Form 5. Lesson 11-12
тест (5 класс) по теме

Карабач Галина Владимировна

Лексико-грамматический тест к уроку 11-12 УМК Верещагиной И.Н., Притыкиной О.В.


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Make your choice to complete the sentences:

1.We like it when the baby (surprise, is surprised, surprising). 2. Why are you driving at this speed? Haven’t you seen the (surprise, saint, sign)? 3. What does the show (consist of, consists for, consists after)? 4. Take this vase (carelessly, careful, carefully). It’s very old. 5. Birthday is (special, especial, especially) happy day in the life of every child. 6. He is very (careful, careless, carelessly). He makes many mistakes. 7. People should be (lonely, careful, careless) when they cross the road. 8. When people don’t expect somebody who comes they are very (surprised, happy, lonely). 9. The USA (consists, comes, is) of 51 states. 10. Every church has its own (saints, doctors, pupils).

Fill in the words from the unit:

1.A person is … when he thinks what he is doing or saying. 2. … is a country ruled by a king or a queen. 3. We are all … at the latest news. 4. … is a group of people living together under one government. 5. A dark cloud is a … of rain. 6. A person feels … when he is unhappy because he is alone. 7. Don’t do your work …! 8. Manchester and Liverpool are … cities.

Ask questions to the sentences:

1.American films are shown on Russian TV now. (Where?) 2. Football was played in England many years ago. (When?) 3. I was sent to the supermarket. (Who?) 4. This TV-set was made in Japan. (Where?) 5. Pancakes are eaten with great pleasure. (What?)

Make the sentences Passive.

1.People celebrate Earth Day on April 22. 2. Uncle Arthur sent some stamps to his nephew. 3. Agatha Cristie wrote 68 novels. 4. They water the flowers regularly. 5. Our mother tells us stories every evening.

Translate from Russian into English.

1.Мне дают яблоки каждое утро. 2. Она читает много газет. 3. Мой портфель купили в прошлом году. 4. Где вы купили этот портфель? 5. Собак любят во многих странах.  

Choose Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.

1.When they (to sail) down the river, they (to see) a little island. 2. What you (to do) when your sister (to phone) you? 3. When my father (to come) home yesterday, my mother (to cook) dinner. 4. We (to play) badminton from 9 till 11. 5. At 5 I (to cook) supper.

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