Конспект открытого урока
план-конспект урока (10 класс) по теме

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Конспект открытого урока в 10 классе по УМК Enjoy English-10 Биболетовой М.З. по теме "Конфликты"



Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока в 10 классе по УМК Enjoy English авторов М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой

Тема цикла    Unit 2 Family matters

Тема урока    Семейные конфликты

Познавательный аспект: расширить знания учащихся по теме «Семейные конфликты»

Учебный аспект: совершенствование   лексических навыков  чтения и говорения

Развивающий аспект: обучение учащихся высказывать  свое мнение о конфликтных ситуациях и способах их решений

Воспитательный аспект: развитие умений находить различные решения проблем, способы разрешения конфликтов

Название этапа

Задачи этапа

Речь учителя. Задания, стимулирующие деятельность учащихся

Речь учащихся

Орг. Форма работы уч-ля и уч-ся


Уч. мат-л, №№ упр., ТСО

Орг. момент

Подготовка к уроку, настрой на работу

Good morning, students, I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

Good morning. I’m fine/ I’m ok /I ‘m so so. And how are you?

Yes, sure



Проверка д/з

And as usual we start our lesson with checking your homework, open your books and tell me what was your task

Our task was to match words and their definitions and translate these words. Row is ссора, it’s letter b



Введение лекс. мат-ла по теме

Соверш-ние нав-в аудир-ния,

Today I’d like to start our lesson with a song. Would you like to listen to it?

But first let meet some words and expressions which will help you to understand the song. Let’s translate them.

(прослушивание песни Pink “Family portrait”).

Yes, sure




Слова, выписанные на доске, магнитофон, текст песни, проектор, компьютер

Соверш-ние навыков говорения

So can you tell me please what the song is about?

And how do you think what is the reason of the conflict?

Very good, thank you. And what about your family, do you have family disagreements? If you do, what is the reason?


The song is about family/about family conflicts/about problems in the family.

May be money/drinking/they don’t understand each other.

Sometimes/often/seldom. We have problems because of my study, marks and computer.



Соверш-ние навыков ауд-ния


Thank you for your answers. And now I want you to listen to some teenagers talking about their family disagreements. Open your books on page 70, ex. 64. Your task is to listen to the cassette and complete the table.

Now let’s check.

Individual work



p. 70, ex.64-65 магнито-фон

Соверш-ние навыков говорения

Thank you. Now I’d like that you answer the same questions, please ask your partner and then discuss your answers.

My patner thinks thast…./he says that in his family……..

Work in pairs


учебник упр 66, стр 70

Соверш-ние навыков чтения

And how do you think, do famous people have the same problems?

And what are the reasons of their rows?

And do you know the celebrities who are at the photos in the ex. 67? What do know about them? Let’s read texts about them and  match the texts with the tittles. Ok, now you have about 4-5 min to do the task

Have you finished? Let’s check your answers.

Yes, and I think that they have even more problems than usual people.

May be money or fame, drugs.

This is Ossy Osborn, a singer; he has problems with his daughter. Vanessa May plays the violin.

The first text is letter B, the second is d…….

t-cl, individual work


Учебник стр. 70-71 упр. 67-68

Соверш-ние навыков говорения

Now I want you to read the text one more time and answer the questions given in ex. 69 and 70, discuss them with your partner

Pair work


Учебник стр. 71 упр. 69-70

Подведение итогов

Закрепление лекс мат-ла

So thank you very much for your work. Can you tell me what have you learned about family disagreements?

And I have one more question for you – did you like the song? And would you like to listen to it one more time

We learned how to solve different family conflicts? The reasons of them…..

Yes, the song is very good and….. Yes sure with pleasure.




Thank you for the lesson and now write down your homework. WB, p.37-38, ex. 2 and 4. thank you one more time and god bye

Good bye.


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