents.

Ученик 2. But how does he get into the house?  

Ученик 1. He climbs down the chimney and leaves the presents under the Christmas trees or in the stockings.  Christmas Day – is a probably the most exciting day of the year for most children.

2. Песня „Lucky“ (Абдуллаева Л., Ибраева К.)

3. Стихотворение «My house» (Абдуллаева Л.)

Let's go to my house.
Let's go today.
I'll show you all the rooms
Where we work and play.

Here is the kitchen
Where Mother cooks for me.
Here is the living room
Where I watch TV.

Here is the dining room.
We eat here every day.
And this room is my room
Where I sleep and play.

4. Песня «Solo» (Шатова Ю.)

5. Стихотворение «What is green» (Шахманова А.)

Please, tell me, what is green?

Grass is green, so long and clean.

“What is red?”, asked little Fred.

“The ball is red”, says his brother Ted.

What is grey? Can you say?

Yes, I can – the mouse is grey!

What is white? I want to know.

Milk is white and so is snow!

6. Сообщение о празднике «День святого Валентина» ( Калягина К.,Пухляков А.)

Ученик 1. The second popular holiday is St. Valentine’s day/

Ученик 2. It is celebrated on 14th February. It is the traditional day on which people express their love for each other by sending Valentine’s cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. 

Ученик1. St. Valentine's Day is the day when boys and girls. friends and neighbours, husbands and wives, sweethearts and lovers exchange greeting of love and affection.

Ученик2. It is the day to share one's loving feelings with friends and family, but it is young men and girls who usually wait it with impatience. This day has become traditional for many couples to become engaged.

Ученик1. That makes young people acknowledge St. Valentine's as the great friend and patron of lovers.

7. Песня «Don’t  speak” (Гормина О.)

8. Стихотворение « My sister's always on the phone»  ( Манукян С.)

My sister's always on the phone.

I never see her study.

She doesn't do her homework,

which is why her grades are cruddy.

My sister's always on the phone,

but I don't think that's cool.

My sister is so popular

she's flunking out of school.

9. Песня « love is all around» (10 класс)

10. Стихотворение «The Toy Shop“ (Соловьев Е.)

I can see balls and bats and cars.
I can see boats and planes.
I can see carts, skipping ropes, dolls.
I can see ships and trains.
I can see games and tops and lorries.
I can see bear and bikes.
I can see swings and slides and skates.
I can see drums and kites.

Of all the toys I can see,
I want one for me!

11. Песня «yesterday» ( Шатова Ю.)

12. Стихотворение « What are the little boys\girls made of?» ( Манукян Л., Сухоребрик В.)

What are little boys made of, made of?

What are little boys

made of?

Frogs and snails,

And puppy-dogs' tails,

That's what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of, made of?

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice

And all things nice,

That's what little girls are made of.

13. Песня «jingle bell rock» (5 класс)

14. Сообщение о празднике «Пасха» ( Кацуба Ф., Цай А., Хан Ж.)

Ученик1. Easter is a Christian spring festival that is usually celebrated in March or April. In England it's time for the giving and receiving of presents: Easter chocolate eggs     and hot buns. Traditionally, chicken eggs are hard-boiled and dyed various colours and hidden around for children to find. Kids are also given eggs to roll down  hillsides and the one whose egg remains whole and intact is declared the winner.

Ученик 2. Many families have their Easter feast blessed by the priest by either taking their food to the church or by having the priest come home.

Ученик 3. Pretzels, a kind of bread, with their interlocked shapes, remind us of arms crossed in prayer and the now famous Hot-cross buns were first made in England for Godd Friday. There is a popular belief that wearing 3 new things on Easter will bring good luck.

15. Песня «Cry» (Ибраева К.)

16. Стихотворение « Days in the Month» ( Мезенцева А)

Thirty days has September,

April, June and November;

February has twenty-eight alone.

All the rest have thirty-one,

But leap year coming once in four

Gives February one day more.

17. Песня «Sometimes» (Абдуллаева Л.)

18. Стихотворение « Week» ( Кацуба И.)

Monday's child is nice and slow
 Tuesday's child is go, go, go
  Wednesday's child is very funny
   Thursday's child is happy and sunny
    Friday's child is like a king
     Saturday's child can dance and sing
      Sunday's childe can stand on her head
       And count the ghosts under her bed!

19. Заключительная песня ( Покидышева Е.В.)

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