Тест по английскому языку в 8 классе
материал (8 класс) по теме

Итоговый контроль в 8 классе


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Тест по английскому языку в 8 классе(итоговый контроль)

Listening (20 points)

Listen to the text

1) Choose the correct answer

                1. Why couldn’t Mrs Melrose sleep?

  1. There was another woman in the compartment who didn’t let her sleep.
  2. She was afraid that someone might steal her expensive coat.
  3. The temperature was too low in the compartment.

2. Why did Mrs Melrose leave the compartment early in the morning?

  1. She was thirsty.
  2. She was hungry.
  3. She needed exercise.

3. Why did Mrs Melrose invite the guard to the compartment?

  1. She couldn’t find her coat.
  2. She asked him to take her and the other woman to the Central Police Station.
  3. She wanted him to make the other passenger return the coat to her.

4. What did the policewoman of the Central Police Station say she had found inside the coat?

  1. A plastic bag with a drug.
  2. A plastic bag with salt.
  3. A label with Mrs Melrose’s name and address.

5. Why was Mrs Melrose very upset?

  1. The policewoman had played a trick on her.
  2. She realized that she was in serious trouble.
  3. She realized that she would never get back her coat.

2) Write down whether the following statements are true or false

      1Someone took Mrs Melrose’s coat while she was looking for the guard.

      2The policewoman of the Central Police Station knew at once whose coat it was.

3The policewoman invited Mrs Melrose to examine the coat together with her.

4The other woman had put some drugs inside the coat.

5The policewoman returned the coat to Mrs Melrose.

Reading (20 points)

Read the text                                                                        

Any list of the greatest thinkers in history contains the name of the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein. His theories of relativity led to entirely new ways of thinking about time, space, matter, energy, and gravity. Einstein's work led to such scientific advances as the control of atomic energy, even television as a practical application of Einstein's work.

In 1902 Einstein became an examiner in the Swiss patent office at Bern. In 1905, at the age of 26, he published the first of five major research papers. The first one provided a theory explaining Brownian movement, the zig-zag motion of microscopic particles in suspension. The second paper laid the foundation for the photon, or quantum, theory of light. In it he proposed that light is composed of separate packets of energy, called quanta or photons, that have some of the properties of particles and some of the properties of waves. A third paper contained the "special theory of relativity" which showed that time and motion are relative to the observer, if the speed of light is constant and the natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe. The fourth paper was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity. In 1916, Einstein published his general theory of relativity. In it he proposed that gravity is not a force, but a curve in the space-time continuum, created by the presence of mass.

Einstein spoke out frequently against nationalism, the exalting of one nation above all others. He opposed war and violence and supported Zionism, the movement to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they denounced his ideas. He then moved to the United States. In 1939 Einstein learned that two German chemists had split the uranium atom. Einstein wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt warning him that this scientific knowledge could lead to Germany developing an atomic bomb. He suggested the United States begin its own atomic bomb research.

Choose the correct answer

1) Einstein's primary work was in the area of

A chemistry.

B biology.

C physics.

D engineering.  

 2) Which  of the following inventions is mentioned in the passage as a practical application of Einstein's discoveries?

A Radio

B Automobiles

C Computers

D Television

3) According to the passage, Einstein supported all of the following except

A the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

B nationalism.

C atomic bomb research in the United States.

D the defeat of the Nazis.

4) What is "Brownian movement"?

A The zig-zag motion of microscopic particles in suspension

B The emission of electrons from solids when struck by light

C The motion of photons in light

D The basis of the theory of relativity

5) It is clear from the tone of the passage that the author feels

A Einstein's work  in physics was  somewhat  tarnished by his conservative political views.

B Albert Einstein was one of the most brilliant thinkers in history.

C Einstein's work in physics, though theoretically impressive, led to few practical applications.

D Einstein's theories have been consistently proven incorrect.

6) According to Einstein's special theory of relativity,

A all properties of matter and energy can be explained in a single mathematical formula.

B light is composed of separate packets of energy.

C time and motion are relative to the observer.

D some solids emit electrons when struck by light.

7) In paragraph 3, the word "exalting" most nearly means

A elevation.

B criticism.

C support.

D elimination.

8) According to Einstein, light is composed of separate packets of energy called

A electrons.

B photoelectrons.

C quanta.

D gamma  rays.


9) Einstein spoke out frequently against

A socialism

B nationalism

C revolution

D television

10) Einstein suggested the United States begin its own  research

A atomic bomb

B engineering

C computers

D radio                                                                      

Use of English (20 points)                                

I. Choose the suitable tense-form:

1.        The last train (leave) at midnight.

a) will be leaving        b) leaves                c) has left                d) had left

2.        Let’s make a fire. It (get) cold.

a) is getting                b) gets                c) got                        d) had been getting

3.        She hasn’t received any letters from home since she (come) here .

a) has come                b) had come                c) came                d) comes

4.        Nobody knew what (happen) to the dog.

a) has happened        b) happened                c) had happened        d) was happened

  1. Don’t start doing this exercise until you (learn) the rule.

a) learnt                b) learn                c) will-learn                d) will have learnt

  1. He said I would be safe and sound if I (take) his advice.

a) take                b) took                c) will take                d) would take

  1. Andrew and Nora are happy. They (plan) to get married next month.

a) plan                b) are planning        c) will plan                d) had planned

  1. It (snow) since early morning.

a) snowed                b) will snow                c) snows        d) has been snowing

II. Choose the suitable word:

  1. She never drinks tea in the morning. She never drinks milk _____.

a) neither                b) too                        c) either                d) also

  1. I have nothing to write with. Can you _____ me your pen, please?

a) borrow                b) let                        c) lend                d) take

  1. I think, you must buy some _____ apples. They taste good.

a) else                b) other                c) more                d) another

  1. _____ is not gold that glitters.

a) all                        b) everything        c) anything                d) something

  1. Dan _____ Micky to be more careful.

a) offered                b) advised                c) suggested                d) proposed

  1. Do you know that teaching is _____ hard work?

a) a                        b) the                        c) -                        d) much

  1. I don’t like _____ strong, sweet tea.

a) a                        b) the                        c) -                        d) some

  1. They were _____ old friends and had a lot to discuss.

a) a                        b) the                        c) -                        d) many

  1. Jay makes _____ fire with only one match.

a) a                        b) the                        c) -                        d) any

  1. What happened _____ the poor fellow? He is crying!

a) with                b) of                        c) to                        d) for

  1. Eugenie had changed _____ recognition.

a) over                b) beneath                c) above                d) beyond

  1. I don’t care _____ grape juice. I like apple juice.

a) about                b) of                        c) for                        d) in

Writing (20 points)

      An English-speaking friend is coming to visit your city one day next month. Write a letter (100 words) to tell your friend about your plans for the visit. Describe where you plan to go, what you will do there, and say why you think your friend will enjoy it.                                                                                                                                                                                    





Mrs Melrose was taking the night train from London to Glasgow. It was three o’clock in the morning and she was trying to sleep but couldn’t. The heater wasn’t working. The compartment was very cold. Mrs Melrose had a very expensive fur coat. She wrapped it around her and curled up on the seat. There was only one other person in the compartment – a woman.

At about half past three in the morning Mrs Melrose left the compartment to get a drink. When she came back she got a nasty shock. The other woman was wearing her fur coat.

Mrs Melrose said, "How dare you! Give me back my coat at once, or I’ll call the guard!"

The other woman just smiled and said it was her coat. So Mrs Melrose ran out to get the guard.

The guard didn’t know what to do. He had no idea who was the real owner of the fur coat. He said, "When we get into Glasgow I’d better take you both to the police."

An hour later Mrs Melrose and the other woman were in Glasgow Central Police Station. A young policewoman was trying to find out who owned the coat.

"It’s mine!" said Mrs Melrose. "Look inside and you will see my name and address on the label."

When the policewoman looked inside the coat she couldn’t find any label. The other woman had taken it out.

The policewoman said, "I must take this coat away and examine it."

She left the room and came back a few minutes later. She looked at both the women and said, "I am afraid the owner of this coat is in very serious trouble. When I was examining the coat I found this inside the lining."

The policewoman held up a small plastic bag full of white powder. She said, "This is a very dangerous drug. The owner of this coat may go to prison for a long time."

When she heard this, the other woman stood up and said, "Oh... well... perhaps I was wrong. It wasn’t my coat after all." Then she left the police station as fast as she could.

Mrs Melrose was very upset. She said, "This is my coat. But I don’t know anything about those drugs. That woman must have put them in the lining."

The policewoman handed Mrs Melrose her coat. She smiled and said, "Don’t worry, Mrs Melrose. I am sure you are the real owner of this coat. And by the way I didn’t find anything in the lining. This is a packet of salt I borrowed from the canteen."                                                            

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