Традиционная еда англичан
план-конспект урока (7 класс) по теме

Бондарь Светлана Николаевна

Конспект открытого урока  английского языка для 8 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

                      Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение

                                     Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 14

                              Открытый урок

          “English meals”

                                Подготовила: учитель английского языка

                                                                Бондарь Светлана Николаевна

                                                                МКОУ СОШ № 14 пос. Приэтокского.

                        English meals

Цель урока: Развитие навыков монологической речи, тренировка в чтении транскрипции новых слов, в употреблении лексики по данной тематике, практика в восприятии и понимании речи на слух с опорой на наглядность, развитие памяти и логического мышления.

Оборудование: Картинки с изображением английской традиционной еды, карточки с транскрипцией, плакат с изображением пазла.

                                                  Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children! Sit down, please. There are many beautiful pictures here, they look so attractive, appetizing and delicious.I think, you can guess that the theme of our lesson is…

Pupils: Meals, food, what we eat.

Teacher: Yes, you are right. The theme is “English meals”. Many years ago our ancestors said “Live not to eat, but eat to live” (написано на доске) Of course, we can’t live without food. Children, today we’ll practice in reading, we learn interesting things about English food, we listen a new text and your stories about food.

2. Речевая зарядка.

T: Children, do you like to eat? Yes, of course. What  food do you like to eat? What drinks do you prefer? And now I’d like to check, how do you know the words on this theme. Look at the blackboard.There are food products here.You must  divide these words into 5 categories: vegetables,fruit,drinks,fastfood,sweet. (Дети распределяют следующие слова по категориям: an apple, coffee,chips,cake,carrots,orange,pizza,ice-cream,an onion, milk,graps,a harmburger.)

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: And now I want to show you some new words on the theme food.( На плакате написаны следующие слова с транскрипцией: bar, substantial,scones,cornflakes,cacao,bean,toasts, garlic, mustard,slice,scrambled.) Look at the puzzle and find these words.(Дети находят эти слова.) Thank you, now I see you have learned these words.

4. Чтение.

T: Children,we’ll read the text “English meals”.(The usual English breakfast is rather substantial. English people eat toasts,marmalade,scrambled eggs,bacon and cornflakes in the morning. They eat cornflakes with milk. They usually eat fish and chips, meat with potatoes,hamburgers for lunch. Englishmen have their dinner in the evening. The most important time for Englishmen is tea-time.( at 5 o’ clock) They like to drink cream-tea with scones and jam.)

T: Answer to my questions, please!

1) What do the Englishmen eat for breakfast?

2) Do they eat cornflakes with mustard and garlic?

3) What do they eat for lunch?

4) When do they have their tea-time?

T: Correct mistakes.

1. The usual English breakfast is turkey.

2. They drink juice for breakfast.

3. Englishmen have dinner in the morning.

4. They eat cornflakes with pepper and salt.

5. Физминутка.

T: And  now, children, it’s time to rest. Stand up,children. Look at the window! The weather is fine today. The sun is shining, the birds are singing. Imagine,that you are birds, Hands up! Shake your hands and fly, fly and sing a song as the birds.

Good morning, good morning, good morning to you

This bright sunny morning!

I’m well and you.

T: Children, you are well. And the birds will be well, if you feed them with corn and bread. They want to eat too. Thank you. Sitdown, please. And let’s continue our lesson.

6.Тренировка навыков монологической речи.

T: Children, today the English food has come to us and wants to tell us about itself. Welcome, fish and chips.(1 уч-к рассказывает.) 2 уч-к- Hot dog,3 уч-к –Cornflakes, 4 уч-к – Pudding.

T: Thank you very much, the English food. Children, what do you like to drink, tea or coffee? How many times do you drink tea? And do you know the difference between Russian tea and English tea? The English prefer to drink tea with cold milk. And tea-port will help us to drink tea! Welcome, please tea-port. It’ll read a small humour poem.

Tea-port: I’m a little tea-port

                  Short and stout

                  Here is my handle

                 Here is my spout

               When I hear the tea-cups

               Here me shout

              “ Tip me over, pour me out”

7. Аудирование.

T: Children,the English like to drink tea with chocolate. Do you know  origin of chocolate. Let’s know about it. This  article  from newspaper may help us. It’ name is “ Where does chocolate come from?”

( Chocolate grows on trees, but not looking like the candy bars you like to eat. Chocolate really comes from cacao beans. The beans are the seeds of chocolate fruit. They grow on cacao trees in lands where the weather is very hot.The beans are dried and shipped to chocolate factories. There they are roasted and ground up into cocao butter. In a big mixer the cocoa butter is blended with sugar and milk to make milk chocolate.Then the chocolate is put in shops where we can buy it.)

Teacher’s questions:

1) Where does chocolate come from?

2) Where do cacao trees grow?

3) How is chocolate made at the factory? (Дети отвечают)

8.Ролевая игра.

T: Pupils, you are lucky today.We have an unusual guest in our class. Let’s meet the director of chocolate factory.Welcome, Mr.Brown.Children, you can ask him questions.

(Дети задают мистеру Брауну вопросы, например, Is your factory big or small? How many chocolates do you make? Do you add nuts, jam into chocolate?Do you make chocolate toys? Are you a rich man? Мистер Браун представляет рекламу своего шоколада)

T: Thank you very much, Mr.Brown. Good bye!

9.Заключительная часть.

T: And at the finish of our lesson I’d like to say something to you,children. We like to eat many tasty things, but we mustn’t forget, that you shouldn’t eat too much. Because, we can became as Robin Bobin. Who is Robin Bobin? Listen a humour poem about him. ( уч-к читает стихотворение « Робин Бобин»)

T: And it’s the end of our lesson. We are hardworking children. Thank you for your work. Your marks are excellent and good. Your homework is to find and remember proverbs on yhe theme “ food” Good bye! See you soon!

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